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Topics - Sir_Senior_the_Eldest

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So this is no real 'problem' as it doesn't stop me from playing but I thought it won't really fit in General Discussion or Suggestions Corner either.

Is there a mod for the mod, so that you can play without seeing your ammo, life, exp, the timer, living members counter et cetera? I would love to play without any further information ( I would even play without crosshair if possible although I'm usually a thrower or xbower hybrid).
Not only for recording but also for the usual gaming I would prefer the option to have a "clean" screen.

Does anyone know something about it?

General Discussion / Dynasty of the Sons
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:43:30 am »
This is the story of the dynasty of the Sons [a dynasty of alts beside my main Sir Senior]. As this family has participated in countless battles and sieges you might have seen some of them.

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The story began many years ago in a little village in Japan. There a boy was trained in the many ways of warfare. He was born in a clan of warrior monks, who were the archenemies of the samurais in general. As he was 16 he was sent out into the world with the mission to kill all weaboos all over the planet. He killed waves and waves of them and duelled many of their leaders but then he met a beautiful woman somewhere in europe and married her (... bla bla) They got a son and because our warrior, from others just called the Ikko_Ikki, could hardly speak any language of this region just called his son 'Son'.

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Son was a tall blond boy and joined a group of mercenaries to fight as a 'Landsknecht' in a war between Poland and Sweden. People appreciated his powerful pike stabs and so they conquered city after city until they came to Novgorod. Until there Son was an adventurer like you but then he got an arrow into his knee and had to quit his party. He fell in love with a novgorodian girl and stayed there for the rest of his life. They also got a son and because Son could hardly speak any Russian or whatever the people spoke there, he just named his son Son_Sonson.
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Son_Sonson continued the aggressive way of life of his ancestors became a guard of the infamous Vitez. This was a rough piece of land with lots of looting bandits and so he had to fight a lot to keep his people safe. He was a furious warrior and killed fast and effective. And he wasn't afraid of throwing his last weapon after some kiting my old friendchers to continue fisting them to death. Because of his success he got a special mission to pursue a bandit clan leader into the near east to eliminate him. But just as he wanted to kill him he realized that this clan leader was a woman named Sexy. You know the story...fell in love.. got a son. He couldn't speak one word Arabic so he named him, as the tradition of his ancestors tells him: Son_Sonsonsonson. After raiding countless villages with innocent virgins Son_Sonson and Sexy retired and left it to their son to take part in the history.
To be continued...

WSE2 Beta / Heavy glitching
« on: February 20, 2013, 03:48:59 am »
Hi guys,

since I installed WSE 2 an annoying error occurs a few times every round. I often play as usual but obviously don't see what is really happening around. So I fight and suddenly I get beamed to another place some metres away, of course usually dead because I have blocked the enemies I thought I would engage and not the real ones. There is no real lag or something. Until the enterprise beams me to another place everything looks smooth and although ping terribly increased in the last few weeks this, the fps and the hardware shouldn't be the problem. There is no special time when it comes (so not always when there are many players around or so) It seems to be some kind of random.
I have already limited the fps at 90 and 60 but no improvement. What else can I try?

Historical Discussion / Why do many (eastern) helmets have spikes?
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:56:07 pm »
Hi guys,

I've thought about this question for some time now.
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Why do they have this stylistic spike on their head? And I don't want to discuss about design or the "terrifying" look or so.

I train 1h and shield irl from time to time and I thought that this spike could probably be a pain in the wearer's neck (literally).
If you make a side swing above the guys head there are 3 options:

1) The helmet goes with the strike and falls off the guys head or

2) The helmet fits firmly and the strike makes the head move in a not so healthy position or

3) The helmet turns in a way, the guy cannot see anymore or at least becomes confused.

Both are not that good for the guy with the head. Why is this spike still so popular?

Is this impression right? What is your opinion?

General Discussion / OPEN THE GATES - Tribute to crpg
« on: September 11, 2012, 08:37:00 pm »
Epic scene with my former alt Ikko_ikki:

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(click to show/hide)

Realism Discussion / Ultra realistic control
« on: July 25, 2012, 01:41:02 pm »
Hi guys, what about replacing the usual w a s d control with a more realistic and challenging one? Let's say something like Q W O P  :D

cRPG Technical problems / What happens after reinstalling m&b?
« on: July 14, 2012, 03:25:15 pm »
What happens with my char when I have to reboot my computer and so have to reinstall m&b?
I guess that has no influence on the crpg acc but the model of my char is gone, isn't it?
Can I then create a new model in m&b with the same name (but different face etc) and play with the old crpg account again?

Suggestions Corner / cRPG's next top model
« on: July 05, 2012, 02:56:07 am »
Hi guys,

you can often read posts from people complaining about the standard kuyak + vaegir war mask armor combination or a totally weird mix of weaboo with rhodok board shield and a viking helmet etc. Actually I'm also sometimes a bit disturbed about those styles but hey it's one of the mod's gadgets to be able to create your really own char.
So I just got a rough idea. Why not including a function on your crpg homepage to be able to rate some char pics of other players wearing their armor? So beside writing your char's lifeline you could also add a pic and people can watch it. Now what's the clue about it?
If there's a possibility to gain benefits with a better rating of your gear by other random crpgers we could possibly change some 'just pic the best of everything' gears to a good looking one.
I don't say the benefits should be enormous, but what about a weekly income of 2000 denars or xp when your rating is at least at 5/10 or something like that.
So people can still wear a weird gear if wanted but the handsome or historically accurate guys will gain a little cash extra.

Just an idea.

Suggestions Corner / New Game mode: Ambush or Caravan?
« on: June 17, 2012, 01:53:22 am »
Hi guys,

at first I have to say crpg is cool as it is now with battle, siege and dtv modes. But I just had an idea for another game mode. What about an ambush on a caravan as you often see in random Robin Hood movies or for example in "the patriot" ?
Something like one team has to defend a caravan of maybe 3 wagons, which are slowly crossing the map on a street or forest path and another team (or bots but this shouldn't be that surprising as they would always spawn at the same places) has to charge them at a time they choose and at a place on the map they choose.
The defenders just have one life and the attackers let's say infinite lifes (until the wagons cross a finish line).
And a wagon is lost if an enemy can "rob" it what could be managed with pressing "f" like opening gates or so.

What do you think about it?

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