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Topics - Normanguy

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Buy / Wts/wtt 3 heirloom points
« on: May 30, 2013, 12:49:56 am »

Hello all :)

Items I have for sale/trade are:

£ heirloom points

 I would like to sell 1 heirloom point for at least 435k upwards, and then trade the other 2 and gold for any item,  of:
" 2 handed weapon,
Bodya rmor,
hand armor,
head armor possibly.[/color]

 Items I would like most are :

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Sell/Trade / Wts/wtt 3+3's
« on: May 30, 2013, 12:49:13 am »

-+3 danish gs
+3 rus scale


Knightly hearer shield
Elite scimi
Light kuyak
Will consider ither shields and 1h wep just pm me offers

Thanks :)

Sell/Trade / WTS or WTT. 3 Loompoints!!:D)
« on: May 18, 2013, 11:54:11 pm »
Hello alll,

I have 3 loompoints

For sale or trade

Im a 2 hander now and would like any item or armor to suit this but will look at any decent offers

I would like most:

- great axe
- german greatsword
- hand or body armor

Pm me please and can sort things out


General Discussion / Banners.
« on: May 10, 2013, 02:32:12 pm »
Hi all,

can you please drop me  a message via pm if you can and wouldn't mind making a banner for me.

thanks :D

also how would/could I go about making my own and possibly other peoples, how does it work and what software is needed if I do.
also if there is any software I will need to make banners could you please link them to me of what theya re and where I can get the software from to buy or download which ever tyou link. :)

please also explain :))

thanks again

Beginner's Help and Guides / Shielder builds
« on: May 08, 2013, 06:24:48 pm »
hey guys,

I was just wondering if you could help list some good and effective shielder builds,

and could you please tell me the best stats for the 24/15 1 hander shield build pelase

thanks :))

Sell/Trade / items
« on: May 04, 2013, 02:52:24 pm »
hi when I come back im going to be a shielder and would like to trade my equip now for some new shielder things.

I currently have:
+3 horn bow
+3 german greatsword
and 300k gold.

if you are going to offer em a shield I would want Huscarl shield or knightly heater but pref huscarls:)

1 handed weapons and armors I don't mind just pm me an item and I will reply,
and will look at all ranks +1, 2 and 3 but for lower ranks you will have to add gold.

thanks, pm me your offers! :)

hi I was just wondering if you could tell me if their is a forum for persistant worlds (pw 4.2)


Global / Global banned ?? Unban
« on: April 26, 2013, 10:14:11 am »
hello, this is mithril,

I believe yesterday I was global banned, and to be honest I do not know what for.

But same as my last thread previously I asked for a fresh start and I would change my ways which personally I have done and on some big scale. So until yesterday when Yesugei was constantly team hitting and killing me over how many maps for no reason at all I did eventually begin to call him an idiot and noob as I was angry and annoyed as I couldn't even stand anywhere up high or low without him chasing and killing me.
So as anybody would I said some comments as anybody would but they was not even nasty or bad in all fairness.

I honestly do not understand why I am banned but being as I am for whoms decision I don't know, please un ban me as I have said since my last name change my behaviour has changed massively so I can benefit mainly myself and y younger brother that also plays this game regularly, but also for the rest of the community playing the game old members and the new, and in my opinion I have done so.

I am an old member and know how a lot of people play and react so I don't take most situations in game to seriously, apart from yesterday which was uncalled for and what ever I may have said at the time I apologise for as it was more a matter of blind rage
(not thinking before I spoke).

I don't like arguing with people, causing conflict, grieving and all along these lines, being an old player I enjoy playing c-rpg and playing and fighting against the other clans and players in this.
there are a lot of great guys and players but come this the not so, I agree at time I am the second option but for the future and the past couple of weeks I have changed my ways and behaviour and really do wish I can get un banned and will prove this if so!!

so to those guys out there that if I may have insulted you with the comments 'noob' or 'idiot' or have done anything else in the game that I am unaware of then hope you can accept this apology s I truly do eman it, this will be the last time of em doing so no doubt about this. I really do just enjoy playing this game as does my younger brother so I hopewe can all agree to leave each other alone and I will leave the insulting that I may do oin some occasion like yesterday out of my keyboards reach!:)

I know lately I haven't been the best player and member of the c-rpg community in game play, but that will change.

I am writing this as an apology if you like to say sorry and asked to be forgiven for those who I may have offended in any type of way, I've had my troubles and I guess in some ways this ahs reflected on how I react in certain situations with people, for instance:

being team hit or team killed on purpose - I do tend to say noob or idiot a lot or random sentences regarding these kind of mannerisms, 
or say if somebody starts an argument or a comment I don't like towards or about me then I do tend to answer them back which many people do, most times its blind rage where you type before you think.

anyways back to the point, to those that myself and on the populations behalf that have had our disagreements in game I apologise for my own actions and hope you can to :), and write to say and ask if we can leave the past as the past, start a new fresh for my benefit, your benefit and anybody that plays c-rpg and can get and play a lot better with our disruptions and arguments,

so my apology goes out to everyone, even those that haven't had a issue or a problem with each other but having to witness some situations also.

so hope we all can move forward with this is which  hope we can do and YOU will see a new side to me in game.

thanks and sorry once again!!

