Moonspeak => Language Boards => Suomalainen Foorumi => Topic started by: Everkistus on May 22, 2012, 08:01:23 am

Title: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on May 22, 2012, 08:01:23 am

En voi pelata tällä hetkellä koska pingi kusee armottomasti, mutta voin organisoida suomitiimin kokoon tätä tapahtumaa varten. Keitä kaikkia kiinnostaisi tulla mukaan ja kuka haluaisi komentaa tätä lössiä? Ilmoittakaa myös mitä classia pelaatte niin nähdään suurin piirtein minkälaista porukkaa tulisi mukaan.

Voin organisoida muutamat treenit meille (mahdollisesti muita joukkueita tai jotain muuta harjoitusvastustajaa vastaan), koota joukkueet ja suunnilleen kattoa ketä mihinkin tappeluun tulee mukaan.

Son of Odin - Polearm/cav
Elmuri - Polearm
herkkutatti - Heavy cav
Tuonela - HA
Khorin - 2H
Spurdo - 1H/pole/cav
Cuituoptiikka - 1H/cav
masasa - 1H/cav
Dugite - 2H
Gimest - 1H/shield
Von Hazaa - 2H
Pave - 2H
zak - pole
Mustikki - Pole/throw
Lennu - 2H
TuckMunck - pole
Domus - 1h/cav
Camels_Knight_ROBINHOOD - archer
Camels_Knight_TUTTIRITARI - 2h/xbow
Wiltzu - 1h/shield
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on May 22, 2012, 08:14:59 am

En voi pelata tällä hetkellä koska pingi kusee armottomasti, mutta voin organisoida suomitiimin kokoon tätä tapahtumaa varten. Keitä kaikkia kiinnostaisi tulla mukaan ja kuka haluaisi komentaa tätä lössiä?
Siehän voisit olla speccaamassa ja huutamassa komentoja tiimille :P. Itse tietenkin ilmottaudun vapaaehtoiseksi maajoukkueeseen.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on May 22, 2012, 08:34:28 am
Kyllä sekin passaa, yläpuolelta on kuitenkin melkoisen paljon helpompi komentaa kuin keskeltä taistelua.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Elmuri on May 22, 2012, 10:52:18 am
hep (pole). Ei taida hirveesti olla suomalaisia ampujia?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti on May 22, 2012, 01:27:25 pm
(heavy cavalry) ilmoittautuu
Voi olla että olen 2h tai pole silloin
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Tuonela on May 22, 2012, 10:27:56 pm

Kun jääkiekossa hävitään niin cRPG:ssä voitetaan.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on May 22, 2012, 11:09:24 pm
Eh. Ku mul ei oo toi kesän aikataulu oikein koossa. Jos mahdollista niin voin olla reservissä tai yrittää olla mukana jos muita ei löydy.

edit: Nii ja 2h, tietty.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Spurdospera on May 22, 2012, 11:19:41 pm
Jos ette ketään muuta saa... 1h/pole cav.  :lol:
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: cuituoptiikka on May 22, 2012, 11:21:38 pm
Jos ei parempia saada niin olen mukana. Raskas 1h+kilpi cav. Myös 1h+kilpi infantryna onnistuu.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on May 23, 2012, 07:08:05 am
Lista päivitetty. Lisää mahtuu mukaan ja toivottavasti saadaan ainakin 16 tyyppiä tätä varten (10 pelaajaa, 6 reservissä). Tosin kierrätän joukkuetta että kukaan ei joudu tyystiin paitsioon vaan kaikki saavat osallistua mahdollisuuksien mukaan.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: masasa on May 23, 2012, 08:25:49 am
Jos cav matseissa mukana niin osallistun kyllä mielelläni, olen lvl 33 1h/cav. Jos se on pelkkää inffimättöä niin voin toki osallistua jos ei muuten saada pelaajia kasaan, mutta tällä jannulla on 0 athleticsia ja sitä rataa.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Barracuda on May 23, 2012, 08:35:03 am
Kiinnostusta olisi varsinkin nyt kun sain vihdoin fps-ongelmani korjattua, mutta kesä on se ainoa aika jolloin aikaa ei ole.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on May 23, 2012, 08:51:41 am
Kiinnostusta olisi varsinkin nyt kun sain vihdoin fps-ongelmani korjattua, mutta kesä on se ainoa aika jolloin aikaa ei ole.
Hmm, no pistän sinut kuitenkin tuohon listaan. Otan sitten kaikkiin ilmoittautuneihin yhteyttyä reilusti ennenkuin mitään tapahtumia on tiedossa, tutkiskele sitten että pääsetkö paikalle :)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Gimest on May 23, 2012, 09:42:38 am
1h kilpimies ilmottautuu, jos ei saada ampujii nii pidetää huoli ettei meitäkää voida ampuu ;P
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Barracuda on May 23, 2012, 09:52:27 am
Hmm, no pistän sinut kuitenkin tuohon listaan. Otan sitten kaikkiin ilmoittautuneihin yhteyttyä reilusti ennenkuin mitään tapahtumia on tiedossa, tutkiskele sitten että pääsetkö paikalle :)
Eipä siitä haittaakaan ole, jos tilaa on ja laitat mut reserviin.

Dugite - archer
Archerina en ole pelannut vuoteen :). Viimeisen viikon ajan 2h:na, jossa olis tarkoitus pysyä.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Haze_The_Hobo on May 23, 2012, 12:38:28 pm
2h reporting.

Ja tunnari meille:
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: paavi on May 23, 2012, 02:44:08 pm
2h Täälki tarjolla tai (viel pole mut vaihtuu varmaa viikon sisäl)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on May 23, 2012, 05:56:13 pm
2h reporting.

Ja tunnari meille:
Aladdin motherfucker!
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on May 23, 2012, 06:06:27 pm
Ei taida hirveesti olla suomalaisia ampujia?
May olis varmaan paras suomalainen arseri. Mustikki on hyvä minkä aseen se ikinä ottaa käyttöönsä ja pelasi archerina ihan kivan aikaa. Mustikki ilmottaudu nyt dammit!

Onko säännöissä kielletty muodostamasta useita tiimejä samasta maasta? Suomesta vois ehkä saada kaksikin joukkuetta.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Jarlek on May 23, 2012, 11:08:01 pm
Vittu saatana perkele kiimeinen runkarii!

That's all I know. Good luck to you. I doubt there's gonna be a Norwegian team and if the Danes fuck up, I'll be counting on YOU guys to beat the Swedes! Can you do that for me?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: zakker on May 23, 2012, 11:15:59 pm
Voishan sitä itekki osallistua jos mukaan mahtuu.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti on May 24, 2012, 12:27:07 am
robinhood ja tuttiritari on suomalaisia (camels) archer ja xbow
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Gimest on May 24, 2012, 10:18:06 am
Nordeissa on kanssa aika paljon Suomalaisii, joku vois niille käydä vähä huutelee.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on May 24, 2012, 10:20:07 am
Nordeissa on kanssa aika paljon Suomalaisii, joku vois niille käydä vähä huutelee.
Everkistus on aina askeleen edellä :D. Vihjaisin sille jo aikasessa vaiheessa että Nordeissa on paljon soomilaisia.,16229.msg479626.html#msg479626
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Mustikki on May 24, 2012, 02:13:28 pm
Kesä päällä niin voi olla että työvuorot/tapahtumat pilaa useimmat matsit, mutta sillon ku on aikaa niin olen käytettävissä.
Irkistä mut saa parhaiten kiinni.

aselajeja löytyy vino pino:
main tällä hetkellä pole/throw
alt #1: 2h cav
alt #2: 2h str
alt #3: hc
alt #4: archer
alt #5: 1h cav
alt #6: pole cav
alt #7: 2h/archer
alt #8: 2h balanced
alt #9: 1h
alt #10: 1h/ha

sit pari hahmoo jotka ei ole 30 levulla tai yli
28 thrower
26 xbow

Niin ja sitten vielä stf hahmo käyttämättä.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Lennu on May 24, 2012, 03:06:56 pm
Jos noita matseja osuu jollekkin sopivalle viikonlopulle niin saattaa olla että pääsen osallistumaan.

Main on lvl 32 2hander.
Stf on käytettävissä esim. kovan tarpeen edessä voin olla archer jos saan hetken lämmiteltyä ja grindattua rahaa. Lisäksi löytyy myös pure str polehahmo.

Onkos Kastuun tai Kerkkoon saatu yhteyttä? Olis hyvä saada tuokin duo mukaan.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti on May 24, 2012, 03:08:20 pm
saattaa olla että olen 2h koko kesän ja ehkä ehdin  level 32 asti
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on May 24, 2012, 03:45:39 pm
muut on ulkona, herkkutatti sisällä grindaamassa
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti on May 24, 2012, 03:47:28 pm
ehkä pari viikkoa hikkyilen  200h kahteen viikkoon CRPG:eetä
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on May 24, 2012, 03:49:14 pm
saattaa olla että olen 2h koko kesän ja ehkä ehdin  level 32 asti
grind 4 lyf
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti on May 24, 2012, 03:52:41 pm
Ei ole enää hirveesti tullu pelailtua noin 40h kahteen viikkoon, alkaa kiinnostus laskea kun archerit on niin perkeleen op ja mitään uutta ei koskaan tapahdu, ellei sitten cavalry nerf tai jotain muuta paskaa.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: TucKMuncK on May 24, 2012, 10:16:38 pm
Voin pelata
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Domus on May 25, 2012, 08:35:20 am
Jos on tarvis niin voin tulla ainakin varamieheksi. Pienellä varauksella siis ajankohtien suhteen. 1h/cav
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on May 25, 2012, 09:54:55 am
muut on ulkona, herkkutatti sisällä grindaamassa

Xant oliko tuo postaus ilmoittautuminen? Miksi olet muuten nditionsin sivuilla merkattuna Norjan tiimiin? :D
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: May The Great on May 25, 2012, 12:07:27 pm
Mun osallistuminen riippuu täysin ajankohasta, meinaa kesällä ei tuu niin paljoo pelailtua ja ei ehkä oo kiinnostustakaa niin paljoo, mut voitte laittaa alustavasti mutki listaan.

