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Topics - Bryggan

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Anyone who knows me knows my strategy is: wait til people get bored of strat, take some AFK fiefs, use the stolen money to build some armies, fight until people come back, and, when things start going shitty for me, have my character die.  It's simple but effective, but I thought there should be a few ways of making the game require a bit more thinking.  Right now the only strategy in strat is bigger, better rosters and simple wars of attrition.  There's not much you can do about roster size except have a lot of friends, which some us just can't do, and attrition means nothing when your enemies just keep coming back to life with an unlimited source of ticks to recruit.

So, with a few of my own ideas, and a few I pilfered from others, here are my ideas:

I'd be 100% behind a 50/50 chance of capture if there was a better guarantee of roster balance.  I think there are plenty of players out there who don't care what faction they fight for, and in fact are hesitant about joining either side due to fears of making enemies.

But, when the prof is there, he can make it so people can switch sides, or go from spectator to a side.  If it were automated, or the Prof was forced to attend each and every battle, it would be nice anyone who wasn't for or against either faction just joined in spectator mode, then the team commanders took turns picking mercs until the remainder just joined the smaller roster.

But with capturing, there is a chance strat will end and won't fall into it's usual periods of stagnancy.  In a game that is really only based on attrition, its hard to win when there are basically limitless troops.

To prevent multi-accounting and people just hiding out til the end, I'd also suggest the soldier cap be set by renown. 0 would be 250, 1 would be 500, 2=750, 3=1000, 4=1250, 5=1500, 6=1800, 7=2100, 8=2400, 9=2700, 10=3000.  Thus if you cap your village, castle or town you should have enough renown to protect it from the average marauder.  People who don't cap fiefs could trade or take the risk of attacking caravans (I never thought there should be 10,000 man caravans anyways; its ridiculous).  In these little battles I think most people would free their captured enemy, probably for a fee a la native single player.  With troop caps, the ticks earned for silver should pay a little more so at least people can eventually get money if they have a run of bad luck.

These small raider/traders, should they be aggressive and lucky enough, would eventually gain enough renown to command large armies, which would attract the attention of the landlords.  But currently, being a landlord is a profitless endeavor.  I think taxes should be a minimum of 20%, plus each fief should pay rents based on its population.  This way the land holders would have the money and therefore a lot more control.  They could hire mercenary armies to fight for them (or if they are they are willing to lose it all, try gain their own renown) or buy troops off the merc armies to garrison their holdings.

This gives the 'lone wolf' players a chance to get ahead.  Through mercing, selling troops or trade they could eventually get the gear necessary to take their own fief.

Get rid of discounted armour and XP based on the value of the gear.  We have too much shiny, and people don't bother signing if they don't think the XP will be worth it.  There should be X amount of XP divided among each player on each roster, so being on a low roster would get you much more XP.  In real life you get much more experience when outnumbered I should think.  And with these 70% discounts there is no quantity/quality decision to be made.  A small, wealthy trader might equip his 200 men with plate, while an army of 2000 might prefer to equip with haubergeon grade for the same price and only 30% less body armour.

Prosperity should be linked to population size.  With tax at a minimum of 20%, and money made by rents from the population, there will be good reason to keep your peasants healthy and hale, and better reason to keep your enemies' peasants dead.  In war, it is always a good idea to take out your enemy resources, and in an agrarian society, the main resource is the peasantry.  It would be very profitable to send raiding parties to attack villages, and very unprofitable to not bother defending them.  Plus, if you are in a good trading area, you might convert troops to population.  But, if you are desperate for men, you should be able to transfer population to troops.  You'll lose income, but hey, if you're desperate you're desperate.

Get rid of garrisons and arms in villages.  We all know the dangers of giving peasants weapons- they get all uppity and start demanding some basic human rights.  They can use their pitchforks and sickles to defend themselves.  If a village is attacked though, a person should be able to reinforce them.  The attack switches from the mainly defenseless peasants to the reinforcing army.  Once the reinforcing ticks run out, the battle restarts against the villagers with peasant gear but the same amount of time, and the poor peasants can only hope to run out the timer.  Doing this would cause people to go for more field battles than risk losing their precious, money making peasants.

