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Topics - Tanken

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General Discussion / NA Admins These Days...
« on: June 20, 2013, 01:52:12 am »
So we were playing on NA_1 earlier, and an admin named "my old friendottini" (yes I know it's a pasta) decides to start harassing me and possibly other players, I don't know, he was in dead chat a lot and I wasn't.

However, my original point at jesting towards his name is that constantly I see players with hardly even borderline offensive names asked to change their name. Yet this admin, though it is a Pasta, knows full-well that their name could be construed as offensive and is most likely the reason they chose this specific name. Why is it we allow admins to have this power, and they are never held to the fire for their actions? I know plenty of reputable admins on NA 1 and this does not necessarily apply to them, but when you've got a server with 80 people in it and you're an admin running around with that name, and harassing players in chat for pointing it out--that leaves a bad taste in most of the playerbase's mouth.

Get some new admins, devs. You asked us to donate $65+ to your "game", now show that you care about your community and whom you select as admin because obviously there's some issues here.

Me pointing out his name:
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Him threatening to TK me (and then he attempted to, but missed)
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Next map, still continues harassing..
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I'm sure I'll get flamed and down-voted for sharing this, but fuck me man, am I the only one who is tired of shit like this ruining everyone's fun in this Mod?

General Discussion / Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« on: May 05, 2013, 10:50:09 pm »
So lately, me and a couple of friends have been trying a bunch of games, but none of them stick. We are looking for an MMO (RPG preferably) to Replace cRPG or at least give us an alternative.

Some Requirements:
Must have a lot of persistency meaning constantly something to do
Needs a good learning curve and high skill base to be really good
Must be addicting
I like games with micro-markets, ways to do things other than just fighting
A good storyline or roleplay element
Good graphics --> No cartoony or anime looking crap
Good playerbase
PvP, PvE, RvR -- It doesn't matter.

Some games I have played that we didn't like much:
- WoW (just too old and too full of spergs)
- Warthunder (gets really old fast)
- Planetside 2
- LoL
- Age of Wushu
Added: Path of Exile
and a couple others that I'm sure as soon as they're mentioned, I'll say something.

The way this works:
You can suggest up to 2 games, I'd prefer you include their website, a quick video or a good detailed explanation on why you think I'll like it and your personal opinion of why this game is good. I will check into most games and if I try it out, like it, and stick with it, I'll give you a Loom Point. There will only be 1 Winner, but seeing as this takes a little time I will be keeping this Contest active for 7-10 days to fully evaluate most suggestions.

Please note, the winner is judged accordingly to when they post the suggestion so if two people post the same suggestion--whoever the first to suggest it will win. I will only consider your first 2 game suggestions as official entries, others will be considered but will not be granted a victory.

Diplomacy / White Flag?
« on: May 02, 2013, 04:00:24 am »
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Has the war on the NA side come to an obvious outcome, or shall we continue to shed more glorious blood and xp!?

General Discussion / A Great Debate: IF vs. WM -- What's your pick?
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:41:31 pm »
As the Title suggests-- Iron Flesh versus Weapon Mastery.
Which do you choose?

Also, this is in regards to if you are a dedicated class, not a hybrid. Obviously if you're a hybrid, the answer would be Weapon Mastery. But I want to know from a Dedicated Class standpoint, which do you prefer? IF or WM? GET YOUR VOTES IN!

General Discussion / No Balls, No Honor.
« on: April 25, 2013, 06:46:21 am »
Going to keep this short because a lot of people know (they were there) but I figured we should publicly shame this clown for accepting a duel, not showing, and then bragging about it.

The story:

On NA_1 tonight Goliathz and I got into a little tiff when I brought up how many ban requests he makes a week. Just look at NA Ban Requests--there's a lot already and he has been playing a short while. I also identified him as Algaroth, he didn't like that too much. So we bantered back and forth and finally I just told him, "Duel me--My long spear vs. your 2hander, loser wears bitch tags for a month" (as seen in the screenshot). He accepted it, so I left to go to duel....never showed. Most of the server called him a pussy, but when I came back Goliathz continued to insult me as if he had something to brag about.

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I should also probably mention his insults were the equivalent of what you would hear at the bus stop or playground. Anyway, I say we have a good ole fashion shaming and stoning.

So TL;DR This Goliathz guy, aka Algaroth, is a joke. If he ends up in anyone's clan--shame on you for accepting someone with no balls!

General Discussion / If it ain't broke...
« on: April 06, 2013, 08:02:41 pm »
So last night on NA_1 we had some good times. For a few maps we had Fort Wars (sorry no screenshots of that) where both sides would build forts and then rain javelins from the sky onto the other fort. It was awesome. Then, we switch to the map pictured below.

One team decided "Hey, let's build a Small Siege Tower on the boat!" which really, was a funny idea, except...this happened....

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The siege tower decided to grab the bridge (one of two entrances to their boat) and use it for god knows what reason as a dock. THEN what's even better is that when the Siege Tower elevated enough they could access the wheels, they could turn it and the entire bridge would turn with it.

