Other Games => Total War Series => Topic started by: Tibe on May 10, 2012, 02:51:25 pm

Title: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 10, 2012, 02:51:25 pm
Jesus Christ. Playin the campaing in medium and I keep getting raped there all the time from all sides eventually.

Played as france, was fighting 3 wars in a row at somepoint. It was I took towns and I lost towns but I still gained more than I lost althou I was outnumbered and financially ruined sometimes. Eventally 2 more factions tought it be a good idea and thats when I started to loose my ground and I said fuck it.

Than as Venice. Everything was perfect and I was rich. Milanese and Holy Roman Empire both desided to rape me at the same time. Again somehow I managed to gain some ground in the wars at somepoint. Althou they raped me and the pope did nothing. And when I wanted to rape em back the scumbag pope excommunicated me. Still I managed. Than fcking Poland and Hungary both came from other sides and people in Venice kept rebelling against me for I dunno what reasons and I kept loosing the capital cause I really didnt want to slaughter the taxpayers. After that shit I just went fuck this game.

Is there any way to win here? Diplomacy is complete crap here absolutely pointless. I kept making perfect diplomacy with both Milanese and Holy Roman empire and that didnt do shit and they still ninjaattacked me. I had alliances, nobody really helped me. I had moneh, lost it all eventually. My spies, assassins and merchants did their job brilliantly. AND asking for peace never helps as they wont accept it unless u give em all your gold, lands or you are almost destroying em.

So my question is how to play this shit? I never had this much problems in Shogun and Empire. Am I doing something wrong here?

Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Latvian on May 10, 2012, 03:17:37 pm
there is no cure for ultimate suckage..... i am sorry but no MTW2 for you
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Oberyn on May 10, 2012, 08:09:35 pm
Learn to completely obliterate the incompetent AI on the battlemap, then the rest is just window dressing.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Turboflex on May 10, 2012, 08:40:59 pm
Try not to leave border cities unguarrisonned it encourages neighbouring allies to backstab you.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 10, 2012, 09:02:51 pm
Try not to leave border cities unguarrisonned it encourages neighbouring allies to backstab you.

Ye, thats exactly what I noticed. It does not just encourage em, they pretty much instantly backstab u if u take your army too far from your capital to fight somewhere. The AI doesnt give a shit what diplomatic deals u have, how much allies u have, how much cash u have  or you in allliance with them. If they see a small opening they immediately rape u. Now thats complete crap, im going back to Empire Total War. Fuck this game! Youd think diplomacy would be worth a 2 shits but no, its just for lolz. Especially when the pope just randomly keeps having my diplomats excommunicated for lolz. :mad: fuck this game to hell!!!!
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Arn_Magnusson on May 10, 2012, 09:13:33 pm
Diplomacy in computer games never will be such useful as in life. But this one is realistic in point, that if you left your cities with no troops around everybody in these times would attack you. At first enlarge your economy, thats always my first point :D Then when you're stabilized, have full holdings you can build an mobile army ready to conquer, just start the slaughter ^^ Might take some time, but you're unstoppable with protected realm, strong economy and one army. Conquer them all \o/
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 10, 2012, 09:20:39 pm
YE true. But I always have like 2-6 regiments guarding the towns against small rebelgroups and riots. But the AI is just such a huge douchebag. Like for instance, I played Venice. I had like 23 regiments in and near Venice. When I moved out 10 regiments slightly further from the capital(1 turn further) immediately I got called to war by 4 factions, 2 of who I had alliance and who I gave gifts to, to keep em cool. Absolutely nothing. This sucks ass!
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Arn_Magnusson on May 10, 2012, 09:25:58 pm
I meant full garrisons, in every city, I know it's very hard to keep it but I just say again: economy, economy and tactical genious.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Zanze on May 10, 2012, 09:42:35 pm
Milanese you say?

Sounds like Vanilla. There is your problem.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 11, 2012, 06:41:28 am
Full garrisons huh? Well I am very cheap with my money and I did mess around with my economy first thing. But yea, I did not even dare to fully garrison all the towns due to the upkeep. But ye, than again garrisoning em with peasants wont cost very much and can be effective. 1 decent knight regiment costs about the same as 6 peasant regiments per turn. That might work. Thx! :wink:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Arn_Magnusson on May 11, 2012, 10:41:54 am
Just remember about ranged (esspecialy archer - fire arrows) and pikemans, AI will charge througth the gates and smash at your, even worst, pikemans.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: [ptx] on May 11, 2012, 10:49:02 am
Vanilla M2 at medium difficulty? You shouldn't be losing any towns, ever, except for the odd rebellion... Trick is to build 1 decent, well-rounded army and conquer your neighbours one by one faster than they can declare wars on you, lol. Works with any faction, tested.
I'd understand having problems surviving as Western Rome in Barbarian Invasion for R:TW, that is somewhat tricky (but still quite possible and very satisfying).
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 11, 2012, 12:03:39 pm
Well finally I gained a descent foothold as Venice. Sicily conqured all my nearby neibhours: Milan and Empire towns. Than I had a damn long war with them. I was finacially ruined and so where they, but I finally managed to make their invading forces stop by taking their 2 big towns. Than they shutted da fuck up. Than Hungary kept spamming invasionforces from the other side of the faction. And I conqured his most prosperous towns and asked peace +10k everytime I took a town. And now I seem unstobbable. Hungary still keeps sending his rapesquads but not for long. :wink:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Arn_Magnusson on May 11, 2012, 12:13:07 pm
Good to see you enjoy playing this great game, I wish you luck and dominating over the world!
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ganner on May 12, 2012, 09:36:23 am
I found the french campaign so easy, just because of your location and easy access to a few rebel towns to start.

Keys to victory:

Early game:

1 Secure all bordering rebel towns as fast as possible (gives you more villages, denies the AI)
2 Get trade rights with EVERYONE (you will take a small faction relation hit for trading with enemies of other factions but this wont matter in the long run)
3 Build up your roads markets ports and farms as high as you can as fast as you can in all your settlements.  This should be first priority in any new settlement you conquer as well.
4 Plan your general game path now, which direction you want to head, who your first few nation targets will be.
5 Start preparations to join the first crusade when its called (usually called 20-30 turns in), this is an easy way to get an awesome general early on.  (you should choose someone young, with decent stats, and preferably if you can someone in the direct line of succession)
6 If you are catholic do not declare war on any catholic state.  If you wait long enough they will declare war on you and your reputation wont suffer as much.


1 Control the papacy if you are catholic.  Choose one town and build up a church as high as you can get it then grab the theologians guild when its offered and start recruiting priests like crazy.  After a certain point you will be pumping out priests with almost full piety and they will almost instantly become cardinals.  Doing this makes sure the pope will ALWAYS like you.  In the rare event that you do get excommunicated, you elect a new pope in a few years and you will be reconciled because the next pope will be french.  (currenly in my france campaign with the exception of two preferiti i control all the cardinals)
2 Make sure that any towns bordering potentially hostile factions has at least a garrison of 7 stacks.  You can use militia they work fine for defense.  My default garrisons are 4 Ranged 3 melee (preferably with spears) You can throw one cav in there if you like, sometimes against stupid AI you can get your cav out in the field and flank their arty if they bring any.
3 Do not be afraid to let them siege you, do not fight in the field unless you have the clear advantage in either numbers or troop type.  You have a massive advantage as a defending army.  I have had a 5 stack of troops defend against a fullstack of troops just because i knew how to position them on defense.
4 Dont build up all castles, pick one or two "super" castles and build them up.  Convert other castles to towns as you expand outward past them.  Its best if you choose a costal area for a super castle and keep a fleet near by so you can quickly move troops about by boat instead of on foot.
5 Prioritize your targets, you will be at war with multiple factions but you can let them wash upon your walls on siege after siege as you deal with whoever you want.  I was at war with HRE for years before i finaly took them out simply because i didnt need their territories and i had my sights set on england, spain, and moors.