Change the raid.  Everyone with a modicum of self respect hates raids.  It seems like an accidental glitch, but yet here it is.  Raids should be quick attacks on the population, and not just walking in and taking cartloads of gear.  A raid should be when an army attacks a non garrisoned fief and gets a set time to kill villagers.  The time would be based on the relative sizes of the army and the villagers.  In a raid, reinforcement of the village wouldn't be allowed (but you could attack right after of course).  If all the villagers are killed in the set amount of time, the attacker gets however much SD is in the village as goods.  And he just destroyed the money making abilities of some enemy lord for some time.  This would have obvious strategic value, plus it would force some more strategic field battles which are sadly lacking.  People would have to patrol their neighbourhoods, plus factions would want some cohesion to their lands to make it easier to prevent incursions.

Put Europe and NA together.  With raids and slaughtering peasants a major factor, there will need to be sets of eyes on the map at all times.  Sad to say, Eu and NA would have to work together.  Battles would be split into 2 12 hour periods, with Eu primetime battles on the Eu server and NA primetime battles on the NA server.  I would advise a freeze in the odd hours that suck for everyone.

Oh, and have merc recruitment only happen an hour before battle time.  That way you actually know who's there without roll calls.

And I think that's it.  I was rambling for quite a bit there, but to me these are all genius plans.  I have no idea how hard they are to implement, but something should be done.  People still find the battles fun, and I think the game could last a lot longer if we remove the cancer and have some 'end game' in sight.

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Diplomacy / Chaos in the North
« on: January 10, 2018, 05:47:37 am »

With the loss of New Kelredan castle the supply lines between the south and the north of the chadzian Empire was severed in two.  The Holy chadzian Emperor decided, for administrative reasons, to split the empire in two.  The North kept the ancient seat of Empire in Curaw, while the Southern Empire established its capital in New Durquaba.  The CC barbarians, realizing the North was much weaker and more fractured, pressed hard upon the North, striking the capital as well as lowly fiefs.  During these troubles, Mr. Blue took advantage of the political situation and claimed the Imperial mantle for himself.


Unlike most factions, the Holy chadzian Empire, and its predecessor, the Kingdoms of the North, has had a long and troubled past.  Chock full of betrayals, bravery, backstabbing, bitching and bad ass battles.  If you like blood, drama and total war, come join us.  Currently we are over stocked on castles, villages and ambition, but somewhat understocked on silver, men and armies.  We have no real desire to seek peace, but might be forced to if we run out of resources.  And no one wants that.

So come join us and be a bad ass kick ass sweet ass warrior.  We are essentially the Western Roman Empire, aka the Holy Roman Empire, and we all know how peaceful they were.  And, if you want to be emperor yourself, all you have to do is defeat him in a civil war:
(click to show/hide)

To come join this fun and exciting new faction and experience the rage, bloodlust and sheer bloodymindedness, hit this link:

Diplomacy / Meeting with Tristan and Rando
« on: January 09, 2018, 01:59:29 pm »
So Tristan and Rando came by to talk to me and Blue and we secretly recorded the whole thing:

We did use some codewords, such as Letterkenny for Curaw, 'sisters' for our fiefs, and we have always called CC 'Hockey Players'.

Strategus General Discussion / EU, NA and China under one map
« on: July 19, 2017, 01:13:15 pm »
I was thinking... What if we all shared one map?  And imagine if all of us Euros and NAers and Asians were all in the same factions.  There would be no 'night time battles', because it would always be primetime for some of us.

Put us all on one map.  The factions would have to be international of course.  To avoid 'Clan Pride', the factions would be Khergit, Swadian, Vaegir, Nord, Docker and Sassanid.  Everyone keeps their clan tag.  This would force Euros and Muricans and Asians to work together.  The strat battles would be on the appropriate servers on the prime time.  Some NA attacks at 4 am PST?  Chinese server.  2 pm PST? Eu server.  9 PST, NA server.

