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Messages - Ylca

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Upkeep of different classes
« on: May 31, 2011, 03:19:32 pm »
If a player chooses to play a build that forces him to use lighter armor (which makes him vulnerable to ranged and melee) why should we penalize him in gold? I have to say that when i pull out a sword and insta-kill most archers while leveling and only at power strike 2-3 there is a huge tradeoff they're making.

This whole issue seems a lot like "Some is playing the game differently than me and gaining different benefits i could have if i only chose to mimick their style. I do not wish to mimick their style so i want external forces to remove his benefit." This is not the way to a long lasting game with a solid community, it's the way toward a dying game with a niche community.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Make all long weapons non-sheathable
« on: May 31, 2011, 03:12:12 pm »
Damug = LLJK = Ignore him and move on.   :rolleyes:

I too ignore valid point because of personal grudges. Debate is so much easier that way, I always win!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Glaive and Long halfted blade are OP
« on: May 31, 2011, 03:03:45 pm »

Shielders and their mobbing ability are more OP imo. Thank god most of them are goddamn noobs.

Why is the ability for people to use teamwork to surround and kill an opponent overpowered in any way?

Balancing for realism tends to lead to unfun games. In real life one would not run off into battle alone and get murdered in the first seconds of a round, but we do not penalize or enforce any "forced squad" system. Realistically an crossbow bolt to the side doesn't mean a minor pause followed by a murderous rage charge towards the peasant foolish enough to strike you with that "abomination" of a weapon, it lead to being knocked full down and if you were lucky enough to be able to stand a marked decrease in combat efficiency.

People who are sliced in the head with a sword with no armor do not look over and continue fighting, they are grievously wounded and lucky to be alive and would be hobbling off the field with barely the ability to stay combat aware (pain, blood in eyes, panic).

Peasants did not fearlessly engage knights in massive armor recklessly, a man in full plate running at a peasant in armor would have caused that peasant to turn tail and run, it happened all the time. A "sanity" meter should therefore be introduced for peasants. Too much time near plate user and they flee or can't swing as well.

Speaking of fleeing, a cavalry charge that kill multiple peasants would often cause the group to break ranks and attempt to flee. In those cav maps where at least 40% of the team is killed in the first 2 minutes the game should immediately end in a route giving the team with the solid cav a victory. Perhaps not every time there was a route, say 20%

Do you see where many of these ideas seem to simulate realism while simultaneously making it an unfun game to play? Arma II is a solid game, but there is a reason that COD and MW2 sell millions of copies copies while still being significantly lower on attention to detail and minutiae.

The crossbow is relatively inaccurate and requires a long reload time. Beyond that, if 80% of players are using crossbows crossbows are amazingly balanced seemingly as every server i go on has a majority of kills done by melee (i'd say at least 70%) unless it's the start of as siege when attackers are rushing into a defensive wall.

Ranged characters have to adjust for drop, flight speed, lateral movement. The crossbow itself is around 2 pounds, the bolts are also 2 leaving you with 4 to 5 extra pounds to carry about, a significant amount if one does not have high athletics (speed is king).

While i've been killed by bows from time to time i've never felt they were broken because of the general level of skill by the players who kill me. When a guy fires from a huge distance away from me while i'm running I swear under my breath a little, look over, and have to admit- hell yeah he earned that kill.

Of course i'm of the strange opinion that the fact that people can kill me in a variety of ways, and that the game caters to a variety of playstyles as a positive. Nothing wrong with competition or variety.

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