Late game:

1 You control the papacy, call crusades as often as possible
2 invest in armories, they can make all the difference
3 do not neglect your markets and merchants.  They will supplement the lost income from all the broken trade agreements.
4 If a settlement becomes too unruly send a general with low chivalry to the area, take the garrison out and let them rebel.  Take the settlement back with the general and sack the populace.  It should net you a decent amount of gold and the populace will now be in order.
5 Remeber to adjust your capitol to the center of your empire. it will help keep outlaying towns in order
6 Archers and heavy infantry will be your best friends.  It looks tempting to have an army full of noble knights, but your bread and butter will be spear wielding infantry and archers.  Remember this.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on May 13, 2012, 03:22:24 pm
France is in a great starting position, you can build up a great defensive ring around your settlements, then decide which way to expand.

I really liked taking ships to the moors, then taking Iberia from behind, connecting it to my mainland first.
Very good hinterland to boost your economy.  :wink:

After that my plan was taking Britain (I already had Ireland under my control), but My HDD died on me and I lost that campaign
It was a H/H Stainless Steel one. u_u
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 13, 2012, 06:59:59 pm
After doing few more tries I think I finally realised what I did wrong. I kept focusing on diplomacy the first games, but that was completely pointless. Played a perfect combo of assassins, spies and thinking fast which ones to turn into castles and which to towns. And I finally got the hang of it. Assassins murdered other assassins and inquisitors. Spies kept away other spies and gave me intel and just gave me keys to towns and castles. :mrgreen: And now I seem to do alright.

I lost 1 more campaign. Cause financially I was perfect, I had top gear armies and upgraded towns, but I did not participate in the espionages and assassinations and I had constant issues with the rebeling population due to spies and my generals kept getting murdered. Also grabing as much as u can early in the game was the key of success. Cause once every1 get descent knights the wars will last way more longer and fighting turns into a pain in the ass. Yep, in this game you really need to consentrate on all exept diplomacy, which kinda displeases meh.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 13, 2012, 11:31:05 pm
easy way to win M2

Play as Denmark


Seriously, Denmarks Homelands are sooooo easily defensible, almost unbelievable.If you take the rest of scandinavia(Which you should do anyway), you have pretty much an impenetrable Fortress.Keep one big Army down in Denmark to Fend off possible Invasions of Holy Roman Empire, and one Medium Army up somewhere in Sweden, just in case.Done.

You can then proceed to build ships and possibly take the holy Land in Crusades, to build a new empire down there(With your super-fortress Homeland as backup), or even invade spain.

You are pretty much able to do whatever you like once you conquered Scandinavia and established your first defenses.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Havoco on May 14, 2012, 04:54:43 am
My favorite faction to play was Milan back then. They have a good starting position, good militia units built from cities, and the Genoese crossbowmen of course. Plus they had a good concentration of lucrative cities around them that could make u lots of money when you own all of them. Actually, you're set if you capture all of Italy.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: [ptx] on May 14, 2012, 07:00:40 am
Milan militia troops are OP, ez-mode with them.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on May 14, 2012, 09:38:21 am
Yes. My favourite campaigns are playing with Milan or Genoa(in stainless steel) and converting all castles to cities. Not only do you get tons of money, the armies aren't too shabby either. You get good cavalry, cheap spearmen good crossbowmen and in later stages pikes, muskets and cannons.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 14, 2012, 11:19:42 am
The Problem is that even though for militia those units are kinda good, they are still militia.Genoese Crossbowmen are available later on in the campaign, and before any "Professional" army will crush you.

Of course the AI is mostly too stupid to use such an army against you...

The only Problem with playing as an italian faction is that you have tons of possible enemies because you are surrounded on all sides.Sicily, france, germany, hell, even hungary!

They all want your gold :D
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on May 14, 2012, 11:20:46 am
Just kick the AI's butt in battles. I always have very minimal garrisons everywhere, mostly the free upkeep militia, which combined a with a focus on economy gives me more money than I can ever use. Get watchtowers and move nearby militia to the border towns as soon as you spot an enemy army. As soon as a castle/city is about to get attacked, I step outside with my general and hire all the mercenaries I can find. Important is having a few good assassins. Assassinate the generals of any big stacks that come your way. Then chuckle when their 2000 man armies mass route when they attack your 500 man army. Let your general mess up the routers which gives him 3 gold experience in no time. You'll get a shitload of command rating for these victories and executing your prisoners give them a lot of dread.

With your awesome economy and not much monthly army upkeep you can upgrade your castles in no time and field a supreme army, which combined with an awesome general and good assassins killing all the enemy generals, is completely unstoppable. As France, get a good portion of cav, they can rout units very easily with ye old hammer and anvil. You just need some infantry on guard mode to hold their infantry in place. Then make your cavalry attack different units all at once repeatedly and a mass route will come very quickly. Capturing prisoners upgrades your cav very fast, making your army OP as shit.

This is shit advice and I doubt its even possible to still earn money.
I meant full garrisons, in every city, I know it's very hard to keep it but I just say again: economy, economy and tactical genious.

Oh and get Stainless Steel.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 14, 2012, 12:09:49 pm
Yep, bordersecuring is very important and I found playing as England is incredebly easy. Assassinos and spies are very valuable. Getting stainless steel, mybe it will increase the replay value :)
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on May 14, 2012, 02:01:08 pm
It's like a totally different game, you won't care about vanilla after trying it.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Molly on May 14, 2012, 02:03:04 pm
I really need to install this again. I loved to barrage villages with thousand fire arrows...  :mrgreen:
And yes... there are a bunch of mods which are just great!

Though I have to admit that I cheated at the end after "winning" several times. Getting those cannons on elephants is just pure pwnage  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on May 14, 2012, 02:04:35 pm
I really want to do a SS Hungary one once, but the starting position is kinda meh, with superpowers all around you.

Especially the Byzantines to the south, they are irritating.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Turboflex on May 14, 2012, 03:42:44 pm
The only Problem with playing as an italian faction is that you have tons of possible enemies because you are surrounded on all sides.Sicily, france, germany, hell, even hungary!

They all want your gold :D

Venice is easy just put a medium sized army on that bridge outside the city and nobody gets through. 6-8 italian militia + some ranged units behind them and 1-2 mangonels and even a stack of knights is not getting through. Ragusa is a decent strongpoint against Hungary so keep it garisoned. Then you are free to go to town in Italy, vs HRE, or go on a crusade to rich trading areas in North Africa or the levant.

Personally I think my favourite game was as Crusader states in SS 6.4... That was HARD AS FUCK. Basically at war with Egypt, Turks, at beginning a Jihad is always called against you so you have stacks from the other islamic states coming in too. At least Mongols are no longer Islamic but Pagan in 6.4, it was impossible with a dozen mongol jihad stacks coming in, but you gotta deal with Mongols too once you beat Egypt & Turks. Looking forward to 7.0, not sure I can win on the new legendary difficulty mode they are adding tho.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 14, 2012, 03:55:36 pm
Any1 know a good way I could lvl up my assassinos? Cause they are daamn important....
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: [ptx] on May 14, 2012, 03:59:47 pm
Kill captains of general-less armies, bandits work as well, sabotage buildings.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on May 14, 2012, 04:04:00 pm

Also it's quite a crappy move, but you can try saving before every assassination, and re-try until it works out.

However I don't suggest using this a lot, it ruins your game experience.

