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Topics - Jarold

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Fellow Throwers Lend me your Aid
« on: January 22, 2014, 02:37:41 am »
I'm not sure if my build is actually as good as I think it is so I need help.

Strength:      24
Agility:         15

Skill to attr:    8

Power Throw:     8
Power Strike:     5
Athletics:           5
Weapon Master: 5

Throwing:         130 (33 effective wpf with armor and PT)
Two Handed:       36

Heavy Bastard Sword
Throwing Spears

Do I actually have only 3 effective PT with my wpf or is it still 8 PT. Because if it's not I think i'd be better off going 21/18 with my build instead of playing with a horrible one.

Crossbows are simply too easy to just pick up and shoot with little skill investment. There needs to be a required skill for Crossbows besides just wpf. I know it's realistic but first we must make the game balanced then we can talk realism.

Taking out Crossbow WPF and putting in a Skill Requirement will solve this problem I think. Taking this skill will make you more accurate with your crossbow. I'll just call this skill "Steady Hands, or SH", and it will be governed by Agility. But before you get on me about it being governed by AGI therefore creating more kiting here's the second part to the idea.

Give all crossbows higher STR requirements. So that if you wanted to use a Heavy Crossbow you would need to have 18 str to use it. Therefore you couldn't get as much "SH" because you needed more strength making you less accurate but you would have a high damage output.

The Steady Hands skill i'm proposing should give you 30 wpf per level but it should be like the Horse Archery skill. So instead of every 3 points of AGI you will need 6 points of AGI to level up the skill. How much wpf you get per level is debatable and for now it's just there for a placeholder.

In short adding this skill and giving higher strength requirements for crossbows will make the high damage crossbows less accurate and the lower damaging crossbows more accurate. Giving you an obvious trade off of accuracy vs potential damage. It will also hopefully eliminate some of the kiting.

In reply to Grumbs comment I thought i'd post the little conversation here.
I think a lot of how xbows function is hardcoded, but if possible i'd just give them a difficulty like bows and use PD (maybe change the name of it to Ranged Acuity or something).
This doesn't change how it functions. It changes how accurate you are with a crossbow. It simply gives you crossbow wpf. Also changing a crossbow's STR requirement is easy.

I'm not saying you need SH to use a crossbow, but you will need it to be remotely accurate since it's the only way to get wpf in Crossbows.

I don't like the idea of something like a PD requirement, but a strength requirement I do like, with an optional skill requirement to be accurate. It makes sense to me because you need strength to pull the string back and then you will need a steady hand to keep your weapon stable and to actually hit someone.

You will still be able to pick up random crossbows this way but you won't really hit anything without luck or someone who's really close.

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord / Mount and Blade II : Rome
« on: January 06, 2014, 04:02:16 am »

Found this website, not sure what it is exactly. I think it might be a modder already working with Bannerlord's engine?

Buy / Buying +3 Light Lance
« on: January 05, 2014, 06:26:54 pm »
Look up Jarold_MB on the marketplace or PM. Mainly looking to trade my +3 Long Iron Mace for it.

Beginner's Help and Guides / One Handed Shielder Archer Build
« on: December 19, 2013, 06:53:36 am »
Anybody know if this build would be any good? I tested it on a STF it was pretty fun and I was almost topping the scoreboards but I just used the equipment lying around in the armory so I didn't get a good feel for what I would actually be using.

Strength:        18
Agility:         18

Skill to attr:    2

Power Strike:      6
Power Draw:       6
Athletics:            6
Shield:                5
Weapon Master:   6

One Handed:       58 (50) -- effective wpf with armor.
Archery:          142 (50) -- effective wpf with armor and PD.

Long Bow
Italian Sword
Round Steel Buckler

Sallet with Visor
Heavy Aketon
Mail Mittens
Green Hose with Kneecops

I like using the cheap arrows because I only have to carry one pack of them around because of how much ammo it has which helps me use my long bow and sword.

My real concern is will I experience a lot of glancing in melee and will I be accurate and still shoot fast. I only used a horn bow so far but I want to use a long bow.

Suggestions Corner / Bastard Sword Secondary Mode
« on: November 24, 2013, 06:58:03 am »
I'm not sure if there ever was a change to these besides buffing their half-swording capabilities so correct me if i'm wrong.

