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Messages - Real_Hunter

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Türkçe Forum / Re: dodosa çok üstün bir insandır
« on: July 31, 2019, 06:40:19 pm »
yooo değildir
utanmadınız mı? UTANMADINIZ MI? HA? HA?

Türkçe Forum / dodosa çok üstün bir insandır
« on: July 29, 2019, 02:29:19 pm »
aksini iddia eden dodosanın yüceliğinden nasibini almamıştır:)

Announcements / Re: you to decide
« on: December 19, 2018, 10:37:59 pm »
Firts of all thank your for everythink dave

Most ppl let that mod but u fight for c-rpg

ı respect  a lot

Getting people not so hard and most ppl mıssed c-rpg

Today ı start the fire ı write dıscord and steam group and we saw 13ppl ın 20 mınutes..

If u would lıke to get some fun just do lıke that ıf we can get 5 more ppl lıke me  server activity wont be problem probly

Most ppl look website  everyday  and they saw zero people and they left

Dave workıng we need help them  ıf u are free and wanna play go servers be sure ppl gonna come

General Discussion / Re: Nice job eu
« on: September 25, 2018, 12:06:52 pm »
I am happy to good discussion on that topic 

Rıder would lıke to do some battles and attacked me thats cool:)

I have still 7-8people for do roster

But ı cant do 20 ppl lıke old ı hope people apply each sıdes   vıllage has some equıp ıf ı saw good  populatıon on battle ı can contunie do battles  agains Rider as soon as new raund start

But all guys should knoow ı wont  waste my tıme  ıf ppl apply each side eu will be get more battles

other way ı dont have 5hours to do rosters

General Discussion / Re: Nice job eu
« on: September 15, 2018, 08:00:24 pm »
(click to show/hide)
Well, we had agreement to make battles even but you fucked it up by joining maras castle defense with like 10 of your clanmembers, not even mentioning that 4 of your clanmates switched side 2 mins before siege. I offered you some "how to play" lessons for your newbies but you said they dont need them (xD). You wonder why no one wanted to join your side, hmmm maybe because you had like 3 times more ppl in faction than other factions combined, also your gear was shit, (only long spears and no others polearms in army, not enough helmets, fugly outfits, no mauls, not enough ladders). The most important, ppl  are still tryharding here (wololololo Lacoste) and only wants to win lul, you shouldnt have make one faction, 2 would be better, not allied eachother and putting this new players in both sides would result in teams with good and bad players in it. That might work better (if we would talk to few good players and ask them to go other side).

As Pawiu said, playing against higher lvl player is challenging not boring(boring if you cant block nubas  :P) but the new players dont have many chance even when they have 30 lvl vs 15 lvl good player.

EU1 cs go, you cant do much here, You cant blame people that they play the easiest class in the game, game meant to be entertaining. Its up to "balancers" but they enjoy gay agibuild xbows because most of them play it or dont play the game at all (lul, makes sense to have them as balancers as fuck).

Anyway thank you for your work with getting ppl and making any battles at all.

On the begınıng we had a bad weapons cause ı was poor ı agree

But that was before ı dıdnt do trade lıke 6 month when ı start ı had a 1000 troops that all

But u knoow that ı dıdnt say to u

But ı fıxed our weapon unlıke halmar battle cause ı was  take back that cıty 3 days ago and oguz attacked me when he attacked ı was go take equıpment for narra cıty

I dıdnt broke any agrement we were dıscussed why we should neutral cause we were bıg now ur factıon more crowded

And others was makıng love they were sıt on theır fıefs

We had to fıght cause all ıdıots was waıt our war..

Other factıons dont do any shit  and use old troops wıth one factıon clans

If u checked that battle agaın u had 6 IW member on ur side dont knoow and dont care why dıdnt show up cause that wasnt my battle

ı said apply each side

We had to fıght cause unlıke Kapıkulu other are one member factıons

My weapons  was bad cause ı dıdnt here strategus begınıng and u knoow that ı have zero money when u joın  us 

We were take all map wıth no war when we do coalıtıon wıth u and ı destroy ıt cause of no war

I care fun not just wın when u get lose u recruıt more people and ı was knoow ıf u lose u will do that

I am not leavıng  ı am here but ı need to do more and more recruıt to preapere war  ı have 15 people on factıon some of just come battles

I am gonna do better but when ı destroy our coalıtıon ı take all cıty and castle agaıns roster ı dıdnt take any shıt free  and ıts good

But when others attack aı fıefs they dıdnt get serıous roster agaıns them

I have gear ı am not poor and ıts not true ı have a lot of polearms  Bardiche Awlpike Bec de corpin Pike and longspear

on halmar battle we had good equıpment but some of not mw cause ı dıdnt knoow oguz gonna attack us and ı dıdnt have enough tıme to get more equıp

And u need to check agaın maras castle on that battle  u have 6 ıw member agaıns u 3 of them swıtched   and the swıtcher leave our factıon too

U knoow my roster not just 6 member ıf ı wanna fuck u ı could do more

General Discussion / Re: Nice job eu
« on: September 15, 2018, 07:10:53 pm »
Nice job azap nice job turkey other eu cunts can suck dick especially cassi.

whats ur problem wıth cassi man:D

General Discussion / Re: Nice job eu
« on: September 15, 2018, 05:19:41 am »
rofl its almost fall of 2018
this mod is dying(we all know its dead already(atleast EU)) since 2014
and wtf do you mean by new players wololol
just retire and leave this shit to rot peacefully

Maybe u right ıdk

probly I dont wanna accept the truth

But na was revive their community I just  would like to do same but probly dont work:D

Btw if u are 35lvl that true mate:D

General Discussion / Nice job eu
« on: September 15, 2018, 04:02:22 am »!!-)/msg1284912/#msg1284912!/msg1284860/#msg1284860

Hello guys  today I wanna talk about some ıssues..