May (archer)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on May 25, 2012, 03:25:46 pm
Xant oliko tuo postaus ilmoittautuminen? Miksi olet muuten nditionsin sivuilla merkattuna Norjan tiimiin? :D

Norjan tiimiin? wut. Link?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on May 26, 2012, 02:25:01 am
Norjan tiimiin? wut. Link?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on May 26, 2012, 07:22:16 am
Seems legit
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Mustikki on May 26, 2012, 01:53:18 pm
Joo se on meijän mercsien Xtrah :D

Eiku perhana, onhan se siellä listassa!
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: May The Great on May 27, 2012, 11:31:36 am
Ottakkee meikäläinen pois listalta, on kesä niin täynnä etten todennäkösesti kerkee pelaamaan, ja vaikka ehtisin just tolle päivälle ni oon tosi ruosteine. Ja muutenki taidan retairata.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on May 31, 2012, 06:55:31 am
Otin sinut pois listasta.

Kertokaahan muillekin suomalaisille tästä jos näette pelaamassa tai muuten. Ei haittaa vaikka oliskin vähän enemmän porukkaa ilmoittautuneena, onpahan ainakin vaihtopelaajia jos joku ei pääse.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Olwen on May 31, 2012, 06:19:19 pm
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on May 31, 2012, 06:46:44 pm
Minä päivänä tää oli?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on May 31, 2012, 10:32:12 pm
Minä päivänä tää oli?
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 04, 2012, 09:26:38 pm

Käykäähän vastailemassa. Jos ette jaksa vastata tuolla niin laittakaa privaa täällä.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 05, 2012, 03:43:10 pm
Onks jotain vaatimuksia, että pääsee mukaan? Lähinnä, että pääseekö paskat mukaan? :lol:

E: Laitetaan nyt siis, että olen archeri (tällä hetkellä level 27, melkeen 28)... Tää on mun eka character cRPG:ssä, nativea olen kyllä jonkun verran pelannut.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 05, 2012, 05:08:11 pm
No jos et ihan susipaska ole ja osut ihmisiin nuolilla niin eiköhän sullekin löydy paikka. Koita levuttaa lvl 30 asti ennen tournamenttia.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 05, 2012, 05:28:09 pm
Onks jotain vaatimuksia, että pääsee mukaan? Lähinnä, että pääseekö paskat mukaan? :lol:

E: Laitetaan nyt siis, että olen archeri (tällä hetkellä level 27, melkeen 28)... Tää on mun eka character cRPG:ssä, nativea olen kyllä jonkun verran pelannut.

Eka gen, melkein lvl 28 ja jouduttiin jo bännäämään sinut HRE serveriltä. Kuulostaa erittäin lupaavalta. Opettelet olemaan ihmisiksi ensin ja grindaat sen lvl 30. Siis tietenkin jos et ole bännätty globaalisti jo...
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 05, 2012, 06:55:15 pm
Eka gen, melkein lvl 28 ja jouduttiin jo bännäämään sinut HRE serveriltä. Kuulostaa erittäin lupaavalta. Opettelet olemaan ihmisiksi ensin ja grindaat sen lvl 30. Siis tietenkin jos et ole bännätty globaalisti jo...
Jaa, miks mut sieltä on bannattu?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Spurdospera on June 05, 2012, 07:16:11 pm
Jaa, miks mut sieltä on bannattu?
Yleinen perseily ja saatanallinen jonneilu.

Koitetaan pysyä raiteilla vähäsenkään matkaa vielä....
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 06, 2012, 02:40:55 am
Sweden will win

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Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 06, 2012, 04:36:50 am
(click to show/hide)

How nice of you to link a picture of our Empire, The Great Finlands :mrgreen:

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Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: HarunYahya on June 06, 2012, 05:02:38 am
Thaaat laaaanngguuuuuuaaaaagggeeeeeeeeeee iiiis weiiiird''
Tooo maaæny woooweeels  :lol:
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 06, 2012, 05:03:45 am
How nice of you to link a picture of our Empire, The Great Finlands :mrgreen:

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you wish
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: poikakoira on June 06, 2012, 10:34:41 am
jos tilaa löytyy jousiampujalle ilmoittaudun!!!
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: tuttiritari on June 06, 2012, 10:35:40 am
Jooo ilmoittautuisin myös eli 32 lvl 2h/arbalest
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 06, 2012, 03:53:37 pm
you wish

If Sweden got attacked by Finland this very day... Would you think that you have any kind of a chance to do anything to prevent that map coming true? I'm not taking any political shit into account, now but just two nations. Finland and Sweden, war right this moment, which one would win?

You wish indeed...
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Jarlek on June 06, 2012, 06:43:09 pm
If Sweden got attacked by Finland this very day... Would you think that you have any kind of a chance to do anything to prevent that map coming true? I'm not taking any political shit into account, now but just two nations. Finland and Sweden, war right this moment, which one would win?

You wish indeed...
Yes, you wouldn't get that landmass if you went to war with Sweden. Parts of Norway is in that "Finnish Empire" too :P
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 06, 2012, 06:45:39 pm
Yes, you wouldn't get that landmass if you went to war with Sweden. Parts of Norway is in that "Finnish Empire" too :P
Yes and there is parts of Russia as well. I know :mrgreen:
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Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Jarlek on June 06, 2012, 07:25:56 pm
Yes and there is parts of Russia as well. I know :mrgreen:
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There's parts of Russia/germany too, but that wouldn't stop you guys. We would :P
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Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 06, 2012, 08:41:07 pm
Yxi ompi joukosta boies, RIP in peace Make:,33320.0.html
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 06, 2012, 11:15:22 pm
If Sweden got attacked by Finland this very day... Would you think that you have any kind of a chance to do anything to prevent that map coming true? I'm not taking any political shit into account, now but just two nations. Finland and Sweden, war right this moment, which one would win?

You wish indeed...

Sweden since we got more manpower and superior weapon technology.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 06, 2012, 11:42:17 pm
Sweden since we got more manpower and superior weapon technology.
How does Sweden have more manpower? You have more people, but to my understanding rather small army. Superior weapon technology is nothing if there is not men to use them equipments. And you should know by now that Finland has superior war strategies, war experience and warriors who are trained to do well in any conditions.

Even in WW2 if Finland didn't defend so gloriously against Soviet Union alongside with Germans, your penis- shaped happylandia would have been crushed in matter of days by the soviets. There is no question about that. Soviets wanted to make it all the way to Norway so they could gain strategically important positions against Germany. You should be thankful.

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Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 06, 2012, 11:53:15 pm
How does Sweden have more manpower? You have more people, but to my understanding rather small army. Superior weapon technology is nothing if there is not men to use them equipments. And you should know by now that Finland has superior war strategies, war experience and warriors who are trained to do well in any conditions.

Even in WW2 if Finland didn't defend so gloriously against Soviet Union alongside with Germans, your penis- shaped happylandia would have been crushed in matter of days by the soviets. There is no question about that. Soviets wanted to make it all the way to Norway so they could gain strategically important positions against Germany. You should be thankful.

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We got more people which means we got more people that can fight. and our army is very well trained they are known for that.. and Swedes helped finland fight against the soviets.. Let me tell you the history of Finland..... Owned by Sweden, Owned by Russia, independent for a small period of time.

We could just use our gotland subs and enter into finnish waters undetected and bombard every coastal city.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 07, 2012, 03:55:48 am
So what you mean to say is that your untrained peasants would be given weapons and then sent to the frontlines? You'd have more people at the start of the war, true, but with that tactic you'd soon have a lot less.

The only numbers that matter:

Active personnel   30,000[2]
Reserve personnel   22,988 reserves and 38,000 militias[2][3]

Active personnel   34,700 (ranked 79th)
Reserve personnel   357,000

Not to mention this, talking about Swedish Armed Forces: "Full mobilization is assumed to take one year (although no mobilization readiness exists), and the formations assumed are of battalion level size. It is assumed the Home Guard would be available within 12–72 hours."

Oh yeah, and Swede's helped in the Winter War with 8700 men while Finns had 350,000 men fighting. That sure is a lot of help.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 07, 2012, 07:29:39 am
So what you mean to say is that your untrained peasants would be given weapons and then sent to the frontlines? You'd have more people at the start of the war, true, but with that tactic you'd soon have a lot less.

The only numbers that matter:

Active personnel   30,000[2]
Reserve personnel   22,988 reserves and 38,000 militias[2][3]

Active personnel   34,700 (ranked 79th)
Reserve personnel   357,000

Not to mention this, talking about Swedish Armed Forces: "Full mobilization is assumed to take one year (although no mobilization readiness exists), and the formations assumed are of battalion level size. It is assumed the Home Guard would be available within 12–72 hours."

Oh yeah, and Swede's helped in the Winter War with 8700 men while Finns had 350,000 men fighting. That sure is a lot of help.

We would use our superior technology to exterminate the finnish army. Then we would march into helsinki and the people would cheer of joy because their rightful masters return.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 07, 2012, 07:44:03 am
You appear to have misspelled inferior technology as "superior technology." Perhaps you were thinking of the Finnish Army while you typed superior technology?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 07, 2012, 07:51:52 am
You appear to have misspelled inferior technology as "superior technology." Perhaps you were thinking of the Finnish Army while you typed superior technology?

