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Topics - rufio

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Suggestions Corner / maybe eazy solution on archery/throw op
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:52:23 pm »
ok so im new been playing for 2 weeks, heirloomed once and lvl 30 now, playing as a full 2hander , even if i were to use a low lvl shield (witch is specificly for ranged cover)  it breaks with 1/2 hits and they headshot or footshot  me with it up, because i always and really always get hit by throw and archers and usually 1/2/3 shot, imo the reason for this is that the movement is slow ( i have athletics 7 ) compared to the draw speed and throw/arrow projectile curve, a logical solution imo is slightly lower archery/throw damage and increase the draw time by like 1/2 sec depending on the ammunition damage, imo this wouldnt nerf ranged classes tomuch, and might even force them to work together. well back into a server :) cya,

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