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Messages - Yeldur

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EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 14, 2015, 09:58:26 am »
Wait, you just admited yourself that you are annoying people purposely (cf. common sense)

Surely everyone has broken this rule already, but the striking point is that you do it almost all the time with your buddies! Trolling is general is not the problem, what people complain about is the extensive version of yours
Uhh, nope, I never admitted to doing anything.
I'm saying that if you provide someone with a reaction a person will continue to annoy them.
I don't try to annoy people, I play to fuck around with some friends, that's it.
But if you open yourselves up and get super butt hurt people are going to take advantage lol.

I said "we" for lack of a better word, at least not one that I could think of.
We don't avoid confrontation 24/7, we fight when it comes to it, if I run past someone, it'll for the most part be to trick them into thinking I'm running past them. (Seriously, it has worked lol.)

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:10:42 am »
I've said many times I would have no problem with the way Krems play if EU1 wasn't deliberately set up as a pub game between two random teams (banner balance nonwithstanding). If I could choose to never, ever be on the same side as those cunts, I would choose that option every time, as I'm sure most everyone else except for a few other trolls.
The equivalent would be being forced to play CS with a couple retards flashbanging each other in spawn all round, or in a DOTA type game idiots trying to "roleplay" in spawn because that is "fun" for them as the rest of their team end up outnumbered, or any other examples of griefing in multiplayer team games which are identical to what Krems do in cRPG as a matter of course. These types of cunts could obviously choose to go into private servers or unpopulated ones if their poorly disguised baldfaced protestations of "oh no really, we're just playing the game for fun, this is how I have fun, I'm not trying to annoy anyone *snicker*" were honest. Of course that would defeat the entire purpose of what Krems and their ilk consider "fun", which is deliberately shitting up a server populated with other people trying to play the game the way it's intended to. The "we're super clever free-spirit ooooh we're so loveable and fun and craaazzzyy" Krems façade is nothing but a cover for their contempt of every other player in the server (their own fun is the only thing that matters, no matter how stupidly innapropriate it is to the spirit of the game and it's mechanics) and the griefing that comes from it.
Oh I just thought I'd quote some rules here for you, I mean, I know you probably won't care because you're too ignorant to listen, but anyways:

NOT OK: poll-kicking someone because you don't like his playstyle - You know, the thing you did earlier today ;)
NOT OK: Standing around away from keyboard. If you're away, switch to spectator mode - Mmkay, we didn't do that, so we weren't leeching.
NOT OK: Running around without no weapon. Not contributing is leeching, naked runners don't contribute. This point does not apply to Rageball, as long as you are actually playing the game. - Once again, didn't do that, so we weren't leeching.
NOT OK: Autorunning your char to enemy to die - Definitely didn't do that, so no leeching there either.
OK: hiding (e.g. in the hay) - We hide regularly, when multiple people are alive.
NOT OK: hiding when last man standing (i.e. delaying) - We don't hide when we're the last ones standing.
    NOT OK: Creating a weapon rack and spawning more than a few items to block movement
If you're stuck, change team to spectators or rejoin the server, otherwise you will be considered a leecher. - We've not used this method to block movement or anything of the sort, we place down a bunch of equipment from our inventories that we spawned with in order to create a base that would be reachable so long as the enemy destroyed the equipment, again, no rules broken.

Oh, and what blackbow said about the apparent glitching that was supposed to be "against the rules"
"Glitching is allowed, being an asshat isn't"
NOT OK: Using a bug to gain undeserved benefits - The method used in the screenshot, provides no benefit at all, particularly because it takes almost double the time to get up there using this method, I got stuck there for about 5 minutes after failing to do it multiple times I left and took the much faster method.
I was using a glitch, I wasn't gaining a benefit. No rules broken.

No intentional teamwounding/teamkilling during a round - Yep, granted, both sides took part in that. Fair enough.

Fairly sure everyone in the entire game has broken this rule at least once in their playtime:
NOT OK: running away or avoiding confrontation when there is nobody to shoot in range or everyone is behind cover.
NOT OK: running away or avoiding confrontation to search for ammo

Well, that's all from me for the night. Gn all.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:12:17 am »
Before christmass : 5 bucks

I bet 100,000 gold that he's back before christmas  :mrgreen:

Just realised we probably shouldn't be going off topic in a ban thread >_>

someone create a thread for the bets on how quick Oberyn will return

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:21:00 pm »
oberin, they dont understand it. you are wasting your time.
who the fuck are you?

