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Messages - Memento_Mori

Pages: 1 ... 41 42 [43]
General Discussion / Re: Flag on armor
« on: January 13, 2011, 09:04:43 pm »
any armor with the word HERALDIC in it should show your banner on it. :)

General Discussion / Re: Gold system Poll for GamePlay Preference
« on: January 13, 2011, 06:19:55 pm »
The new system is awesome, team work is easier to do people aren't forced into clusters or mobs, maps are actually being used more to their full capacity instead of "RUSH THE RUINS" "RUSH THE TOWER" I like it a lot.

Giving rewards for kills is a DUMB idea, if implemented I will actually be mad when someone comes to help me out killing the enemy because he may take my kill and steal my extra gold or xp.

Where as now, when a team mate comes and helps me out I'm grateful even if I don't get the silly +1 next to my name under kills.

Please don't give rewards for getting silly +1's next to your name under kills, that is not a sign of skill, that is a sign of scoring the last hit.
In fact please DO NOT reward people for getting hits at all, because that will just lead to mass spamming all trying to get the reward bonus, it's already bad enough trying to kill 1 guy with 5 team mates all spamming for the kill.

The way it is now, people KNOW they have to KILL the enemy to WIN and get the ROUND MULTIPLIER up that should be reward and incentive enough to help out your team.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 2h/pole spam bullshit
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:38:24 pm »
Spam so fast you cannot counter attack?
Learn to play, k thanks bye.

For your information, the right mouse button is the block button. This button is needed, don't forget about it.

General Discussion / Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« on: January 11, 2011, 05:09:15 pm »
Back to archers 2 hitting me in my lamellar vest, oh how the world changes guess I have to wear heavier armor.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Attempt to balance cavalry overall
« on: January 09, 2011, 04:01:51 pm »
Seriously the only problem I have with cav is the plated charger and I've only seen it twice so far whilst playing the patch..
What is everyones problem with cav ... If the enemy team has more cav players than you, then that means you probably have more infantry or more archers.. Use your advantage don't let them force you at a disadvantage, if you have a lot of infantry tell them to get pikes.

Cav are over powered because people think this game is about being an unstoppable killing machine & not about team work.

In my opinion pikes with 1 wpp counter any type of cav... 1 WPP, without even an investment you can stop a 23k horse instantly and maybe even kill it depending on where you hit.... So yeah whats over powered about cav?

Just my opinions here but what is truly over powered is the lack of team work exhibited by C-rpg players, which is fine, it's a game you play it to have fun not to win every round but it would definitely be easier to beat cav if your team didn't just mob forward as fast as possible in a long scattered formation all over the map.... Without even a spear.

Just my 2 cents, don't nerf cav, nerf non-team players. :P

General Discussion / Re: Lorne_ATS
« on: January 08, 2011, 12:56:41 am »
can't we all just get along?

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 08, 2011, 12:07:03 am »
I miss duel servers

and also on that note, duel servers need smaller maps so we're not running forever.
I guess they don't need it but it would be very nice  imo

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Why Cavalry Isn't Overpowered
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:21:33 pm »
if you miss, you're fucked, and if you have to go out of your way to throw at a cav, you're almost certainly going to be in a position where a second one can spear the back of your head. As has been pointed out, all they have to do is not be stupid to rack up kills. You, as the foot guy, needs perfect constant 360 degree awareness, good aim, and the good luck to have an idiot charge you when you're prepared for it. Trample damage added to this mix is moronic.

are you playing a deathmatch server? where are your team mates? Stick with your team and use team work to over come these things the same in any other team oriented game.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Why Cavalry Isn't Overpowered
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:01:50 pm »
People need to stop complaining about OP cav. In my five characters, I have never used a horse, and have never had problems with them. I agree with AngryScotsman in that to kill horses, you need to invest in anti-cav abilities. I have found throwing to be an ample threat to cav, both armored and unarmored. Just because your character's build is weak to cav, doesn't mean that you need to complain about it being OP. My character's weakness is against spammers, due to my incredibly low agility. Balance and weaknesses are something that comes with the game.

Exactly what this guy said except I have high agi and low str, low armor, my high agi allows me to use a pike relatively fast for having only 1 WPP but yeah thats how I deal with Cav, I get pwned by archers, xbowmen and throwers... I don't own a shield.

General Discussion / Re: Question about horse friendly bumping
« on: January 06, 2011, 07:28:41 pm »
As a primarily cav guy I try to be extra conscious of friendlies with the new ruleset.  At the spawn if I am not in the front rank I wait for everyone to disperse as much as possible before moving.  I am pretty patient in game, since it is a game and the goal is to have fun.  As cautious as I am there are still times in game when people make last second direction changes or I f*** up and impact is unavoidable.  One thing is certain that if I bump a friendly it is never intentional.  Unfortuantely accidents happen.  Even so, as conscientious(sp?) as I am I still get the occasional person who stabs my horse as soon as we spawn but in the long run they are only hurting themselves since they have just handicapped someone on their own team.

Whats my point, who knows, but let me use this post to apologize in advance to anyone that I might accidentally run into in the future.  :wink:

I'm sorry too if I stabbed your horse :(
forgives? I wont stab no more friendly cav guys for running me over no matter how badly it pisses me off.
Been noticing a lot of armoured horses just bolting out at the spawn knocking 5-6 people in light armor down I realize not all cav players do this but the ones who do really ruin that round for those 5-6 people who are now left with half health.. or less.
Lets all try and be a little more considerate to our friendly players and take our anger out on the enemy.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.201 Released
« on: January 06, 2011, 06:58:40 pm »
thank you chadz :D

General Discussion / Re: cRPG_The_Fallen_Ones Server
« on: January 06, 2011, 06:19:23 am »
Thank you very much :D

General Discussion / Re: N/A Server Connection Issues
« on: January 06, 2011, 12:38:22 am »
So I'm able to play on NA servers but I get kicked at the end of each round, kinda sucks but awesome that the servers are up aha :D

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