I think it's secondary mode by pressing X' should be 1h not polearm, that can be reserved for the greatsword class. I mean honestly you don't actually ever switch to half-swording mode when in close quarter combat, it's short enough already! Anyways, they should custom make their stats like they did for the half-swording mode. Something like...

Heavy Bastard Sword - 1h mode

Speed - 90
Swing Damage - 31c
Thrust Damage - 21p

Longsword - 1h mode

Speed - 89
Swing Damage - 32c
Thrust Damage - 21p

Bastard Sword - 1h mode

Speed - 91
Swing Damage - 30c
Thrust Damage - 20p


Masterwork Paramerion


Masterwork Great Sword

Loom Points+Gold

Look up Jarold_of_Vinland on the marketplace for my offers. Feel free to PM me if you would like to offer something else!

General Off Topic / Some questions about Mount and Blade
« on: August 23, 2013, 11:01:18 am »
Why are games like chivalry and war of the roses so much more successful then mount and blade? Why do they get more players?

Mount and blade is obviously not on par graphics wise, but everything else about it is better. Is mount and blade warband not very popular because it doesn't have a well known game producer and developer? Is it not as successful as those other games because of bad advertising?

Is it hard to get into? I told my friend to get Mount and Blade Warband, he started playing the native singleplayer the next day. He was having a rough start and to my misfortune, he was using manual block. Which felt like to me was a death sentence to his enjoyment. He really sucked at the game he couldn't even hit a guy, but something in him made him want to keep playing. He still sin't that great at the game, but he is definitely better and is now addicted. Maybe in the future I can train him and introduce him hear since he seems very determined with this game.

I was hooked instantly when I played it because I thought it was cool to command a lot of men on a battlefield without It having to be a strategy game. It felt like oblivion with way better combat and bigger battles.

Or am I, and other others who have the same questions, just blind to the truth that mount and blade isn't as good as chivalry or war of the roses and only a select few people like us can play this game.

General Off Topic / Humble Bundle
« on: August 21, 2013, 08:45:15 am »
Have you guys heard about this humble bundle thing going on? You basically buy games for real cheap that are in a bundle for charity. Usually like $5 for a bundle. Right now it's Battlefield 3, Dead Space, Dead Space 3, Mirrors Edge, Crysis 2, Medal of Honor, Sims 3, and some racing game.

All my friends have bought it and it works, they email you the steam keys. I haven't gotten it because i'm still a little iffy but it seems to be perfectly legal and legit. I think it actually has been going on for about a year now, they change their bundle out every few weeks I think.

I know in Native singleplayer you can zoom in and out in third person, not sure about first person with numpad + and -. I can't check right now. Maybe you can't because it would give an unfair advantage.

General Discussion / NA2
« on: August 08, 2013, 02:18:58 am »
I'll let the pictures speak.

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Well being a huge die-hard NA2 fan, I've been trying to put my finger on the problem for awhile.  At least a year, maybe longer.  I've played siege in just about every mod available in this game, and CRPG's version used to be the best, imo.  And I honestly think we can get it back, but there are a few factors that need to be addressed.

One.  Toys.
GK_Siege in Native has stolen a vast majority of former NA2 players.  Every time you go there it's packed with near 100 people.  One of the reasons I believe is that they've done a fantastic job of implementing "toys" that make siege... siege.  Catapults, ballistae, fire arrows, boiling oil, traps, sail-able ships, all kinda neat shit.  Now I'm not saying NA2 should copy GK Native, but I do think more toys equals more fun.

Two.  Maps.
This is has already been touched on alot so I'll say very little here.  However, in addition to the problem with overly huge maps already pointed out, one big factor that's a problem in NA2 is 'not enough' maps.  Doing the same maps over and over again gets tiresome.  Hell I'll do a few crappy maps just to break up the boredom of the same repetitive map spam.  There are alot of good maps that have been submitted in the past that I think need to be brought back.  The problem is that very few people upvote a map, but many will downvote.  And that causes decent maps to be kicked out of rotation that some just want to whine about.  Although I do realize there are definitely 'bad maps' that are exactly that as well.

