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Messages - Raven_Joy

Pages: [1] 2 3
Türkçe Forum / Re: Türkiye Milli Takım Kaptan Oylama Konusu-2
« on: May 28, 2012, 10:33:18 pm »
Oyundaki adi: Joy
Destekledigi aday: Cicero
Bulundugu klan yada onceki clanları: Raven, Bashi

Türkçe Forum / Re: Türkiye Milli Takım Kaptan Oylama Konusu
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:28:21 pm »
Oyundaki adi: Joy
Destekledigi aday: Ronin
Bulundugu klan yada onceki clanları: Raven, Bashibazouk

Spam / Re: Females...
« on: March 17, 2012, 02:59:24 pm »
What's wrong with being a slut or whore or something like that?  :rolleyes:

Strategus General Discussion / Catapult?
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:20:45 pm »
Does anybody know if catapult is in use again through the new patch?

General Discussion / Re: Invalid Authorization Key - Can't join servers
« on: February 28, 2012, 11:37:30 pm »

Strategus General Discussion / Re: interactivity suggestion for strategus
« on: February 27, 2012, 05:57:52 pm »
Lol... We, Ravens, and Bashi merged under the name of The Empire... And yes, we have cookies... and coffee... and sex, drugs and rock'n roll!  :mrgreen:

Strategus General Discussion / interactivity suggestion for strategus
« on: February 27, 2012, 11:27:25 am »
Send Message, Friendliness Expression and Hostility Expression to be added to the interaction options, which are currently limited to Attack, Follow and Trade With, would enhance the gaming experience in Strategus by adding some spirit its interactivity level  :)

Friendliness and hostility expressions may consist of two simple options such as wave your hand and show your ass (Braveheart style :mrgreen:) or be varied with more options.

In its current state, significant numbers of people lose their interest and quit after a while; but I'm sure that such improvements would keep people's interest alive and ginger things up  :wink:


Announcements / Re: New Market Rule
« on: February 24, 2012, 04:50:25 pm »
A "confirmation" option to be added to the seller side would solve this problem and also facilitate trading by eliminating the need of intermediate items and allowing people to choose specific buyers...

General Discussion / Re: Connection lost.....
« on: February 15, 2012, 05:15:14 am »
Guys, it happens to many people at the same time. If 10, even 20 people lose connection at the same time, how could it be due to their connections? that's odd...

My spouse and I have experienced this phenomena too, we call it "lag aura".
Besides all other known causes of lag, some people seem like having a lag aura while others don't.

The most reasonable explanation is:
I believe it is because they don't have the proper distant texture. This can kill me though, for example: I'll be fighting someone when some people come closer and my fps drops as their texture qualities switch, and delays my swing input letting them get one in.

Anyways, I try to ignore it as well as other "bullshit!" incidents in order to keep my sanity...

It would be awesome if we could see our clan members' status (work, recruiting, goddamn nothing) and their locations in faction section...

In its current manner, it's too exhausting to try to monitor and manage 50 people  :cry:

Strategus General Discussion / Re: All thy hard work chadz text
« on: February 06, 2012, 05:14:51 pm »
After waiting so long, I received it yesterday two times in two successive rounds!  :shock:  I don't know what to say, I wanna cry and laugh simultaneously...

Strategus Issues / Re: wiped villages issue
« on: January 31, 2012, 08:26:06 pm »
like a spring clean? lol...

well, bad timing mate, very bad timing...

Strategus Issues / Re: wiped villages issue
« on: January 31, 2012, 08:12:33 pm »

Strategus General Discussion / Re: All thy hard work chadz text
« on: January 31, 2012, 07:49:19 pm »
You certain you've never changed your equipment for the whole generation (or most of it)?, it still seems like from my experience and from speaking with others that it's effected by your equipment load out.  I change my equipment a lot (from 1h sword to 1h axe, and from being on a horse to being on foot), but whenever I seem to leave it alone (or leave most of my equipment the same) I get the text more often.  I usually get it at least 5 times a gen, it seems like I used to get it more.

As I said, I love my gear, so I've been using exactly the same items for 4 gens. The highest difficulties of my equipment are 9 STR for khergit lamellar vest and 11 STR for warspear. So you can see that I get my main gear so fast...

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