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Topics - Fluffy_Muffin

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9]
Suggestions Corner / A small buff for Throwing
« on: May 09, 2011, 04:11:11 pm »
Hello, i was thinking about how the ammo nerf for throwing was a bit of a overkill so i thought how it would be cool if you could pick up trowing wepons off of dead bodies.

I dont think that would be too unrealistic as far as throwing weapons are concerned and it would be realy cool feeling to pick up an axe from a dead guys skull.  :)

The question remains: Can it be coded? And what do you guys think about this?

Suggestions Corner / Ignore list
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:59:05 pm »
Would it be possible to make a ignore list ingame, like a /ignore [name] command and then you mute the chat of that player.

What do you guys think?

Suggestions Corner / Ladders
« on: March 30, 2011, 01:32:23 pm »
Hello, let me know what you think about this suggestion:

A modification to the current battle maps, adding indestructable ladders to more houses and removing the usage of deployable ladders in battle mode. I think this would make everyone happy. Archers would still be able to go on roofs as most of the houses would have ladders, and mele would always be able to get to them because the ladders would be indestructable.

No more unreachable roofs
No more ladderpulting tks
No more skyladder leechers

cRPG Technical problems / Game crash issue
« on: February 28, 2011, 01:17:41 pm »
My game recently started crashing every time i alt+tab. I like reading news/forums and stuff between rounds. Anyone know how to fix this?  (i tried reainstalling but the same problem continues)

General Discussion / Armor bonus vs arrows
« on: February 16, 2011, 09:39:37 am »
I was thinking about this recently and maybe its a good idea to add a "bonus against arrows" to some armor, starting from the plate armor. (maybe even the heraldic transitional armor) It wouldnt be anything dramatic, perhaps where it took 4-5 arrows to kill now takes 7-8 (random numbers). A 20-30% decrease in arrow dmg (perhaps make the same bonus apply for lower tier trowing weapons also; bolts and jarids/javs excluded).

Wearing plate in M&B makes you realy slow and a target for archers (especialy if you have no shield). I dont think the benefit of plate is high enough to use it, i prefer just going lighter and dodging because in plate i just get kited and picked off by archers or (because im so slow) killed by all the flying stuff when on the frontlines.

General Off Topic / KATANA UP
« on: February 14, 2011, 10:07:21 pm »
Theoretically even with your peasant cutter katana (ridiculous, talking about realism, that this shitty "sword" can cut down an armored guy or even a armored horse even with only 3 power strike in 1 or 2 hits) you can do your usual thing, spam spam spam, its only the fear factor to get 1 shotted why you die.

Real tamahagane katanas can cut down a man in half with a single swing.

Talking about realism it should be superior because it is; in terms of balance, weight and sharpness the katana is unmatched.

Edit: if you ask me the tanto, nagimake, yari and tachi should also be introduced for more variety

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