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Topics - Grey

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Closed Requests / My unbann essay.
« on: November 07, 2011, 02:33:22 am »

To be brutally honest, I got 1,350 words into my essay, entitled

"How absolute power corrupts absolutely within a nepotic community with no social or administrative checks or balances, using G. Orwell's template for mental indoctrination by a ruling class and T. Pratchett's template for mobmentality IQ's of the lowest denominator."

Then I refreshed the thread entitled CMPx. All I can be bothered to write is this:

I am an even-minded and thoughtful person. I like to see everyone's side to an issue. I hate rash action, I fear making the wrong decision, and I am blessed/cursed with a social conscience.

The lies that you all spout about me infuriate so I reply inkind, and meanly. But these reactions have lead the social midden that is this community to worsen the lies. Not once has any issue I have been involved in been raised by me. Not once has a member of the admin community approached me for my side of any issue, nor has my word ever been taken. But one, seemingly arbitrary day, my word went from merely being ignored to being taken as definite mistruth and misrepresentation of facts.

I read this:

*Previously caught (numerous times?) trying to FRAME and implicit other players by trolling them into teamkilling him.
Caught repeatedly bumping and accidentally shooting me myself. (Wonder how many others he's done that to, if he can do it to a known hardliner admin with such ease)
*You are not a funny troll even.. (Like Panos or Fasader)

and I had to stifle laughter: Never once have I even tried to frame anyone. Never once have you caught me shooting or bumping you. You may honestly believe what you have just written there... but since I don't even ride a horse....not really sure how you can begin to justify your claims.

That the actions of players such as Panos are considered acceptable was a large part of my essay. Players who purposefully aggrevate others...for fun...I can't even begin to state how despicable I find them...and that they are lauded for what is essentially just the behaviour of a badly raised toddler...

I only ever wanted to play a mod in a way that was fair for all, and seeing the very visible shortcomings of the administration of this mod, I occasionally used to try to bring morally reprehensible behaviour into check myself. This brought me into conflict with the admin on many occasions, and ultimately led to the views the community seems to hold on me.

All that remains for me to write is that I quote Gorath: The threat of physical violence should be present in all things. Otherwise we get a swarm of bundle of sticks children like the majority of the cRPG/Internet population...

I would extend this to the admin and playerbase: If any of you ever DOES manage to get out into what some term "The real world" and support your family, etc. I hope to encounter you, in real life, and I'll have the pleasure of pushing your face  through the back of your head if you try and treat anyone the way you have treated me here, you hipocritical liars. I fucking hate bullies, you all make my skin creep.

Now go get a fucking job.

General Discussion / CMPx
« on: November 06, 2011, 05:59:04 pm »
"I apologize for Mylet's behavior.

He wasn't aware of your ban history or the fact that your next ban was supposed to be permanent. I've rectified his mistake accordingly, sorry again for the trouble."

So, once again I am victimised...

CMP, why did your hatred of me start. I have YET to start any argument, I still have never started any trolling, any flaming, anything. My only problem has ALWAYS been that I don't like bullies so I hit back. Time and again I try to come here for mediation, get told Im a troll and I should STFU. I then try to resolve the issue myself, and get punished for simply trying to defend myself.

You need to stop being such a bully. Your attitude is ugly, you attack the helpless. All I want is to play crpg: I kill enemy team, enemy team kills me. Sometimes I get teamhit/teamkilled by accident. It happens all the time. I always say, "O lol fail" or "np man" or whatever. Sometimes I kill teammats by accident: I always say "Sorry" or "FFS Im so sorry" or w/e. Some days, I get flamed and trolled, I tell the person involved to get fucked, they teamkill me a few rounds, I post screenshots here, I get banned. I defend myself, I get banned. I just walk away: I get teamkilled and THEN banned.

HOW am I supposed to do anything to please you man: You have some massive hatred for me, even tho I've never done anything negative to you, and you have never taken the time to speak to me. I dont want arguments, I dont like to fuck with teammates, I just want to get to lvl 31, retire, get new shiney things to stab enemies with. I dont even troll any newbies, like most of the decent people in this community I direct them to, I answer questions in chat, I try to be productive and active in strat, I try to help my team win as best I can each round, I dont prolong rounds or try to mess the autobalance around, I dont abuse upkeep system to charge around in plate armour on a charger:

I JUST TRY TO PLAY THE GAME: ONCE I exploited DTV and was banned, and felt pretty shitty, and was glad to be back. MANY TIMES players have taken personal dislike to me and we have had altercations and I have served my sentence each time for breaking rules, and the last time Serfonz said to me: "Just keep your cool and report it here." so since then I have, and the FIRST time I cannot screenshot because ctrl+insrt is too hard to press while blocking, you fucking drop on me like a ton of bricks.

