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Topics - Lactose_the_intolerant

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Did polearms die out? (not spears)
« on: March 04, 2013, 09:36:46 pm »
Or is it just me?

I started a Thrower build with polearm wpf thinking i could use my throwing lances in melee or just throw them all then pick a sexy 4 directional polearm on the floor.
It is only when i arrived on the battlefield that the harsh truth hit me : 1h sword and maces everywhere, 2 handers everywhere...but no polearms some spears here and there from hoplites but that's all!

Where did all the polearms go? Think about it, when was the last time you came across a a polearm from the poleaxe family? a GLA? a long hafted blade? Ok you saw one, a lonely 4 directionale polearm user among 50 players on eu 1?

Another point, today on the strat battle i had the worst time trying to swing a bec de corbin, glancing off people around me or on the roof while morningstars were spamming their way through mobs and roofs.

what do you think?

General Discussion / Eu_1 2 and 3 have vanished
« on: October 29, 2012, 09:45:15 pm »
All is in the title. while my buddies play i can only find na servers and servers with old aptch!

anyone else has this problem?

tried repairing crpg and reeboting my computer, refreshing the server list etc

Game Balance Discussion / Cav stacking
« on: September 10, 2012, 06:23:43 pm »
Hello all.

You are not without knowing the great GK thread discussion in general discussion.
As this concerns game balance, I am opening a thread here hoping we can seriously discuss the matter

Before we start, I dont want any post such as : "lol cav is EZ mode, i had a alt once i did couch lance op bs bundle of sticksry"

And if there are any GK to post here, i wish to see them have adult responses as : "Yes true the cav stacking is bat but...." etc

if not I ask any normal person to jsut minus one to post into oblivion


General Discussion / The cav problem, Induced by GK
« on: September 09, 2012, 11:41:06 pm »
Hello all.

I will start by a short disclaimer stating that this is not a whine thread. It is purely here to point a problem that even a 7 years old kid could notice. I have to do this because sadly there are many arrogant people that, when we put them in front of a truth just go : "lol newb, stop QQ"

This isnt a recent problem, it was in game well before but it has got worse recently. what is it then?

Cav is stack in one team, and this is not just 5 more cav in one team. We are talking about 3 cav vs 25

Why is this so? Well i will first start by the fact that there are an important amount of them. Many of them are not pure pure cav because, let's face it, cav is the easiest hybrid class to build. for 5 skills in riding you can ride the destrier, the best all around horse, or an armored horse. those extra five point you didnt know what to do : "IF or shield?? meh...riding..."
There you go, you can be as effective as any other cav, zoom off!

now This problem is worsened By GK. Unlike all other clans that accept all classes, GK, accepts ONLY cav (except Leshma but he's special). This results in serious cav imbalance on the server when GK come online having 10 members ont the same side. Just raping everything there is and forcing the whole team just to camp a corner, how fun! It is really hard, whith the constant sound of hooves you have to look around like a nervous paranoid guy, and when you try to defend yourself theres is another one that rapes you making the whole argument "awareness bro" copmpletly useless and not thought through.

They cause serious imbalance.

Please tell meGK, how this can be amusing for you? you have NO, NOT AT ALL, ANY opposition in the enmy team. And when i read that you wish the return of old lance angle im confused! Why? just to rape infantry more? Because you must not be dueling much cav for the moment so i believe that is slightly hypocritical!

So what is to be done? you cant ignore there is a problem right? Do we have to have the server to force you to be spread across the teams? do we force you to have two banners?

General Discussion / shield coverage, nerf or bug?
« on: June 22, 2012, 07:39:27 pm »
happening very often lately, facing an archer, shots seems to ignore shield, take less damage then i usually do but still quite a bit. The arrow cant be found anywhere each time, not in shield, not in my body.

anyone lese?

i just threw a jarid straight into the elite cavalry shield of someone, it hit him and now the jarid is stiking out of his arm that's straigth behind his shield. this is really weird

ps : side swing too are f up? glancing like shit

Game Balance Discussion / So you've broken jarids
« on: June 10, 2012, 11:38:45 pm »
Since the last patch I have been noticing a lot of difference in throwing jarids, and those changes are really atrocious.

first of all i decided to test out heavy throwing axes first, and it turns out that they are perfectly fine, i actually even get the impression that fly even further then before.

this is what i have to play with when i take jarids :

- the jarid weighs 2 tons making it drop incredibly fast

- the jarids goes through people and horses even worse then before, i threw one at an immobile horse and it was going straight in its flank...went through and landed on the other side

- jarids are even more innacurate then before

- jarids zigzag through air! they go right then left! some people tell me wind! If this is so, Im throwing jarids in a goddam hurricane!

is this intended? if so, I'll be happy to switch to heavy throwing axes!

