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Messages - HuntyDaPro

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Character Name: Brother_Hunter_of_Acre

Happy to be back!

package sent ✔

EU (Official) / Requesting the ban of "SweynFork"
« on: October 20, 2018, 01:28:10 am »
Requesting the ban of "Sweynfork"

Name of your character involved: Brother_Hunter_of_Acre

Name of offending character(s): SweynFork

Time and server, as accurately as possible: 20/10/2018 1:02 Central European Summer Time and EU1

Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: I was playing cavalry and didin't he didin't like my build and was getting annoyed by me and insulted me earlier which I didn't really care about the insults, but then he came to my team and started shooting arrows at me intentionally. I told him to stop he refused and kept shooting arrows at me and insulting me, telling me to "Screenshot this".

Why you think the offender did what he did: Annoyed at my build which is Lancer Cavalry, I told him to stop playing Archer and I'll stop using Cavalry, he responded by insulting.

Multiple Screenshots:
SweynFork shooting at my horse.
Sweynfork Shooting at me intentionally while we're in spawn.
Sweynfork insulting me, showing that he did shoot me intentionally and because I was Cavalry

Names of players who witnessed what happened: Huron_be_Belenos , Larvae_ and some others but forgot names.

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