cRPG > Announcements

Having problems downloading the launcher? CLICK HERE

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can u update this

After I haven't played in a long time I just noticed the old launcher I used was not compatible with the new updates, probably because server changed and so the updater itself could not update, "Error 404 exception.."

So I just downloaded the last updater:
and it worked fine on Windows 7 x64

But if you still have trouble with the last launcher, do you think this will be usefully to maintain this tool: cRPG updater - Temporary replacement of cRPG Launcher

Because it will not take me much time to fix and adapt the script to be compatible with the news servers.

The advantage is like the official updater it checks your current files to only update the new ones from official server.

Let me know if it still necessary.

But there is no reason my updater work better, it's not like M&B Warband was multi-platform, and It worked fine when I was my XP.


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