Stop judging me wrong. I just like to play, on forums sometimes I say silly things (Like "Buff ranged") or w/e, but ingame I never do ANYTHING negative (cept maybe kick my clanmates at round start, but we all do it).

General Discussion / Impartial Admin Needed.
« on: November 06, 2011, 03:22:30 pm »
Was team attacked repeatedly today, defended myself for a bit against TEAMMATE from Warden clan. Blocked 7-8 hits (after the first few he hit me in the back, didn't know of course that he was planning a teamkill) after blocking these 7 or 8 hits, I hit the guy back ONCE with short sword: Wanted him off me. Hit the guy once, backed off and asked him "It's not so funny, huh?" in chat. Result: Instabanned.

The admin instantly left so I couldn't even get a clanmate to gimme his name so I could ask him why he makes such a mockery of his position as admin.

So again I apply for admin: I could never possibly do any worse that what we have already, and I could probably do much better, since my dictionary contains words such as "responsibility", "unprejudiced" and "disinterested". Some good words that admins should learn. Just MHO.

EDIT: Added this, incase it helps the admin who today let his personal preferences make a joke of himself:

Other / Nordmen
« on: November 03, 2011, 12:43:36 pm »
Flamed by Grey Order tryhards, lolled at them, the result:

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judge for urself.

EDIT: wasn't just Whyno doing TK's in spawn, and it wasnt just me being TK'ed, I have more screenshots if needed I guess...

General Off Topic / Plated Charger.
« on: October 21, 2011, 04:00:05 pm »
I see more and more plated chargers around, it seems. I like this. To me, when these guys are about, it is some midpoint between Medieval Big Game Hunting (when I am shooting them down from my spawn to theirs) and this:

when they are attempting to kill me. I love it. What a collosal waste of crpg gold. But so fun to fight.

(click to show/hide)

Closed Requests / Bagge
« on: October 06, 2011, 12:46:14 pm »
22nd_Bagge. After running over many of us in spawn each round, I looked for admins with admin chat, got no response, so one round I jump-punched Bagge as he came to run me over. Was level 1 on a new alt so I doubt it hurt, and his revenge cut ended my life. I didnt screenshot this, but then next round he was still mad:

After killing me me twice in revenge for one punch, I assumed he would be happy. But no, next round, sure enough:

(click to show/hide)

Obviously he will be imune to any punishment, but since Serfonz told me I must not revenge and just screenshot, I did as told. Here is Bagge being his usual charming self.

Closed Requests / Unbann request I guess
« on: October 05, 2011, 03:06:41 am »
Banned by serfonz. I revenge TK a little troll named "Fraggle" who shot me in spawn, at round end, insulted me etc many times. Kicked me from roof, stabbed me during a lastman duel we were watching, using homophobic language to try to insult, etc, for 2 nights now. I fully deserve 24 hr ban for revenge teamkill. Hope this will be sufficient. I can get a reliable witness to back up that he does this every night.

Anyway, heres hoping to see you all in 24hrs. Watch out for "Fraggle" guys, he is poison dwarf who tarnishes gameplay.

EDIT: seen Fraggle since, he said sorry for shooting me etc, guess we both musta trod on each others balls or something...

Suggestions Corner / Melee on Throwing...
« on: August 28, 2011, 08:50:29 pm »

Lances, darts, javs, jarids, even STONES can be used in melee alternate mode by pressing X (default).

Of these, Lances are the only one to have a melee weapon counterpart.

WHY O WHY, can I not push X with a throwing dagger and use them like, say, a dagger: Cannot be used to block, low range, mid-low dmg cut slices, mid dmg pierce stabs, high speed. There is already a item called....dagger....why cannot "throwing dagger" share some stats from that, even a bit weaker maybe.

In short, melee option for throwing daggers pls.

Closed Requests / Fun and games
« on: August 04, 2011, 04:49:41 am »
Heres some more fun and games: this guy likes teampiking his own teammates who load too slow: all those who dont instantly run off from spawn cause their lower end systems still loading the 70+ sets of gear for all the players on the server at that moment. These players' first knowledge of this is when their PC finishes loading they have lost HP. When I chambered him (had only dagger couldnt block), he decided to pike me up. I sheathed weapon and waited, here is the result.