Don't think Maderyn will be responding anymore, he cried so hard earlier that he "quit" C-RPG for good.
(Dw I'm sure he'll be back in like 2 days, give or take)

Also it says who they are in their name tags on the left side.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 13, 2015, 06:31:00 pm »
There would be a way to force the admins to take action.
If all players start TK krems whenever they go nuts admins would have to make the choice wether to kill the game by banning everybody for TK or bann the handfull of kremstrolls and keep the server alive.
only quitting the game when the fools start their thing doesn't make big enough waves.
So comrades take justice into your hand.
(click to show/hide)
Thus meaning no game for anybody, can't mass ban without reason ;)
No, sorry, I'll rephrase.
They all have the ability to ban us any time they like.
They haven't, so obviously we haven't done anything wrong.
The fact you assume that just because we're Krems we somehow magically have the ability to never be banned is your downfall, report us if we break rules, and we'll be punished, instead of crying about it like little children.

I did exactly that, I reported when rules were broken.
Now it's up to the admins.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 13, 2015, 06:15:30 pm »
Every excuse you've given me would work just as well under the other examples of griefing that I've posted. You don't need to explain to me in detail that you and your clan are stupid trolls, that is exactly my point, it's just that the only reason you aren't banned out of hand is because there are so few people playing this game. Anywhere else you would be part of the useless dross of retards getting banned for griefing that is endemic to multiplayer games.
Awwwwwwww, there there Oberyn, I'm sure everything will be okay.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 13, 2015, 06:03:19 pm »
I've said many times I would have no problem with the way Krems play if EU1 wasn't deliberately set up as a pub game between two random teams (banner balance nonwithstanding). If I could choose to never, ever be on the same side as those cunts, I would choose that option every time, as I'm sure most everyone else except for a few other trolls.
The equivalent would be being forced to play CS with a couple retards flashbanging each other in spawn all round, or in a DOTA type game idiots trying to "roleplay" in spawn because that is "fun" for them as the rest of their team end up outnumbered, or any other examples of griefing in multiplayer team games which are identical to what Krems do in cRPG as a matter of course. These types of cunts could obviously choose to go into private servers or unpopulated ones if their poorly disguised baldfaced protestations of "oh no really, we're just playing the game for fun, this is how I have fun, I'm not trying to annoy anyone *snicker*" were honest. Of course that would defeat the entire purpose of what Krems and their ilk consider "fun", which is deliberately shitting up a server populated with other people trying to play the game the way it's intended to. The "we're super clever free-spirit ooooh we're so loveable and fun and craaazzzyy" Krems façade is nothing but a cover for their contempt of every other player in the server (their own fun is the only thing that matters, no matter how stupidly innapropriate it is to the spirit of the game and it's mechanics) and the griefing that comes from it.
I'd really like that too, to be honest, I'd prefer to choose which team I'm on, I don't intentionally spawn on your team to fuck around to ruin your day, I play on Ladoea for fun as I've said, and if I could choose, I'd be on the same team as the rest of the people I choose to fuck around with.

+1 to you Oberyn, implement team choice imo.

FYI, using equipment that is readily available through the game, isn't doing anything wrong. If we want to build a base it's because we can, if it wasn't allowed, it wouldn't exist, or it would be at the very least, disabled.
I don't know what you're blabbering about when you say we hold everyone in contempt, that's far from true, there are billions of players better than me in this game and if a person wants to play seriously they can lol, however we have fun with what we do, whilst also playing the game.

At the end of the day, there isn't a way that the game is supposed to be played, the objective is to kill people. We kill people in different ways, thus we have not failed to meet the requirements.
Have you ever thought that the reason we continue to annoy you is because you give us a reaction, every time?

Hypothetically, if a person finds something funny, they are likely to do it again, because it's funny.
If someone was to find a person getting annoyed funny, we'd continue to do it.
If no reaction is given, then it loses hilarity, and dissipates.

Although I do see you generally just ignoring us, I've never had much of a reaction from you which is why I for the most part don't bother you.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 13, 2015, 12:47:44 am »
personally I enjoy krems fucking around here and there,  but you cant possibly start getting anal about rules.  above all,  common sense applies.  and battle being a team effort,  people that dont participate in that effort lessen the fun for their team,  as they get raped round after round for practically being outnumbered if you are in their team.

so repeating over and over again that it is your unique way of playing disregards the fact that it does have impact on the gaming experience of your team members, and for many, a negative one.

therefore,  imo you might as well scrap the sand out of your vagina and not take it serious if you get team attacked,  especially not start ban threads.  you fuck around,  let them blow off some steam,  and then get back to playing the game.  after all it was quite an event for the whole server to see you and barabe fight it out.  actually quite fun

I don't take most things seriously when I play on Ladoea, as I try to have as much fun as possible, but this bothered me, they got salty because for a couple of rounds we went off and did our own thing instead of rambo charging like everyone else, what gives them the right to remove our fun because they got angry?

