Other Games > Guild Wars
Screenshots Thread
Mountain side is actually quicksand.
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It's the end of the world.
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Care for a little side mountain trip.
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And no, nothing interesting there. I even fell in a mountain with no consistance, and ended up dead...
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I've spent more time looking at the login screen really. I guess it's one way to limit the time I play so that I do other things.
Those screens are everything but not impressive. And I dont mean the motives but the graphics. Is Guild Wars 2 really that... unspectacular and close to ugly? :shock:
--- Quote from: benkei on August 28, 2012, 05:51:14 pm ---Those screens are everything but not impressive. And I dont mean the motives but the graphics. Is Guild Wars 2 really that... unspectacular and close to ugly? :shock:
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I was surprised by the quality of those screens as well. It looks so much better in-game, at least for me. Not sure if people have settings on medium/low or the game just produces screenshots at lower quality. Will try to take some later.
PS: don't want to sound like a grammar chocolate chip cookie wanker, but you probably meant "those screens are everything but impressive"
--- Quote from: Vibe on August 28, 2012, 06:05:03 pm ---I was surprised at the quality of those screens as well. It looks so much better in-game, at least for me. Not sure if people have settings on medium/low or the game just produces screenshots at lower quality. Will try to take some later.
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Yes, please do so. I'd appreciate it.
I couldn't make up my mind yet if I should get GW2 or not. Depends on whether I like the look of it and how many of my guys are playing it and especially how long they gonna play it.
I've seen some gameplay videos and screens but they don't look too good. So I'm kinda afraid the graphics sucks. Normally I'm not much of a graphic whore but a MMORPG should look nice, especially the world and items. Until now I'm pretty disappointed by what I've seen.
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