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You meet so many nice people in this mod!

General Discussion / Funtimes
« on: August 04, 2011, 03:21:22 am »
Hey a couple of things: Since my last telling off I have taken the low road and documented the fun stuff that happens to me, that usually ends with MY banning for taking vengeance. Instead I screenshot this same fun stuff. Today I had fun with RISEN clanmembers on SeaRaiders server:

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Not the best screenies I know, but its difficult to frame your shots well when your surreounded in spawn by your teammates and being gangkicked. Dont worry, since I KNOW you all want these kind of goodtimes, I caught these players' names for y'all, so you can have the same fun!

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But HEY, I know what your thinking, did the fun stop there? NO IT DID NOT! look on:

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Greifenherz wanted me to have fun too! We all know we LOVE banpolls! ALL of this JUST because if a few maps with scores like this:

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So guys, remember, its fun to win fairly BUT ITS MORE FUN TO BANPOLL THE OPPOSITION!

Closed Requests / Admin needed
« on: August 04, 2011, 03:12:57 am »
Hey a couple of things: Since my last telling off I have taken the low road and documented the fun stuff that happens to me, that usually ends with MY banning for taking vengeance. Instead I screenshot this same fun stuff. Today I had fun with RISEN clanmembers on SeaRaiders server:

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Not the best screenies I know, but its difficult to frame your shots well when your surreounded in spawn by your teammates and being gangkicked. Dont worry, since I KNOW you all want these kind of goodtimes, I caught these players' names for y'all, so you can have the same fun!

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But HEY, I know what your thinking, did the fun stop there? NO IT DID NOT! look on:

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Greifenherz wanted me to have fun too! We all know we LOVE banpolls! ALL of this JUST because of a few maps with scores like this:

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So guys, remember, its fun to win fairly BUT ITS MORE FUN TO BANPOLL THE OPPOSITION!

Unban Essays / The Importance of Good Behaviour in Games.
« on: July 31, 2011, 06:59:00 pm »
EDIT: Well, it IS easy to press a choice button on the poll, but is it too much to ask for a brief piece of constructive criticism explaining WHY you disagree/dont apreciate/hate my essay? Its easy, you just press REPLY and type in the box, I'm sure we can all manage it.

Good Behaviour in Online Gaming

Some would state that a game based around killing and maiming other players will inherently breed a negative atmosphere, and in a certain sense this IS the truth. Also the violence represented on screen is obviously going to have a different affect on the games players, related to their personal outlook, upbringing, and age. Unfortunately, this particular game is rated Teen, which in this society of most mothers believing they know what is best for their children (even though this is obviously not true, as media objects such as “The Jeremy Kyle Show”, “Jersey Shore”, current musical and stylistic trends unintentionally show us) means that children of all ages are allowed access to this game, and therefore any modifications to it.

Combine this with dramatical decrease in intelligence in the current generations of young people, directly linked to passive entertainment, the lack of societal templates of moral and ethical stances and standards, and the very worrying trends of most governments in the so called “developed” states to lean more and more towards “big brother” fascistic tendencies in upholding the law, “good” behaviour has become more and more “What can I get away with?” and less “What is the RIGHT thing to do”.

I currently am writing this due to a case of misjudgement: I saw a player break the rules of the server we were on, and instead of reporting this breach I reacted in kind. Specifically I saw a teamkill take place with a player I was on on the 'phone with get teamkilled, and the teamkiller then stole his horse: the victim has never had any “run ins” with any players, has never drawn attention to themselves, and is one of “Great Unnoticed” mass of players. I felt pretty bad this player, he did not deserve this treatment. But instead of reporting the issue, I misjudged what I should do, I went above and beyond the rules:

I killed the horse: As I saw this, the player cheated for a horse, I took the horse from him, he had broken the rules but since he gained nothing from it, we were back at square one and all was fair. I then turned away and continued to attempt to win the round. I had not considered that the “horse thief” would be SO enraged that he would run up behind me and slay me. My fault ultimately, if you leave children temptation, they often misbehave, it is in the nature of children to test the limits of their society.