I just played China server, and they had a lot of guys and they were awesome.  They deserve strat.  And it would force us to be buddy buddy on an international scale.  Which would be a good thing.

Suggestions Corner / Armour is useless
« on: July 10, 2017, 11:09:39 pm »
I have masterwork Mongolian armour with 44 points, plus 21 strength.  Still most 2 handers and polearms kill me in one hit.  The only benefit it has is that arrows leave you with a single bar sometimes.  I know the super hero fighters like it, because otherwise their duels would go on forever.  But most people would like a little forgiveness for a bad block.

General Discussion / Admins gotta kick in
« on: June 27, 2017, 11:13:10 am »
We are having another resurrection, but the same thing is gonna kill it as it always did before.  Well, from the people I talk to (which may not represent the entire C-Rpg community) they get tired of the trolls.  They find this game, they get excited, then they go to NA1 and see some old trolls who feel this is their personal playground.  They are the ones who fist fight for (what feels like) 20 minutes at the end of the round, or bro code... actually bro coding is the one that offends me most.

This is supposed to be a team based game.  So when you are new, and you see a strong ally behind an equally strong enemy, you think, 'Hey, I can help beat this guy and it will be awesome!". But your ally just stands there and watches you die cuz little did you know they were buds.  And then you realize you are an outsider and you don't really belong here.

This shit is very common on NA1.  I got people playing strat back in the day, but they stopped due to NA1.  I tried telling them that trolls weren't always on, and sometimes you get an enjoyable game or two.  But yeah, they were west coasters, so they played at night and always ran into the trolls.

The sad thing is that Admins seem to be part of this joke.  If you have been playing since the dawn of time you can do whatever.  Rules don't apply.  If you're bored, go on NA1 and goof off, even though other players wish to play seriously.  But I guess the Admins are all old players too who like having their own playground.  But maybe they can go goof off at siege or duel.  Late at night and its 4 vs 4, 2 people might think its hilarious, but 6 people don't.

C'mon.  Bro coding is against the rules (and IMHO its pathetic and needy and dorky) and it would be awesome if that was enforced... at least when they don't even try hide it.

General Discussion / Everyone's an asshole
« on: February 24, 2017, 05:42:56 am »
At certain times, annoying troll types start playing.  They TW everyone every start, shout racial shit constantly, and basically kill the game for everyone is not a 13 year old autist.  Apparently many are old and respected players (will not mention names, but we all know who they are).  But for any old player getting back, or a new player getting in, they kill the game.  Whether they are bro coding, or decide to punch their way through ten enemies, or wander off the field for a wrestling match, they really, really kill the game for new/normal players.  They treat this like their own back yard, and shit on whoever.  It is below my dignity to rat and report, but while us aged players have seen these shits come and go, I do believe we have new players coming in and leaving as quickly.

And these new players probably shake their heads and go back to the more mature gamings of Team Fortress II.

General / Absurd idea for revenue
« on: June 03, 2016, 06:25:30 pm »
Since we all know that once the Donkey Crew makes their billions of dollars selling this game they'll all just disappear to live a life of debauchery, we need a way to keep revenue coming in so they'll keep working on the  game.  We don't want it to stagnate and rot like Strat.  The usual way is a monthly subscription or selling 'skins' or other bonuses.  But I have a clever idea... I think.

Since the dawn of MMORPGs there has been a black market in virtual goods, and some companies decided that rather than fight it, they'd get a piece of the action.  And that inspired me.

I suggest people can buy wine with cash.  It will have a set cash value in a limited supply, enough to cover operating costs.  So if it costs $100.00 a month to run Epic, 20 casks of wine will be put on the market at $10.00 each.  Each of these casks will hold 10 bottles of wine, which you sell for silver at whatever the market will bear.  Each time a player drinks a bottle of wine, their account is credited $.50 (while chadz pockets the other $.50).

