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Messages - Baskakov_Dima

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WSE2 Beta / Re: WSE2-WSE=?
« on: May 20, 2014, 03:50:59 pm »
As far as I can remember, all the menus are changed, with a lot more options, some of them new and others you previously had to access via "pre-game-launcher", such as fps-limiter, load textures on demand, etc.

It should also optimise the game a lot more for decent rigs, and then there are new features like walking (holding "Control") and more keybinds in the menu.

The only problem is it only works with DX9 (so you need a decent rig).

Well, thank you for that. Is that all? I am planning a mod based on Persistent World and I think about going back to an older version of PW in order to be able to use WSE combat functions -- especially nudging. Is it available in WSE?

Suggestions Corner / Re: OVERLORD on Warband!
« on: May 14, 2014, 11:43:50 am »
You are basically describing the commander game mode which was implemented in WFAS. Didn't like it. Don't think I will like it in Warband either.

Uh, no. I am describing a singleplayer game remade on Warband engine. :D

Suggestions Corner / OVERLORD on Warband!
« on: May 13, 2014, 11:36:45 pm »
DISCLAIMER: Actually, it is hardly possible to do it, and I admit it. So sorry, but be realistic - we can only discuss it just for fun.

There was a game called "Overlord" released summer 2007. If you haven't ever played it, you can stop reading here, everything below will be boring for you.

So, the game was very cool, I enjoyed it in my school years. I downloaded it like several weeks ago and have almost done it again.
It's insanely cool! But also insanely bugged.

So, I think, Warband engine with WSE could be a perfect base to remake it. Just watch the main features we can use:

1) Much better system to lead your team - we will be able to use much more orders than in original game.
2) Weapon&Armour system that will give us much more variety.
3) Computers were much weaker in summer 2007 than they are now, when it is almost summer 2014. So, much bigger scenes and armies.
4) Better AI. Even though Warband AI makes bots do stupid things, in old games (also in Overlord) NPC did things looking even more stupid.
5) Better graphics - even though Native graphics are shit, there are mods making it better.
6) Cavalry! While M&B Native is mainly about cavalry with it's speed bonus, couched lance etc., almost any other game is about infantry. Time to fix it! Have your minions charging on donkeys!

I am waiting for your comments, guys.

Events & Tournaments / Re: Tuetens Donkey Race!
« on: May 13, 2014, 09:16:23 pm »

Events & Tournaments / Re: Tuetens Donkey Race!
« on: May 13, 2014, 12:25:23 am »
Level 37 (1 003 125 954 xp)

Strength: 3
Agility: 50
Skills to attributes: 22
Riding: 16
One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 1
Polearm: 1
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Realistic version of balance
« on: May 12, 2014, 01:11:06 pm »
Unless you're cmp with direct access to WSE, it will be quite difficult to shape the gameplay how you want. I was just trying to say that it would be easier with future games that are better designed around modularity instead of relying on workarounds/unchangeable annoyances with the Warband engine.

I doubt that it is so hard to change items, add animations etc, if I am given access to the database.

Again - the problem is, for NOW, for that moment of May 2014, cRPG is probably the best thing to start with to make a realistic gameplay. It would be the best, if I was given access. The only unrealistic thing not connected with animations and item stats and really annoying is that you can swing very long weapons (e.g. Poleaxe) at very close range, move your long weapon through your opponnt etc. But I don't know any game where it is fixed.

Probably, if you persuade main developers to give me right to do that, it would help. But I am pretty sure, you also have a lot things to do except helping some random guy with his mod.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: One Hand- and a half swords.
« on: May 12, 2014, 12:11:52 am »
Bump that!

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Anti-Druzhina alliance
« on: May 12, 2014, 12:08:55 am »
ok the 'j' part is my mistake but I'll never understand when to use ь, you see my cyrillic is internet learned :D

It's "soft sign" (russsian "мягкий знак") - says you to pronounce the consonant sound soft. You have to ask some polish or russian guys, probably by finding them on TS, to show you how to pronounce it, it is easy. You can poke me on Skype, my login equals my name here, I will help you.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Realistic version of balance
« on: May 11, 2014, 10:54:20 pm »
I honestly suggest waiting for another game (possibly the dev's next project) then modding that. Of course, aspects that support both realism and balance are best, but there are many parts of the Warband engine that are counterintuitive to it, especially since it was designed as a single player experience at first.

Didn't see your post for some reason... So, I see your point. Warband with WSE(2) is really not the best way to make a realistic game, but:

1) It's main competitors are Bannerlord and Chivalry. The first will be released like in a year, or probably later, and it's still a pig in a poke - we don't know anything about how will it really look in terms of gameplay. The second has too bad glitches in the engine that allow completely unrealistic things, and is not worth moding unless admins fix them (game is still actively supported).
2) Lots of people actually want to see a realistic medieval warfare game to play - lots of people joined Warband for it's realism.
3) Because most of things are already done by the dev team, I will just need to change some animations, rebalance item stats completely (I have an almost ready table for them) and, probably, add/remove some models.

That all makes cRPG the best template for a realistic medieval game. We will just need a balance based on realistic combat, changed slightly in a purpose of balance, mainly by changing some aspects that are not really represented IRL: upkeep prices, exact damage, HP and armour values...

The only problem is, even if we are ready to do this all, we will most likely not even be given a deny, but just ignored by dev team and have to mod Warband from scratch, probably using WSE.

WSE2 Beta / WSE2-WSE=?
« on: May 11, 2014, 10:27:35 pm »
What is the exact list of features that are supported by WSE2, but not WSE?

Put a second defender spawn somewhere out of the castle so cav can spawn there. Then cav has fun fighting ahorse. That's it. More cav in siege means less people defending walls and the flag (if the courtyard isn't big enough).
For it depends on the map if cav is useful on siege or not. After all siege isn't about killing everyone (like battle) but about taking over the castle (by taking the flag). On many maps or rather most maps afaik the flag is even on open ground so cav isn't really useless for taking a flag but cav does of course need far more open space in the castle to be useful. And cav has no way to get into the castle on some maps. Most maps have side doors though or big gates.
Most are rather flat as well. But then again, cav is not hard to counter if there's not much free space to use.
So in the end, battle is and will stay the best mode for cav.

Second spawn is useless as soon as you can't select spawn.

UPD: But if they make that option...

Suggestions Corner / Re: We should be able to Name our horses!
« on: May 04, 2014, 03:05:56 pm »
Ye, I want to name my donkey. And make it heraldic.

Suggestions Corner / Re: XP Transfer Between Characters
« on: May 04, 2014, 01:44:29 pm »
You must play cRPG like you're on a mission. I personally would never buy another laptop for a shieldwall character haha!


The point is, I already have a laptop that can handle M&B on like 30 FPS before the wave starts. :D
But I mainly use it vice versa - my main PC runs M&B, my laptop runs Open Office with my essay.

Cavalry WAS actually used on sieges - but as support.

1) By attackers - to charge from opened gate, make a raid and return. Can be shown as attackers going out and charge as they do now, but if only maps are made more open on sieges.
2) By defenders - to deliver messages and for reconnaissance. Hard to implement in cRPG, as there are global chat, TS and Spectator.
3) Also by defenders - to cover flanks and rear to avoid attacks from armies outside castle. Also impossibru.

So, the only way to make cavalry more useful is to make more open spaces around castles - and I am completely for it, even though I rarely play cav even when I have money to sacrifice and good moment.

UPDATE: I have read, that it is hard to kill only unmounted horses. So why not just kill no horses at all?

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