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Messages - Byrdi

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General / Re: I want to buy a key.
« on: December 24, 2015, 04:58:42 pm »
Is it possible?

Last time I could not buy one due to the fact that paypal wasn't a payment option, but not I own a prepaid master card and I want to buy a key if possible, because if I understood correctly soon enough there will be an alpha testing.

I also know that some people want to buy a key aswell, so please chadz, do your magic mate.

They haven't actually said that the upcoming alphatesting is only for investors.
There's been talk about it coming to steam early access soon after (or as the actual) alpha.

Anyway, I want to say as an investor I dislike the idea of the alpha being investor only.
I really do not care about there being any perks to investing other than just helping the game get made.
There are so many people in the community who (like Panos) didn't have the opportunity to support the initial "crowd investment" but still have supported cRPG throughout the years and thereby helped the idea of Melee grow. In my mind they too deserve to be part of the development of the game.

That's just my two cents. I can understand why people would disagree though.

General / Re: Dev Blog #3 Recent Work
« on: December 21, 2015, 06:59:06 am »
Alright I watched the video again, one of them talks about how they received the financial support so that they can all move in together and have their own studio to work at and continue making the game. But I don't get it still, who gave them the financial aid?

They haven't said. It is all very secretive :D
But it doesn't matter since the publisher/investor gave the devs full control of the project and freedom to do what they want :D

General / Re: Dev Blog #3 Recent Work
« on: December 20, 2015, 04:08:57 pm »
Since they are obviously planning to enter early access program on Steam, how do you imagine them to allow everybody play an alpha when they have plans to ask money for it?

Sure. If they are on steam from the get go, then there wont be a problem.
The cRPG players who want to play the game can just buy it then.

I was just under the impression that they would do another round of community alpha before going on early access.

General / Re: Dev Blog #3 Recent Work
« on: December 20, 2015, 03:54:19 pm »
For people from the community that supported us initially, before early access. Both alpha, though.

Does this mean that it is only "early investors" who get to play the next alpha?
Or are you talking about the old alphabeta that we had months/year ago?

I personally would rather see all the fans have the opportunity to play the alpha than just us early investors.
I hate the thought of there being an A and B community :(

Anyway, I am really looking forward to the next alpha.
It was actually quite enjoyable the last time I played alphabeta and I hope you didn't scrap the whole combat system because there were a few cool features :D

General / Re: Dev Blog #3 Recent Work
« on: December 18, 2015, 11:08:10 pm »
Looks great as always!
Also I like the way the post is structured, so big props to Tolonar (whoever she is :D)

General / Re: Today is a great day
« on: December 16, 2015, 03:10:54 pm »
That's what she said

Please make slightly perverted jokes a part of the core game.

General / Re: Dev Blog #2 What is Melee?
« on: November 28, 2015, 12:39:48 am »
since NPCs will play a vital role in wars, is there a way to tell human enemies from NPCs? I guess most people would like to know if the one whose ass they're about to kick is a human being or not.

What makes you think that AI will be on the battlefield? From what I understood the NPCs/soldier tickets are probably supposed to be controlled by players just as it is in Strategus.

General / Re: Dev Blog #2 What is Melee?
« on: November 25, 2015, 12:47:17 am »
You can conquer other towns, or raid them, or burn them down. Those battles are waged in whatever environment the players built, and now it's time to see if the castle design you figured out is up to the task of withstanding an attack.

First question(s): Have you thought about in which way you want to skew the offense-defense balance?
Will the battle generally be in the favour of the defender (as it were in most of the medieval times)? Or will you also have leaps and changes in technology influencing the balance between offensive and defensive power for a short time (e.g. the invention of gun powder that rendered medieval castles useless).

The offense-defense balance can have a huge implication on what kind of setup of factions you get (e.g. large steamrolling or small defensive factions) and thereby in the end what kind of game experience players will have.

I don't know if what I am asking makes sense. There is a whole sub-field of International Relations Theory that is dedicated to the study of the offense-defense balance and countless of historical accounts of how the offense-defense balance played a part in shaping Europe, so it is rather difficult to sum up.