After killing captains, go for merchants, then for priests or family members.
You can actually defeat factions by killing their royal family, that's what I did against England and the Aragonese once. Haha

Always go for a higher percentage than 50%, then it should work out well.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on May 14, 2012, 06:36:20 pm
If you do decide to kill off a faction via assassination, try to target the youngest first, as if you keep hitting the oldest then the younger ones go on an adopting spree that never ends.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on May 14, 2012, 07:28:49 pm
If you do decide to kill off a faction via assassination, try to target the youngest first, as if you keep hitting the oldest then the younger ones go on an adopting spree that never ends.


Now I get it why there were new family members all over the place after an assassination.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Turboflex on May 14, 2012, 07:39:46 pm
You get that too. If you are low on family members the game will help you out by increasing the chances for adoption opportunities.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 15, 2012, 10:02:48 pm
"Stainless Steel" sux ass. Its awesome etc. But im in a crashloop. I cant finish England off cause every time I take its keep the game automatically crashes on me. Not to mention loads of other crashes I get in custom battles etc. Really isnt worth the trouble. And im playin the 6.3 version. I checked the changelog and I dont think 6.4 would change much........ :| Also the long turns kinda make me cry cause patience aint one of my virtues saddly. But the mod is quite good.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on May 15, 2012, 11:35:58 pm

6.4 never, ever crashed on me like that.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Zanze on May 16, 2012, 02:54:46 am
There is a submod that removes many scripts from 6.4. Has never crashed on me, and gives MUCH faster turn times.

Also, after finishing my Norway Campaign I started Aragon. Almughavars. Mother of God...

Also, to avoid "rape," play your FACTIONS strength, not YOUR strength. Don't play Poland and spam infantry. Capv them fools. Keep your borders garrisoned(by peasants if need be. peasants rock. they are amazing. use more peasants, i assure you. If they are viking peasants...then do as I did and make them about 60% of your army. Watch them kill dismounted mail knights with ease.)

If having trouble with a particular army, choose your battlefield. They have too much cav? Pick a hill, stand in their way and watch the lols. Too much infantry? Open plain for your horses. No horses? Wait for them to besiege you and wreck them with arrows. No arrows? You better have better infantry... or just enough peasants to flank them with your mediocre infantry and cause a mass route.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on May 16, 2012, 03:08:17 am
(click to show/hide)

Or just read/re-read The art of War written by Sun Tzu.  8-)

But yeah the AI is annoying as hell, if you don't guard your outer settlements well it'll attack and even break alliances immediately.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 16, 2012, 06:04:59 pm
I happened to notice that a turn is 1 year long. Is there a submod for Stainless Steel that makes it for half a year or 1/4 of a year per turn? Im just curious about that.
EDIT: Nevermind, le Google. :D
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on May 16, 2012, 07:29:32 pm
I happened to notice that a turn is 1 year long. Is there a submod for Stainless Steel that makes it for half a year or 1/4 of a year per turn? Im just curious about that.
EDIT: Nevermind, le Google. :D

Yup, Meneth's Sub Mod Compilation helps wonders.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Mr_Oujamaflip on May 16, 2012, 10:45:57 pm
Whatever you do, do NOT attack the Mongols with an army with 15 stacks of Longbowmen in. Doesn't work.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Arn_Magnusson on May 16, 2012, 11:15:47 pm
I happened to notice that a turn is 1 year long. Is there a submod for Stainless Steel that makes it for half a year or 1/4 of a year per turn? Im just curious about that.
EDIT: Nevermind, le Google. :D

You can easly change it in scrpits I ussaly play something about 450 turns.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: El_Infante on May 17, 2012, 12:38:31 am
Medieval 2 is stupidly easy in very-hard & very-hard mode. Battle AI of total war series is the biggest bad joke I had seen on a game EVER. For example:
How to capture a enemy fief (empire total war)?
- Get a small army raiding a enemy building as near to get the garrison out to attack you. Retreat. AI charge your small army again and can't return into the city because it's too far and movements points are 0.
- Charge the empty city. Win.

It's an example why total war series suck.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on May 17, 2012, 03:54:18 am
Medieval 2 is stupidly easy in very-hard & very-hard mode. Battle AI of total war series is the biggest bad joke I had seen on a game EVER. For example:
How to capture a enemy fief (empire total war)?
- Get a small army raiding a enemy building as near to get the garrison out to attack you. Retreat. AI charge your small army again and can't return into the city because it's too far and movements points are 0.
- Charge the empty city. Win.

It's an example why total war series suck.

Well, you can play by not exploiting the AI too, you know.

It's very hard though because it's begging to be exploited all the time, like in my current Europa Barbaroum campaign.

It's 259 BC and I've already pushed the Romans out of Italy as Karthadast. lol
They're pretty much dead at this point, one settlement left.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Zanze on May 17, 2012, 05:28:05 am
Not sure if I mentioned it...or have and want to reiterate. Use peasants in Stainless Steel. Use. Peasants. Cheap, effective, and their sheer numbers help break an enemies morale.

Tactic: Use them as your front line to charge the enemy. This will, A, tire out the enemy, B, absorb arrows, C, absorb charge. Now, when you couple their huge sizes with your (hopefully) flanking infantry, cavalry charge from behind, and fire arrows you can almost always expect a route.

Also, EB is cake. Srs. No Pope to constantly tell you not to kill things every turn while those things kill you. Also, 100x easier to ambush in EB.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on May 17, 2012, 06:10:59 am
Also, EB is cake. Srs. No Pope to constantly tell you not to kill things every turn while those things kill you. Also, 100x easier to ambush in EB.

Yeah I agree.

After a few turns I managed to turn Karthago into a huge powerhouse, I constantly have 10k 20k mai and do constant trainings and ship stacks of either fresh or re-trained units to italy all the time.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 17, 2012, 08:28:08 am
Damn. I edited the file for 2 turns per year, but my damn characters still age 1 year per turn. Got any ideast? It just bothers me that it takes 3 years for my viking invadors from Norway to reach Scottland.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Turboflex on May 18, 2012, 03:25:52 pm
I don't get the big's an abstraction for gameplay. If you go to 2 or 4 turns it would take forever to get new technology too.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 18, 2012, 04:35:38 pm
It wont take that long. If I just put it half a year per turn. it just frustrates me that I cannont have a favorite among generals and use their perks properly cause they die just soo fast. Craploads of time goes either being in a ship, walking forever 1 town to the next, waiting for the popes excommunicationtreat to expire and refilling the garrison to have my armies move on. So anyway. Any1 know how to edit a file so that in Stainless Steel 1 turn is half a year and that it also applies to the characters age aswell?
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on May 22, 2012, 02:42:22 pm
Tried a campaign as France on medium for the lols. Its turn 37 now and I am at war with Milan, England, Denmark and Portugal. Kicking their butts in battle so hard, their armies still suck and they keep attacking without generals. I am excommunicated ofcourse, but I don't think I even care at all or will care in the future. I can easily take the happiness hits for my population and all my neighbours are at war with me already anyway. I have now taken Rennes and Caen which England controlled. I have taken Genoa and I am besieging Milan. Took Bruges from Denmark and besieging Antwerp or whatever settlement it is. I have been first ranked in everything since turn 25.

I gain about 8k a turn when I don't construct or recruit, which I always do. I have about two full stacks running around and apart from that just milita defending my towns. Prince Louis has full command and dread now, I am already pretty much unstoppable.

Dunno what you are doing wrong OP, but this is the easiest campaign I've ever played.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on May 22, 2012, 03:24:17 pm
Medieval 2 isn't hard. As long as you win in battle mode, campaign mode is just something to fiddle with.

Shogun 2 is much harder campaign wise because the AI spams stacks a lot more. And in my Fall of the Samurai campaign it actually did a cunning move by landing an army on my island to the northeast which has no defense practically.

