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Messages - AlbaTiger

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Throwing Build
« on: November 03, 2011, 10:26:55 pm »
The problems with the 30/12 build is that I don't think you get enough wpf to use the 10 power throw.

I'm using an old character builder but certainly it is VERY close to the border line.

Also the problem with the 30/12 build is your athletics is so low, as a thrower really speed is your old defence (unless you are a scummy thrower with a shield). High athletics not only lets you kite but it also means you can get to and pick up ammo faster.

For a thrower going foot only I don't think I'd go past 27/15, and even then I feel athletics 5 is risky.

24/18 Power Throw 8, Athletics 6, Weapon Master 3 is fairly good though very tight on skill points.

21/18 PT 7, Ath 6, WM 6, Power Strike 4 is more flexible, you put 140 ish wpf into throwing and then anything else into a backup melee.

General Discussion / Getting my "main" swapped.
« on: October 12, 2011, 06:44:48 pm »

I've not been playing for the past few months for various real life reasons, but there is also an in-game problem that is putting me off a bit.

My current official main character is not the character I play most, as some will remember when Strat started for the 2nd time it was still in the middle of the "throwers being nerfed to oblivion" period. While my Thrower is the character I played most it was basically unusable for Strat battles at that time so I selected another character to be my "main."

Now Thrower has been balanced a bit I was wondering if there was any chance I could have my thrower switched to my main, as it would eliminate one barrier to my fun with the game at the moment.

I have not sold or traded any equipment with the character and do not want to do so I just want to be able to play everything with my actual favourite character.

I know I could just make a new character, but it would have a different name and also leveling a second thrower back up to lvl 30+ while I already have one at that level feels like a bit of a waste of time.

Any help would be much appreciated.


That is nice to hear, I noticed that as well. Seems kinda pointless though if you don't get the speed bonus for riding the horse and throwing, but I guess it's kinda like an expensive form of higher athletics. Also probably fun.

Yeah Javalry was always always a horse hunting build, and though it would be nice if there was a speed bonus I don't think I'm often throwing in the direction my horse is going anyway.

I didn't get to try throwing before the hot fix.

On the up side Mounted Thrower is playable again now.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Mounted Thrower
« on: July 12, 2011, 06:25:23 pm »
Yeah it has been changed so you can have a single "skip the fun" character but still have others too.

One thing to remember though is that setting a character to skip the fun doesnt reset already spent points, you should do it with a lvl 1 character with no points spent.

So I respeced my thrower and he's now lvl 21 and it seems Javalry is playable again.

*does the happy dance*

Game Balance Discussion / Mounted Thrower
« on: July 12, 2011, 01:25:00 pm »
Last week I finally respeced my Mounted Thrower to an Infantry one ... and now the patch has come in.

The greater ammunition is nice but from the perspective of a mounted thrower I am more interested to know what effect the patch has had on throwing from horseback in terms of accuracy.

Has anyone tried it out yet? Or shall I just bite the bullet and respec my thrower for the 3rd time in a week.

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.232
« on: July 12, 2011, 01:18:19 pm »
+ Throwing buff ... but... we will have to see how much of an effect them all being 1 slot has, many of us dedicated throwers were happy with the idea of the long throwing weapons being 2 slot for double ammo to make them less of an option for hybrids.

Also currently a lot of people are trying throwing because it got a new weapon and a buff, many players try ANYTHING that has had a buff to see if it "the next big broken thing for easy kills."

This will, or at least should, die down.

I think we should just remove throwing, then over time the problem will go away and very few will give a shit, this whole rigmaroll is giving me a migraine.

Good idea, lets do the same for crossbows, horse archers, crushthrough, tincans, twohanders, heirlooms, generations, levels and anything else which can might possibly have ever been complained about.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Bouncing Throwing axes ?
« on: June 28, 2011, 11:19:34 pm »
Man I totally want a game with hyper realistic throwing weapons now.

Of course this will never be that game.

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: June 20, 2011, 09:33:53 pm »
Yeah that was the other great thing about the episode, it wasn't just main characters who had important scenes, there were some really great bits for the lesser seen characters like the Lord Commander, Grand Maester, Tywin Lannister, The Hound...etc...

Game Balance Discussion / Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« on: June 20, 2011, 08:21:47 pm »
Yes, and that's exactly our intention. For the same reason that a 10PD archer is unplayable (except PT gives an even larger bonus than PD).

10 PD archer unplayable ... don't make me laugh.

As I said my post a 10PD archer is FAR more effective than a 10PT thrower because the archers range and ammo count means they are much less likely to be in a situation where they NEED athletics.

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: June 20, 2011, 08:16:48 pm »
The Khaleesi has only been naked once or twice before ... but never looking so alive and powerful, to me that is far more attractive, even if she had still had clothes it would have been more attractive.

That finale, was simply awesome.
Even Sansa who I have pretty much hated for the whole show finally showed some real strength.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« on: June 20, 2011, 06:25:58 pm »
minimal wpf means 13 wpf per PT

I'm sorry but at 13 wpf per PT you would still have PT 10 being unplayable.

Going by the character planner:
(click to show/hide)

You would have to wear rediculously low armour as any wpf modifier would take you below the 130 limit.

Athletics 3 would leave you so slow that you would be picked appart by range, it would be nearly impossible to run and pick up the ammo from any missed throws before being taken out and the enemy would be able to close the gap on you so fast you'd be dead.

Low athletics doesn't matter to a Power Draw 10 archer because they are on the other side of the battlefield from their target ... a thrower has to be within 10 feet.

Of course if accuracy is tweaked so the effective range is a little longer for throwing it becomes slightly better.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: June 20, 2011, 06:09:00 pm »
I really just can't play with more than 6 PT on my dedicated thrower.

I've been trying but strength builds just don't work for my style of play, I need at least 6 athletics preferrably 7.

Sure higher power throw gives some advantages, but for me freedom of movement and the increased tactical options that brings far out weigh those.

Could push for 21/18, but that would leave me as a dedicated foot soldier (no enough skill points for Riding and HA) and athletics 6 is still not THAT fast.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« on: June 19, 2011, 08:39:28 pm »
Throwing lances aren't getting removed.

oh and btw
mw throwing lances with 10 PT do 131.4p
96.4p at 6PT.
(with minimal wpf.)

Minimal wpf ... would that mean that the wpf req is gone?

sweet mother of god.  railguns are returning to cRPG.

Masterwork Arbalest with Masterwork Steel Bolts already do that job and with longer range, greater accuracy and way more ammo.

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