If people don't like losing then they need to compromise, if we're making a base to defend, join us! Defend the base with us and when the flag is raised, we'll charge out and attack it.

In one full game we had about 2-3 Krems + 75% of the team defending a hill with a base we made, it was great fun and we all enjoyed it, I think we even ended up winning, because cav couldn't do anything to us.

Your point about letting them blow off some steam is correct, but they shouldn't do it through teamkilling, insult us all you like, that's fine. But mass teamkilling over multiple rounds because they didn't like something we did? That's where it goes far enough.

Anyways, I'm off to sleep. Hopefully an Admin will have dealt with this by the time I get on tomorrow, and if not, I'll continue answering peoples questions/arguments.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:47:54 pm »
QMV archer and you dont hear voice commands.

Btw ban barabes. Krems best !
There you go then, a solution to your problem.
I didn't know this existed but Gandalf has provided you with a solution, no more reason to whine :)

Ty Gandalf <3

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:34:40 pm »
ladoea today trying to climb a rock to pass through the ceiling...
(mon oct 12 18:38)
(click to show/hide)

then later on other map, i spawn and ladoea was puching me for fun while i was trying to answer at hadrada...
( mon oct 12 18:44)
(click to show/hide)

those screens are just an example i could post some new everyday ...
ladoea is a cancer everyday he just leech, hug, dance, try to climb some "unreachable spot" and ofc spam vocal comand...
trolling and been useless is his way of life, dis kind of people should get banned for life !!

ladoea you should work in a circus as a monkey

If you wanted this dealt with, you'd report me.
But you didn't, because you knew it wouldn't go anywhere.
Punching a person isn't against the rules, you TOLD me to punch you again, so I did, and I got kicked for it.

But if you're not actually going to contribute anything, then please go away, I don't want the admins to have too much work to do. Although from the screenshots I showed, there shouldn't be much. That's more than enough evidence of the mass rule break those people did.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:11:41 pm »
I was there. And I leaved the game because of you and your teamates Ladoea.

If i was listening my mind, i'd kill you and your teammates Krems. You came and spammed the tchat for maybe 8 rounds with "Deploy equipments, im defending the siege tower" shit.. etc.. without limit.

Frauke_Krems, Sani etc..

I have nothing against Krems or anybody on this game. But you are a troll. So stop there please. I even asked you to stop because it started to be boring. You ignored me.

I understand the GeeeSpot reaction.

Understanding doesn't make it any less of a rule break ;)

If you can't handle a few noises, then turn the volume down.
If you can't handle looking at text then, well, you're a bit fucked there. I guess just never read anything ever again?
Sorry if you left the game because of us, but at least you stuck to the rules. At least you did something to remove that rage, instead of putting it into the game by mass rule breaking.

Again, what we're doing is unique, if you want to call it trolling then go ahead, but we do things uniquely, if you have a problem with that there's a lot of time when Krems aren't online.
Play then.
And if you can't, then learn to deal with it. There's a reason that you can't spam the voice features permanently, it gets stopped by a spam filter, if you can't handle a bit of spam then you're in the wrong place.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:00:57 pm »
dont get some ppl tryharding and raping and players going mad, trolling and ppl going mad also what a game :mrgreen:
Eh, I don't hold it against em, but just because we fuck around to have fun, doesn't give them a reason to rulebreak.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:56:14 pm »
Guess that happened right after I left the server?
I may leave this to another admin, preferably not Fin. Just so people wont think we are biased.

Try not to create an endless discussion with repeating the same stuff over and over again please.
That's probably for the best, I'd rather an admin who isn't potentially bias to deal with it. Not just for me, for everyone, that way if nothing happens, or if something does happen, it'll be from an unbias perspective
(No offense :p)

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:50:37 pm »

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

good night

Nice childish reply, enjoy your evening.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:47:25 pm »
As I've already explained, what we're doing isn't leeching, and isn't griefing.
Leeching is something completely different and griefing implies that we're deliberately doing it to negatively impact the team.
We are not.

We play in our own unique way, don't like it? Too bad.

Just because you don't have the thing called Self Control, does not give you a reason to break the rules.

U ARE NOT?????  If u just staying at spawn doing nothing,yeah thats efects negativly to our team,becouse we cant win one single round!  Get a life kid,stop posting baby threds and grow up! Or play single player and do what u want! Be uselles or brainless whatever!  Over and out!

You call it doing nothing, I call it defending an objective, if we all went up there and defended it together, I guarantee you we'd win the fight, however you prefer to dismiss us as trolls instead of using your brain and figuring out that "Hey, maybe if I helped them out, we'd win!" If you want to rambo charge into the enemy and have a fight, go ahead, we'll create our victory in more unique ways.

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