I prefer Medieval 2 though, for the mods. And I don't really care about Japan.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Latvian on May 22, 2012, 03:51:46 pm
medieval 2 is not hard at all  you should try europa universalis 3  now thats hard
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on May 22, 2012, 05:03:03 pm
medieval 2 is not hard at all  you should try europa universalis 3  now thats hard
Not all that much harder, but you can get very unlucky.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Latvian on May 22, 2012, 05:23:09 pm
main difficulty in EU3 is that allies actualy come and help and u can easily get gangbanged by 4 or 5 minor factions
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Turboflex on May 22, 2012, 05:27:17 pm
Medieval 2 isn't hard. As long as you win in battle mode, campaign mode is just something to fiddle with.

Shogun 2 is much harder campaign wise because the AI spams stacks a lot more. And in my Fall of the Samurai campaign it actually did a cunning move by landing an army on my island to the northeast which has no defense practically.

I prefer Medieval 2 though, for the mods. And I don't really care about Japan.

Shogun 2 legendary mode is really hard. I've only managed to beat it with Shimuza clan, got my ass kicked on legendary for all clans I've tried (date, ikko, hattori). Shogun 2 also fixes a lot of the bad AI issues in Medieval 2. Really hope the next TW is Medieval 3 with this new superior engine (tho I would settle for Rome 2).

Try "Magna Mundi" mod for EU3, adds a lot more depth and difficulty. They are actually releasing it as a stand-alone game. It's basically EU4.
I think release date is June 30, really looking forward to it.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on May 22, 2012, 08:21:04 pm
Med3, Rome2... Already have those eras.

I'd die for a sci-fi total war with space battles and ground battles where every planet has a few regions(for example continents) which you have to conquer with your land armies..
Or reinnaisance starting from late medieval to 1700 or so if they want to be lazy and reskin another total war.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on May 22, 2012, 08:51:20 pm
I'd die for a sci-fi total war with space battles and ground battles where every planet has a few regions(for example continents) which you have to conquer with your land armies.
Get out!  :evil:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on May 22, 2012, 08:57:14 pm
u jelly I'm smarter than you.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Zanze on May 22, 2012, 09:21:29 pm
If you want to have the biggest face palms in Med 2 play as any nation and fight Novgorod / Kiev early era. All they do is spam junior militia and... ./facepalm.

3000 Novgorod army (2500 of it juniors) vs 500ish Kievan(about 300 javelin men, 1 spear militia, 1 druzhina). Kiev wins with 138 casualties. ./facepalm.

France is OP. Nuff said.

And that idea would be great Khorin. I remember back when I played WC3 there was a custom map that implemented that. There were 4-6 different worlds that had a certain number of resource giving areas that you captured. Then you tech up and make a spacecraft on the ground. Launch that into space and build a space station and from there you can build space troops. To invade other planets you take transports to ground level and fill them up and send them out again. (all on different maps, but during same game)

Was freaking AWESOME. Unless the game lasted too long. You could literally fill the land maps shoulder to shoulder with turrets and make landing impossible. I don't think they had a space to ground weapon patched in yet when I stopped.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: ArchonAlarion on May 22, 2012, 10:20:07 pm
Med3, Rome2... Already have those eras.

I'd die for a sci-fi total war with space battles and ground battles where every planet has a few regions(for example continents) which you have to conquer with your land armies..
Or reinnaisance starting from late medieval to 1700 or so if they want to be lazy and reskin another total war.

YES.  :twisted:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ronin on May 23, 2012, 02:35:49 am
I must say, it is best to announce alliences with every faction you can at the beginning. If you're a catholic faction, having the papal states as an ally is certainly very handy. Of course no matter what, they will try to backstab you. Just be ready and try to give them florins as gifts to improve your relations with your allies if necessary. Even I am surprised how England can be a good ally as I am Scotland and kicked their english arses out of the britannia. Yet we fight against france, and france is pretty fucked up now.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on May 23, 2012, 03:50:22 am
I think France is the easiest faction to play, because it has the biggest and most versatile choice of troops in the game. I think they can have four different types of pikemen alone!  :shock:

You really shouldn't have much trouble, once you get a little bit more experienced.

One thing I LOVE to do is follwing:

1. Open SEGA\Medieval II Total War\data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign\descr_strat.txt

2. Find brigand_spawn_value and pirate_spawn_value and put them to 9999, which basically stops pirates and rebels of spawning. I think they are annoying and add nothing to the gameplay, so I usually remove them. But it's a matter of taste, of course.

3. Change timescale to 0.5, which means you get two turns a year, instead of one turn being two years. I like how the game becomes much more relaxed with this change.

4. Move all faction from the "nonplayable" section to the "playable" section, except of aztecs, mongols, timurids and slave.

5. If you did so, you moved the Papal States to the playable section.

6. Start a new campaign as Papal States.

Seriously, I LOVE Papal States! They have excellent militia troops and poor professional troops, which means you can rely almost exclusively on buliding cities, which give much more income than castles.

Their best troop, the Papal Guard, is recruited in cities, too. In melee they are almost as effective, deadly and tough as dismounted knights, with the difference that they come in regiments of 150 men and have spears. Unless they don't get charged properly with full force, a single regiment of them can kill a complete king's body guard unit! It's amazing! They can even be used to stop dismounted knights for quite some time, and with the support of only one town militia unit they will win.

Their crossbow militias have pavise shields by default and are as effective as the pavise crossbowmen from the castles! Only Genovese crossbowmen are better. They are cheap, easily accquired and highly effective. Usually it's perfectly fine to have an army of a few units Papal Guard, the rest pavise crossbow militia and perhaps one cavalry militia to chase fleeing enemies. Place the guardsmen at the foot of a hill to form a line and cover the flank, and inside this "box" you place your crossbowmen so that they can fire directly on the enemy. Massacre guaranteed. (Make sure you put the spearmen on "hold formation" and remove the skirmisher mode from the crossbowmen. Usually I put them on "hold formation", too)

But the best part is: as soon as you attack a catholic faction, it gets excommunicated  :mrgreen:  :lol:

The only downsides are:

- you have the wrong campaign videos of another faction
- you don't have a "family tree" card
- there is no heir
- you can't call out crusades yourself, it happens randomly

Besides of that Papal States rock. You can even offer reconciliation to excommunicated factions, and usually this is an offer that's much appreciated.

Later, as soon as you expand your cities to metropoles, you can't recruit Papal Guards any more (god knows why  :cry: ), but you get the Swiss Guard for it, a terrifying unit which works as pikemen, but can even stand in melee with a broken formation.

All in all it's great fun, I tell you  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Rogue on May 23, 2012, 08:15:31 am
Later, as soon as you expand your cities to metropoles, you can't recruit Papal Guards any more (god knows why  :cry: ), but you get the Swiss Guard for it, a terrifying unit which works as pikemen, but can even stand in melee with a broken formation.

It is easy to make them recruitable at the highest city level, just a small edit of the export_descr_buildings.txt.
There are a couple of other missing units like Armoured Sergeants for England, Dismounted Chivalric Knights for France, Dismounted Gothic Knights for the HRE you could add as well. Giving all factions access to the Woodsmen Guild is nice too. All of these are just minor edits to the txt files, no real skill required to mod them, just copy & paste.

