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Messages - Hirlok

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General Off Topic / Re: chirpchirp - woofwoof - a wonderful friendship.
« on: November 23, 2015, 09:31:41 pm »


poor little fucker is really sick atm...

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General Off Topic / Re: chirpchirp - woofwoof - a wonderful friendship.
« on: November 23, 2015, 12:45:21 pm »

Oh, I forgot. The ugly-ass bird in the first picture is one of two Guinea fowl we picked up. Poor fuckers got wrecked by a coon, the filthy bastard snatched on of them right through the chicken-wire of their enclosure. Tore the other guy's wing right off, but left him!

He recovered, and he's only got one wing. He's pretty much a fucking asshole, though. Bullies the other birds and squacks for no goddamn reason all the time. And he's ugly.

I don't even know why he's still around!

Maybe because we like them odd ones. We have a chicken here that almost was eaten by a possum (before Neerah and I got the possum...) and now hops around on one leg - she is one of our oldest, and we just like her, so she can be around as long as she can and wants... same with our rooster, he currently has some nasty infection (sour crop, but not in the typical way... ) and everybody says "yeah, kill him, is just a chicken" - but for us the little guy is family and you don't get killed just because you have a sore throat. :D

ah, Guinea fowl.... right... neighbor has tons of them, noisy as fuck, but funny in a way... Perlhuhn ("pearl chicken") we call them in German. Not my type of chicken though. Might do some cross breeding between our "normal" ones and some silkies, the mix looks always hilarious with those little punk heads / funny hair... :D

General Off Topic / Re: If you could choose where to live..
« on: November 22, 2015, 11:36:18 pm »
You can actually take a risk, sell your tiny apartment, buy a huge property in one of those paradises and start a business.

It might be more wise to remain a hobo :D

General / Re: Dev Blog #2 What is Melee?
« on: November 22, 2015, 10:48:09 pm »

Will there be horse poop? (For authenticity)

And because I want to do this to my slain enemies

that is food for Hirlok the horse-hating hermit... errr... well... figuratively I mean...

General Off Topic / Re: If you could choose where to live..
« on: November 22, 2015, 09:15:23 pm »
Fuck i clicked the spoiler before i read the warning, rip computer.

LOL same. People seriously might learn how to scale down an image in Paint, if nothing else... ;-)

Edit 2 hrs later: nice house though, I like that setting

General Off Topic / Re: If you could choose where to live..
« on: November 22, 2015, 07:37:41 pm »
oh now you caught my attention with "I know the tropical paradises", i'm interested tell me more. for example did you have any connections there or smth?

Incorrectly quoted ;-) Or I was unclear.
Paraguay is often referred to as some kind of tropical paradise as well (minus ocean, minus the fact that it technically is humid subtropics).
Esp. by shady creatures who prey on new immigrants and their money... ;-)
The ones you mentioned as possible targets I have no knowledge about - although some of the things might apply there as well.

When I moved here I had very little knowledge about the country and just a couple of Internet contacts. But then again my motivation was just: get the fuck out of that annoying crowded Europe and try something totally different in a warm country with relatively liberal immigration laws. So I was not "disappointed", but after a couple years you see many things with different eyes - compared to being there just on holiday or for a couple months like a digital nomad usually does.

Most "side effects" are climate related - problems with architecture, no matter what style you prefer, frequent thunderstorms (and usually unprotected crappy power grid...), massive stress for your electronic devices thanks to heat and humidity and voltage fluctuations, everything that you do not use daily is eaten by mold or ants, documents and the like rot away as they deserve it, but it is sometimes kinda problematic, many people develop fatigue/cardio related problems after a few years in this climate, friends who lived somewhere in the Bermuda region/Caribbean for several years could not stand the salty air any more, etc.pp...

The other part is people - again, being a tourist is quite different from living there (wherever "there" is). Local culture, but also the expat communities... there are very different kinds of expats/immigrants (e.g. here most are paranoid-aggressive whining chocolate chip cookies and other nationalist preachers) and it is a good idea to explore that a bit before you settle down in a country...

Best practice, looking at my own experience and several friends of mine:

become location independent with whatever you do for a living - start long-term traveling - start traveling more slowly after a "shortlist" of countries has formed - stay in interesting places a couple months each, preferable at least twice to test different seasons... only then maybe go through the hassle of permanent residence permits and the like... 

P.S.: with so many people trying to "get away" somehow and the raise of the digital nomad movement you have expat / nomad groups on facebook for almost every country imaginable, following those groups for some time usually gives you quite some information about the reality of everyday life there. Sites like etc. are useful as well when checking basic prices, internet quality, etc.