This could lead to alcoholism in some cash hungry players, which isn't too bad a thing.  Taxes will be collected off the sales, so the local gentry get silver, plus tavern keepers get their cut, and the wine merchants have a lot of silver to go for the greater good of the faction.

Each area of the map will have a wine region to prevent from some rich greedy guts from monopolizing, and their will be limits on how many casks you can buy at one time, and there will be a queue to buy it.

And wine should have an effect.  If you drink too much in too short of time, your controls go wonky (like you're lagging), your screen gets blurry, and you have 'auto punch' whenever you get near someone.  Plus there will be a recovery time we'll call a hangover where your stats, including work stats, goes down.  An alcoholic will be less competitive than a sober one, just so the game doesn't get overrun by 3rd world players.  Still, this would fill up the less desirable jobs that might be required.

There are other benefits besides getting chadz filthy rich.  Wine can be given to soldiers as a morale booster, or to individuals as a reward.  Wine will be the #1 stolen or attempted stolen item, much like real life so there's a little more drama for ya.  And most importantly, it will keep silver in circulation.  Inflation and deflation are a problem in most video games when players make money then quit, leaving it just sitting there.  Now they will be inspired to spend it all before going back to playing CS:GO 24/7.

This is a case of guys with more money subsidizing those without.  Buying wine casks will make you money, but only if the money is there.  People will still be able to make lots of money without having to pay cash.  Drunkenness will be obvious, so if you see your King is spending all his tax revenue on booze maybe you better depose him- basically anyone with political power better be sober.  And you will only be able to drink so much in a certain amount of time without passing so people won't be able to quickly convert millions of silver into cash overnight.  Plus silver prices are determined by supply and demand, and supply can run out.

So this was my clever little idea; now tell me how awesome you think it is.

Events & Tournaments / Funeral Games of Bryggan
« on: April 13, 2016, 12:00:51 am »
The Funeral Games of Bryggan, One Time King and Emperor

After being attacked and defeated at the hands of the UIF, Bryggan, full of pride and anger and insanity, sought revenge by attacking a UIF village to steal it's silver.  Though many counselled against it, Bryggan figured he could take it with 40 heavily armed knights.  Alas, the UIF were able to reinforce the village, and Bryggan walked into a trap.  After a valiant attempt by his men, they all fell one by one to the superior numbers.  Bryggan's body was recovered and is now being brought to Rebache where the people are building a funeral pyre.

By his will, all of Bryggan's weapons and armour shall be offered as prizes.  Over 2 million gold shall be split up among all the participants.  There shall be 3 contests with four prize winners each.The winners may select one of the following in the order of rank:

Champion courser                             Lordly Barbutte                          Lordly Heraldic Tabard over Mail and Plate
Lordly Heraldic Transitional armour    Lordly Milanese Plate                  Lordly Mongolian Leather
Lordly Tagancha helm with Veil          Lordly Wisby gauntlets               Masterwork Hunting longbow
Masterwork Longsword                     Mighty 2 handed Warhammer     One Loom point


Team Battle:  The contestants will randomly form two teams and fight to the death.  All of the winners and the top 25% of the losing team will move on to the next round.  This will continue til there is a 2 vs 2 battle, in which the winner will be decided by who survives, and the order of 2nd, 3rd and 4th will be determined by points.


Cavalry Free For All:  The weapons will be limited to two handed weapons and great lances.  If your horse gets killed, you cannot attack (though you may block) until you are remounted.  I will continually spawn horses so we don't run out.  Winners will be decided by total points.


Duels: Last Man Standing:  Duels will be assigned randomly.  When you win, you will be assigned a new duel without respawning.  So you will soon be fighting with just a sliver of health remaining, so you better practice your blocks.  Gear restrictions- no crush-through or knockdown weapons.  Shields are limited to 2 difficulty, but can be replace between rounds.  Winner will be the last man standing, 2nd his opponent, and 3rd and 4th will be decided by a coin toss.