Finland only got alot of soldiers.. these days it's pretty much useless specially against other ''civilized'' nations as most of them got weapons that can destroy any army from 500 miles away or something. Sweden have weapons like these. SAAB, Bofors. etc etc make weapons subs and all kinds of shit.. I dont think finnish rifles gonna do much against us when we have weapons that can bombard them from the other side of the sea.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 07, 2012, 11:48:30 am
Ok, eiköhän meillä ole ihan kivasti porukkaa.

Pidetään ensi maanantaina (11.6) ekat treenit, katotaan vähän ketä tulee ja mätetään keskenämme niin tiedetään miten kukin pelaa. Sen jälkeen voidaan käydä vaikka normiservereillä pyörähtään kattomassa päästäiskö samaan tiimiin.

Aloitetaan klo 21, sen jälkeen saa olla niin pitkään kuin huvittaa. Kokoonnutaan Fallenien teamspeakkiin, IP on Tulkaa paikalle mieluiten joku vartti ennen tapahtuman alkua. Vaikka et olisikaan vielä ilmoittautunu niin mukaan mahtuu vielä. Serverinä toimii HRE_Fallen_Training, kerron passun sitten myöhemmin.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 07, 2012, 04:55:50 pm
Finland only got alot of soldiers.. these days it's pretty much useless specially against other ''civilized'' nations as most of them got weapons that can destroy any army from 500 miles away or something. Sweden have weapons like these. SAAB, Bofors. etc etc make weapons subs and all kinds of shit.. I dont think finnish rifles gonna do much against us when we have weapons that can bombard them from the other side of the sea.

Finland also has almost as many fighters/bombers as Sweden. The only thing Sweden has that Finns don't is submarines. Sure, you could probably bomb some coastal cities. Doesn't help when your 30,000 soldiers get overrun by 300,000 and Sweden gets taken. Infantry is still the thing that captures and holds locations. USA has the best technology and they have three million troops. Wonder why, if one nerd can destroy entire armies by pushing a button? Hint: because you don't know what you're talking about.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 07, 2012, 06:23:42 pm
Finland also has almost as many fighters/bombers as Sweden. The only thing Sweden has that Finns don't is submarines. Sure, you could probably bomb some coastal cities. Doesn't help when your 30,000 soldiers get overrun by 300,000 and Sweden gets taken. Infantry is still the thing that captures and holds locations. USA has the best technology and they have three million troops. Wonder why, if one nerd can destroy entire armies by pushing a button? Hint: because you don't know what you're talking about.
Indeed. You know, if there would be war Sweden (or any other country) wouldn't just start sending missiles and bombing the shit out of Finland (or any other country). Because if they would do, they would kill a lot of civilians, wich many other countries would dislike. Soon you would find yourself in a war against 30 countries.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on June 07, 2012, 09:36:37 pm
Ok, eiköhän meillä ole ihan kivasti porukkaa.

Pidetään ensi maanantaina (11.6) ekat treenit, katotaan vähän ketä tulee ja mätetään keskenämme niin tiedetään miten kukin pelaa. Sen jälkeen voidaan käydä vaikka normiservereillä pyörähtään kattomassa päästäiskö samaan tiimiin.

Aloitetaan klo 21, sen jälkeen saa olla niin pitkään kuin huvittaa. Kokoonnutaan Fallenien teamspeakkiin, IP on Tulkaa paikalle mieluiten joku vartti ennen tapahtuman alkua. Vaikka et olisikaan vielä ilmoittautunu niin mukaan mahtuu vielä. Serverinä toimii HRE_Fallen_Training, kerron passun sitten myöhemmin.

Olen valitettavasti Roomassa koko ensi viikon
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 08, 2012, 12:51:36 am
Hmm ilmeisesti Herkkutatti on bannitty pelkästään foorumeilta? Joten laitahan takasin listaan. Tuttiritari ja Robinhood on nyt banaanissa. Tosin ei varmaan estä osallistumasta?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 08, 2012, 07:25:59 am
Khorin: Selvä, osallistu sitten kunhan olet paikalla. Hauskaa matkaa!

SoO: laitoin herkkutatin takas listaan.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 08, 2012, 12:11:29 pm
Finland also has almost as many fighters/bombers as Sweden. The only thing Sweden has that Finns don't is submarines. Sure, you could probably bomb some coastal cities. Doesn't help when your 30,000 soldiers get overrun by 300,000 and Sweden gets taken. Infantry is still the thing that captures and holds locations. USA has the best technology and they have three million troops. Wonder why, if one nerd can destroy entire armies by pushing a button? Hint: because you don't know what you're talking about.

yeah you probably buy all your jets from Sweden anyway haha. And if we would need more jets.. we could just make them. we dont have to pay trillions of dollars to someone else. and if you still dont want to surrender we just arm our subs with nuclear weapons. (and yes we have the technology and materials needed to produce nuclear weapons.) :)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 08, 2012, 01:00:37 pm
yeah you probably buy all your jets from Sweden anyway haha. And if we would need more jets.. we could just make them. we dont have to pay trillions of dollars to someone else. and if you still dont want to surrender we just arm our subs with nuclear weapons. (and yes we have the technology and materials needed to produce nuclear weapons.) :)
Yeah, have fun using nuclear weapons against a country next to yours... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 08, 2012, 01:02:54 pm
Yeah, have fun using nuclear weapons against a country next to yours... :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, it will be dangerous for us too.... but nevermind that.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Elmuri on June 08, 2012, 03:03:48 pm
Ok, eiköhän meillä ole ihan kivasti porukkaa.

Pidetään ensi maanantaina (11.6) ekat treenit, katotaan vähän ketä tulee ja mätetään keskenämme niin tiedetään miten kukin pelaa. Sen jälkeen voidaan käydä vaikka normiservereillä pyörähtään kattomassa päästäiskö samaan tiimiin.

Aloitetaan klo 21, sen jälkeen saa olla niin pitkään kuin huvittaa. Kokoonnutaan Fallenien teamspeakkiin, IP on Tulkaa paikalle mieluiten joku vartti ennen tapahtuman alkua. Vaikka et olisikaan vielä ilmoittautunu niin mukaan mahtuu vielä. Serverinä toimii HRE_Fallen_Training, kerron passun sitten myöhemmin.
Hmm, luulen kyl että futis vie voiton, joten 21.45 joutuu lähtemään pois :(
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 08, 2012, 08:47:12 pm
yeah you probably buy all your jets from Sweden anyway haha. And if we would need more jets.. we could just make them. we dont have to pay trillions of dollars to someone else. and if you still dont want to surrender we just arm our subs with nuclear weapons. (and yes we have the technology and materials needed to produce nuclear weapons.) :)

We don't buy our jets from Sweden. You reveal how ill-informed you are. Not that it wasn't already known.

Yes, good luck making jets while Sweden is occupied by Finnish troops. Indeed, Finns would just take over the Swedish jet making facilities and make some for themselves.

Sweden does not have nuclear weapons. Sweden would not be able to make nuclear weapons before they'd be occupied.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: zakker on June 08, 2012, 10:58:12 pm
We got more people which means we got more people that can fight. and our army is very well trained they are known for that.. and Swedes helped finland fight against the soviets.. Let me tell you the history of Finland..... Owned by Sweden, Owned by Russia, independent for a small period of time.

We could just use our gotland subs and enter into finnish waters undetected and bombard every coastal city.

yes swedish are very experienced when it comes to war (when was the last time, just 300 years ago? And even then they made the finns fight their wars ;) )  (
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 08, 2012, 11:33:13 pm
I am trained marksman, I assure you could personally kill as many swedish soldiers as I have bullets. I could do it in your own land, alone. I just need helicopter/car/boat or whatever to transport myself and then I'll snipe you all fucktard.s You canät even find me I you just hear them shots and bundle of stickss dropping down with a hole in theis foreheas..
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on June 08, 2012, 11:41:43 pm
Svitjodvarg you have failed too many times in this thread, please just leave.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 12:54:08 pm
We don't buy our jets from Sweden. You reveal how ill-informed you are. Not that it wasn't already known.

Yes, good luck making jets while Sweden is occupied by Finnish troops. Indeed, Finns would just take over the Swedish jet making facilities and make some for themselves.

Sweden does not have nuclear weapons. Sweden would not be able to make nuclear weapons before they'd be occupied.

I said probably. And Finland would never be able to take Sweden. Look at our history. you're just mad because we owned your country for 700 years and finnish history is our history.

and if numbers win wars. Finland would be russian today. And Sweden didnt want to fight Germany in WWII since we supported them.. Finland wouldnt have been fighting either unless they got attacked.

I am trained marksman, I assure you could personally kill as many swedish soldiers as I have bullets. I could do it in your own land, alone. I just need helicopter/car/boat or whatever to transport myself and then I'll snipe you all fucktard.s You canät even find me I you just hear them shots and bundle of stickss dropping down with a hole in theis foreheas..

We could just use our archer artillery and you would be gone.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 01:55:43 pm
And even then they made the finns fight their wars ;) )  (

Correction, Swedes.... You seem to forget that we owned your country for 700 years. You're more Swedish than finnish. and our last war was about 200 years ago.. Finland wouldnt even had fought any wars unless Russia attacked them.