In general I recommend (other than playing Stainless Steel ofc) using the Retrofit mod (, a small mod that enables some Kingdom features for the main GC (made by a CA dev) + the Grand Unit Addon Submod (, as a basis for some additional tweaks
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on May 23, 2012, 10:48:46 am
I must say, it is best to announce alliences with every faction you can at the beginning. If you're a catholic faction, having the papal states as an ally is certainly very handy. Of course no matter what, they will try to backstab you. Just be ready and try to give them florins as gifts to improve your relations with your allies if necessary. Even I am surprised how England can be a good ally as I am Scotland and kicked their english arses out of the britannia. Yet we fight against france, and france is pretty fucked up now.
I always give up on the Papal State, excommunication is not that bad anyway and its great to be able to finally keep fucking up a faction when they are on their knees without getting warned by the Pope.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ronin on May 23, 2012, 11:16:52 am
But having the half of the europea as an ally, including the papal states, I never experienced that. As long as you pay florins to the papal states, they seem to tolerate your actions.
When you attack another catholic faction, the favor of pope decreases. Pay florins to the papal states and it increases again. Make sure it never gets below a certain amount. Try to keep it close to maximum, and the pope becomes temporarily blind.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: [ptx] on May 23, 2012, 12:10:44 pm
Keep it high enough, spam priests and make them hunt heretics/burn witches/spread catholicism to get many bishops, and the pope will be excommunicating whoever you go to war with, rather than you. Crusade on Paris? Sure enough!
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Cyber on May 23, 2012, 12:22:36 pm
I would like to ask another question, how to get raped in Medieval 2?
Im honestly suprised that people struggle with Medieval 2, even on very hard i just stomp everyone and it's just a matter of time till im going to snowball over the world. Only time i found a challenge was when i played SS 6.4 with Grim Reality Enabled. Not trying to sound tough or anything, im just genuinely suprised when i hear about people awesome wars in Medieval 2, i wish i had that experience but it's just boringly easy. Im not even much good in total war games, every time i play MP battles i get raped and haven't spent that much time playing Campaign.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Turboflex on May 23, 2012, 07:23:57 pm
Some people are just not as good at strategy games...

Im looking forward to SS7.0 with "legendary" style difficulty inspired by STW2 (it is actually pretty tough in that game)
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: LordBerenger on May 23, 2012, 09:20:32 pm
Vanilla M2 at medium difficulty? You shouldn't be losing any towns, ever, except for the odd rebellion... Trick is to build 1 decent, well-rounded army and conquer your neighbours one by one faster than they can declare wars on you, lol. Works with any faction, tested.
I'd understand having problems surviving as Western Rome in Barbarian Invasion for R:TW, that is somewhat tricky (but still quite possible and very satisfying).

Mongols and Timurids are a pain in the ass. Unless you wanna be a camping cunt and just hide inside castles/cities.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Turboflex on May 23, 2012, 10:19:48 pm
Well that's part of it too. You gotta make your own challenge and not exploit bad AI.

So don't zerg rush AI at beginning, sit back and let them expand for 30 turns before you start, you will have much stronger opponents. Don't trick them into leaving their cities so you can walk into undefended ones. Also go and fight them in field instead of camp in your cities. And during sieges you are defending, don't do cheap tricks like wooden stakes on gate entrance.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on May 24, 2012, 02:15:21 am
It is easy to make them recruitable at the highest city level, just a small edit of the export_descr_buildings.txt.
There are a couple of other missing units like Armoured Sergeants for England, Dismounted Chivalric Knights for France, Dismounted Gothic Knights for the HRE you could add as well. Giving all factions access to the Woodsmen Guild is nice too. All of these are just minor edits to the txt files, no real skill required to mod them, just copy & paste.

In general I recommend (other than playing Stainless Steel ofc) using the Retrofit mod (, a small mod that enables some Kingdom features for the main GC (made by a CA dev) + the Grand Unit Addon Submod (, as a basis for some additional tweaks

I tried it once, but after exporting and changing ONLY that line which determines the production of the city walls (which are responsible for recruiting Papal Guards) the game crashed whenever I entered battle, so I changed back to my backuped packed data folder.

And I tried you mod out now, and first I was amazed by the amount of new units, and then suddenly I discovered something not so nice:

(click to show/hide)

Why are so many faction specific troops gone? Where are the Scottish pikemen, the Granada lancers and the elephants? :cry:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Rogue on May 24, 2012, 06:48:49 am
tried it once, but after exporting and changing ONLY that line which determines the production of the city walls (which are responsible for recruiting Papal Guards) the game crashed whenever I entered battle, so I changed back to my backuped packed data folder.

Most likely just a simple syntax error. You can easily find out where the error occurred if you set logging to trace in the mods CFG file:

Code: [Select]
## log potentially critical errors for debugging
to = logs/system.log.txt
level = * trace
#level = * error

But all you need to do in order to make Papal Guards recruitable from the highest level city walls is this:
- open export_descr_buildings.txt
- look for the entry "huge_stone_wall city"
- add "recruit_pool "Papal Guard"  1   0.4   3  0  requires factions { papal_states, }" to the bottom of the recruit_pool section (without the quotes)

Should look like this when you are done:

Code: [Select]
recruit_pool "Knights Templar"  1   0.5   3  0  requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, hungary, poland, }  and hidden_resource holyland
recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller"  1   0.5   3  0  requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, hungary, poland, }  and hidden_resource holyland
recruit_pool "Papal Guard"  1   0.4   3  0  requires factions { papal_states, }
wall_level 4
                tower_level 1
                gate_strength 2
                gate_defences 2
                free_upkeep bonus 8
                happiness_bonus bonus 3
                recruitment_slots 3

Why are so many faction specific troops gone? Where are the Scottish pikemen, the Granada lancers and the elephants?

They are all still in the game and fully recruitable in the game, if you want to use them in custom battle set it to "late" or "all" era instead of the default early. No units where removed for these two mods.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: El_Infante on May 25, 2012, 02:58:38 am
medieval 2 is not hard at all  you should try europa universalis 3  now thats hard

No. You should try Crusaders Kings 2. That is HARD
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on May 25, 2012, 03:36:30 am
They are all still in the game and fully recruitable in the game, if you want to use them in custom battle set it to "late" or "all" era instead of the default early. No units where removed for these two mods.

Dang what a stupid mistake from me. But in vanilla the custom battle is always set to "all" timeperiods, that's why I never used this option and thus never got the idea it might be the issue with GUAM.

And thanks for the help with the Papal States, currently I am playing Milan, which is actually almost the same, just without instant excommunication of enemies  :mrgreen:, but I will try it in any case some time later.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Leesin on May 25, 2012, 08:00:11 am
Vanilla M2TW sucks and is easy as hell, well I found Stainless Steel easy too but that is alot more fun than Vanilla, I cannot bare to play Vanilla anyway because it is horrible. Broken Crescent is my favourite mod and from what I remember it was more challenging than any of the other mods I had played.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Zanze on May 25, 2012, 06:49:25 pm
Lee. Play with any of the BGR versions.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on May 29, 2012, 08:03:54 pm
GOD DAMN IT. Stainless Steel was so badass, but the long turns made me sleepy and now I dont wanna go back to vanilla. Ruined Medieval 2 total war completely now......

Im gonna reroll back to Rome Total War. Just studied craploads about Rome for exam. I feel like fighting my ass off for rome and than later march my armies there take charge and burn that old city to the ground with all its citizens MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :twisted:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on May 30, 2012, 10:34:47 am
GOD DAMN IT. Stainless Steel was so badass, but the long turns made me sleepy and now I dont wanna go back to vanilla. Ruined Medieval 2 total war completely now......

Im gonna reroll back to Rome Total War. Just studied craploads about Rome for exam. I feel like fighting my ass off for rome and than later march my armies there take charge and burn that old city to the ground with all its citizens MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :twisted:
Get Europa Barbarorum.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on May 30, 2012, 10:35:48 am
Get Europa Barbarorum.

Or if you're into Rome, Roma Surrectum.

I suggest EB, though.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on May 31, 2012, 07:41:12 pm
I LOVE MW2! For me it's the best game of Total War.