Anyway since you are making a "complex social game about conflicts and decision" I would really recommend you to look up some of the social science literature on the subject.
I would recommend Norbert Elias' "Civilizing Process vol. II" (Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation) if you haven't read it already. This book seems to perfectly describe many of the aspects that the game is about in what I would call a historically "accurate" and game design ready way. Also the  some of "historical essays of Otto von Hintze" are quite relevant to some of the game mechanics you described.

I know and completely agree with your philosophy that "gameplay > realism" but in this case I think that real world accounts of how real people reacted to medieval culture, institutions, technology and such can prepare you for how contemporary computer gamers will react in the same situations.

Second question:
What role will marriage play in the game?

Sorry for being such a complete pretentious nerd though... but I can't help myself :D

General / Re: New forum!
« on: November 17, 2015, 09:17:05 pm »
Are you going to keep the badges from this forum?
I like to be able to see if people are cRPG players (or more interesting seeing that they are not).

Also I want to see more autoreplace texts/sentences like this one :D
Code: [Select]
At fifteen, I had the will to  learn ; at thirty, I could stand ; at forty, I had no  doubts ; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding ;  at sixty, my ears were opened ; at seventy, I could  do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the  square.

Great dev blog. I like the way it was produced.
It sort of felt like "The Office" (the TV show).
I hope the ironic/akward feel was intentional :D - Either way, good job!

Also a very simple question:
What is it exactly you are working on right now. Is it what was known as "Melee: Epic" (the version that was described here) or "Melee: Battlegrounds" that was pitched in the Kickstarter?

The different names going around makes it a bit confusing. Although from all the latest news it seems like you are making the above mentioned "Epic".

General / Re: Christmas
« on: September 16, 2015, 10:47:03 am »
Stuff like visas and bureaucracy takes a indeterminable amount of time so can't give you guys a final ETA.

Shouldn't you be able to go to any EU member country for 3 months without a visa if you are an EU citizen
Although you do not automatically have a work permit but I doubt that anyone is going to report that :D

Anyway it is nice to hear that you are all nearly there.

General Discussion / Re: 24 hour heirloom point flash sale!
« on: August 17, 2015, 04:02:42 pm »
What's the deal with this thing? Is this so "new player" (that we all know don't exist) can catch up?

Anyway count me in as well:

General / Re: when alpha is redy?
« on: August 17, 2015, 03:55:51 pm »
I only know of the pre-kickstarter one.

I think they updated it once after the Kickstarter. But that is a long time ago.

Though I don't get why more people didn't actually play it. It was pretty fun because it had a lot of features that are different from cRPG/M&B.

I don't know if it is still working since my desktop is fried :(
Otherwise it would be fun to set up a duel tournament or something for an hour or two.
You only need to port forward to be able to host :D

General / Re: News
« on: August 12, 2015, 11:02:03 pm »

I just really wonder why you haven't at least announced some news for almost 6 months? :(

I think it is because they have promised early backers to be involved in the process and all that, so they don't want to disappoint "us" by treating regular and investor fans the same. Though I personally don't care if the news are posted in the early backer section or the public one unless the devs deem it necessary to be kept under the NDA.

Also, there have been "news" hidden in discussion threads for the last 6 months that the devs have posted :D.

General / Re: Short suggestion
« on: August 12, 2015, 04:02:55 pm »
But they would need to have some meaning for the political sphere of the game. Otherwise they'd be kinda pointless.

Each tile will be controlled by a player/faction which constitutes meaningful "spheres" and if some of these tiles are contested or bordering enemy tiles they could obviously be considered frontlines.

Yes, but why would that be battles on the front line if it had no effects on the greater game? In that case it should be totally seperate from it.

It doesn't need to have an impact on the game. Causual/jump-in mode shouldn't make factions and players lose/gain resource in epic, because then it wouldn't be casual... :D

The whole point of the connection to the game was to find meaningful names for teams, so they aren't simply named after colours (e.g. Blue team) or some other meaningless stuff.

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