Other Games > M&B Napoleonic Wars
Still worth to buy??
Ok since im not really interested in crpg anymore i thought id give this a go, are there many players still playing this game? i remember servers with 200 players on from the mod days , is that still happening, or is this game dying?
Also is it possible to enjoy this game as a casual "pubtrash", since i cant invest time & effort to be in some nerdy regiment run by 15year olds, are there any public line battle events? Those were fucking awesome.. :P
well people there somehow learned how to play or it has been infested with native my old friends who just do melee ,i remember this mod being fun when people actualy used to shoot and could not fight in melee.
Havent played it for a long time, but i did some awesome organized matches by some of my clan mates.
Moving in formation, line up in front of the enemy who did the same and keep shooting until the command to CHARGE!
Well but how it is now, no idea ;)
It sucks.
Wait for BCoF, or any other game, but NW in not worth buing
I'd say buy it. It's a much better game for casual playing compared to cRPG since everyone is even stat wise in NW.
There's less people playing than when it first came out but still quite a few on evenings and weekends. I'm a below average cRPG player but can top the scoreboards consistently in this game.
I actually prefer the regular battle and siege servers over lines battles too. Every time I've done a line battle it seems like there's someone in the TS who sounds like they have their mouth full of food yelling out contradictory orders and then they complain about "pubbies". The commander battles where players control their own squads of bots are actually better line battles in my opinion.
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