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Topics - Tausen

Pages: [1]
General Off Topic / Larp Actioncam
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:37:59 pm »
If anyone is interested, i will be uploading monthly LARP actioncam videos on youtube on this channel.

The first video i uploaded was a nutshot :-D

Remember that this is LARP, not historical swordfighting. It is 2 completely different things. LARP is for fun, where historical fighting is also fun, it has a more serious aproach!
AND! It is a junior larp, so we can not go full force!

General Discussion / The people playing this game...
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:54:07 am »
...Are fcking awsome!

No seriously. I have been playing on and off for some time, but havent really played a lot untill the last month or so.

The first thing that comes to mind is "omg... why the fck is evryone so much better than me!"

Then, after getting slightly better its more like this "omg i suck at this... People are going to rage on me, calling me names and sht..."

Finally i realize this "People are actually giving advice, encourageing me and generally just act nice... I like this place!"

So what i am trying to say is this:

You people here are generally speaking a nice bunch.

General Discussion / Tausen's streaming on da T
« on: February 11, 2014, 09:55:39 pm »
Hi folks!

If you enjoy seeing bad plays and noobing around, i am streaming rather often, also other games, but i am having my cRPG flip at the moment.

So... Enjoy, or die horribly to the sound of my terrible voice!

General Discussion / DTV guide for noobs
« on: February 11, 2014, 06:56:25 am »

Says it all.

(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Might have broken a little rule...
« on: February 08, 2014, 05:54:52 am »
You all been there. The shield wall! Either as a Shield or a meatgrinder.

sometimes, there is no room. This lady here got a solution for it!

Sorry for the name and shame, but no-one got really offended me thinks.

Yeah, i call Vitez Shieldkillers.

Oh yeah... Seriously, she kinda had it comeing. Now, please dont ban me for it  :rolleyes:

Beginner's Help and Guides / cRPG stuff in a native module? Help!
« on: February 08, 2014, 12:35:04 am »
Hey guys!

I am terrible at modding, and pc in general, so i wanted to ask you pro fella's for some help!

I love the native single player, but i dislike the lack of more awsome stuff to purchase and use!

So.. Here is the thing!

Is there a "for idiots!" way to get the cRPG stuff into a kopi of native module, to make an awsome variety of stuff?

More after playing cRPG, the standart armors kinda suck ^_^

IF by any chance, that there is a downloadable mod includeing that already, or a kind soul to do it for me, i would be super happy.

I ask you guys, couse i am an idiot around computers and my sorroundings to.

So. Kind people. Help! ^_^

NA (Official) / UnBan Tausen
« on: January 30, 2014, 12:28:30 pm »

Someone shot admin with balista, i shot the guy who shot admin with my own balista. got banned by admin.


I should not do that kind of stuff, when i just got 24hour banned for something a bit simular on Eu yesterday. I will try to behaive myself...

To be honest... I should stay away from balista... There is TROLL written all over that thing...

I am not innocent. But i will try to behaive myself  :rolleyes:

EU (Official) / UnBam Tausen
« on: January 29, 2014, 02:28:51 pm »
I got banned in DTV EU today.

How to defend myself? I dont know, becouse i could have gotten banned for more than one thing.

but i think it was becouse i got angry on Johnny the butcher.

I hit him by accident 2 times in a short period of time. He reported me both times. I got angry. tryed to kill him, got banned before i managed.

The second thing. I kinda hit some people on purpose, but they all hit me more than once before, so that, in my honest oppinion, is a fair trade.

The Johnny guy im sorry for, that was wrong, the others. Na...

I normally dont teamwound, but when you take millions of teamhits in the back as a shield guy, and then get banned for throwing a few yourself, you wonder how the world works, to be honest.

Suggestions Corner / Assist sytem
« on: June 14, 2011, 12:29:25 pm »
Hello folks! I have been playing for a couple of weeks now, and im still trying to get a hang of things.

BUT! I am suprised that there is no assist system in the game. Like when i save a person by stabbing the attacker with my spear, so my mate can kill the goomba. i meen, he would have died without me, and i dont get credit?

I know that when you are in a fancy clan or something like that, you WILL get credit, but not all are in clans, and we wanna show off just as much as the killomaniacs do.

My point is, that if you play a compedetive game, you want to be able to see how well you do, and possible show it to others well. and an Assist system would do just that.

Further more, i think it would encourage teamplay even more to new players or noobs like myself :-P

P.S. It would also make the peasent phase much more fun, becouse you could see you actually DID something usefull.

General Discussion / Strange armor?
« on: June 02, 2011, 04:00:29 am »
Hello folks, i just startet to play c-rpg, and i love the skin on the strange armor. So what im gonna ask is this: Can i get those strange armors into my singleplayer mode? I have no experience on programming and stuff like that, so what im asking is actually just some help on making a module thats precise the same as the old native warband, but with the 3 kinds of strange armors and the samurai weapons? I dont know if anyone wanna help, but hell. Gues no-ones gonna yell at me for asking about it. Oh and those visby gountlets match perfectly into the samurai armour, so maby those too :-)

Best regards: Me :-)

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