Battle with England against Norway. Norway had a full army of twenty units, mostly mounted Huscarls and Axemen. Usually a pure horror to fight against, but thank god the terrain favoured me:
(Please excuse the crappy quality, even with lowest settings my laptop is close to breaking down  :cry: )
(click to show/hide)

In the last picture the army already fled. I started with full units, which means I lost 47 armoured Sergeants...  :lol:

And another battle against Spain. Please notice the amount of prisoners:

(click to show/hide)

I had the luck to encounter a Spanish army which consisted by 60% of crossbowmen with my army that consisted of almost 50% generals  :mrgreen:

(I often use to group them up and "burn" them in battle when I happen to amass too many of them, as each of those generals takes at least 250 florins wages per turn!  :shock: )

This is not to show off my mad MW2 skills, rather a tribute to its tactical possibilities. (For example I hid half of my generals in a forest at their flank. You should have seen the mass panic which startet at this flank when my generals attacked from the front and from behind at the same time. The prisoners counter went up faster than the clock for the debts of the USA)
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Zanze on May 31, 2012, 09:50:05 pm
250 florins for a group of heavy cav is a very good deal.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on May 31, 2012, 10:29:02 pm
250 florins for a group of heavy cav is a very good deal.
Especially ones that regenerate after every battle.

This is not to show off my mad MW2 skills, rather a tribute to its tactical possibilities.
The battles are laughably easy, especially because they tend to send full stacks at you without generals, which makes them very easy to route. The capturing of the prisoners gives your army tons of XP, when every unit has +3 attack and a shitload of morale, you are completely unstoppable.

You should really get a mod, the AI has been improved a lot, making the battles much more interesting. The AI can sometimes actually surprise you with good maneuvers, still you will win ever 1:1 battle with ease. 1:2 battles can become quite hard though.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on May 31, 2012, 11:39:31 pm
250 florins for a group of heavy cav is a very good deal.

Especially ones that regenerate after every battle.

You are definitely right on that, but if you discover having 15 of them sitting in your capital and doing nothing, its not much you get for you money...

That's why I tend to take them out regularly in big family armies and rape the enemy with them until I have enough honorable deaths to go easy on my budget again. And the few survivors are usually battle hardened badasses after this.

The battles are laughably easy, especially because they tend to send full stacks at you without generals, which makes them very easy to route.

Actually after having taken out their ranged fighters with my longbows I usually command all longbow units to shoot the general unit. Four or five salvos later the general is dead, and the routing start. So there is not much difference in whether they send a nobleman or not.

The capturing of the prisoners gives your army tons of XP, when every unit has +3 attack and a shitload of morale, you are completely unstoppable.

That's right  :mrgreen:

You should really get a mod, the AI has been improved a lot, making the battles much more interesting. The AI can sometimes actually surprise you with good maneuvers, still you will win ever 1:1 battle with ease. 1:2 battles can become quite hard though.

I actually use the Retrofit mod with grand unit addon, but I guess it dodn't improve the AI. Is there any submod that does so? I would like to keep that enormous unit variety of GUAM.  :?
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on June 01, 2012, 12:00:04 am
Actually this topic makes me want to pick up M2TW and start over my Hungary campaign..

But those god damn Byzantines are annoying neighbors.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on June 01, 2012, 01:35:20 am
Milan and Denmark are the worst bitches  :evil:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on June 01, 2012, 01:36:11 am
Milan and Denmark are the worst bitches  :evil:

Trust me Byz is annoying too.

They could steamroll you from turn 1 basically. And if I try stepping in one of their "claims", they wage war instantly.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on June 01, 2012, 07:23:10 am
So far Milan and Sicily piss me off the most. But normally I just play em 2 against eachother and Italy is childsplay. But yea...fcking Sicily...I dunno what it is, but they always give me hell when I march trough their lands.

Same as Rome:Total war  when britons got in my way. Almost every little town I took for them required atleast 3 fully stacked armies of mine to be crushed at first. They constantly kept reinforcing with woad warriors.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Latvian on June 01, 2012, 07:48:28 am
as most annoying faction i would nominate denamrk or hungary cuz they tend to have many knights not some random hobos in their armies but milan is mostly doing good against other bits  but their army offten consists of crossbowmans who are easy to pwn and than capture as prisioners.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on June 01, 2012, 02:16:29 pm
Corssbowmen can inflict tremendous damage on your troops until you reach them, especially those Genoese crossbowmen from Milan. Yes, you will be able to crush that army, but better don't look at the size of your knight regiments after battle, or you will start crying.

Edit: if they haven't taken some damage before and have enemy units nearby, those damn crossbowman can even stand some time in melee and inflict more casualties! I already had town militia and spear militia units losing melee against pavise/Genoese crossbowmen!  :mad:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Zanze on June 01, 2012, 07:08:12 pm
Please. Hungary/Spain can die in a fire.

One spams Horse Archers, the other spams Horse Javs. Cumans got nothing on either of those 2.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on June 01, 2012, 07:13:58 pm
Please. Hungary/Spain can die in a fire.



The real problem is that in the early period, Hungary has nothing useful but the Magyar Cavalry and Hungarian Nobles + General Bodyguards, both being horse archers. This changes later when Banderiums and other stuff comes in though.

The early foot units are just shit.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on June 01, 2012, 07:57:52 pm
I never spend time on cav. I just either nerf archers or foot knights. Sure they kick crossbow and archer ass, but full plated dudes who demand craploads of upkeep and get easly pwned by peasants who carry some spear arent really so reliable imo.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on June 01, 2012, 08:02:56 pm
Attack infantry from the rear/sides with them, any unit that isn't peasant infantry/skirmishers will negate the charge anyway.

But it's fun to see people flying all over the place when you roll into a group of peasants with knights.

And only use them as a demotivational force, ergo when you're done with the charge, quickly get out and do it again at a weak spot.

Mass routs are great, my fav part is hunting the runners down with fast light/medium cavalry. Love them falling, like little ants.

Also, always have at least a General cav with the armies, or 1-2 light cavs to chase down runners. Thanks to the dumb AI movement when chasing runners, infantry won't really get close, even cav needs constant movement orders to kill something.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Latvian on June 01, 2012, 08:04:17 pm


The real problem is that in the early period, Hungary has nothing useful but the Magyar Cavalry and Hungarian Nobles + General Bodyguards, both being horse archers. This changes later when Banderiums and other stuff comes in though.

The early foot units are just shit.
but hungary get feodal knights pretty damn fast and start to pwn
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on June 01, 2012, 08:05:19 pm
but hungary get feodal knights pretty damn fast and start to pwn

Yeah but, ever played as them in SS?

Having the Byzantines in your doorstep is probably one of the worst things I ever had in a TW campaign. Irritating bastards.

At least Venice is easy to push back because they're small, but these guys.. lol
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ronin on June 02, 2012, 10:13:00 am
Perhaps you can send loads of gold as gift, and form an early alliance with byzantines early on. And rule the balkans together.

I never played with hungary before, but alliance trick works good with every faction I have started; in vanilla. I even formed an alliance with english as scotland, so don't tell me it is impossible.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on June 02, 2012, 10:38:20 am
Perhaps you can send loads of gold as gift, and form an early alliance with byzantines early on. And rule the balkans together.

I never played with hungary before, but alliance trick works good with every faction I have started; in vanilla. I even formed an alliance with english as scotland, so don't tell me it is impossible.

I dunno how u pull it off. My alliances were about as sturdy as a fat drunk man on a unicycle.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ronin on June 02, 2012, 11:21:23 am
The key is good relations, and acting early I think. But do not trust alliances all the time, at least one of your allies will betray you no matter how stupid what they will do is.