General Discussion / Kapikulu and teamkilling
« on: June 07, 2012, 10:51:18 pm »

every time i get teamwounded and/or teamkilled a Kapikulu is involved! How do you manage to concentrate so much teamkilling in one clan?

Please dont use long range weapons when you cant control them. it's insane and i'm really not the only one thinking this, i know I'm not a perfect model but this is madness!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Long espada eslanova vs Italian sword
« on: June 06, 2012, 09:52:26 pm »

I have both sword heirloomed

mw italian sword get :

98 reach, 100 speed. 33 cut and 27 pierce

and long espada eslanova :

103 reach, 100 speed. 30 cut and 31 p

so italian gets +3 cut but loses 5 reach and 4p. knowing im a hybrid thrower with 6 ps and 130 wpf in one hand, whats the best?

cRPG Technical problems / Eu1 new? not for me
« on: June 05, 2012, 08:57:58 pm »
everything in title! everyone is crazy about the new server, but it isnt in my server list...

Forum Français / Equipe de France de C-rpg
« on: June 02, 2012, 12:53:35 am »
(ajoutez mon steam : luluking)
Bonjour a tous!

Je suis maintenant officiellement capitaine de l'équipe  de France (j'aimerai remercier maman, papa, mon chat)!

Il est donc de ma responsabilité d'organiser la sélection de notre équipe! la partie du forum nditions consacré au recrutement des joueurs ouvre dimanche mais je peux bien sur déjà commencer le recrutement ici meme!

La selection se fait :

-Je viens vous chercher
-Vous faites votre demande de recrutement sur ce topic

je vous rappelle qu'il y 'a 16 places a remplir alors ne soyez pas timide! J'aimerai qu'il y ait tellement de demande que je puisse plus respirer!

Je vais etre assez strict sur ce topic, pas de spam pas de troll et autre svp! je ne veux que des posts de recrutement! je ne veux pas qu'un autre joueur commente l'application d'un autre "(il est nul, faut pas le prendre"), cela ne saura en aucun cas toleré!

Il y aura des entrainements, votre niveau pourra etre testé, bien sur on va pas demander a un archer d'etre un pro en duel melee! mais il faut quand meme verifier!  8-)

Vous allez suivre ce schema pour votre post :

-Nom du main :

-classe joué

-Appartenez vous a un clan? si oui lequel?

-Avez vous un/des alt(s)? si oui, quelle(s) classe(s)?

-Depuis combien de temps jouez vous, etes vous un joueur actif?

-avez vous un micro? etes vous pret a ecouter des ordres?

Si vous avez steam, veuillez m'indiquer votre pseudo :

-Remaques, questions?

Ci dessous, liste des joueurs ayant fait une demande :

