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Topics - GDaemon

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Unban Essays / Unban Request GDaemon_the_Grey
« on: May 30, 2011, 04:51:31 pm »
"True story behind curtain - hacked accounts"

After few months of playing, I came up with an idea that there has to be a way to get into someone's account.
Two days ago I tried it out...
I pickdup first victim, it was a guy from Kapikulu clan.

I tried different symbols and it didnt work so i came up with an idea that it could be something easier...
I wrote down his account name and i was stunned! The password was exacly as his account name ..
I was literally shocked that someone could use that kind of password to expose himself to be an easy pick!

So when i had access to his account i mentioned my friend about that.
He said: "Check if he has any heirloomed items, theres market and You could get them for free"
I knew that theres a key in that ...
I knew that we wont gain those items, because chadz has Database feedback and he could restore that items sooner or later by using it and that They could track us after trading system aswell.
Even after that, I gave it a try...

So I traded items to my account and i felt bad about that and didnt use them at all ..

After our first victim I start thinking off where i can get account names and there was one thing..
A Faction Hall and lists of the clan members.
It was really usefull for me. So i made a list of peoples that were potentially victims.

It is hard to imagine that most of those peoples had easy passwords like ([clan name]123 or his [account name]123 or even his account name).
I was schocked, I couldnt even imagine that after 6 hour's of "hacking" I could came up with such a big list loomed items...

So from that place i want to apologize members of clans like:


And many other peoples that were withought clans (I cant write down their's names from known reasons).

Hope so that it will be warning for futhure to those peoples whos been hacked by me and my friends and that
They will figured out better and stronger passwords to protect theirs accounts.

I know that it was really STUPID and UNHONORABLE and i regret what i did!

Aswell i want to thanks to chadz for giving me a chance to write an unbann essay as giving me a second chance.
I will do my best to help chadz and MeoW to restore those items to their's true owners.

I want to apologize for my mistakes and for my poor english but its not my native language.

Once again sorry for everyone and sorry that i caused more useless work for chadz and other Admins.


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