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Messages - dynamike

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Right there with ya Dexx, yesterday was great fun! Our NBOHTM mentality proved very effective and after a while people started to change their banners only to be on our side  :mrgreen: plus we even got some people asking if they could join us.

Minecraft was impressive as well, the shit you guys built up in the sky/dug out of the ground are just... DAMN :!: I hope I'll get my crib up to that level one day - so overall a very good night!

As far as the clan changes, some of us have to work during the day, thus cannot follow the steam chat and are not really up to speed. Could you/anyone send a circular message in here on what has been agreed so far, where we are with the changes, and what we still need (like pictures, history, titles)? That'd be great help!

No it's not animated for me.

Also, I edited my post because I'm trying to kick bad habit.

Get in Steam, too!

Static gifs suck balls, br.... friend! Kicking bad habits is a good New Year's resolution. I am going with moar mining for this year!

Can't do Steam - at work :(

Do we have our pics from chesta yet?

Way to change your avatar when I change mine, bro.

Couldn't take my own eyesore anymore... btw: is my .gif animated for you? Doesn't move for me for some reason...

RS stands for Real Spammers, I don't know what Dexx is talking about. Our motto, NBOH or no block only hit, reflects our philosophy. At it's core, it is based on the idea of the best defense being a relentless offense. As well, by avoiding the use of the right mouse button, we avoid falling into the trap of being sucked into the opponent's pace.

Or to say it in the words of our fellow ninja colleagues:

"The spam is the armor"


There, I did it. Just bought the freakin game after watching these two chaps playing in all their hilarity:

Seems to be quite cool - and I was a MONSTER with the Lego bricks as a kid!

Now you better send me the server info so I can build a prison for Dexx  :twisted:

Announcements / Re: Version 0.211 => 0.212
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:36:25 pm »

Also thanks to Spoons for that most colorful and creative explanation of the game. You had me sold at launching sheeps  :mrgreen:

Besides that though: you guys should play more crpg again - we others rock the Fallen One's server lately and could use some more RS muscle!

*double-post FTW*

I dig it!

Keep that up, Mr Dexx and I will just go ahead and buy it! You shall tremble in fear of the awesome hole I will dig!

...AFAIK that's what that game is all about, no?

At least mine is cool. You guys' avatars are just turrble.

Wait, are you saying you think that EXPLOSIONS are not cool? What's next, are you going to tell me you hate tools (hurr, hurr, manly!), beer and fast cars and you don't care about women?? Is that what you are trying to say, LLJK_Dexxta ???  :twisted:

P.s. Spoons: WE STILL HAVE THIS PAGE! Don't forget about it ;)

Dudes, suggestion:

Let's find a spot (here?) where we can share a list of all the _RS chars (main and alts) out there... this shit gets too confusing! I saw that a lot of peopz have the same issue in recent chat convos...

P.s.: contesting Dexx as the most epileptic avatar  :twisted:

I haz made a new character: Bloody_Nine_RS

He's a dude with a humongous axe (or will be), so don't come too close  :wink:

Just so people are aware of the RS chars floating around...

John and me run this shit now!

I have the runs too!  :wink:

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 07, 2011, 04:09:01 pm »
All I have to say is: Thank you :!:

chadz, you put a lot of dedication into this mod and I believe everyone can see that the outcome is great! Stay true to your ideas and vision of where you want to go with crpg, so far you have not disappointed me.

The recent changes were great and greatly needed to help people having fun again. I love to be able to actually test my SKILL against others and not only my GEAR  :wink: And, with the last ninja-patch modifier to reward winning a bit more, there should be enough incentive for players to want to win.

I hope you eventually reap the rewards of what you sow, not only by people thanking you for the mod, but also financially!

Thank you again!

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