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Topics - Nordwolf

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EU (Official) / No comments
« on: May 18, 2016, 10:40:09 pm »
Don't care for the form because I don't actually care about any actions taken, but this is bs:
*I miss a horse that almost gets him*
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Suggestions Corner / Throwing "x" mode change speed
« on: April 27, 2016, 03:53:52 pm »
I don't know exactly why it is or how it works, but for some reason some weapons have instant mode change, like Flambard or every throwing weapon out there, some though, most of them in fact have a small delay when changing modes.

I still think that Throwing lance is one of the more broken weapons in game. Gah I recently used it with no wpf and it still had good accuracy. My suggestion would be not to actually nerf it (well maybe a bit), but add that small delay for switching modes, and maybe even buff the melee speed a bit if it works.

Regarding other throwing - some weapons like throwing axes shouldn't have it, since they are held like in melee mode already.

PS: I'd opt to have no requirement for any throwing whatsoever, and reduce the stat level of all of them a bit, since the 0 diff lances have proved to be awful without PT anyway (While being good with PT and wpf) but that might be too drastic of a change for you guys to accept ^^

EU (Official) / [Warn] Bjorn_Ironside
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:04:24 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: Nordwolf
2. Name of offending character(s): Bjorn_Ironside
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible ~12:54 BST
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.:
Wouldn't even write about it if he didn't brag about being right it after I called him out on it. Revenge THs after I accidentally bump him while trying to help him kill an enemy
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: He claimed that I bumped him before, I replyed that he should report and not revenge th
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7. Names of players who witnessed what happened: Haile? I don't know honestly.

Suggestions Corner / Make Viking round shield 0 difficulty
« on: February 17, 2016, 09:59:23 pm »
And give it really slow speed or similar shit stat, would be on par with donkeys/mules when regarding to cav and 0 diff throwing lances.
And leave it unshealthable still, a shield that you carry into battle and drop when you engage into combat.

Oh and making it 2 slots would be better as well, since 3 make practicly any setup unusable with it.

General Discussion / Banning on the first day of patch?
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:43:06 pm »
It was like 50 people 5 minutes ago on the server, atm it's 25.

I'm pretty sure at least ~10 people were banned for trying out new stuff, other people just were fast enought to leave after the warning.
Sure nice way to kill all the hype about the new patch, if you really don't want people to use invisible armours and things better release the patch properly or give a day leave on these things.

PS: didn't really care myself since I have to go to sleep anyway
PPS: don't think I've ever been banned before, how do you check for how long?

Suggestions Corner / Batallion flag exploit
« on: August 11, 2015, 04:27:09 pm »
Some people started exploiting F1 flag placement spamming it in front of them to distract enemies they are fighting with, I suggest making team flags visible only to the team/batallion.

It's a small thing but the only OOC thing that can be exploited to my knowledge.

NA (Official) / [Ban/Warn] Flavius_Acquilus
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:12:12 am »
1. Name of your character involved:
- Core

2. Name of offending character(s)
- Flavius_Acquilus

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
- 5am GMT NA_1 official, It went on for 2 rounds, then map changed.

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
- Flavius_Acquilus nudged me so I fell down when I was shooting from a bow, I reported it because it's annoying and I was aiming the enemy. He started harrasing me and blocking my aim so could shoot him.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
- Initially just to harrass, then because harrasing went wrong (I reported him)

6. Multiple Screenshots

7. Names of players that can witness what happened.
 - I hope screenshots are explanatory enough.

Suggestions Corner / Make speed bonus negate str/PS dmg bonus
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:44:37 pm »
Just came an idea to my mind, seems to fix many problems right now: High str cav builds doing too much damage, high two stat builds (24 24, 18 30 etc.) that have the most damage because of PS/speedbonus duo etc. Consequently you can increase the speed bonus again to buff archers a tad bit in both melee and ranged and fix lower overall dmg output.

Do it like all the curves in cRPG, wpf curve and alike. The more speed bonus, the higher percent of PS bonus is negated. Some won't be affected - like couch cav for example, and that is good.

Another note: positive speed bonus decreases PS bonus, negative should increase it.

Probably won't be implemented, but at least an idea worth sharing.

General / Keep it going
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:38:59 pm »
Guys if you're interested in this project post it. The older posts just fade away after a few days anyway and the best idea is just to keep posting so it's somewhere the in the spotlight, or at least more and more new people can see it.

Upvote pls

There probably is a thread to post this stuff, but it also faded away somewhere on this forum. Haven't found it on melee task force.

Minecraft / The Symphony of Dreams project
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:09:15 pm »
Hey guys check out our latest creation:
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General Discussion / Armour and glances
« on: June 13, 2014, 11:08:36 pm »
Been a while since I played last time..... one thing I noticed when I came back, when I wear a normal mid tier armour ~40 body and some mid gloves (+~5 body), I die from 2-3 hits, when I wear a 54 body armour and gloves (that don't affect my performance at all) +12..... I die from 10-30 hits. Literally. God 'aw war dangit.
And on NA it's even worse because I have ~150 ping and everyone glances on me more (weird buff isn't it?). Footwork neglects everything, even running speed isn't affecting it a lot. Not even talking about horses....

I think this is much more a problem for new players then "skill" or experience etc.

Glances are not  problem when you want to have "I spam howewer I want game" ^^

PS: Just wanted to point out
PPS: I think it's mostly thoughts for M:BG then cRPG, but I still wanted to write it here.

I think it's fair, I lose more money on my archer than on my cavalry guy, with a double upkeep difference. Yes I'm having valours, but I'm meantioning the times when I'm not carrying.

Proposed values:
Bodkins: 5058 >> ~11500
Tatars: 2899 >> ~7400
Barbed: 1640 >> ~4800
Arrows: 161 >> ~410

Not really sure about exact numbers, but you get the idea.

Suggestions Corner / Ranged effectiveness vs quantity
« on: January 29, 2014, 11:31:21 am »
In other words I'm trying to start a reasonable discussion about archery :)  << this pic is a clear showcase of the situation

Maybe it would look like a repost of this thread:
But as it has got into nothing I'm posting my opinion on this.

Now there is not a problem with how good/bad archery is, it's the problem about how much ranged there is on the battlefield. There are a few reasons for this:

1. Avalaibility of bows, everyone can take a bow and start effectively shooting people. When loomed bows were better than non-loomed it was harder to play an un-loomed archer, but it was possible, and much less players created 1 day archer characters.

2. Short bows are much more annoying, easy to handle, and practically useless bows for real damage unless you can deliver headshots on a regular basis. But many people take them because they are very easy to handle and fast. Tbh it looks like native archery to me which isn't good. Solution? Of course make missile speed depend on damage. Also increase the penetration ration for bows to make them an actual weapon. Longer bows already do a lot of damage to higher armor so that won't affect them.

Overally: don't nerf damage of bows, it is not a problem, the problem is the amount of ranged and the annoying way of how the short bows work.

Another major problem is that HA is very powerful atm. Now I can just join with my 27 lvl HA (Victory_SouthernWolf) and have a top score. Why? I don't need a loomed bow, my fire ratio is the same as of a foot archer and I can use op short bows (though I use Yumi :P).
What needs to be done:
- Reverting loomed bows patch   'check
- Reducing missile speed of shorter bows 'check
and making HA shoot slower by the ratio of for eg. 1.5, 2 is too much for HA imo.
(Just think about how less HX are now because of that nerf)

Now look at this pic again after reading this:
and again.
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General Discussion / Update? Update!!
« on: October 30, 2013, 07:41:52 pm »
This was such a long awaited thing.

Well, what has been changed? :D

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