And it's also funny when they had elections in Åland if they wanted to belong to Sweden or Finland the majority votes they wanted to belong to Sweden but EU stopped this from happening because they were afraid the rest of finland would want to be swedish too.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 09, 2012, 02:03:47 pm
Svitjomy old friendwhatever, I will personally shoot you in face if Sweden and Finland ever end up in a war. That's a promise, you are retarded as hell.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 02:07:37 pm
When knowlege doesn't work you turn to insults. Maybe it's hard to find good arguments when you're from a country with no history or culture.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 09, 2012, 02:08:54 pm
To be honest, I couldn't care less about the history or culture of Finland. I don't give a shit what happened in the past, all I know is that I would beat the shit out of any of you my old friend swedish cocksuckers anyday.

E: Though we do have culture here in Finland. In finnish culture, it's normal to drink 2 bottles of Koskenkorva, and after that you pull out a 9mm/knife/axe/or whatever weapon you happen to find, and kill anyone that even looks at you.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 02:17:58 pm
To be honest, I couldn't care less about the history or culture of Finland. I don't give a shit what happened in the past, all I know is that I would beat the shit out of any of you my old friend swedish cocksuckers anyday.

E: Though we do have culture here in Finland. In finnish culture, it's normal to drink 2 bottles of Koskenkorva, and after that you pull out a 9mm/knife/axe/or whatever weapon you happen to find, and kill anyone that even looks at you.

That's not culture.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on June 09, 2012, 02:20:38 pm

When knowlege doesn't work you turn to insults. Maybe it's hard to find good arguments when you're from a country with no history or culture.

Sweden seems to be working hard to get rid of its culture, so goofy pls.

Go drink your watered beer and leave the Finnish board, thank you.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 02:28:15 pm

Sweden seems to be working hard to get rid of its culture, so goofy pls.

Go drink your watered beer and leave the Finnish board, thank you.

I'm sure if you google ''Culture of America'' you can find something too. And I think all beer is watered. Same with Vodka.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on June 09, 2012, 02:48:56 pm
Oh, I get it. You seem to think culture is stuff that was first thought of in the country in question.

Must suck having a french king.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 02:50:58 pm
Oh, I get it. You seem to think culture is stuff that was first thought of in the country in question.

Must suck having a french king.

Our king is fine and as Swedish as it gets. He got french blood yes. But you probably got some Swedish blood in you too. And Russian.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on June 09, 2012, 02:55:20 pm
The house was French 'til it migrated to Sweden. Classic post imperialist Sweden to bend over backwards whenever someone wants to rule them.

O klart ja har svenskt blod i mig. Och samisk, finskt, tyskt och franskt och en droppe ryskt.

I wonder, though. What do you consider culture?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 03:05:24 pm
The house was French 'til it migrated to Sweden. Classic post imperialist Sweden to bend over backwards whenever someone wants to rule them.

O klart ja har svenskt blod i mig. Och samisk, finskt, tyskt och franskt och en droppe ryskt.

I wonder, though. What do you consider culture?

That's not what happened. Not really into the subject. But we had no people left of the royal bloodline. they didnt get enough children and they died to often. And Bernadotte was the only family who had claims on the throne or whatever you call it.

and, history, traditions, architecture and other stuff unique for that country i consider Culture. And I say that finland got no culture because they have only been independent for 120 years or something so the history, traditions, architecture they got is Swedish. you can tell any difference between a finnish guy and a swedish guy except the language and how we look.

Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on June 09, 2012, 03:27:11 pm
sauna, mythology, kalevala, different alcohol culture, different folk music(similar to Russian, but not quite), different food some noteable finnish architects like Eliel and Aalto, Sibelius, different wedding traditions, Sillanpää(nobel prize winner in literature in 1939).

Culture is usually something that is shared. That's why neighbouring countries usually look alike.

Culture in the nordic countries looks like this:

Germany --- Denmark --- Norway/Sweden --- Finland --- Russia

Germany influences denmark, denmark influences norway and sweden, etc, etc. It's only natural.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 03:36:29 pm
sauna, mythology, kalevala, different alcohol culture, different folk music(similar to Russian, but not quite), different food some noteable finnish architects like Eliel and Aalto, Sibelius, different wedding traditions, Sillanpää(nobel prize winner in literature in 1939).

Culture is usually something that is shared. That's why neighbouring countries usually look alike.

Culture in the nordic countries looks like this:

Germany --- Denmark --- Norway/Sweden --- Finland --- Russia

Germany influences denmark, denmark influences norway and sweden, etc, etc. It's only natural.

Yes when one country influence another. But Finland has been Swedish for 700 years.

And we're more Prussian influenced than danish.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Jarlek on June 09, 2012, 04:48:10 pm
sauna, mythology, kalevala, different alcohol culture, different folk music(similar to Russian, but not quite), different food some noteable finnish architects like Eliel and Aalto, Sibelius, different wedding traditions, Sillanpää(nobel prize winner in literature in 1939).

Culture is usually something that is shared. That's why neighbouring countries usually look alike.

Culture in the nordic countries looks like this:

Germany --- Denmark --- Norway/Sweden --- Finland --- Russia

Germany influences denmark, denmark influences norway and sweden, etc, etc. It's only natural.
Bitch, you ever put us next to sweden again, I'll cut you like the pig you are.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 05:08:29 pm
Bitch, you ever put us next to sweden again, I'll cut you like the pig you are.

Why do you celebrate midsummer.?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Jarlek on June 09, 2012, 05:53:15 pm
Why do you celebrate midsummer.?

Because we're a christian nation and celebrate the memory of Johannes the Baptist.

Because that has jack shit to do with sweden.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 06:02:01 pm

Because we're a christian nation and celebrate the memory of Johannes the Baptist.

Because that has jack shit to do with sweden.

We celebrated midsummer in Sweden before christianity.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 09, 2012, 06:18:01 pm
In Finland we eat living wolves, we drink  human blood and worship the great satan. We sacrifice our own kids to the great lord Satan if we have to.'

E: I think this topic has gone little bit offtopic.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Jarlek on June 09, 2012, 06:32:53 pm
We celebrated midsummer in Sweden before christianity.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 09, 2012, 07:00:01 pm
I said probably. And Finland would never be able to take Sweden. Look at our history. you're just mad because we owned your country for 700 years and finnish history is our history.

and if numbers win wars. Finland would be russian today. And Sweden didnt want to fight Germany in WWII since we supported them.. Finland wouldnt have been fighting either unless they got attacked.

We could just use our archer artillery and you would be gone.

You said "probably" but you're wrong. Give me some proof. You can't, though. Why would Finland not be able to take Sweden? Your history is that you had an awesome army (that Finns also fought in) 400 years ago, then you've done nothing.

Numbers win wars. But Finland had 350,000 men fighting against ~800,000 men. You're utterly retarded if you don't see the difference between those odds and 300,000 vs 30,000. Thirty thousand men is not enough to defend Sweden. 350,000 men was enough to defend Finland's borders, because there's only so much manpower you can send in through certain places without having the men walk on eachother.

Finland would destroy Sweden easily using our bombers and the subs would be destroyed by our combat divers, np.

It's no wonder that Wolves got wiped when you're their Strat coordinator, though  :lol:
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 07:30:02 pm

So it have nothing do with christianity. It does now but not before.

You said "probably" but you're wrong. Give me some proof. You can't, though. Why would Finland not be able to take Sweden? Your history is that you had an awesome army (that Finns also fought in) 400 years ago, then you've done nothing.

Numbers win wars. But Finland had 350,000 men fighting against ~800,000 men. You're utterly retarded if you don't see the difference between those odds and 300,000 vs 30,000. Thirty thousand men is not enough to defend Sweden. 350,000 men was enough to defend Finland's borders, because there's only so much manpower you can send in through certain places without having the men walk on eachother.

Finland would destroy Sweden easily using our bombers and the subs would be destroyed by our combat divers, np.

It's no wonder that Wolves got wiped when you're their Strat coordinator, though  :lol:

You're pretty stupid arent you? Our subs cannot be detected.. 1 of our subs could destroy the entire Finnish navy. And even if you would manage to sink one. We still got a larger navy with bigger firepower.

And you're talking like the finnish airforce would just fly in without meeting any resistance? Swedish airforce is bigger and more advanced than the finnish airfoce. Only plane the finns got that can match ours is the F-18 and you only got like 60 of them. While our JAS Gripen is made by Swedes for Swedes. It perfoms extremely well in our climate.

So your 350,000 men becomes pretty much useless when they have no air/navy support.

And I just became Strategus Coordinator for Wolves. But I heard Nords got their asses kicked before Wolves went down.

And it was about 200 years ago not 400 years ago we fought our latest war. And there were no such thing as ''Finns in the Swedish army'' back then. They were Swedish serving in the Swedish army.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 09, 2012, 07:40:57 pm
So it have nothing do with christianity. It does now but not before.

You're pretty stupid arent you? Our subs cannot be detected.. 1 of our subs could destroy the entire Finnish navy. And even if you would manage to sink one. We still got a larger navy with bigger firepower.

And you're talking like the finnish airforce would just fly in without meeting any resistance? Swedish airforce is bigger and more advanced than the finnish airfoce. Only plane the finns got that can match ours is the F-18 and you only got like 60 of them. While our JAS Gripen is made by Swedes for Swedes. It perfoms extremely well in our climate.

And I just became Strategus Coordinator for Wolves. But I heard Nords got their asses kicked before Wolves went down.

And it was about 200 years ago not 400 years ago we fought our latest war. And there were no such thing as ''Finns in the Swedish army'' back then. They were Swedish serving in the Swedish army.

No, you're pretty stupid aren't you? Your subs are easy to detect. One Finnish combat diver could destroy the entire Swedish navy.

Yeah, Finnish Airfoce has much superior technology to Swedish Airforce, the Swedish jets would be no match. Finns would take max 1-2 casualties in the battle for air superiority.