At THIS point, AGAIN I had the opportunity to do the “Right Thing” and simply take a couple of screenshots, post them on the forum, and leave it to an admin: I failed to do this, instead I gave the teamkiller my opinion of him in public chat: I'm not a child, and I don't automatically sensor my language. This again is my fault. So my comments may be judged as obscene or disgusting. I blame myself but partly my upbringing: I was taught to speak my mind, not to give in to bullies or small minds, and I was also taught “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me”.

I never thought that my words were worse than his actions, but apparently they have been judged so. Since I learnt long ago that you can not change people, only yourself, I wont attempt to argue my point as RIGHT and the “Victim” of my crime (flaming in chat) as “Wrong”. In my mind that is the way it is, but it isn't my place to judge or attempt to change the values of others.

Since my actions (flaming in chat) could not have ANY possible reaction BUT negativity, I have to come clean and say that a much better solution would be to have called in an authoritative figure and had the teamkiller removed, and since did not do this, I did not exhibit good behaviour.

Since all mammals learn by imitation, humans being no exception, any and all bad behaviour will only ever cause MORE bad behaviour, until the point we all run around hitting each other. Since the default state or warband IS everyone running around hitting each other, bad behaviour is only one argument away, thus behaving in a mature way is all the more important. Nobody likes to be called mean names, I think, and if they do that's an issue for them to keep to their analysts or their bedroom partners. Since my negativity adversely affected the community, NOTHING positive can be taken from my actions at all, except as the perfect example of how NOT to behave in future, to myself and all the crpg community:

In future, I will take the “Right” actions, even though they seem morally reprehensible, and simply screenshot the actions of others and post them here, and let others decide the correct reaction. Taking justice into my own hands as a player is not the right way to go, and although I have personal qualms about bringing anyone before the “Ultimate Justice” of the game admins, who make CAN decisions without worry to the consequences, I understand that any other action is only going to create ill feeling, since the feeling “What can I get away with?” that pervades the “victims” of our societies slide away from moral standards CANNOT co-exist with the acceptance of judgement by peers.

It is essential to always behave in a measured and tempered way in games, since the majority of people playing games are the product of passive entertainment and passive education, few will seek to understand the underlying causes of any action, and will simply take the route their upbringing has preconditioned them to, accepting the passive information they are being given, rather than seeking to understand the motives behind the end result they see.

To close: The importance of good behaviour in games cannot be underestimated, since it's only our own actions we can control, and any action we take that impairs  the enjoyment of the game by others, whether by action or opinion, regardless of causes, intentions, or motives behind said impairment, will only create a more negative environment for all.

Thanks for reading.

EDIT: Spotted a few typos.

Unban Essays / THE SAGA OF DISHONOUR (unbann essay? I dont do that)
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:46:31 pm »
The Saga of Dishonour
(or “How exploiting, intentional or not, hurts the community”)
by Grey (not of the 22nd or Grey order, thanks)
(excuse my spelling, I never learnt English in school)

This is a cautionary tale of loss and woe,
of how one day we spared our foe,
and like the worthless men we are,
we pushed the rules, a bit too far.

I tell this tale, as I was there that day,
that we made the game glitch-out and pay,
excessive rewards for our shameful acts,
we killed OUR BROTHERS with sword and axe.

I can only speak for myself, for me,
when I say I don't want this cash for free,
nor do I want this level gain,
I play for fun, its not a pain.

I joined the teamspeak, as you do,
to my clanmates: “Where are you?”
“We defend this maiden fair,
NA_DTV, we'll see you there”

Once I joined, to my pain,
I was struck down, once and again.
Like a child I sought not why,
I joined the fight with a lusty cry!

But these were not my sworn opponents,
it was my friends I killed these moments.
And to my undying shame,
we all got much illicit gain.

During the scuffle I read the words,
that gold and XP were my rewards.
Now I see that this was not false,
I gained levels and something else:

I gained a STAIN upon my soul:
its not my way to play it foul!
I did not mean to reap such crops,
I just teamkilled, lots and lots!

What can I do to make this good?
If I could remove the gains, I would!
But since Im not the Dev, I cant,
Instead I must type out this chant...

I am a truly shamed and sorry man,
I shamed myself and my brave clan,
I cheated and know that it was wrong,
and make my amends in part through song:

When one person, through deceptions takes,
the reward that only HOURS makes,
all those who must slog behind,
rightly think “WHY DO I GRIND?”

“When this slimy and deceptive man,
runs around in a Helm and a TinCan,
why should I keep working hard,
for less rewards, that's simply mad!”

