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Topics - Cohen

Pages: [1]
Buy / WTB Thick Heraldic Mail / with Tabard or loom point
« on: June 14, 2011, 12:00:44 pm »
As topic says, i want to by a Thick Heraldic Mail or a Thick Heraldic Mail with Tabard. also i'd buy a loompoint.
pm me if interested.

cRPG Technical problems / bug on the new eu_6 server
« on: June 02, 2011, 10:36:11 am »
The terraincode for the map kir thaen on the new eu_6 dtv server is wrong.
instead of that lovely beach, you get a plain with some hills. as a result, the ships in the hills, same as most of the village. can anyone please copy the correct terrain code from the old eu_6 server?
the bugged version is nearly unplayable.

Scene Editing / the_prison (siege, dungeonmap)
« on: May 31, 2011, 02:38:04 pm »
The Prison:
Version: 1.1

Since i've never seen a siege-dungeon map, i decided to build one on myself.
It's completly indoor and has 3 different ways to get to the flag. one of those is very short and has to be opened via a wrinch first.
I spend some hours testing it for bugs and i'm almost certain now, noone will fall through any walls or floors.
Spawnpoints are also tested.
The map itself should provide some nice fights, cause i tried to keep the distances short.

Patchnotes 1.1:

- removed the old stairs and replaced them by normal ones. should work fine now.
- added text to walls, so ppl can find the flag and see if they are attacker or not more easily.
- changed some floors

here are some screens.

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Suggestions Corner / Siege ladders should use only 2 slots
« on: May 11, 2011, 11:07:21 am »
In many siegemaps, siege ladders, because of their length, are the only way to make a new entrance to the sieged castle.
Since Siege Ladders now use 3 slots, you hardly ever see them anymore.
Most polearms and every 2handed sword need at least 2 slots. so if you're specialized on one of those you can either bring a weapon or a siege ladder with you, guess what everyone takes...
I also hated those skyladders, but no ladders at all isn't an improvement either.
They made the attacks much more interessting, because you could attack in different ways.
Also i think many of the recent created siegemaps were designed for an attacker with siegeladders and are quite difficult without.

So i think it would be necessary to bring them back into the game and make them use only two slots.

what do you think about it?

In generall i noticed, that my map's filesizes are really huge. I tracked the problem down to my changes in the terrain.
Is there any way i can smallen the filesize of my maps afterwards? Or to generate a new terraincode, that matches my edited terrain?

although i haven't finished more than the terrain (i did many changes here, including some texturing) and the castle itself, (nothing special, only some walls, towers, houses and gates) of my map and it's already 1,3 MB large. I really could use some help here :)

here a screen of the map itself:
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Scene Editing / Siege map: Forest Attack
« on: April 06, 2011, 11:13:11 am »
Just to beginn with, this is my first map, so some opinions and suggestions to improve it are always welcome. 8-)

Forest Attack:
Version: 1.2
Download *updated*:

This map generally is a standart siegemap. attackers spawn in a forest near a castle which contains the flag in the middle.
They can access the Castle via a ladder, a "to be opened"-maingate and a backdoor. i added some breakable doors in the way, so it shouldn't just be a rush map.
Also you can access the walls from nearly everywhere inside the castle, via several stairs and things like that, so it should be possible to defend the walls against ladders more easily.
I added quite a lot of small details to this map, because the most ones seem so empty and dead in my opinion. i didn't see any perfomance losses at my Pc though.
The playable part of the map is not that big, so there should be quite some action going on. It's totally sourrounded by invisible walls btw.

"patchnotes 1.1":
  • fixed the size problem, map is now ~ 140 kb instead of 980 kb
  • removed lots of plants and the falling leaf effects to improve performance on weaker machines
  • deleted the inner doors to the gate-winch
  • moved some respawnpoints
  • smoothed the riverbed
  • fixed the invisible walls
  • removed the sword, stone and shining effect
  • some further minor fixes

Patchnotes 1.2
  • sligth balancing with spawnpoints
  • added torches+lights for better nightcombat
  • added the spiketrap of doom ;)
  • fixed minor bugs

Some Screenshots

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The complete set of Screens you can see here:

Pages: [1]