You heard wrong then, Nords have only ever kicked the Wolves' asses.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 07:42:06 pm
No, you're pretty stupid aren't you? Your subs are easy to detect. One Finnish combat diver could destroy the entire Swedish navy.

Yeah, Finnish Airfoce has much superior technology to Swedish Airforce, the Swedish jets would be no match. Finns would take max 1-2 casualties in the battle for air superiority.

You heard wrong then, Nords have only ever kicked the Wolves' asses.

Are you trolling or just being stupid?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 09, 2012, 07:42:52 pm
This is getting kinda stupid. Who gives a shit whose army got what and does what? You can't really know the outcome of the war before one happens, therefore it's stupid to argue about this. Though the fact that I would personally beat any of you swedish bundle of stickss anyday anytime still stands.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 09, 2012, 07:44:39 pm
Are you trolling or just being stupid?

Neither, I'm just showing you how retarded your arguing is. You make these wide statements about Swedish nuclear weapons and air superiority without showing any proof whatsoever. Two can play that game.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 07:48:57 pm
Neither, I'm just showing you how retarded your arguing is. You make these wide statements about Swedish nuclear weapons and air superiority without showing any proof whatsoever. Two can play that game.

You can look it up yourself. both our navy and airforce is bigger.

This is getting kinda stupid. Who gives a shit whose army got what and does what? You can't really know the outcome of the war before one happens, therefore it's stupid to argue about this. Though the fact that I would personally beat any of you swedish bundle of stickss anyday anytime still stands. That's you Saatana
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 09, 2012, 07:51:20 pm

You can look it up yourself. both our navy and airforce is bigger.

And it doesn't do you any good without infantry.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 07:52:39 pm
And it doesn't do you any good without infantry.

We do have infantry.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Spurdospera on June 09, 2012, 07:55:36 pm
Noniin, tämähän meni kivasti off-topicin puolelle.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 09, 2012, 07:57:23 pm
We do have infantry.

No you don't.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 09, 2012, 07:58:08 pm
Noniin, tämähän meni kivasti off-topicin puolelle.
Ehkä vähän joo.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 08:00:12 pm
No you don't.

You just dropped l
                           V    To this level.

Watch from 3:30.. I guess it's not a stereotype.  8-)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 09, 2012, 08:01:11 pm
You just dropped l
                           V    To this level.

You just dropped l
                           V    To this level.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 09, 2012, 08:02:27 pm
You just dropped l
                           V    To this level.
Time for you to leave this topic.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 09, 2012, 08:08:23 pm
Watch from 3:30.. I guess it's not a stereotype.  8-)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 08:12:17 pm
You just dropped l
                           V    To this level.

You're not the only finn I've seen behave like this. I know why but I don't want to offend people so better keep it quiet.

I guess you havent read my previous posts?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Jarlek on June 09, 2012, 08:12:31 pm
So it have nothing do with christianity. It does now but not before.
Whoopdiefucking doo then?

You're question had nothing to do with that. You asked why we celebrate it and I gave the reason. We also celebrated it long before Christianity came too, same with Danemark, Finland and a lot of other countries. Sweden have shit to do with it.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 08:20:34 pm
Whoopdiefucking doo then?

You're question had nothing to do with that. You asked why we celebrate it and I gave the reason. We also celebrated it long before Christianity came too, same with Danemark, Finland and a lot of other countries. Sweden have shit to do with it.

no other country celebrate it as the Swedes. and it originates from Scandinavia, and seeing how big it is and always has been in Sweden I'm guesssing it comes from there.

atleast for Finland/Estonia.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 09, 2012, 08:26:05 pm
no other country celebrate it as the Swedes. and it originates from Scandinavia, and seeing how big it is and always has been in Sweden I'm guesssing it comes from there.

atleast for Finland/Estonia.
Get the fuck out of this fucking thread cunt. You are fucking annoying piece of shit talking shit behind the monitor. I'll meet you face to face and show you what the Finnish people got that bundle of sticks Swedish doesn't.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 09, 2012, 08:27:43 pm
I guess you havent read my previous posts?
No, I don't really read your posts.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 08:30:20 pm
I used to be just like you when I was 12. But I will leave. Can't have a intellectual conversation with Finns.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 09, 2012, 08:32:13 pm
Can't have a intellectual conversation with Finns.
That's right. We aren't talking, we are more into the action. You start shit with us you end up in a body bag.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 09, 2012, 08:33:43 pm
That's right. We aren't talking, we are more into the action. You start shit with us you end up in a body bag.

Then why have you only been independent for about 120 years?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 09, 2012, 09:07:17 pm
I used to be just like you when I was 12. But I will leave. Can't have a intellectual conversation with Finns.
Yeah, you better run. Lest we occupy you.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 10, 2012, 12:19:41 am
Wtf is going on here? 3 or 4 pages since I last checked this thread...

Lol we celebrate midsummer because Swedes invented the whole thing? Give me a fucking break... Why do you think we celebrate Christmas then? It's because of Finland. I just thought about it because Christmas is pretty big around here. Not to speak that original Santa is from Finland :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 10, 2012, 12:23:59 am
Svitjodvarg do you live anywhere near Stockholm?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 10, 2012, 12:25:54 am
Wtf is going on here? 3 or 4 pages since I last checked this thread...

Lol we celebrate midsummer because Swedes invented the whole thing? Give me a fucking break... Why do you think we celebrate Christmas then? It's because of Finland. I just thought about it because Christmas is pretty big around here. Not to speak that original Santa is from Finland :rolleyes:

No but atleast in Finland they celebrate it because of the Swedes.

Svitjodvarg do you live anywhere near Stockholm?

Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 10, 2012, 12:28:26 am
Oh well.. That's kinda far, isn't it? Too bad..
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on June 10, 2012, 12:49:43 am
No but atleast in Finland they celebrate it because of the Swedes.

Seriously, leave the thread.

Or at least get your head out of your ass. Early celebration of midsummer in Finland was to Ukko the Finnish pagan god that created the earth, not Tor/Odin or God. The reason people celebrate midsummer is implied in the god damn name. It's because it has astronomical signifcance just like christmas. People have celebrated these for ages, pre-dating sweden as any significant entity. The celebration as it is in its current form is partly from Sweden although some of those traditions are also imported by Sweden and the Swedish traditions are primarily more dominant in the regions with a significant amount of swedish-speaking Finns.

Go troll some other thread.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 10, 2012, 03:51:49 am
Lives in Malmö and preaches how Sweden has culture :D. To my knowledge Malmö is full of immigrants, burning cars, riots and all sorts of nice things. Sure your precious Swedish culture is preserved and embraced there... Sure sounds like civilized country where cars are burned and firemen attacked when they come to put out the flames. I'm sure those people want to know about Norse gods, midsommer och smörgåskaka and your glorious history.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 10, 2012, 12:20:37 pm
Seriously, leave the thread.

Or at least get your head out of your ass. Early celebration of midsummer in Finland was to Ukko the Finnish pagan god that created the earth, not Tor/Odin or God. The reason people celebrate midsummer is implied in the god damn name. It's because it has astronomical signifcance just like christmas. People have celebrated these for ages, pre-dating sweden as any significant entity. The celebration as it is in its current form is partly from Sweden although some of those traditions are also imported by Sweden and the Swedish traditions are primarily more dominant in the regions with a significant amount of swedish-speaking Finns.

Go troll some other thread.

It originates from Scandinavia. and Sweden (part of scandinavia) took finland. And before Sweden took finland, finland was just a bunch of sami tribes living in huts.

Lives in Malmö and preaches how Sweden has culture :D. To my knowledge Malmö is full of immigrants, burning cars, riots and all sorts of nice things. Sure your precious Swedish culture is preserved and embraced there... Sure sounds like civilized country where cars are burned and firemen attacked when they come to put out the flames. I'm sure those people want to know about Norse gods, midsommer och smörgåskaka and your glorious history.

Yeah we have alot of immigrants causing trouble here in Sweden but what does that have to do with anything? We got loads of finnish immigrants too.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on June 10, 2012, 01:12:04 pm
It originates from Scandinavia. and Sweden (part of scandinavia) took finland. And before Sweden took finland, finland was just a bunch of sami tribes living in huts.

Finns took the southern lands from the Sami, then came Sweden a few thousand years later, before the Sweden even existed as a cohesive country people were celebrating midsummer for Ukko, it's natural for people to celebrate during the most fertile time of the year. Celebrating midsummer does not originate from Scandinavia, it happens all over the world from brazil to russia, etc.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 10, 2012, 01:21:47 pm
It originates from Scandinavia. and Sweden (part of scandinavia) took finland. And before Sweden took finland, finland was just a bunch of sami tribes living in huts.

You've got that backwards. Before Finland, Sweden was just a bunch of sami tribes living in huts.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 10, 2012, 02:44:01 pm
Finns took the southern lands from the Sami, then came Sweden a few thousand years later, before the Sweden even existed as a cohesive country people were celebrating midsummer for Ukko, it's natural for people to celebrate during the most fertile time of the year. Celebrating midsummer does not originate from Scandinavia, it happens all over the world from brazil to russia, etc.

maybe they werent samis when the swedes came, but they were still living like primitive indians.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: LordBerenger on June 10, 2012, 03:16:00 pm
It took 1 guy to troll an entire thread and 5-6 guys to intercept him.

Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 10, 2012, 04:47:23 pm
It took 1 guy to troll an entire thread and 5-6 guys to intercept him.


