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Topics - Admiral Ballsack

Pages: [1] 2
NA (Official) / Ban Oxrock
« on: October 15, 2015, 05:45:52 am »
11:40 Pm est
Randomly threw four spears at me!
He gets beat by his dad and takes his anger out in video games?

General Off Topic / Corsair Support
« on: July 20, 2014, 12:36:19 pm »
Not sure if anyone has had to RMA parts before, but my PSU has issues and I went to make an account for Corsair's website and there isn't a password field when registering for an account.. Was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this
 :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Events & Tournaments / Raffle for events?!?!?!
« on: July 05, 2014, 03:44:07 am »
When will the drawings happen?

General Discussion / My life right now.
« on: June 09, 2014, 08:43:13 pm »
Hello friends and other people, as you may know I have been addicted to C-RPG for some time now. I have not played it in over 15 hours, I think I'm going through withdrawals. I'm sitting at my desktop staring at my background with nothing to do, my hand muscles are spasming and I've got a bad headache. So what should I do? Find another game? Get a life? HAHAHAH yeah right, I'm a dedicated C-RPG player. We are all dedicated C-RPG players without us this mod is nothing and without this mod we are nothing. So what then? Well we should all just stare at our monitors and wait for the server list to load like the cum lords we are.

PS: Shout out to all the devs, item balancers, badmins, and regular players! Without you guys I would be as I am right now, bored staring at my computer screen while eating mozzarella sticks with a thumb up my ass.

Spam / fshtresdjstrjrsjtrjsrbtrbsrb
« on: May 18, 2014, 05:02:19 am »

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NA (Official) / Ban: Peyton
« on: May 08, 2014, 03:15:49 am »
Victim: Admiral_Ballsack
Offender: Peyton
Victim got shot multiple times and shanked.

NA_1 8:50-9:09ish pm est
Teamwounds in spawn 
Notice time he just shot at a teammate 
After he got kicked by san for teamhitting me 4+ times and killing me
Taking aim again at start of round

He team wounded me and other people multiple times even after getting kicked the first time I believe he deserves a ban.

Suggestions Corner / Chambers!
« on: May 05, 2014, 09:12:32 pm »
I never understood why most two-handed swords can perfectly recover and block after being chambered. Is this supposed to happen or is it a bug? I think you should get stunned if you get chambered..

EU (Official) / Ban Zhao_
« on: April 14, 2014, 03:50:30 pm »
Hit me at the start of the round causing his team to lose!
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General Discussion / Leaving a Duel?!?!
« on: November 23, 2013, 12:39:03 am »
I have a pretty serious situation I came upon. Upon dueling someone you agree to fight them with what they are currently wearing etc etc. Today I dueled the number one ranked NA (not going name him but you can take a look) needlessly to say I was beating him 3 hits to 0 mostly meaning one more hit and I won, and gain a lot of points. The guy ran away and left the server, completely avoiding our agreement to duel it out when he accepted my RANKED duel, it says it as well in chat. Anyways what I'm getting at is this a ban worthy offense or should it be? Seems like this is happening more and more in duels people want to protect their score, and I believe it is a topic that needs to be addressed by an admin.

*Can take screenshot of said leaver with the chat log open
*Devs can make it so you lose when you die while in a duel giving points to the winner
*Or have people exploit this to get high points


(Note I don't care about duel points just figured nobody else has addressed this issue)

NA (Official) / Squire_Of_Ser_kooktar AND Ser_Kooktar
« on: July 28, 2013, 08:26:45 pm »
Both tked Roddrick and I at the start of the round? Not to sure why..

NA (Official) / Team kill ~ Cyranule_BRD
« on: June 30, 2013, 09:27:59 pm »
He killed all at spawn!
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Suggestions Corner / How to improve nudge/kicks.
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:54:08 am »
My suggestion would have to be to remove the nudge feature from the game, it's so unneeded.. Also the way the kicks are at the moment is stupid, every noob on the game can kick someone. Yet none of them know how to block, so they kick you so you cannot block. The range on kicks is way to large, length and radius wise. If you want to give one hands some sort of 'advantage' other than nudge because it just needs to be removed change kicking, because as a one-hander you can get into range to attack then just get kicked by any noob and their mums. I'm not talking about face hugging someone then get kicked; I'm talking about max-mid range to hit someone with any one handed weapon..

TL;DR ragepost remove nudge and fix kicks.

cRPG Technical problems / Rebinding Nudge
« on: June 09, 2013, 07:22:04 am »
How do I do it, if I can't please fix it.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Nudge Rebind
« on: June 08, 2013, 09:43:35 pm »
How do I rebind this poo i have v as talk key on TS and want to rebind nudge.

NA (Official) / Kooktar_of_Cherry_Lane NA Siege
« on: April 23, 2013, 03:07:28 am »
Mass tker, team hit me four times and the map before the screenshot he and his 'friend' (had same banner) had over -50 score each. Please inflict the wrath of the ban on this fool. (check logs)
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