-Nord_Kansuke, 1h/thrower [Eu3] Ent
-22nd_Blackbow_The_Pimp, archer/pimp [Eu3] Ent
-Imperiale_Yaoguai, 2h [Eu3] Ent
-Pecores_Takeo_24_7_GOTOV, 2h [Eu3]
-Imperiale Shi_Deyang, 2h
-KG_Ser_Xav, 2h
-Pecores_Cadage, 2h [Eu3] Ent
-Butan, 2h [Eu3] Ent
-Byzantium_Renegat, 1h [Eu3]
-Pecores_Lady_Marlyse, emmerdeuse [Eu3] Ent
-22nd_deprav_the_skald, couteau suisse[Eu3] Ent
-LOlwen_Lamhban_of_Reyvadin, 1h [Eu3]
-Pecores_Ccoinn2, thrower 2 mains cav [Eu3] Ent
-Pecores_DANTON_Q-classe joué, HA Ent
-22nd_Cavalier_Mulyan, 1h cav
-Ecorcheur_Manouck_le_Sanguin/sexy biche [Eu3]
-Imperiale_Sun, pole [Eu3]
-piu , archer/throw [Eu3] Ent
-El pigeon, 1h xbow[Eu3]
-Bulzur, archer Ent
-roland, 2 mains
-oberyn, poney master Ent
-OLIVIERO_loliv, 2h [Eu3] Ent
-_DuM_DuM__, 2h [Eu3] Ent
- Mendro, 2h Ent
- Ecorcheur_Balzamyr, 1h cav [Eu3]
- Ecorcheur_Chateaudillac, 1h [Eu3]
- Byzantium_Royanss, 1h cav Ent
- Pecores_JIJI, pole
-PEPE le rouxor qui pique très fort tellement que ça fait peur, poletroller

Le roster ci dessous n'est en aucun cas definitif



update :

si vous n'etes pas dans la liste ds mon premier post, veuillez me l'indiquer!

ajoutez moi sur steam (luluking) , si vous n'avez pas steam dites le moi par mp!

pour ceux que j'ai ajouté (ou qui m'ont ajouté), soyez pas timide venez me parler! ca sera vraiment plus simple si j'ai pas a courir de gauche a droite!

Suggestions Corner / Picking throwing gear
« on: May 31, 2012, 05:43:11 pm »
Hello all!

I would like first to thank devs for fixing the "spawning the next round with looted item", it has helped throwing much! no need to worry what your picking up, just pick it and throw it.

But I'm here for a different matter :

While playing archer, when i had no arrows left, i would scavenge the battlefield for arrows with my melee weapon out in case. I noticed very quicly that the same thing didnt apply for throwers!

When you scavenge the battlefield for throwing weapons, when you pick one up, your character automatically switches from your melee weapon to the throwing weapon that you just picked up! something that doesnt happen with arrows!

In conclusion i wish that when you pick up a throwing weapon on the floor, your character doesnt automatically switch weapons! seems legit no?

Realism Discussion / Women should take more punch damage!
« on: May 30, 2012, 10:08:06 pm »
Let's face it!

Women are weaker and when they don't make you a sandwich they deserve their punch in the face!

that's why i suggest that no matter your hand armor and the female's head armor, you should always be able to punch her! But low damage, we still need her to make our sandwich(except for leshma, he/she should get double damage)!
Of course no woman could punch a  man, but a woman can punch another woman cuz bitch fight is sexy

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Only good offers shall be tolerated here!

Selling :
Mighty German Poleaxe
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Thrust:31 pierce
Swing:45 cut
Bonus against shield
Secondary mode

Masterwork heavy bastard sword

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Thrust:25 pierce
Swing:39 cut
Secondary mode

Masterwork long espada eslanova

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Thrust:31 pierce
Swing:30 cut

I am seeking :

Masterwork Italian sword
Masterwork Iberian mace

or any decent leg armor

accepting gold aswell

Events & Tournaments / Nditions C-RPG Nations Cup!
« on: May 17, 2012, 03:05:44 pm »
Byzantium Team is proud to bring to you :

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This summer, Byzantium clan, with the help of NDitions servers are glad to present to you the first official cRPG NATIONS CUP!
Players from all over the world will join forces to battle along side their countrymen and hopefully be the winning nation.

In the upcomming days/weeks, players will be given the opportunity to apply for their country, captains will be elected and a final roster set.

Stay tuned, this post is bound to be modified....very often

Beginner's Help and Guides / End of life leveling
« on: May 16, 2012, 08:25:15 pm »
Bored to death of retiring (i hate so hard the peasents years, gen 19), i'm about to reach level 32!

now i'm a 2h/thrower hybrid with an 18/21 build
6 ps
7 ath
135 2h
115 throwing

And iv got myself a masterwork heavy bastard. decent fast sword but short. question is. do i want to take a more agi oriented buil and get 8 ath fir this sword (and extra wpf)
or go to 21 strength to get 7 ps and be less "fragile" on the battlefield?

thanks in advance

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