You don't need to troll finns. you can just use facts.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on June 10, 2012, 06:46:47 pm
Everyone knows that you are trolling, tho you really might be brainwashed anal sex lover
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: fRESI on June 10, 2012, 10:24:39 pm
Mä hallu olla muka, jos mä on aika :) Finlandsvensk reporting for deuty :) sano wan milloin ja missä mä pitäs olla :D (sorry for my crappy finish, I had to give it  try)

Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 10, 2012, 10:24:53 pm
Everyone knows that you are trolling, tho you really might be brainwashed anal sex lover

Everything I have said is True. how is that trolling?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 10, 2012, 10:36:27 pm
Everything I have said is True. how is that trolling?
You are retard, therefore anything you say counts as trolling. Now leave this fucking thread already, go hang yourself or something if you don't have anything better to do.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 10, 2012, 10:40:37 pm
Everything I have said is True. how is that trolling?

Actually, funnily enough, just about everything you said is false. And that's an impressive achievement.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 10, 2012, 11:41:33 pm
Actually, funnily enough, just about everything you said is false. And that's an impressive achievement.

Go back to your hut.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on June 10, 2012, 11:42:10 pm
maybe they werent samis when the swedes came, but they were still living like primitive indians.

Ah another misconception. Finns lived fairly similar to its neighbours in the first millenia, i.e. villages/agriculture/etc. The Swedish era started in the 12th century after the vikings converted to christianity and started building churches instead of longships. However feel free to ignore this like 90% of my other arguments and continue trolling. I have nothing better to do 'til tomorrow. Or you can leave the thread an enlightened man, but that would require some humility and common sense.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 11, 2012, 02:12:28 am
Ah another misconception. Finns lived fairly similar to its neighbours in the first millenia, i.e. villages/agriculture/etc. The Swedish era started in the 12th century after the vikings converted to christianity and started building churches instead of longships. However feel free to ignore this like 90% of my other arguments and continue trolling. I have nothing better to do 'til tomorrow. Or you can leave the thread an enlightened man, but that would require some humility and common sense.

Ok, I leave for the 2nd time. but if people reply I reply back.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 11, 2012, 02:15:59 am
The geats have owned Sweden for like 1100 years.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 11, 2012, 02:23:33 am
The geats have owned Sweden for like 1100 years.

Sweden has always been Swedish.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 11, 2012, 04:18:35 am
No, it hasn't. Maybe it's time for you to study history. Or try to get some common sense. Nothing has always been.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 11, 2012, 05:44:39 am
No, it hasn't. Maybe it's time for you to study history. Or try to get some common sense. Nothing has always been.

Give him some slack. Let him go to high school first :mrgreen:. Still probably while there, he thinks he knows everything. Then if he is good enough, he will get some higher education later and maybe realizes how he has failed in this thread.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 11, 2012, 06:41:30 am
Tänään on treenit klo 21, muistakaa tulla paikalle.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 11, 2012, 01:46:34 pm
Tänään on treenit klo 21, muistakaa tulla paikalle.
Saa nähdä pääsenkö paikalle...,33732.msg505569.html#new
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 11, 2012, 03:17:57 pm
Give him some slack. Let him go to high school first :mrgreen:. Still probably while there, he thinks he knows everything. Then if he is good enough, he will get some higher education later and maybe realizes how he has failed in this thread.

I'm in college and very intrested in history. Even do it in my spare time.

No, it hasn't. Maybe it's time for you to study history. Or try to get some common sense. Nothing has always been.

Sweden has always been independent. unlike finland.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 11, 2012, 03:26:24 pm
Sweden has always been independent. unlike finland.
No, the geats still own Sweden.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: LordBerenger on June 11, 2012, 03:48:16 pm







Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 11, 2012, 04:04:20 pm
No, the geats still own Sweden.

Stop being butthurt that our country is better than yours and that we got all the history, glory, fame. Clearly you must like us since your are in Nords clan, and the Vikings were Scandinavians.. you're a jealous fanboy
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 11, 2012, 04:07:00 pm
Stop being butthurt that our country is better than yours and that we got all the history, glory, fame. Clearly you must like us since your are in Nords clan, and the Vikings were Scandinavians.. you're a jealous fanboy
Okay, let's play your country is better than Finland and shit... Still the fact stands that you are little worthless piece of shit.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on June 11, 2012, 04:10:37 pm
Idc much about history because history is .... history :D but If we would talk about current Finland and Sweden and which one is better and so on, i would say Winland.
as Svitjodvarg proves Sweden has poor Education.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 11, 2012, 04:12:56 pm
Okay, let's play your country is better than Finland and shit... Still the fact stands that you are little worthless piece of shit.

Then what does that make you? Didn't you get banned for doing something?

That puts you.          l
                                V  Here.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 11, 2012, 04:14:48 pm
Idc much about history because history is .... history :D but If we would talk about current Finland and Sweden and which one is better and so on, i would say Winland.
as Svitjodvarg proves Sweden has poor Education.

Why do finns say ''Winland''? Did someone say it on TV or something and it's a big national event because their country got mentioned in TV and now everyone starts saying it?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 11, 2012, 04:44:50 pm
Then what does that make you? Didn't you get banned for doing something?

That puts you.          l
                                V  Here.
Oh shit, I got temp ban in video game. I am talking about real succes here, not something you achieve in a video game. I am young and I am in a pretty good position at work, I make more money than some people that have been working in the same company for 15-20 years... I am in good shape, and I am doing pretty well in my boxing career (still amateur though). I own a house with 178m² living space, I graduated from army as a best marksman of my class. I would literally beat the shit out of you anytime, and your so wonderful country wouldn't help you. You are just a worthless scumbag who likes to talk shit.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 11, 2012, 04:54:31 pm
Then why do you behave like you're 12 do you have downsyndrome or something?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 11, 2012, 05:01:05 pm
Then why do you behave like you're 12 do you have downsyndrome or something?
I don't have any kind of syndrome.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 11, 2012, 05:02:02 pm
I don't have any kind of syndrome.

So you are 12?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 11, 2012, 05:05:15 pm
So you are 12?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 11, 2012, 08:46:09 pm
Stop being butthurt that our country is better than yours and that we got all the history, glory, fame. Clearly you must like us since your are in Nords clan, and the Vikings were Scandinavians.. you're a jealous fanboy
No, you're my fanboy. And Finland's fanboy. Oloolol.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 11, 2012, 10:18:00 pm
Suomitiimillä oli pieni tappelu UK-tiimiä vastaan, lopputuloksena 3-3. Hyvin pelattu jätkät!
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: cuituoptiikka on June 11, 2012, 10:33:55 pm
Osa porukasta pyöri kuin pillut puolukassa samalla kun pyydettiin tramplausapua. Pakittakaa niin pystyy tramplaamaan. Muuten olen suorastaan ällistynyt että pärjättiin noin hyvin briteille.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on June 11, 2012, 10:42:55 pm
Joo se on hankala ongelma tuo pillunpyöritys. Hankaloittaa cavin toimintaa.

Ei siinä mitään, todella hienosti minustakin meni. Niillä on todella kovia pelaajia listassa eikä todellakaan ollu huono esitys meiltä. Sons I am proud :)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: zakker on June 12, 2012, 12:04:34 am
Ihan kivasti meni mustaki, vähän ehkä hakusessa meillä viellä taktiikat mutta eiköhän se tästä kun vähän reenaillaan.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on June 12, 2012, 12:05:17 am
Hankkikaa TM ja kastu mukaan.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 12, 2012, 06:26:05 am
Jep huikkailkaahan niille muillekin suomalaisille vaikka pelissä että tällainenkin on olemassa.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: aomas on June 12, 2012, 05:28:06 pm
Mä voisin periaattees yhtyä mukaan porukkaan iloiseen, mikäli vielä mahtuu lineuppiin?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 12, 2012, 05:37:59 pm

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: aomas on June 13, 2012, 04:43:43 pm

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Miks sä oot noita kotkia lisänny, ei oikeen korosta suomalaisuutta :D.. mut hienoja noi kaikki ehkä toi neliövaakuna selkein..
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: aomas on June 13, 2012, 05:08:18 pm
Ihan hienoja, mut toi ihan perinteinen ja nykyinen vaakuna on kyl ihan jees..

Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Elmuri on June 14, 2012, 01:18:27 am
keskivviiikkokänni, tarvitaan kastu, kerkko, munin, chamu, horst ja wiltzu ja tuckimucnk
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Elmuri on June 14, 2012, 01:21:37 am
ja assarhaddon
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 14, 2012, 06:45:03 am
Mä voisin periaattees yhtyä mukaan porukkaan iloiseen, mikäli vielä mahtuu lineuppiin?
Mahtuu toki, ensi maanantaina vaan mukaan.

Tosiaan seuraavat treenit pidetään kans maanantaina, aika ja paikka olivat ilmeisesti aika hyvät joten jatketaan niillä. Tavataan seuraavan kerran sitten 18.6 klo 21 HRE_Fallen_training -servulle ja meidän teamspeakissä.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Xant on June 14, 2012, 11:52:14 am
Ette sitten mee häviämään Ruotsille, nyypät.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 14, 2012, 12:05:08 pm
Ette sitten mee häviämään Ruotsille, nyypät.
Tule itekin mukaan pelaamaan :D
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 18, 2012, 10:49:10 am
Mitäs sanotte jos aloitetaankin tänään jo puoli yheksältä?

Elikkä paikkana toimisi HRE_Fallen_Training, passu on sama. Kellonaika aikaistuisi vaan puolella tunnilla.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Saatana on June 18, 2012, 01:06:42 pm
Sopii ainakin itelle paremmin, pääsis edes vähän aikasemmin nukkumaan kun kuitenkin pitää herätä jo kello 6 huomenna taas...
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 19, 2012, 09:39:45 am
Ihmisissä oli käynyt kato, tällä kertaa tuli aikalailla vähemmän porukkaa kuin viimeksi. Pelailtiin kuitenkin yhessä n. tuntisen siinä.