Prizes.  The winner of the 3rd challenge chooses first, then the winner of the 2nd and 1st challenges.  Then the 2nd place winners choose, etc etc.


Oh, and it's also the 13th tomorrow, so you know, 13 Knights... it was meant to be.



ONE MORE EDIT!!!! no range in the last man standing challenge (obviously)

Mercenary Recruitment / 13K vs UIF
« on: April 09, 2016, 07:52:44 pm »!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1076

The scoundrels attacked me because I had 200 crates.  I saw their crime rates and figured I better help them.

But I managed to buy some pretty nice gear along the way; Heavy armour for 350 and medium armour for 75 and light armour for 50 so perhaps we can crush these 1000 'armed' men.  They're probably wearing leather.

Unfortunately I can't get the Eu servers, so I'll need a good commander, and a Teamspeak... ah, I'll use the Sloths.  TS is

Diplomacy / If the Gobblins puss out
« on: March 25, 2016, 11:21:23 am »
We have a lot of tiny factions.   Factions that have their own hopes and dreams.  Quite frankly, I always thought it was too early for 'mega-factions'.  Let's just have our own little wars.  Most of us don't give a fuck who we fight, but we do care deeply about how we look on a map.

So I'm thinking friendly little wars.  We all try to dominate, and when we realize we can't, we join forces.  Then, in a month or eight, we all side up for one side.  And then we fight to determine who will own the map.  Personally, I think its awesome when people accept defeat and join their victors.  Pussy whining 'hate them forever' BS is soooo 'internet'.

Let's all act like medieval kingdoms.  No rage quitting (though boredom quitting is a problem).  Accept defeat like gentlemen, and accept vassalage.  If you 'don't like the guys you gotta work with', then fuck off.  You are a pussy whiner, and have no place in a medieval war simulator kinda thing.

So says I!

13K guy

Diplomacy / RP as Trolls?
« on: March 10, 2016, 12:34:36 pm »
These bastards do not RP as trolls.  They are trolls.  We all have our fun in forms, but yet, until now, I have never had any enem hate me.  Why, you ask? It's because I am not a pathetci needy troll nerd who desires validation.  We play the game differently.  They like to sperg and consider themselves awesome.  BUT.. I play this game for the game.  I usd to RP, but I realize now no one cares about an entertaining story.

But, back in the bad old days when battles were um, like, 25 vs. 25, I tried to get to know my enemies.  And I did.  I wa alays welcomed to their TS's, and, while we had a good laugh, we never divulged delicate information.  That was called 'diplomacy'.  When you could talk to your enemies, have a good lauygh, but stil realize this was a game to be won.

But now this upstart Daruvian fella kicks me out of his TS... why?  My guess is that he is afraid he wiol see the real power of my voice, and surrender unconditionally.

But... really?  Your gents will quit when it gets boring; which should be pretty soon now.  ORRRR... you can fight like a dink right now, and then later claim you didn't actually give a shit.  And quit.  Like a pussy.  That was rammed by me!  CUZ THAT IS THE ONLY PUSSY THAT NEEDS A BREAK!

Yeah, I tried play it col, but yuo booted me from you r TS.  "AAAAAAAAARGH, it's the guy who plays this game like a normal shit!"  So you ran away.  Like a pussy.  But not like a wet inviting pussy, but more like a scabby clitch; whos only moisture will be from the scabs.  You are the typoe of shithead who ruins multi players.  Why?

#1  You have no humour.  Nothing in your posts merit a good chuckle.  It's all 1990's Howard Stern shit.  "Allo, I'm annoyijng" lolololol, "ha, and that's all I got!"

#2 You have no strat history.  Did you play strat one?  Are you the old granpa talking about the good old days?  I, like 90% of current players, have no idea who you are.  I see you are good at ressurecting old timers (more names we don't know) who can fight like bastards, but, as we all know, are jut here for a joke.