Others hear of this low act,
and put down the sword, and break the pact,
They will not return to these fields of glory,
“I dont play with cheaters, sorry!”

These are just two of the many ways,
I hurt this mod by illegal plays.
Some are temped to cheat as well,
others tell the mod “Go to hell”

I would never desire or wish,
to drag others into this ditch:
Head my words and what I say,
Glitching really DOES NOT PAY.

Above I listed, just why not:
even if you get to the very top,
and no one questions your success,
your karma will be a frightful mess:

Because those you cheated will be sore,
and some will quit, and play no more,
and others seeing your stolen riches,
think “I must find myself some glitches!”

because rats can only breed one thing,
MORE RATS, and never, ever, kings.
This is how I hurt the game,
and its to my quite rightful shame.

As of this time, and date,
upon the admins I must wait.
I truly did not think or plan,
to steal from my brother man.

But in essence tis what Ive done,
Ive stolen all the joy and fun,
from a game I love SO MUCH,
and in my shame my head I clutch.

Im now merely a  homeless rover,
no mod to play, no friends to thank,
when they save me from a gank.

I only hope my tale serves others,
to not try to cheat their brothers.
Worse than the imposed ban,
is the shame I feel, Im not a man.

I behaved like a slimy rat,
and I accept the result of that,
but heed my warning well:

EDIT: Please if you DO decide this needs a low vote, leave me some constructive criticism, Thanks.

RE-EDIT: Its very easy to read my name at the top and hit 1, but if you HAVE read through and DO give it a 1 or 2 (as some have) have the decency to leave a comment on WHY you did so. Self Improvement without pointers can be hard.

Closed Requests / Catch 22
« on: July 25, 2011, 12:53:34 pm »
Espu mate you got me in a catch 22: Essay section I cannot start new threads, this section you dont reply to my reasonable request to know WTF you were saying when you claimed I lied to you. So: If you demand bread, dont ban bakeries. If you ban bakeries, dont demand bread.

Closed Requests / Blanket Ban Please
« on: July 24, 2011, 05:11:30 pm »
EDIT: PC lagged when typing Subject box, supposed to read: Blanket UnBan Request, Please Read. Like a true noob, I forgot to check it before hitting enter

Myself and other Templars have been banned for exploiting an XP bug:

(EDIT: Another clanmember read this and advised me that the wording of that last sentence leads the reader to believe that all those banned for this exploit were Templars: I believe 20+ players went thru that server in the few mins I was there, only myself and 2 other Templars amongst those.)

I was on this server for between 5 and 10 mins (didnt time it). I came on because I asked clanmates "Whats da server we rocking?" or somesuch. I got there and was immedietly teamkilled by a player not a friend of our clan, I dont wanna name them but they recently stabbed us in the back, politically. Since there was chaos on all sides I joined in, it felt good to crush my clans enemies, since everyone was stabbing everyone in spawn.

I have already stated to an admin: I didnt mean to gain any XP unfairly, the server text was showing XP and gold gain for every few teamkills or something, but pressing the character key(defaault c i think), and checking the gold in topright corner, these gains where not taking effect> I thought, its like when one of the scripts fails or redtext tells me I got wrong version or something, just a bug.

Then I was told it was regging on website, I checked, yeah I gained levels 28 and 29 (retired last night).

I KNOW that I personally never meant to give myself an unfair advantage: My clanmates and I, we troll one another alot and like a laugh, but we like to beat our enemies by outplaying them, not finding a loophole:

I have already said that Im MORE than happy to have those levels removed, or my toon reset 24 hours, or w/e. I dont want any advantages, I play for the fun of playing, not to grind levels faster than anyone....I got a load of toons, noone of them is super grinded, I just play for the love of the game> I been playing crpg since perma toons, the last peasant wars....

So: Let me know how long I am banned, Ill respect it. AGAIN: didnt mean to take advantage, and dont want the advantage I did gain.


EDIT: Popular belief is that the server in question belongs to ATS or LLJK....if so, how long have they been using it to farm massive XP, since a simple admin tickbox being ticked (FF off) would have prevented the bug it seems. Logs show XP gain every 3 teamkills, once per wave, so the XP gain FOR THAT SAME WAVE, but before the wave had been fought, essentially allowing the XP to come in even if the bots killed the virgin, thus saving a minute or so of fighting. Rinse and repeat. Ive seen this server locked recently....was it a known exploit to the server owners? How was it discovered? How long ago?

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