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Topics - Erasmas

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General / Standard Press Kit
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:32:02 pm »
Guys, we will need a .txt or .doc version of the press kit to prepare localized version for distribution.  I did not notice that in the set you posted Nessaj. We can make something up but I believe it would be better to get something that you want to spread  :D Something brief but comprehensive that could be easily translated and posted on forums, or sent to blogers or something you could send to press. Standard shit for many language versions, so folks here could help translating.

Can we use this crap Knitler made, or maybe you want to edit that somehow? For forums this looks fine but for press?:

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Besides, it lacks kickstarter link  :D

Polskie Forum / Melee:Battlegrounds - następca cRPG
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:05:38 pm »

To nie jest jeszcze gotowa gra, tylko to co zrobili do tej pory. PAMIĘTAJCIE ŻE TO CO WIDZICIE NA FILMIKACH TO JEST PÓŁPRODUKT!! WYGLĄDA CHUJOWO? TO SIE DORZUĆCIE ŻEBY WYGLĄDAŁO LEPIEJ!!!!Silnik gry chłopcy zrobili sami, ma być nowy, zajebisty sytem walki oparty na atakach i obronie 360 stopni a nie z czterech jak w M&B, serwery z bitwami, siege, duele i coś nowego czyli Stronghold. Obejrzyjcie sobie filmiki na stronie Kickstartera, są polskie napisy.

Kickstarter to strona internetowa, na której przeprowadzane są zbiórki pieniędzy w celu sfinansowania różnorodnych projektów z wielu dziedzin życia. To nie jest inwestycja - za wpłate dostajesz nagrodę, zalezną od wpłaty.

Cztery główne nagrody:

  • Za $21 dostajesz grę, jak już zostanie wydana (2016) - tak naprawdę kupujesz gre teraz, a pograsz w marcu 2016. Ale wspierasz chłopaków w projekcie, wiec jak zbiorą kasę to może zrobią tą grę.
  • Za $25 dostajesz dostęp do wersji Beta gry, która ma być w (dopiero) w listopadzie 2015 (+do tego grę gotową + screenshoty z produkcji).
  • Za $29 możesz już teraz zarejestrować nick, żeby nikt ci go nie zajebał (+ Beta + gra + screenshot).
  • Za $33 dostajesz dostęp do wersji Alpha która bedzie w już w marcu 2015 (+rejestracja nicku + Beta + gra + screenshot) Ten wybór jest imho najlepszy jeśli chesz pograć jak najszybciej, a chyba warto, bo jak wiadomo mod zdycha, na serwerach pusto, a w marcu jak wyjdzie Alpha to już będzie dupa kompletna.
  A gierka nowa ma potencjał i może być super.

Są też inne nagrody - popatrzcie sobie na stronę Kickstartera.

Jeśli Donkey Crew zbierze co najmniej 130k$, to dostaną to co zbiorą, a jak nie - to zero. Czyli jeśli na Kickstarterze nie uda się zebrać całej kasy jaką planują (czyli 130.000$ do 20 grudnia 2014) to nie dostaną nic, (wtedy kasa jaką ty wpłacisz też do ciebie wraca). Każdy dolarek sie liczy!

Pomóżcie chłopakom sfinansować budowę nowej gry, ma szanse być zajebista!. A jej wersja Alpha i zabije cRPG bo wszyscy pójdą tam grać (już w marcu!). Dostep do Alpha jest tylko przez Kickstarter, więc chyba warto  :D

As you know Donkey Crew is now trying to collect $130.000 to give Melee: Battlegrounds some bones and flesh. It’s happening on Kickstarter, and this is where you can learn all details:

I am new to Kickstarter and it took me a while to understand how it works, in particular how it works in the M:BG case.

I thought there may be more guys like me who want to get hold of the idea. If anything, I would like you guys understand what to do, and how you can back the Crew in their endeavors.

Feel free to correct whatever I wrote, if only I am wrong in any point. I will update the post and correct errors in time.