Seuraavan kerran treenit vois pitää maanantaina 25 klo 20. Sen jälkeen koitan sopia meille matsin jonkin toisen tiimin kanssa. Tulkaahan paikalle sankoin joukoin!
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Lennu on June 19, 2012, 10:04:44 pm
Järkkääs noi matsit jotenki ihmisten aikoihin vaikka viikonlopulle niin saattas olla jotain mahdollisuuksia päästä mukaan joku kerta.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 20, 2012, 06:33:56 am
Tuohan on vielä ihan epävirallinen ystävyysottelu :P

Mutta pitää koittaa saada. Nyt on vastustanu se että en ole ite viikonloppuna paikalla niin olen aina laittanu viikolle nämä.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Gimest on June 21, 2012, 03:04:58 pm
Saisko sinne teijän TS oman kanavan vähäks aikaa minne voi porukka kokoontuu jos on pelailee "sillä tuulella", tulee siinä samalla vähän tutuks ja harjoteltuu yhteistyötä.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on June 21, 2012, 03:31:49 pm
oisko tänää treenit :D nyt onnistuu pelaaminen taas :D T.Tattiherkku
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Elmuri on June 24, 2012, 06:46:05 pm
Toi kokoonpano pitäis vissiin ilmottaa huomiseen mennessä
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: TucKMuncK on June 24, 2012, 10:06:39 pm
Nyt 2 maanantaita menny ihan muihin tekemisiin, sama koskee huomista.

Silti aika varmasti pelaisin joukkueessa nyt on vaan ollu huonoa tuuria ajoissa
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 25, 2012, 05:54:01 am
Noniin, tässäpä juhannus taas meni ja nyt voi lähteä uuteen nousuun.

Järjestetään tänään treenit klo 20. Sitten mahdollisesti pidetään päälle matsi saksan joukkuetta vastaan jos saan niiden kapteenin paikalle. Tulkaapahan paikalle sankoin joukoin!
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Elmuri on June 25, 2012, 09:18:44 am
Kerkeen varmaan joskus yheksäksi eli varmaan sitten ainakin siihen matsiin, jos ei muuten ole tarpeeksi pelaajia jo.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 25, 2012, 06:20:23 pm
Saisko sinne teijän TS oman kanavan vähäks aikaa minne voi porukka kokoontuu jos on pelailee "sillä tuulella", tulee siinä samalla vähän tutuks ja harjoteltuu yhteistyötä.
Ehdotus otettu vastaan ja hyväksytty. Nyt kun selaatte niitä kanavia servulla niin siellä pohjalla on "Suomitiimi @ cRPG Nations Cup".
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on June 25, 2012, 09:32:36 pm
Sehän meni hyvin, virallisesti voitettiin Saksan tiimi 5:4 ja epävirallisesti 6:4. Muutaman kerran tuli sellaista hajoamista ja epämääräistä haahuilua mutta muuten meni jo paremmin kuin brittejä vastaan.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on July 02, 2012, 06:09:34 am
Tervehdys taas kaikille. Tänään olisi ystävyysottelu Ruotsia vastaan klo 20.30. Tulkaahan vaikka jo klo 20 paikalle niin pyöritään hetki trainingserverillä ennen matsia.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Barracuda on July 02, 2012, 09:55:15 am
Hyvä että porukkaa on löytynyt. Jos haluatte yhteisen bannerin niin multa löytyy perjantaina ostettu. Itse en ole ehtinyt juurikaan pelaamaan enkä tod.näk. ehdi bannerianikaan juuri käyttämään. Vitun järkevää siis oli ostaa se :/
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on July 02, 2012, 09:57:40 am
Hmm, voi olla vaan aika hankalaa käyttää sitä kun porukka on kuitenkin klaaneissa, pitäisi aina erota ja liittyä sinun klaaniin että voi käyttää sitä. Sitten treenien jälkeen taas erota ja takaisin...
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: paavi on July 02, 2012, 11:04:45 am
Tervehdys taas kaikille. Tänään olisi ystävyysottelu Ruotsia vastaan klo 20.30. Tulkaahan vaikka jo klo 20 paikalle niin pyöritään hetki trainingserverillä ennen matsia.

Ite ei pääse paikalle tuohon aikaan mutta toivotaan että tarpeeks pelaajii ilmaantuu.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 02, 2012, 06:28:37 pm
Kuinka pitkään pelataan ruottia vastaan? Olis suhteellisen makia strategusmatsikin Grey Orderia vastaan klo 21.00... Mukavat expat ainakin.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on July 02, 2012, 06:31:48 pm
Kuinka pitkään pelataan ruottia vastaan? Olis suhteellisen makia strategusmatsikin Grey Orderia vastaan klo 21.00... Mukavat expat ainakin.
tämä, paitsi että Grey orderin puolella ?! jos 20.00 alkais se matsi niin kerkeisi pari rundia pelata.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 02, 2012, 06:34:12 pm
tämä, paitsi että Grey orderin puolella ?!?

Ei ikinä. Sen päivän kun näkis, että olen niiden puolella yhdessäkään strategus battlessa...
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on July 02, 2012, 06:35:15 pm
Tarkoitinkin että sama juttu mutta että itse pelaan Grey orderin puolella   8-) koska olenhan STR
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 02, 2012, 06:46:41 pm
Noh saa nähdä miten menee. Jos pääsen tuohon matsiin niin lähden sitten kesken pois tai en. Riippuu kuinka hauskaa on Ruottia vastaan :D
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on July 02, 2012, 06:55:22 pm
Pelaillaan nyt sen aikaa kun on ihmisiä. Jos ei muuta niin muutama rundi pidetään :)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on July 02, 2012, 08:18:08 pm
Juu pistä mut 1h/Shield.

En pysty tulee sunnuntaisin ku on klaanin treenit sillo
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 02, 2012, 09:56:05 pm
Eipä tullukkaan kun reilu 600k expaa siitä castle siegestä :D.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Gimest on July 02, 2012, 10:12:48 pm
Mites harkat Ruottii vastaa meni?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 02, 2012, 10:26:40 pm
Mites harkat Ruottii vastaa meni?
En kerinny kun sparrata jonkun aikaa ennen strategusottelua, mutta teamspeakistä kuuluneen kiroilun perusteella ei kovinkaan hyvin :D.

Noh tiimit oli niin pienet ja Ruottalaisilla oli monta archeria. Niinkö Bagge ei olis yksinkin jo ihan tarpeeksi... Lisäksi minun lähtemisen jälkeen ei ollu cavalryakaan. Pääosin kilvettömiä jalkamiessankareita :D
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Gimest on July 02, 2012, 11:55:59 pm
No Prkl ku ei päässy tarpeeks aikasin himaa, ois sitte ollu kilvelle käyttöö :p
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 03, 2012, 12:21:39 am
Juu olis ollu kyllä kirveelle töitä. Noh pitää ottaa joskus paremmalla aikaa revanssia Ruottin kanssa. Saunan takana on vielä tilaa ;)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on July 03, 2012, 12:29:35 am
Meillä tais olla yks 30 lvl (seki stf) ja loput alle. Sweduil kaikki oli vähintään 30, suurin osa oli 31-34
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on July 09, 2012, 07:40:32 am
Vedetään tänään taas treenit kaheksalta + ehkä matsi siihen päälle. Toivottavasti tällä kertaa tulee enemmän porukkaa, saataisiin kunnon pelit aikaan.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on July 11, 2012, 12:10:56 am
En valitettavasti ehdi ollenkaan pelaa. Olen ollut matkoilla ja mene 10:eks päiväks matkoille taas perjanataina.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on July 11, 2012, 12:29:54 am
paska peli , ebin.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: zakker on July 11, 2012, 05:16:31 am
äh menipäs sivusuun treenit ko oli muuta tekemistä, oliko muute porukkaa mukana?
Onko muute mitää tietoja tullu että koska cupit alkaa et kerkeekö täs viel retairaan vai vedänkö vaa suoriltaan siihe lvl 32+ asti
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on July 11, 2012, 06:46:20 am
Etköhän sie kerkeä hyvin retirata. Ei kait tuohon cuppiin ole vielä edes sääntöjä päätetty :S
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Spurdospera on July 11, 2012, 01:26:52 pm
Cup järjestetään todennäköisesti Joulukuussa 2010.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on July 16, 2012, 06:21:22 am
Ei treenejä tänään, en jouda pitämään. Jos joku ehtii niin saa pitää tai voitte ihan muutenkin kokoontua pelaileen ja puhumaan paskaa tuonne teamspeakkiin :)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Gimest on July 16, 2012, 11:40:30 am
Tän haisto jo 3 päivää sitte :D, mutta ilmestyn ite ainaki ts siinä illalla.

Myöhäseks meni itelki. 2 aikaa paikalla...
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on July 23, 2012, 11:03:31 am
Liian Kiireinen Maanantai™

Ei treenejä tänään ellei joku muu halua pitää. Itse en jouda paikalle, mutta olette silti tervetulleita sinne kanavalle puhumaan paskaa ja pelaileen.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Youhou on July 25, 2012, 01:46:01 am
Taalla ois viela tallane myohanen ilmoittautuja varapeluriks jos kiinnostaa ja mahtuu.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on July 25, 2012, 07:49:33 am
Mahtuuhan sitä. Koitan ensi maanantaiksi sopia matsin jotakuta vastaan jo hyvissä ajoin, eli silloin pidetään treenit.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on July 25, 2012, 12:39:10 pm
No vittu. Just ku meitsi lähtee pelottee swedui 30.7-3.8 nii onki jotai häppeningii =P
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 25, 2012, 02:50:40 pm
No vittu. Just ku meitsi lähtee pelottee swedui 30.7-3.8 nii onki jotai häppeningii =P
Millä meinaat niitä pelotella?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on July 25, 2012, 03:51:00 pm
Millä meinaat niitä pelotella?

