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Topics - Miralay

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / [Ban] Sigmundskvedi
« on: June 05, 2012, 04:52:20 pm »
At the end of a round he jumped from behind a corner to ambush cavalry players, his only mistake was the cavalry he was trying to ambush was in his own team. He tried to hit cav in front of me in mid air, missed him, landed on my route, I couldn't stop my horse so bumped him and killed him.

At the beginning of next round he intentional team hitted me until very low health left, plus another player (TheGuilty) decided since someone was team hitting me he should also hit at me.


Closed Requests / [Ban] Sergio_the_Bloody
« on: May 30, 2012, 09:14:37 pm »
At EU5 siege server I kicked this guy from walls, he got stuck at edge for a second but couldn't make it back and fell down. But this happened at the end of the round and a few seconds later we won the round.

At the beginning of next round I apologized him, he didn't say anything but as soon as I started climbing ladders he started team hitting and team killed me. Kept attacking when I spawned so eventually got kicked out of server.

Here's the screenshot of my log:

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