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Important! If you participated in the first crowfunding (i.e. you have the feather badge here on forum) see here:

But you should anyway read the remaining part first:

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[to be completed – ask, answer, I will update the post]

Strategus General Discussion / DONKEYZ?
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:03:32 pm »
Did anyone try to use chadz's beloved idols instead of horses to carry goods on Strat 5? Any idea how fast they are? Do they carry crates at all or do you need to drag them behind you all the way? Any (reliable) input will be appreciated....

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General Off Topic / Battle of the Nations
« on: January 03, 2014, 04:26:29 pm »
Anyone seen that before?

Diplomacy / Public Service Announcement - Grey Order borders
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:44:57 pm »
As of now the Grey Order borders are closed to anyone who does not have the transit premission.

Trade in our fiefs also requires our prior consent.

For the trade permissions or transit visas come to our TS and talk to Hetman or Harpag.

Prepare your anus for impaling if your try to steal from our fiefs or sneak through our territory.
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General Off Topic / new gamemode - racetrack
« on: September 02, 2013, 11:31:20 am »
A perfect source of inspiration for devs on new gamemode  :D :D :D

Or at least some changes to cav, please. Donkeys just wont do....

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Strategus General Discussion / Strat future
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:59:15 pm »
The post of Fipsie made me think about strat future.

Also, what's with everyone saying that strat is getting wiped anytime soon? Because of what harald posted some time ago? Lol, yeah right. He just simply stated that strat will be wiped again at some point. That could be tomorrow or in one year.

I share Fips' sentimets. Obviously it is up to devs, and we all know that - in all their wisdom - they are capable of doing most fucked up turns and corners. But let's think about this in reasonable manner and try to forsee the future.

I asked myself what I would do being a developer, with new project under costruction, with community that will (and is needed to) support this new project, with strat and crpg in full run. This is what I think:

  • I (the theoretical developer) need  the community to stay interested in strat/crpg cause this is my basic playerbase of the new game. A lot of guys showed their interest in project by donating investing in it, so the only thing I need to do is to keep this interest up. Hence the dev blogs. But it also means that all forum - game - drama is more than welcome! It keeps community alive...
  • At the same time I (the theoretical developer) do not want this game to conclude too quickly. My new project is still under construction, so I do want all these guys play the game, but do it slowly, untill I am ready to release the new game. Hence I would keep the 1/3 rule as long as possible and focus on most important bugs. I dont want to lose players cause they got bored, or wiped, or discouraged from playing in any other way...
  • Just before the relase of the new game things will need to speed up a bit, just to draw even more guys into game - old players who lost their interest and the new ones who will got involved in new project soon after. So I (the theoretical developer) will change major things shortly before the release of new game. (I dont even mention more direct ways of gaining people's interest mentioned in NDA'd sections)

For that reasons I would not expect anything major, inlcuding wipe, until the new project gets to the final stage. Unless devs will need to test some features to find out how the lab rats beta testers react and behave - then the wipe and the new strat will happen earlier; in such case we will see some mechanics to be used in the new project in the new strat. But I seriously doubt it. This things already happened. This strat tests some good shit and let devs learn a lot. The rest will need to be balanced out in live environment of new game's beta. 

Considering the level of development of the new, fantastic, most brilliant melee game of all times, I think that we will play this Strat round for some time. We will see the 1/3 rule gone, maybe increased xp, or other things like that changed when the new project is close to release. This will cause a lot of battles, lots of fun...  and the mod will be dead soon after that...

What do you think???

Diplomacy / Public Service Announcement - Dhirim Free Trade Area
« on: July 01, 2013, 11:57:00 am »
Grey Order hereby announces that:

Senuzgda Castle
Derchios Castle and

remain open for trade to anyone interested except for Apostates, and any supporters of Apostates.

Be aware, however, that this area should be regarded as the war zone, therefore there is an increased risk of being attacked (not by Grey Order - unless you are a damn Merc [EDIT due to doubts raised in the community:] or any of their butt-likcers), if substantial amount of goods is carried.