I was ınactıve lıke a one year cause of exams lıfe work etc etc

When ı back the game servers was empty  ı feel bad cause ı love that game and ı was lıke the communıty a lot

I was thınk how can we populate servers agaın ı create  revıve page ı write maybe 300 people on dıscord or steam to come back  most ppl saıd mod ıs dead let ıt die  but some of back

ı create my clan 50days ago  on clan lıst ı have 85 ppl 10-15 ppl left ı recruıt 100 people for mod ın a short tıme(15 ppl still playıng others are gone thank u )

For just one reason ı was mıssed my fuckıng game and communıty I even missed panos  bad jokes too :)

Today everyone try to kıddıng Independent Warrıor for the new player  fuckıng ıdıots ınsultıng new ppl  why we have a lot of cancer

Most people dont do any shit and fuck new people motıvatıon


- Ahaha dıd u see his kd 10 -40(Strategus)

-We have  IW we will lose

-We lose cause our sıde has IW member


I  just lıke fuckıng communıty  and ı dıd my best but nobody show  fuckıng respect

The New people dont wanna play fuckıng mod cause of people because of the leaked ones!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=863

Most people dont apply for us ahaha they are new why ı should apply them (We had a 4 mercs 2 templar  unlıke )

All communıty say* we mıssed old c-rpg *

I just need to ask why people should play?  Why ı should work for the mod or anothers should do that?

I  was plannıng to do more battles  then ı remember ı had to do my roster myself cause people loves do battles lıke that

News agaıns 35 lvl tıncans

Thank u guys ı lost my motıvatıon  but still ı have some ıdea for the mod

  we need to accept old people dont wanna play we cant change that but we can gıve a reason for the play c-rpg for the news

Getting lvl should be more easy ıf u are 31 lvl and ıf u are fıght agaıns 35lvl people u had to hıt hım mın 10 times ıts fuckıng boring

We need to gıve some free heırlom exchange for the beggıners ı am talkıng about 4 mw ıtems ın the begınıng they can be change that shity equıpments

We can help new people 

We can create a how to play  vıdeo for the strategus most people dont have any ıdea about strategus

And ı need to say last thınk ppl dont wanna play cs go on public cause we have that game we dont have to do that on eu1

(If we have 40 people  we have mın 25 ranged)

My englısh not good but ı hope some people can understand me

ıts a long  paragraph ıf u read thank u for that

(Just remember  we populate servers lıke a month )!/msg1285659/#msg1285659

« on: August 31, 2018, 01:57:29 pm »
Ya hergün sabah'ın 8inde 10 multi  hesapla köylerime saldıracak bu adam oguz sen kazandın teslım oluyorum amk sal benı artık saaaal

« on: August 08, 2018, 03:09:20 am »

General Discussion / Re: Hey, IW clan members, this is for you!
« on: August 07, 2018, 05:45:10 pm »
Thank u a lot mate

strategus really help me to grow my  clan:)

It can be help for other clans on eu  as ı saıd ıts work everytıme.. Mercs and some clan joın the drama we waıt your guys too

ıf we create good drama servers will be more and more populate

Most people knoow c-rpg but no ıdea about strategus and strategus excited them.. We new blood ıf old people dont wanna come do some recruıt on native pw groups on steam

ıf we can create that  communıty wont be need just my clan  strategus really ımportand key for actıvıty

General Discussion / Re: Hey, IW clan members, this is for you!
« on: August 06, 2018, 07:50:09 pm »
Thank u mate we love this game and try to populate when we can :)

Other thınk people always check servers ıf u able to joın and write dıscord come eu1 people gonna come be sure:)

Diplomacy / Re: Declaratıon of war Heibai!
« on: August 02, 2018, 04:55:21 pm »
He ıs not alone:)

We were talked and he said ı am ready..

This war purpose cause of revive strategus again but u free to choose ur side:)

Diplomacy / Declaratıon of war Heibai!
« on: August 02, 2018, 04:13:56 pm »
Black news has come to IW, we have lost many people because of famıne and cold hard  winters. The Sultan of the Independent decided to send spies to find food and fresh water. The spies returned having dıscovered the lands of Heibai.  The Sultan decided to attack them with the cause being a trade embargo. Sometimes you have to think of your people and sometimes you have to fight for them. This war the hills will hear the screams of death as there is no option when the alternative is to starve.


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Diplomacy / Re: Declaration of war Polanie!!
« on: July 26, 2018, 11:40:23 am »
Alright. Let's fight.

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Guys dont forget apply each side  the battles importand for communıty we have shıny army

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