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Topics - Leshma

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This will probably interest nobody since no one else in here (besides me) play games on their smartphone. There is a gem on Android store and it is not even p2w game, it is basically given away for free. Best and the most faithful clone of Diablo and when I say clone I do mean it. Fellows who made this mobile game mixed the best of the first two Diablo games into one. Levels are half DI and half DII, which is kind of hilarious. Not just that but it improves on Diablo, and extra mechanics are better than any DI or DII mod I tried. Experience is very smooth if you turn off bloom (why wouldnt you?), gameplay just flows which is something I rarely see on Android.

Since DI and DII I have played most of the PC clones and none of them feels right, not even Path of Exile or Titan Quest. This Anima game feels just right because it is almost a carbon copy of great Diablo games with some good additions to both of those games and much better movement and animations. Things lacking are better character models (they are as bland as they can get, worse than DI) and cinematic cutscenes.

I kind of want these guys to make Diablo 4 and not Blizzard.

General Off Topic / Social vs antisocial
« on: June 25, 2020, 03:07:25 am »
Seems like I am the only antisocial person in here. Everybody else is taking part in WORD GAME topic but I simply hate the idea of it.

Just don't get it, boring does not even begin to describe what I think about that game. It is beyond boring. Yesterday I watched a dude paint a wall for 20 minutes and was not boring but the very idea of people randomly spewing words is so boring to me.

General Off Topic / The Last of Us Part II Review Thread
« on: June 21, 2020, 03:14:12 am »

Best Memes Evar! :lol:

Game maybe crap, dunno, no plans to buy it. But internet turned it into something beautiful. Long live ze internet.

Spam / fuqu
« on: February 13, 2020, 02:33:26 am »

General Off Topic / Dear Americans,
« on: January 29, 2020, 11:56:31 pm »
do you find it odd when POTUS is calling foreign president, just a president?

Like when Trump says: today president Xi did this blah blah blah... sounds a bit like Xi is someone above him in the hierarchy, like Xi is his president. Does it also sound stupid to you? Should not he call Xi a Chinese president and not just president?

General Off Topic / Chinese flu - Doomsday 2020
« on: January 27, 2020, 12:33:30 am »
Its that time again. When capitalists and commies aren't waging war in some shithole its either flu or some global warming catastrophe thing. This January we dedicated to flu. We will see if this one has the potential to come close to legendary Spanish cousin. Last attempts were pathetic.

Anyways, see you guys on Madagascar :wink:

General Discussion / When will Turks apologize for what they did to...
« on: January 21, 2020, 03:30:07 am »
... our beloved Mount and Blade franchise?

General Discussion / Would it be so complicated...
« on: January 15, 2020, 02:56:38 am » remove utterly ridiculous censorship from these forums?

General Off Topic / is it legal?
« on: December 05, 2019, 02:25:03 am »
be rich white boi in america. move to georgia, start a new business. growing crops on a plantation located in a small town. give an add in newspapers throughout the country. ask for african american former convicts labor, minimum salary. during interview tell them position they are applying is called slave and owners position in hierarchy is called master. they are all equal in wage and responsibilities, are there to grow crops nothing more. but cause they are former convicts owner has to hire mercenary group to protect him from possible assault. mercenaries are all white middle aged guys armed to the teeth. add in bonus free housing at the plantation in case they cant get a place. if they dont want the job they can look further.

cant keep track of it pls help

General Off Topic / Mandalorian
« on: November 27, 2019, 06:36:25 am »
reminds me of firefly

i liek it

Jon Favreau is good murican

General Off Topic / 3D printing
« on: October 11, 2019, 03:15:49 am »
If you thought about getting 3D printer, a piece of friendly advice coming your way. Don't!

Reason is simple, its cool gadget that lets you print all kinds of plastic stuff but regardless of what someone may say its so much hassle it is unbelievable. By the point I got it producing decent results, I came to the realization that I am now in possession of all the knowledge necessary to build it from scratch using spare parts. It's the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes.

Of course, talking about FDM printing, haven't yet tried resin printing. Could be way easier to set up and make stuff with it for all I know.

Spam / yes
« on: September 19, 2019, 01:48:33 am »

General Off Topic / True villain of 20th century
« on: September 17, 2019, 12:50:52 am »
Obviously, United Kingdom.

Started WWI as an attempt to conquer entire world, not being satisfied by controlling 3/4ths of it by that point. Biggest eysore were German Empires so they created unrest in German vassal state of Bosnia to spark global war. They fought war against Germany and Austria because they wanted to take eastern Europe and also Turkey to connect land from there to Middle East and India which they already had their paw on. If that went well Russian Empire would be next in line just like it is for past 70 years since they managed to get Germany under their control thanks to their vassal state called United States of America.

WWII was nothing more than Germans returning the favor. einstein and chocolate chip cookie would never get in power without suffering Brits created in WWI.

Today it is known that Princip, mentally challenged teenager was chosen and indoctrinated by another organization which kick started and had full control over Young Bosnia. He was no different than modern islamic fundamentalist who blows himself up in a big crowd. Organization behind Young Bosnia was Black Hand, an organization which killed Serbian king. They were pawns of MI6.

Britain did not enter the war after it was started by other actors. They used their well spread intellegince network in Europe to give a spark that will ignite World War One so they could expand their influence even further.

Edit: Recently Germany has shaken off from UK and USA influence and managed to take Europe back under their wing. What happens next, Brexit of course. UK will rather sacrfice themselves than see Germany ruling Europe. Archduke Ferdinand had exactly current EU in mind some 110 years ago, which is why he was assassinated. Since Germany got good with Russia, Ukraine war happened and severed that bond. Britain will never allow united and strong Europe, simply because they cant get over the fact they dont belong to Europe and never will. They are a bloody island and thats what they will be for a long time until plates start shifting again and change European landscape.

General Off Topic / Real American Heroes
« on: September 15, 2019, 03:20:15 am »
Sitting Bull
Crazy Horse
Red Cloud

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