At my first 2-3 games I was the same, but later on I figured out how to exploit it.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Zanze on June 02, 2012, 05:43:44 pm
Every 5-10 turns pool them some money. I've had Perfect relations with Moors and Seljuks for 80 turns by doing this as Fatimids. Seljuks border almost my entire northern half of my Empire. Moors probably want to retake Sicily, Sardinia/Corsica, Benghazi from me. But I think getting 5-15k every few turns outweighs a few settlements xD
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ronin on June 02, 2012, 07:55:21 pm
The hint is, spoil your allies :)
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on June 02, 2012, 08:19:19 pm
The hint is, spoil your allies :)
Il freaking spoil their nice evening by redecorating their cities with the blood of their people! :twisted: They trying to backstab me and shit.... I got the load/save button :mrgreen:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: CtrlAltDe1337 on June 05, 2012, 12:41:37 am
Learn to completely obliterate the incompetent AI on the battlemap, then the rest is just window dressing.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on June 22, 2012, 02:11:53 pm
I am currently testing The Stainless Steel mod, and I have to say it is indeed more difficult than most other mods, although my biggest problems are getting huge cities/citadels and recruiting good troops. An ordinary unit of armoured spearmen needs 8 turns to be available again and the unit maximum recruitable is 1. I mean: WTF?  :shock:

But it's still tremendous fun. I decided to play as the English, and I entrenched myself on the British Isles. I gave up France by donating the regions to the Papal States, my ally. Any other region I conquered, e.g. during crusades or just on the occasional raid campaign, I donated to the Papal States. Soon after the Papal States became the dominating force in central Europe, and after France and the HRE got excommunicated the Papal States creamed them. France is gone, HRE is a two-region-vassal of the Papal States. Poland and Norway are gone as well.

And this is how it looks like the the hard AI in SS has got over 50 regions:
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Edit: yes, I also supported the Crusader States financially. With success, I dare to say.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on June 22, 2012, 02:16:48 pm
lol Joker, good job at creating a superpower.

How the hell are you gonna beat that?  :mrgreen:

At around Egypt and the Middle East, is that the Crusader States? In my games I play they usually get crushed by the muslims. o.O
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on June 22, 2012, 02:25:06 pm
lol Joker, good job at creating a superpower.

How the hell are you gonna beat that?  :mrgreen:

Easily - as soon as I am done developing my island, I will at least have about 1 mil cash. I will simply BUY most of the Papal States.  :lol:

At around Egypt, is that the Crusader States? In my games I play they usually get crushed by the muslims. o.O

Yes, usually they do. But as I said, I had a diplomat down there, and gave them regular financial helps. With a lot of money the AI recruits troops like nuts.

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Edit: on my laptopt the AI turns take about 2 minutes  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on June 22, 2012, 02:26:07 pm

Good luck with the buying-up strategy though, I wonder if it's going to work :D
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on June 22, 2012, 02:32:11 pm
I guess the AI is only limited by recruitment costs, not by wages. Sure, both the Papal and the Crusader States are notoriously bankrupt, but whenever I give them money they don't pay the troops they have, they spend it for new ones  :mrgreen:

And even after buying all the land they conquered for me to win the campaign: if I need to fight them, it's not problem. The ultimative solution are English Longbowmen. Deadly against infantry and archers, and if the enemy has too much cav you simply use your stakes. A true allrounder. They even deal with General's Bodyguard units easily.

Edit: it works. The big nations are notoriously bankrupt, and the more regions a faction has, the more easily it gives them away. Usually you can buy a region for about 10k. Especially if buy all regions at once, each of them is calculated as the first of 50 fiefs to be sold, which drastically reduces the price. 50 regions per 10k = 500k. Still half a million left to crush them afterwards.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on June 22, 2012, 02:46:57 pm
Wait, turn number 91 and you have 900k cash all while creating two superpowers through financial support? Seems I've got something to learn after all.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on June 22, 2012, 03:17:50 pm
Wait, turn number 91 and you have 900k cash all while creating two superpowers through financial support? Seems I've got something to learn after all.

It's not much. You earn about 12 to 14k a round, giving away everything above 10k to the AI.

But this only works in England, because it's easily defendable. You almost don't need any garrisons and a small army of archers and cheapest spearmen is enough for defense. Then you start developing your fiefs by first raising building which benefit population (e.g. all the different agricultural techniques) and then raising buildings to increase public order, like churches. Afterwards you start building all the trade stuff like markets and shipwrights. With a small army money is no problem at all.

Even now I only have one single army, which consists of 7 units Norman Serjeants/Fyrd Spearmen (armoured spearmen), 8 units Longbowmen, 3 units Miles (Norman Knights), 1 unit light cavalry and a general. That's all. (Accompanied by an assassin and a spy, for all cases) In the fiefs I have two units spear militia with no upkeep to pay.

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That army busts everything. I had 3 battles against almost full stacks of enemies, and still almost no losses due to the longbowmen. No wonder the whole army is that experienced. I use the knights almost exclusively to ride down fleeing enemies and sometimes to attack enemy siege machines, the only thing which can cause major casualties with my "Spearman & stakes fortress + longbowmen shooting out of it"-tactic.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on June 22, 2012, 03:40:16 pm
Nerf archers.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on June 22, 2012, 04:33:08 pm
I do all of that, always have a very minimal army. I just start with building roads and markets and then agricultural buildings, maybe the other way around is more efficient.

Don't get me wrong I always end up with more money than I can use eventually, but at a slower rate.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on June 22, 2012, 06:13:27 pm
I do all of that, always have a very minimal army. I just start with building roads and markets and then agricultural buildings, maybe the other way around is more efficient.

Don't get me wrong I always end up with more money than I can use eventually, but at a slower rate.

Trade and population growth influence each other, of course. But the faster your city develops, the better the buildings are you can build, and the more money you earn. And in my experience, though I have no detailed information, it's just what I perceived, population growth influences trade more than trade influences population growth. That's the reason I always try to get the big cities, and THEN develop economy. Because each citizen has to pay his taxes, so population equals income.

I should mention I own only 1 castle and 7 cities. And usually, when I own more regions, the ratio is even more shifted towards cities. You only need 1 or two castles to conquer the entire map. Citites do the rest.

With the Italian factions and their strong militias (Pavise Crossbowmen, Pike Militia, Cavalry Militia) you don't even need castles at all! Just use them like I do with the English: place a protection screen of pikemen (preferably 2 units placed at the same spot - that's impenetrable for infantry or cavalry) and place your crossbows behind them. Carnage guaranteed. Take one of those cheap cavalry militias with you, so you can ride down the survivors.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: ThePoopy on June 23, 2012, 11:25:10 pm
try bgr
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Baggy on June 24, 2012, 06:03:20 am
I think this is much worse Joker.
cba to find the post with other shit over on TWC. Names Ferdiad if you want to look.
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Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Christo on June 24, 2012, 06:46:04 am
God damn Byzantines.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on June 24, 2012, 12:19:54 pm
The iron curtain was 6 centuries early.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Butan on June 24, 2012, 02:42:18 pm
I'd die for a sci-fi total war with space battles and ground battles where every planet has a few regions(for example continents) which you have to conquer with your land armies..

Closest game => Galactic Civilizations II : Endless Universe (both space and ground battles but none that you command directly, with "squares" on planets where you fit your buildings)

Or reinnaisance starting from late medieval to 1700 or so if they want to be lazy and reskin another total war.

Closest game = > Europa Universalis III : Complete (much more macro than total war and no direct battle)
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Latvian on June 24, 2012, 02:56:10 pm
how the hell you managed to get some countries so big? best i managed to do is to get milan barely half of europe.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Baggy on June 24, 2012, 04:01:25 pm
0 Turns+Romans=Rape
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on June 24, 2012, 11:39:21 pm
Closest game => Galactic Civilizations II : Endless Universe (both space and ground battles but none that you command directly, with "squares" on planets where you fit your buildings)

Closest game = > Europa Universalis III : Complete (much more macro than total war and no direct battle)

I know the closest games. I just want the actual games. I've played GalCiv too much, so I'm playing Endless Space atm, instead.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Siiem on June 26, 2012, 06:56:53 pm
Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!