Closed Requests / BAN REQUEST Yesugei EU2
« on: April 25, 2013, 05:52:56 pm »
hi, as of now and since the past hour or two.

this Yesugei in eu2 siege server is constantly griefing from team hitsteam killing me all the time for no reason even when I was on a wall up high shooting at the gate killing the enemies he jumps up swings and kills me fonothing.

he has done this so much I eventually started to screen them even though I missed how many bere these, so please do something about this as I was playing as normal and he started for no reason.

(also granted from his actions I did start to get annoyed as it was every round every time he saw me he constantly hit or killed as my screenbs show, so this resulted me to answer back so in all fairness and honesty I did call him an idiot a couple of times as it was annoying me.)

here is the link for my screens hope you can sort him out!!,ucEGjYJ,hAUhsOD,lU0nU3k,TdAppOv,aa2oPXi,GJDJbYz,5douAsx,Ca1XjgS,yZXB3nD


Closed Requests / Ban Request Wolves_Winterfell
« on: April 21, 2013, 11:18:14 pm »
hi I was playing in eu2 a couple of minutes into the game,

where the gate was closed and was just being opened so me, winterfelll and some other guy were just standing at the gate waiting,

so as it starts to open he turns around and delibrately shoots me with his xbow, at point blank range  for no reason,

then he relaods and carrys on playing like eh hadn't done anything, when it was a deliberate tk.

please sort him out here is a link to a screen


Sell/Trade / 1 +1 3 loompoints soon
« on: April 16, 2013, 10:39:53 pm »
Hi. Close to retirement and going back to a 2 hander,

Will have 3 loompoints once i hit 31 in 700k
I have a +1 sword of war also

I could trade for a loompoint or another weapon maybe sell.

I also have 450-480k gold max atm to add on to deals

Pm me your offers and maybe sort something out


General Discussion / Sprintz Appology to all!
« on: April 14, 2013, 06:59:06 pm »
hello to all,

I know lately I haven't been the best player and member of the c-rpg community in game play, but that will change.

I am writing this as an apology if you like to say sorry and asked to be forgiven for those who I may have offended in any type of way, I've had my troubles and I guess in some ways this ahs reflected on how I react in certain situations with people, for instance:

being team hit or team killed on purpose - I do tend to say noob or idiot a lot or random sentences regarding these kind of mannerisms, 
or say if somebody starts an argument or a comment I don't like towards or about me then I do tend to answer them back which many people do, most times its blind rage where you type before you think.

anyways back to the point, to those that myself and on the populations behalf that have had our disagreements in game I apologise for my own actions and hope you can to :), and write to say and ask if we can leave the past as the past, start a new fresh for my benefit, your benefit and anybody that plays c-rpg and can get and play a lot better with our disruptions and arguments,

so my apology goes out to everyone, even those that haven't had a issue or a problem with each other but having to witness some situations also.

so hope we all can move forward with this is which  hope we can do and hope you see a new side to me in game.

thanks and sorry !!


Other / ban hre dtv server cora and sb evgan
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:35:44 pm »
well to both players iw asnt going to do this as I know cora is a regular player and is usually alright but after provoking and crrying things on think its only right if I do report so hhopefully future there is no more

and evgan annoys me in anys erver and eneds to eb sorted as you will see in screens.

both players have done numerous team hits and kills on purpose for nothing and then find it ammussing that they have done so.

well hre dtv server over the morning today cora and evgan been greying none stop

nudging, thing and tking and laughing about it and doing th's on purpose also nudges,VdwqGjc,V90vcZf,RjgZCo2,yHeH5i5,05LdavM,LwM0xT9,WN5fneU,V4lqJTH,WiNg20b,i2hhY62,oAY7cGQ,zl79w1E,Y2hKvv7,IxWHI3h

proof of nudges and team hits/kills

evgan also team hitting killing and constant nudging me in directions of bots:,uzvRG76,BJqUNYH,iDSibkA,BzeaknQ,bXvWnyj,ur4fwZb,EDu8xWt,vPNAAcV,1qeJCGX,pew5k5i

pls sort them out as its rather annoying and I know this is punishable


Sell/Trade / 2 lp's 3 +1's for sale or trade
« on: April 07, 2013, 08:17:41 pm »
Hey all i have for sale or trade

2 loompoints
About 300-400k gold
+1 danish
+1 military hammer

Will also retire soon and have 3 loompoints for sale and trade :)

Pls pm me your offers willing to look at all but no stupid ones :)


Closed Requests / BAN this WRS clan
« on: March 31, 2013, 01:43:48 pm »,RdBmbXC,6KNdRf2,adM35tb,QwGWWpG,hWZideA,yn5eEf3,OX9FuIj,tcql2mS,446F53z,dhlsnyf

screenshots of this WRS clan of numerous members:
being all round griefers for absaloutly no reason what so ever.

im just play in eu2 and hav this guys constantly trying to hit and kill me none stop all on purpose as my screens show.


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