Iha tätä perus naamaa ajattelin käyttää, toiminu ennenki.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Youhou on July 25, 2012, 06:07:53 pm
Joo, mut siis ilmottaudun vara-vara-varapelaajaksi koska viimein toi oma kone sano irti ja minkaanlaine pelaaminen on siita kiinni onnistunko saamaan sita toimimaan.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on July 27, 2012, 01:39:17 am
Heittäydyin sitte archeriksi.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 27, 2012, 02:11:48 am
Heittäydyin sitte archeriksi.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on July 27, 2012, 02:21:33 am
Joo vetäsin tossa kahessa strat battlessa lähemmäs 2millii xp. olin 200k päässä lvl 30 mut repseccasin sitte itteni archeriks =DD

Wiltzun hetken mielijohteet.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 27, 2012, 01:16:52 pm
Joo vetäsin tossa kahessa strat battlessa lähemmäs 2millii xp. olin 200k päässä lvl 30 mut repseccasin sitte itteni archeriks =DD

Wiltzun hetken mielijohteet.

Lyön sinua tällä turskalla naamaan!
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ps. kuva oli omatekemä
t: Dolan
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Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on July 27, 2012, 01:18:56 pm
Olit liian kaua siel Norjassa =/

Kirveellä se pitää tehä perkele.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 27, 2012, 01:26:53 pm
Olit liian kaua siel Norjassa =/

Kirveellä se pitää tehä perkele.
Juu kirveellä niinkö tein tässä vielä hongasta (murressana, joka on "kelo" muille suomilaisille) itelle parveketuolin ennenkö porhalsin Ouluun :D. Eipä ole naapurilla samanlaista Oulussa. Eikä oikeastaan muuallakaan kun nämä on aika uniikkeja kappaleita :D

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Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on July 27, 2012, 04:16:56 pm
Juu kirveellä niinkö tein tässä vielä hongasta (murressana, joka on "kelo" muille suomilaisille) itelle parveketuolin ennenkö porhalsin Ouluun :D. Eipä ole naapurilla samanlaista Oulussa. Eikä oikeastaan muuallakaan kun nämä on aika uniikkeja kappaleita :D

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hahahah xD  kyl mä ton hongan tajuun mutta kelosta ikinä kuullukkaa =O
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 27, 2012, 11:19:01 pm
hahahah xD  kyl mä ton hongan tajuun mutta kelosta ikinä kuullukkaa =O

Nokun jotku sanoo tavallista mäntyä "hongaksi". Mie tarkotan sillä pystyyn kuollutta mäntyä, jonka pinta on hongittunut (kelottunut) harmaaksi ja parkki irronnu.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on July 27, 2012, 11:27:14 pm
Nokun jotku sanoo tavallista mäntyä "hongaksi". Mie tarkotan sillä pystyyn kuollutta mäntyä, jonka pinta on hongittunut (kelottunut) harmaaksi ja parkki irronnu.

Juu on tullu leikittyy kotitekosta metsuria nii siinä samalla tuli vähäse opittua näitä jubinoita. Se on sitte eriasia, että muistanko niitä =P
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 27, 2012, 11:39:04 pm
Juu on tullu leikittyy kotitekosta metsuria nii siinä samalla tuli vähäse opittua näitä jubinoita. Se on sitte eriasia, että muistanko niitä =P

Pitää vielä koristella tuota tuolia riimuilla. Vois kirjottaa jotain Odinista ja laittaa pari symbolia siihen :D.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: zakker on August 16, 2012, 04:19:06 pm
Juu kirveellä niinkö tein tässä vielä hongasta (murressana, joka on "kelo" muille suomilaisille) itelle parveketuolin ennenkö porhalsin Ouluun :D. Eipä ole naapurilla samanlaista Oulussa. Eikä oikeastaan muuallakaan kun nämä on aika uniikkeja kappaleita :D

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Tummaa venelakkaa pintaan tulis sika hieno.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on August 16, 2012, 05:54:17 pm
Tummaa venelakkaa pintaan tulis sika hieno.

Jep sanoppa. Olen joskus nähny ko on tehty hongasta huonekaluja ja pistetty jotain tumman petsilakan tapaista päälle. Suunnitteilla olikin alunperin tehä niin, mutta "work in progress" tällähetkellä :D. Pitää ne riimut suunnitella ensin ja sitte lyyä lakkaa päälle.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Spurdospera on August 17, 2012, 06:38:28 pm
Mittää venelakkaa ko tervaa vaan! :D
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Elmuri on August 18, 2012, 02:02:30 am
haluan olla selvin pääin
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on August 18, 2012, 09:32:40 am
Joo pistäkää mut polearmiks...

Pelaan aktiivisesti strategusta nii en jumankauta rupee opettelee eri ampumis jubinoita strategukseen ja c-rpgeehen erikseen =D
Ja muutenki archereita on ihan liikaa =P

Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on August 18, 2012, 10:31:56 pm
Joo pistäkää mut polearmiks...

Pelaan aktiivisesti strategusta nii en jumankauta rupee opettelee eri ampumis jubinoita strategukseen ja c-rpgeehen erikseen =D
Ja muutenki archereita on ihan liikaa =P
Olen hyvin skeptinen asian suhteen.

haluan olla selvin pääin
Olen vielä enemmän skeptinen tämän asian suhteen :D
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on August 18, 2012, 10:53:39 pm
Njoo mä oon sceptical kans =P
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Tore on August 27, 2012, 09:04:34 pm
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on August 28, 2012, 07:58:36 am
Kiva et tiedät meijän jumalan nimen =)

Sitte taas tätä säätöö: pistäkää mut xbow+1h xD
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Youhou on September 01, 2012, 03:47:02 am
kuuluuks thannn mitaa treeeniia? vai randxomillako mennaa?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on September 02, 2012, 01:30:16 pm
Näyttää siltä et Kistus on laiskana ja on pitäny mut 1h+shield tuolla listalla, nii tehdään sitte näin, että heittäydyn takasin 1h+shieldiks (tosiaanki heti ku oon saanu vaihettua +3 arbalest ja +3 steel boltit. missä sitte voiki kestää jokune päivä).
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 02, 2012, 01:32:56 pm
Näyttää siltä et Kistus on laiskana ja on pitäny mut 1h+shield tuolla listalla, nii tehdään sitte näin, että heittäydyn takasin 1h+shieldiks (tosiaanki heti ku oon saanu vaihettua +3 arbalest ja +3 steel boltit. missä sitte voiki kestää jokune päivä).

Ai että Kistus päättää mitä classia pelaat :DDD. "He has the ultimate powers!" :twisted:
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on September 02, 2012, 01:46:01 pm
Eiku ajattelin sneakisti pistää tän jubinan sen syyks, meinaa jos kattelet noita mun "joo laittakaa mut sittenki täks ja täks" nii nousee snadi hymy nassulle =D
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 02, 2012, 02:47:04 pm
Eiku ajattelin sneakisti pistää tän jubinan sen syyks, meinaa jos kattelet noita mun "joo laittakaa mut sittenki täks ja täks" nii nousee snadi hymy nassulle =D

Joo olen naureskellutkin jo niille :D.

Wiltsu tämä on sulle:

Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on September 03, 2012, 12:52:53 pm
Tästä ei taida tulla mitään 8-)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on September 08, 2012, 10:21:24 pm
Kerrotaa se nyt sitte täälläki. Ragespec archeriks =D
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Everkistus on September 09, 2012, 08:11:40 am
Joo kieltämättä kiinnostus loppu kun nations cupin ajoitus veny ja veny. Nyt taas koulut alko ja olen sen verta kiireinen etten kerkeä mitään treenejä pitään. Jos joku haluaa olla el capitano, niin siitä vaan!
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on September 15, 2012, 06:31:33 pm
Tehee Shielder+1h taas
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on September 16, 2012, 04:54:37 pm
Aijaij ja päästiin sitte 500k päähän tosta lvl 30 ja nyt sitte tulee respec xbow+1 =P
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Elmuri on September 28, 2012, 03:59:17 pm
Haluisko kukaan ryhtyä kapteeniksi, jos kistus ei ehdi?
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Chamu on September 28, 2012, 05:47:24 pm
Elmuri kapteeniksi! Kuka kannattaa?  :)
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Elmuri on September 28, 2012, 07:27:00 pm
En kannata. Oon liian hijanen komentajaksi :P
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on September 29, 2012, 07:41:22 am
Mäki oon Chamun kannalla. Ja äkkii sut saa puhumaa enemmä ja vähäse kovempaa =P
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Elmuri on September 29, 2012, 10:34:59 am
No, tein nyt kuitenkin threadin tonne:

Ilmoittautukaa tähän tai sinne, ja jos joku muu pätevämpi henkilö haluaa olla kapteeni, niin kertokaa.

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Ilmeisesti kaikki vielä pelaa paitsi Cuituoptiikka ja Domus, mutta olis varmaan hyvä, että ihmiset ilmoittais, että on vieläkin kiinnostuneita.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: Wiltzu on September 29, 2012, 11:23:18 am
Mä oon tällä hetkellä 2h, mutta se tulee muuttumaan kuha pääsen lvl 31 (menee varmaan pari viikkoa). En tiedä viel mikä oon sitte.
Title: Re: Suomitiimi cRPG nations cuppiin?
Post by: bagge on September 29, 2012, 11:37:40 am