Played as france

Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Baggy on June 27, 2012, 12:39:30 am
Played as one of the strongest Factions.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Butan on June 29, 2012, 08:33:52 pm
I know the closest games. I just want the actual games. I've played GalCiv too much, so I'm playing Endless Space atm, instead.

Hey, at least I tried :wink: and will check endless space, thank you.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on June 29, 2012, 09:43:20 pm
Ye I know I know. France was a tough faction to master when I started Medieval 2.  :lol:

England and Norway was fun thou. I pretended vikinginvasion. :mrgreen:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on July 14, 2012, 02:19:13 pm
Diplomacy in computer games never will be such useful as in life. But this one is realistic in point, that if you left your cities with no troops around everybody in these times would attack you. At first enlarge your economy, thats always my first point :D Then when you're stabilized, have full holdings you can build an mobile army ready to conquer, just start the slaughter ^^ Might take some time, but you're unstoppable with protected realm, strong economy and one army. Conquer them all \o/

Shame diplomacy in life sucks too, especially when the "diplomatic" side wants a war anyway.

Aaaanyway, I'm playing as England atm on hard, doing well in Europe, sent an army with my shitty prince (although a decent army) to Acre on a crusade against the Mongols...... Waste of time, no way I'm going to take this place, far too many archers.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on July 14, 2012, 02:47:05 pm
Waste of time, no way I'm going to take this place, far too many archers.

Because THEY or YOU have too many archers?

You can just besiege the city and starve them to death, and if some of them are still alive and sally out, your archers will shoot into the cluster when leaving the gate that they will run away as soon as they approach your lines. Archers are great for this.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Latvian on July 14, 2012, 03:35:40 pm
Because THEY or YOU have too many archers?

You can just besiege the city and starve them to death, and if some of them are still alive and sally out, your archers will shoot into the cluster when leaving the gate that they will run away as soon as they approach your lines. Archers are great for this.
just like french
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on July 14, 2012, 03:41:51 pm
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Joker86 on July 14, 2012, 03:53:25 pm

Same tactic, but when they sally out don't stand and wait but rush them. If they have so many archers, you can move your cavalry units forward, and due to their skirmisher mode the archers will try to run back through the gate, blocking the way for the others. In the meanwhile you move your infantry forward and sorround the gate exit. When they finally come out, charge them with your whole army. The half dead untis will rout soon, and you will have a mass panic. Send in your cavalry to ride down as many enemies on the way to the marketplace as possible. Most likely the entire army will be fleeing before their first routed unti will arrive at the market place, granting you the immediate win in this siege.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Ujin on July 18, 2012, 07:16:54 pm
Whatever you do, do NOT attack the Mongols with an army with 15 stacks of Longbowmen in. Doesn't work.
this army is a bit of an overexaggeration of course, but longbowmen are actually one of the best units for fighting mongols . Mainly cause they can deploy stakes and stakes destroy mongolian infantry, especially during sieges. This plus their good range and high missile attack stats.

I'm currently playing (battles) vh/h late campaign as Byzantine Empire ~ at turn 50 , have a wide land stretching from italy to caucasus region. Just recently got attacked by mongols. So far all it takes is :

1. 1 uber spy and 1 uber assasin to get rid of the good generals they send

2. 1 full stack (under the Emperor's command) army defending the border province in Tbilisi castle (key position, i think if i ever lose it to mongolians i might be in trouble). Stack consists of good veteran infantry (in SS mongols have decently armored dismounted soldiers and they bring alot for sieges) , javelinmen and most importantly about 4 mourtatoi archers that can deploy stakes. Needless to say that these stakes are the bane of mongolian cavalry during sieges, the AI is quite retarded and always sends the cavalry charging, they die in hundreds and thousands.

3. Another army that consists entirely of cavalry (heavy, missile, light) to fend off their reinforcing armies (that sometimes consist entirely of horse archers ).

If not for the pesky mongols Genoa and Venice would've been mine for a long time  :mad:. And looks like the mongols have a lot of unused resources out in those steppes and fighting novgorodians (my spy actually spotted around 4 armies of mongols in Novgorodian lands, one of them having a full stack of elite cav/inf/horse archers, trebuchets... i want a showdown with that army eventually when i'm ready :D  ).

Can't decide on the next campaign i'd play when i'm done eventually with this one. Denmark/Norway/Scotland (i wanted to focus on conquering England with either one of these) or Novgorod (awesome units that look awesome too, imo ).

P.S. I know it's obvious , but just gotta say that Stainless Steel is galaxies better than vanilla MTW , i kind of feel sorry for people who still play vanilla.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Penitent on August 10, 2012, 09:19:45 pm
Here's a nasty trick...if you take a land deep in enemy territory, or a city you know will just revolt on you and you can't keep it, or something like that....after you take the city just donate it to the pope.  LOL.  Screws the AI every time. :)
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Teeth on August 11, 2012, 12:58:21 am
I always like to take some shit city far away, like a crusade target or something, then demolishing all the buildings in it and trading it for something closeby with another faction. I think they only care about population cause I've had this happen multiple times. Then you send your spy there a few turns later and you rofl at the -3% population growth, 0% public order, constant revolts and 200 income.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Piok on August 11, 2012, 09:49:21 am
Send diplomat to Rome make gift to pope, raise your standings. Call crusade and during it loot rich byzzie cities. Or let your enemy to be excommunicated and call crusades on them :mrgreen:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: AgentQ on September 21, 2012, 09:25:07 pm
I always like to take some shit city far away, like a crusade target or something, then demolishing all the buildings in it and trading it for something closeby with another faction. I think they only care about population cause I've had this happen multiple times. Then you send your spy there a few turns later and you rofl at the -3% population growth, 0% public order, constant revolts and 200 income.

i like to take 2 big cities afar, throw in a castle, then trade all 3 for one big city nearby = more money for me, broken economy for my neighbor  :twisted:
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: HarunYahya on September 22, 2012, 09:23:28 pm
What a retardinho...
In year 2012 , asks help to win in a game which has been made 10 years ago -_-'
You really couldn't figure out how to win in this game past 10 years ?

Step 1: Choose The Turks
Step 2: Use Sipahi,Ottoman Infantry and Naffatun troops
Step 3:???
Step 4: GG , Jihad successfull.
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: Tibe on September 23, 2012, 02:26:42 am
What a retardinho...
In year 2012 , asks help to win in a game which has been made 10 years ago -_-'
You really couldn't figure out how to win in this game past 10 years ?

Step 1: Choose The Turks
Step 2: Use Sipahi,Ottoman Infantry and Naffatun troops
Step 3:???
Step 4: GG , Jihad successfull.

Nah, its just that the only games I gave any shit about 10 years ago was GTA and minersweeper. Wasnt much of a gamer back then. Started playing everything like 3 years ago and even than I kinda slided past racing, sports and strategic games cause they kept reminding me of how much I sucked and just made me sad. :(
Title: Re: How to not get raped in Medieval 2!
Post by: MB passionately on October 17, 2012, 05:57:23 pm
Anyone is playing this mod?
"Stainless Steel 6.4"

pain in the *** to download it, but once through...

XXL Map as far as the eastern persia and a different distribution of cities,  nice new factions, units, more realism, longer gameplay, can never go back to the normal mod as this is too restricted

People tend to say "this At fifteen, I had the will to  learn ; at thirty, I could stand ; at forty, I had no  doubts ; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding ;  at sixty, my ears were opened ; at seventy, I could  do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the  square.", which is not true for crpg, but for MTW2 multiplayer it is unfortunately. The community of Stainless Steel mod is huge, but most folks are SP´s