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Topics - Ylca

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Which bow for 5 PD?
« on: June 11, 2011, 02:18:56 am »
I read something about extra PD above requirement giving bonuses. Which would be best for 5PD 148 wpf?

Suggestions Corner / Sound for Heavy Armor
« on: June 11, 2011, 01:59:27 am »
Heavy armor provides the greatest protection in the game, however currently we have situations where a character in a huge tin can can silently appear out of nowhere and continue his endless killing spree. Giving heavy armor a distinctive sound would not only keep in line with common sense (silent metal armor?), but also provide some sort of clue that an incredibly powerful unit was approaching, much in the same way there is an auditory clue right before one takes a lance to the backside.

Suggestions Corner / Speed and Terrain.
« on: June 11, 2011, 01:57:04 am »
I've noticed that my speed decreases on any sort of incline, in either direction. This isn't a major issue for str builds, but when one's playstyle depends on being fast enough to engage and disengage the drop in speed is a death sentence. Beyond that, logically one should be able to keep momentum or even increase speed going downhill.

Is it possible to remove the speed penalty on running down an incline?

Also i've noticed that speed builds excel on flat maps, such as city maps, but suffer from lowered acceleration on any map with "bumps" even over mostly stable terrain. I'm not sure if this is a limitation on the engine, or design as intended. If intended, why is speed penalized so often?

Suggestions Corner / Change standard text color.
« on: June 08, 2011, 02:56:00 pm »
White is really hard to read on most maps. Also would it be possible to separate chat into its own window? Most of the time people are dying so fast conversation is difficult. While L serves as a good function, it could be a bit better.

As for color, pink is incredibly noticeable, blue is also a highlighter. Black perhaps for standard chat?

The current standard seems to be 100% friendly fire, meaning if an swing wounds a member of your team they take all the damage.

Since teamwounding is supposed to be accidental, and there needs to be some sort of damage for teamswinging, why should the punished party be the one who did nothing?

100% reflect means that 100% of the damage of a teamwound is reflected to the teamwounder not the victim.

Turning on 100% reflect could end "lolteamwound" overnight. Would save admins a lot of listening to complaints, no one would care about teamwounding anymore because the people will just be hurting themselves.

Anyone have any points as to why this would be a bad idea or shouldn't be standard across all CRPG servers? Has it been tried before?

Sell/Trade / [Trade/Sell] +1 Rus Lamellar Curiass
« on: June 06, 2011, 02:36:39 pm »
Switching builds and it's just not the loom for me. Would prefer a studded leather + 1 (plus base armor value difference). Willing to accept gold.

Game Balance Discussion / Track Assists?
« on: June 02, 2011, 10:50:54 pm »
Is this possible to do? Seems like if there were a display of how people helped out we wouldn't have as much "x build doesn't do y". If a crossbowman hits 7 people but kills 0 he's still doing something. Would also quickly point out "suicide leechers" the people who have a weapon but just run hands down towards their doom.

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