I added a picture of the bridge when it started moving with people on it and while it was attached to the siege tower...
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Those who were on the bridge or attempted to go across the bridge after it was removed--got stuck. Also, the bridge remained round to round attached to the Siege tower.

Great times.

Moral of the Story? Fix the fucking mod.

General Discussion / Armory Management System?
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:04:06 am »
So I just noticed (and forgive me if this is old news) but you guys changed the armory layout. I am rank 10, so this shouldn't be an issue on our ladder, but there are items that I see in the armory management screen--but I can't loan them to anyone or myself. Is this a bug? or working as intended?  :rolleyes:

Strategus General Discussion / KUTT Crew is FOR HIRE! Auction Inside
« on: March 16, 2013, 09:32:19 pm »
KUTT Crew is For Hire. This is about 6-10 People you can add to your fief or faction to assist you.

How it works:
You pay us in cRPG Gold for every 1,000 troops we recruit. Current offer sits at 50,000 per 1,000 strat troops. You MUST at least give us Strategus gold enough to recruit and pay for the upkeep of the troops--but nothing more is needed. If you want us to be Traders for you, carry out rogue missions, or assist you in attacking your targets--We can do that! but realize that none of the expense comes out of our pocket.

You will gain anywhere from 6-10+ people to assist you. We can arrive in your fief/lands within a week's time and will guarantee our services for two months before opening up an Auction once more. Again, we are not interested in being paid Strategus gold, we want cRPG gold.

This Auction is Open to both EU and NA Factions

This is an OPEN AUCTION, Post Offers HERE. You are Bidding in CRPG GOLD that you will Pay per 1,000 troops recruited. We can recruit 1,000 troops for you in 4-7 days time, and can also assist you with other tasks. Silent Offers (PMs) will be considered, but will need to be made public as well.

Minimum Offer starts at 50,000 cRPG gold per 1,000. We ask that you increase your bids by 2,500 over the previous bids. Serious offers only.

Auction will Close the 21st of March

Strategus Issues / Says I'm in a Faction--Can't access Faction Page?
« on: March 14, 2013, 09:56:21 pm »
So, I am having a problem. It says that I am in our KUTT faction, however, when I click the Faction Tab--I can't do anything! I can't see who is in the Faction, I can't leave it (to attempt to remedy this my own way) and I can't transfer to clan mates. I can't view anything of theirs such as troops/gold even if they're in the same fief.

What gives?

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Then I click Faction tab and all I see..

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So, apparently the community doesn't like my avatar all that much (I don't know why). So, I'm offering the community a chance to replace my avatar with a nice hand-drawn avatar.

It's pretty simple, I'll pay 75k for a nice (or funny) drawn Avatar of myself. I may even pay more, depending on how good it is. This is also a chance for some of you to renown farm or show off your artistic prowess.

Included picture:

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Would definitely like it to be in color, and include the KUTT banner on my heraldic. I use Long Spear primarily and other Polearms, so have at it guys.

I'll pick a winner sometime next week. Also, bonus points (and bonus gold) if you design a nice KUTT signature for my crew to use. That's open-ended, so do whatever you want.

Enjoy the contest!

Strategus General Discussion / Big News..
« on: February 20, 2013, 09:48:41 am »

But we probably all won't be doing Strat, so don't be surprised if you see KUTT members in various Strat Factions..

Oh and it's for realz this time. Xeen, Para, Celti, Phaze, Short Sir--they're all back.

Diplomacy / KUTT's Big Comeback
« on: February 14, 2013, 06:50:54 am »
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I had NOTHING to do with this.

Was pretty funny though. Good fights.

We freed the Demonic Village of Pagan Rituals by WITCHCRAFT, the curse has been lifted, and during the twenty-four hours before the battle to take place to regain it, we have showered the soil and all structures with Holy Water of the GodKing Partyboy's Ball Sweat to chastise all wickedness of Ambean. Good fight WITCHCRAFT, your Sorcery is NO MORE for Ambean.

General Discussion / Anyone else having this issue?
« on: February 12, 2013, 10:29:53 pm »
Occasionally, when I hit the Home Tab on the forum here, the page fails to load. I have to remove the /index part of the URL for it to load correctly.

Anyone else having this issue? I'm using Google Chrome, it wasn't having this problem 3-4 days ago, but since about Saturday it has been doing it frequently.

Spam / The Spam at New Caraf Castle
« on: February 11, 2013, 04:23:28 am »
Fuck you Dan.

I wanted death by execution firing line.


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Text Version:
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2 Loom Points and Gold for trade

Black Armor, Yumi, Bodkins, and Longsword are all quick-trades. Looking for MW Pike or other Polearms as well as Loom Points + Gold.

Long Spear is NOT for Trade. Will consider other items for other items in my trade list though

I don't have a lot of Gold, so please be reasonable with your requests.

Please, Post HERE and ALSO PM ME

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