General Off Topic / Re: If you could choose where to live..
« on: November 22, 2015, 05:43:12 pm »
Tough decision, gonna have to make it during the next years, again... :)

(for those who don't know: I moved from Germany to Paraguay couple years ago, so I know that process already, incl. faulty expectations and the side effects of tropical paradises... ;-) )

Tropical gets annoying after some time (fucking heat/humidity makes you dumb, well, at least me), but has a lot of advantages...

Too little infrastructure/civilization has many advantages, but is kinda annoying as well or requires serious effort (complete off-the-grid stuff incl. power generation etc.pp.)

Also: shitty ping. IKR.

On my list: Belize, Dominica, Colombia, Costa Rica, but: I have to check out a few "moderate" places as well, to see how that sort of climate/vegetation feels after 6 years in the humid subtropics... so US is an option as well.

Might have to shave though, heard they are a bit touchy with bearded "terrorists" and I don't care much about that usual "experimental" interrogation stuff....

Friends of mine are pushing me to check out Bali... hmmm... sounds pretty decent with lots of alternative infrastructure, healthy food, yoga retreats and whatnot, but somehow Asia has never "called" me.

We'll see.

Anybody else here already an expat or living "digital nomad" lifestyle?

General Off Topic / Re: chirpchirp - woofwoof - a wonderful friendship.
« on: November 22, 2015, 05:20:54 pm »

I've got a couple dozen of fowl, give or take.

And a qt doggy.

I live in Georgia, so it snows semi-annually or so here. Birds didn't know what the fuck was going on with all that shit.

Hehe, cute!!
My dogs would go apeshit - they have never seen snow in their life! :D :D

Cute chickies you have there - even one of those annoying noisy ones, whateverthefuck you call them in English... the dotted one in the background...  :)
And that dog is sweet! Looks like he is quite the intelligent fox :)

Also: Chicken dog parkour... :)
oh, no fb embedding, it seems. Well, 18 sec cuteness less in this forum... ;-)

General Off Topic / Re: chirpchirp - woofwoof - a wonderful friendship.
« on: November 22, 2015, 01:43:15 pm »
10/10, a voice befitting a real hermit.  :D

LOL Jona. My English is a bit rusty, so I'm mumbling even worse than usual... :D
But there are subtitles in case anyone cares what I'm saying... :D :D

Spam / Re: Things...
« on: November 22, 2015, 01:06:12 am »
Thread keeps mod alyfe.

General Off Topic / Re: chirpchirp - woofwoof - a wonderful friendship.
« on: November 21, 2015, 10:41:50 pm »
She's guarding them not hypnotizing :c

I would not be so sure...  :D - AND she is totally entranced by them, so it is bidirectional hypnosis. Ridiculously cute. :)

General Off Topic / chirpchirp - woofwoof - a wonderful friendship.
« on: November 21, 2015, 10:29:23 pm »
They. Just. Cute.

(yes, my dog and some of our little chickies. love them. even more than you nerds.  :mrgreen: )

General Off Topic / Re: I need a new chair... my back hurts.
« on: November 12, 2015, 01:30:48 am »

How many hours per day do you actually stand use a kneeling chair while on a computer, on average?
Sure standing is best for your back, If you keep good posture, but do you really stand or kneeling chair while doing work/play on a PC for hours??? Be honest!

even back then I did not spend my entire 90h week glued to my desk - taking breaks, lie down on the floor and meditate on a wicked marketing idea, exercise, etc...
But my ass had a LOT of contact with that Balans copy I was using, and it was the best at that time for me.

Standing desk is shit for computer work or playing (keyboard/mouse) imo, but for (hand)writing, drawing, tablet use, reading, etc. it is hard to beat.

right now I sit on a wooden chair pretty much like the one posted earlier, and it does NOT hurt if you do something for your back and have a not-entirely-skinny butt :D

General Off Topic / Re: I need a new chair... my back hurts.
« on: November 10, 2015, 11:55:09 am »
but it has no arm rests... My arms will like fall off after a few hours...

PS: look what I found  :shock:
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Exactly what I meant. It obviously will make you more sexy as well. No kidding, chicks dig those chairs.

Not having back/arm rests is exactly the point, they are part of the problem, rarely a solution... :D

P.S.: even better - during work alternate between such a chair and working at a "standing desk", esp. great for creative work, better than slumping away 9 hrs in the same position... the one in the pic is a bit too high, but you get the idea.

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 (sorry, could not find a suitable pic with sexy chick, LOL)

General Discussion / Re: SIEGE SATURDAY [NA Edition] Part 2!
« on: November 07, 2015, 09:37:25 pm »
Ok, we have admin confirm they can come switch conquest maps.

Now all we have to do is corral these cats in to the siege server after 9pm central so I can partake. :)


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