Other Games > M&B Napoleonic Wars
--- Quote from: Mr. Hannibal on April 25, 2012, 08:41:42 pm ---No
Atleast none of the GK's anyway...
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I've seen a couple of your lot on. :D
Not a bad game, I've taken a break from cRPG and I play this because the whole pressure of upkeep and playing for a multiplier is a breath of fresh air tbh. Also being a sapper is fun, it's like using construction stuff in cRPG except a little bit more polished, team-oriented, and generally accepted by the community as a supporting role in the game.
Its just the melee combat is just SOOOO slow. Granted the vast majority have no idea what to do with a chamber lol.
I never tried out MM but NW is super fun, so many memorable moments in just a few days and servers have 200+ people all the time. The kinks are still being worked out but it's got tons of potential. I'm going to make a boat vs boat sea battle map and a siege map where you have to take small boats to assault a harbour fort.
Any other NA 104th people playing after 10pm PST? I ran into, or I should say "ran through" another 104th the other night but that's the only one I've seen so far. I'm going to be playing this a lot and want to stand in line and be told what to do! :)
--- Quote from: CrazyCracka420 on April 25, 2012, 08:45:33 pm ---The American's won the revolutionary war largely because they didn't play dat shit when it came to "gentlemanly" conduct. Having a large group firing from one position is good for offense. Having all of your people bunched up in a ball makes hitting targets very easy for the enemy however (just aim for the center). Guerilla tactics FTW...history can teach you stuff.
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There's actually a thread somewhere on the taleworlds forum where people were complaining about the spread out command on the commander mode and wanted it taken out or limited, reminded me of this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Riflemen_at_Saratoga.jpg
is it worth the money?
knute that's specifically what I was talking about. Funny how one armies idea of "warfare" was to stand on the open ground waiting for the enemy to form up into ranks so they could volley at each other. And when the other army decides to hit and run from the forest the only thing you can do is either A) form some sort of counter-tactic or B) talk shit about how dishonorable the enemy is.
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