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Topics - Anuran

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General Discussion / Where are the official EU servers?
« on: April 28, 2012, 12:09:34 pm »
Just a short question: Where are the official EU servers? They don't appear in the server list...
Are they gone off or what happened to them?  :?:

How can you transfer cRPG gold to another player? I know that can you can do it with strategus gold in strategus, but does that work with cRPG gold either?

Suggestions Corner / New gamemode
« on: March 26, 2012, 12:15:04 pm »

I have thought about a new gamemode. I don't already have a name but I can describe it: It's almost like Defend the Virgin. So you have a team and maybe you are on empty terrains or in villages. Or you have an outpost where you are stationed. The main goal: Defend yourself! There is a timelimit and the enemies (which are bots) come continously to kill all of you. You will need tactics to defend yourself. When the timelimit ends, everyone is respawned and completely healed and the ammunition is also refilled. After a short break new and better enemies will come. Maybe you can build siege equipment such as healing tents or weapon racks. After each round everyone should get the same exp and gold.

I hope you like my suggestion. You can also write some name suggestions for my gamemode. :)

Strategus Issues / Didn't get XP from a battle.
« on: March 04, 2012, 08:57:26 pm »
Today I played in a strategus siege which took more than 1:30h but i didn't get any Experience Points.. Why that? May it be updated in the next time, so i I have to wait or is it a real bug? It also isn't in the list of my participated battles.

General Discussion / Where is "New Topic" in "Unban Essays"?
« on: November 27, 2011, 04:30:36 pm »
today I got banned on a server for something I really did NOT want to do and now I wanted to try to write an unban request. I know they have to be written in the section "Unban Essays" but I cannot write a new topic like here. I look in the top right corner and I can't read "New Topic". Why? There are only "Notify" and "Mark Read" available.

Please help me, this server is my favourite server in cRPG :cry:

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