End of announcement.

Strategus Issues / Do not buy fake Linen!!!
« on: April 16, 2013, 05:17:19 pm »
The only original Linen can be bought in Tahlberl! The fake Linen that can be bought in Epeshe is fake and infringes the industrial property rights, owned by GO and GO only! We will sue Jarlek for this awful illegal copying action, we will win, and the damages will ruin him!

Translation for morons and developers:

Every fief produces different kind of goods. The exception id Tahlberl and Epeshe, both produce Linen. This is confusing and may lead to further bugs. Fix that pls. Right after catapults....

The current strategus battle (or rather siege) system has a flaw that should be fixed.

As you all know the attacker needs to have the army equal or higher than 1/3 of the defenders army.  You also all know that with the current time limit of the battle it makes no sense to run the battles with the armies larger than 1600 troops.

Let me quote our Strategus mastermind on that topic:

I ) troop count
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Usually it is not a big deal, cause the battles are kept within this limits, but now we can see sieges of castles and towns with large garrisons.  It is impossible to take them in one go, unless you are very, very lucky and take the flags. Simple mathematics shows that if the castle or town has the army of 4800 or higher, the attacker will have to pay with tickets solely for the pleasure of besieging the location.

If you look at the map, you will see a lot of castles and towns with the armies larger than 4800. Let me give you a neutral example: Reindi Castle has the army of 6363. You will need 2121 tickets just to attack it.  Considering that the army of 1600 is a reasonable number for the time of the battle, ca. 500 tickets (even with fully filled rosters) will be lost by the attacker due to lapse of time.

It does not make any sense. It is a waste of resources and the (unfair) advantage for the large army owners kept in castles/towns. It “by definition” makes the siege costs higher for the attacker than for the defender, and I do not see any justification for that. (In fact it already is more expensive for the attacker - the upkeep of the army in field is higher than in garrison). The castles and towns are not supposed to be invincible.

Proposed solutions:

1.   Increase the time limit for the sieges with large numbers of defending troops. If both parties want (and are able) to have such a big and long battles – let them have it. 


2.   Modify the “1/3” rule for the battles with the defenders armies larger than 4800, so that it is possible to attack such army with only 1600 troops. If the attacker wish to have several battles with lower numbers, and lose some of them (losing troops and gear, and giving the defender the advantage of the loot) – why not? But at least the attacker will not lose the troops without actually using the them at the battle.


And before you start whining, yes, a very particular example lead me to make this post:!?page=battledetail&id=2744

At least 600-800 tickets will inevitably go down the drain in that battle. Just imagine the battlefield where after few hours of fights generals shout "stop" and the soldiers of the attacking army are neatly lined up and shot in the heads, despite the will of both defenders and attackers to fight. This is ridiculous.

General Off Topic / How does your cRPG taste like?
« on: December 13, 2012, 12:18:03 am »
Mine tastes like good whisky and chocolate... That should explain large number of TKs and berserker mode  :D

General Off Topic / EURO 2012
« on: June 05, 2012, 09:28:47 pm »
Any of you guys is planning to visit Poland/Warsaw during EURO 2012?

Strategus Issues / Cannot move on the map
« on: November 29, 2011, 11:10:43 pm »
I have a problem with moving. After starting strategus the circle showing the range is exactly in the upper left corner of the map, the button "move to..." does not work. If I click on the fief I can still move to the location, but no way to go anywhere in the field. But the worst thing is - I do not see anything around my char...

The browser is Firefox, the symptoms are same with and without greasemonkey and eye candy...

Help... anyone?

EDIT: I think I may have an idea of what is going on. Let me check....

Strategus General Discussion / Crates and kilograms...
« on: November 07, 2011, 10:06:32 pm »
Could anyone explain that in more detail?

EDIT: just noticed that I have slowed down form 24 to 9 m/min... And yes, I do hold lots of goods atm...

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