#3 You claim to be trolling RPwise.  I guess to keep Sandy happy (I seriously wish I knew who you were that Sanderson actually cared).  But yet you TK me in NA1 (all your other gents were damn good sports, despite my low scores and constant TWing).

But come on!!!  You treated ACre- a faction dedicated to improving Strat and making the game fun for all- like a big fucking joke.  When Acre joined me, I said "Thank you".  And all them hates that said 'fuc you', I said 'fuck you' ritght back.  I never played this game like a popularity contest, and all the haterz, I gave emn shit.   Then they betrayed me.  Despite my attempts to make it good.

And you can imagine the hate I gave em... well, actually, none at all.

I guess my point is you are a bunch of whiny bitches who have no fucing idea how to play the game.  You bitch, you whine, you make enemies with everyone... then, when you realize no one likes your shit, you'll quit.

If you can man up til the end, I'll respect you.  If you pussy up when things get tough... well IDGAF.  You were just another flash in the pan.

PS. Please don't TK me in NA1 when I TW you.  I got an SS, but I'm way too cool to post it.  BUT... you TKing me made me feel miserable for quite awhile.  Playing this game with Dickheads rather than gents makes me want to vomit.  And I hate vomitting.

I miss fighting gents who wanted this game to be fun- ie Acre, WArdens the Hounds and Starks... oh, and Black Company- they were awesome.  And even Eques when they came.  Because I learned when I chatted with BlackBird that he wasn't an asshole.... just a guy who wanted to play.

But.. from what I've seen- Gobblins are trolls, and trolls are Gobblins.  Buncha gamerz who want to dominate and feel cool about it.  Read the shit about the War of the North to see how enjoyable true warfare can be.  It was 90% field battles and 95% at prime time.

It went from 8 vs 7 to 35 vs 35(ish).  Basically cuz we decided not to be dick heads.  Being a dick head is mildly amusing for a bit, but then people get tired of the bullsht posturing and repostijng of old posts.

OK, can't stay awake aqny longer,
Blah blah blah blah

cRPG Technical problems / I can't see Eu
« on: February 26, 2016, 12:27:26 am »
Already posted this in Strategus issues, but this is an allround issue.

It just does not show up on my servers.  Looks like I'll miss our battle (no big loss there).

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Strategus Issues / Can't see Europe!
« on: February 26, 2016, 12:20:23 am »
It just does not show up on my servers.  Looks like I'll miss our battle (no big loss there).

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Diplomacy / The Gobblins insist on attacking us
« on: February 14, 2016, 10:39:56 am »
I have tried to talk to GobblinKing, but he was too arrogant to talk to me.  Booted out of his TS even though I stayed out his channel.

But his minions assured me there is no hope for a delay.  While I eagerly await this war; just for the glory of battle, I would rather wait til we captured our fiefs.  We still have 6 castles/towns to capture, while they have 11ish.  I offered to 'carebear' their attacks on ai, yet they would not listen to me.

So I send them this message:

While I eagerly await this war, I must ask you other factions- If we fall, who is next?  Last strat an evil Tyrant tried to take over the map, but was stopped by all the 'free' clans working together:

So please.  Join us against this insidious leader who is soo arrogant (or perhaps afraid) to talk man to man (to be honest, I've always respected my enemies (and I had a lot of them- pretty much ask the leader of any faction about how I fought them)... until now.  This is the first gent not to either talk nor chat with me.  What is he afraid of?  My sexy, sexy voice? Will he accidentally fall in love?

No, none of the above.  He has gents who know me well. But he fears he will be beguiled by reason and thoughtfulness.  These sort of things wil bring an end to his rule.  This 'Gobblin' is a troll, who just wants to fuck things up. He obviously wants to attack everyone and anything that takes this game seriously, and, when he eventually gets destroyed by the remnants of Strat who still care, will just say "Ha, it was all just a joke ".  And then he will mock us for taking this shit seriously.

So, my good gents, help us defeat this troll disguised as a gobblin.

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