Three.  Multi.
We all play for fun.  But we also play cRPG because of the ability to earn gold, gear, looms, stuff.  I have tested this and retested this, with several different sets of gear.  And the result is always the same.  Battle will render 40k+ gold a night for me easy.  Mostly due to the fact that gear will only break 'maybe' one item at a time, or none, in most rounds.  Siege on the other hand, the rounds usually last longer, causing more chance for items to break.  I constantly see anywhere from 3 - 5 items break PER ROUND.  And that stacked with less Multi strings = alot less gold.  I'm lucky to make 2k - 5k a night in Siege most times.  And sometimes have actually lost money.
My suggestion to fix this is hopefully simple - although not sure how easy it would be to code.  Instead of penalizing the round's losing team by dropping them to x1 automatically, instead only drop 2 Multis.  So for example, "Badass_Duchebag" has a 4x and loses a round.  He goes from 4x down to 2x.  Or from 5x to 3x.  And so on.  Obviously 3x would still burn down to 1x.
I think this could be a huge help in equalizing the money gains of siege to battle.  As well as make people not want to leave just because <insert map> will result in automatic loss.

Four.  Respawn.
This one I'm still not sure about.  Smaller pops do need smaller timers for defense, but I don't know if that can be done.  I read a suggestion earlier about troop count or tickets.  That 'could' work, but you'd need more for attackers most likely, and smaller pops would result in longer battles.  But probably still doable.
My thoughts are though, if we take care of 1, 2, and 3... 4 will take care of itself because pop will be larger.  However, if the majority of the maps are roughly close in size, the devs would be able to easier average out what respawn timer works best (since you can't make the timer different for each individual map).

Personally I'd love to handle map rotation if no one else wants to take it over for NA2.  I do think that someone who loves and cares about NA2, and plays it, should be overseeing that.  If there's someone qualified who has already volunteered, and are active, I definitely think it's time to get them in there and give 'em the ball.

Long live NA2!

/steps off soapbox

Suggestions Corner / Add Weapon - Mourningstar -- New Second Model...
« on: July 28, 2013, 10:11:25 pm »
Here is a one handed Morningstar for all you one handed enthusiast. Reach is about the same as the military pick's. Stats are are subject to change.

Download :


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The Bonus Against Shields is a very important part of this weapon.

Mourningstar v2

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After many trials and errors I think I have perfected my one handed Morningstar!

Suggestions Corner / Revert Falchion Model, Code Included!
« on: July 28, 2013, 07:45:53 am »
So I don't really know what the reasoning was behind changing the Falchion's model but i'm assuming it was for realism. But it is butt ugly so please revert it back to the old sexy model.

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Ok and for the code, it should work perfectly.

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You literally just have to copy and paste this devs and you're done with many happy players.

Suggestions Corner / The Great Thread of Suggestions
« on: July 28, 2013, 01:43:54 am »
Since a lot of suggestions seemed to be overlooked I think we need a thread to look at em all (the good ones). Especially since the newest patch that came out overlooked all suggestions.

This thread is a WIP so not a lot may be added atm, but I will be going through suggestions every so often.

I honestly don't care if this isn't noticed at all I will keep bumping it. Also feel free to tell me to add in suggestions I might have missed.

Note : Only legit suggestions will be added, not ones like "I think we should nerf this weapon."

Weapons & Armors - Shields, swords, axes, bows, arrows, any wearable piece of equipment, etc.


Mounts - Any type of mount that can you can ride.


Other - All other things that are not covered by the above.


Suggestions Corner / Archery Re-texture Mod
« on: July 16, 2013, 10:06:22 am »
Since I've never really liked the yellow bows and arrows that are in cRPG, I decided to retexture them. This is for people who don't use the heirloom pack.

Now I kept the yumi bow and rus bow the same since I thought they looked great, but all others are changed!

Small update : Changed the strings color on the bows slightly so they don't look so yellow and glowy. They are now darker and more brown.

Download :

To Install this mod simply download the file, use the installer, and make sure to copy "jarold_archery" resource to your resource folder and the textures to your textures folder.

You may have to redirect the installer to wherever cRPG is on your computer to successfully install this mod.


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Bows -- Ignore the string colors, they have been changed.

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A great mod to go along with this is Kulin_Ban's Archery Sound Mod. It greatly improves the sounds of archery.

Archery sound mod (by Kulin_ban)
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Version for native sounds
Installation: Download and extract to Mount&Blade Warband\Sounds

Version for More Metal sounds
Installation: Download and extract to Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\cRPG\Sounds

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