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Messages - Grey

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Closed Requests / Re: My unbann essay.
« on: November 07, 2011, 03:26:44 am »
In no single way are you even minded or thoughtful, every single post I have seen is your opinion and your own views not even considering anyone else might be right, what would be best to do or how to get through this without insulting anyone!

The definition I have been brought up with of "an even mind" is that they do not get under pressure or that their thoughts are not clouded by anger/pressure/sadness or whatever othe emotion that you may happen to have at the time, I cannot see this in you, you attack cmp for doing his job, you make a silly attempt at an unban essay, a more than fair "get out of gaol" card from Thomek and you throw it back in his face. That my friend, is not even minded or thoughtful.

Secondly, if you fear making the wrong decision so much, why put so little thought into making this essay knowing only too well that it will lead to worse things for you, it'd idiotic at the very least, unless the "right decision" in your eyes was to be perma-banned.

A social conscience..? Sure there is trolling, sure there are people you're not going to get along with but you make the best of what it is, you avoid talking to them, you banter with them or you just plain ignore them like the little twats they are. There's having a social conscience and there's being bloody sensible...

Although I have little standing within this issue, I was willing to help forgive, I offered you words of advice, Thomek, as a gesture of good will gave you an essay ban rather than a permanent one and all you do is throw it back in his face as I mentioned before.

"Think before you act." That would be a wonderful phrase to use right now.

If this seems harsh to you, then it probably is because i'm rather fed up of you blatent disregard for the rules, the community, the admins or even the way things work around here, if you can't tell from this post, in the most possible posh way "you oblivious fool."

You say "worse things"....and the right descision: Yes, I feel that refusing to be told I'm a liar is the right descision: as to breaking the rules: I actively broke the rules ONCE: I exploited on DTV. Once. Of the players caught out there: maybe 10% of those I saw there over the time I was there were punished. The rest of the time, my "crimes" have always been in defense of myself or others. As to here on the forum: its a public forum: my opinion is only ever gonna be that: MY OPINION. I dont ever try to tell someone else that they are not welcome to their own opinion, I have mine and theirs is, well, theirs.

To what you wrote and to this

But for now, go get a fucking new key and say goodbye to your char

I dont need to buy a new key, I have owned 3 version of MB: WB for...well since WB was released pretty I have always stated during each of my bans: I have stayed away not because I was forced to, I stay away out of respect for an admin's descisions.

I'll give you another chance to write a proper essay when you have calmed down.

But for now, go get a fucking new key and say goodbye to your char.

First, l2write when you flame you little fascist: It's "Get a new fucking key" not "a fucking new key"

As to what you wrote: from your lies earlier, I guess you need to organise you OWN mind before you guess at the contents of mine: seperate the fact from the fiction. As to the contents of MY mind: YOU CANNOT KNOW. But since you seem to want to know: at no point during this thread of the previous was I anything BUT calm: What would I have to be angry about? I'm mildly upset, because even though I dont expect much from you, you have still dissapointed me Thomek. Take it easy man.

General Discussion / Re: CMPx
« on: November 07, 2011, 02:36:10 am »
You just insulted them over the comments they made....

I fail to see that as an argument. An argument is where two adults hold different views on a subject, and each expounds his/her ideas, trying to convince the other of their merit. There has been no argument here.,

Closed Requests / My unbann essay.
« on: November 07, 2011, 02:33:22 am »

To be brutally honest, I got 1,350 words into my essay, entitled

"How absolute power corrupts absolutely within a nepotic community with no social or administrative checks or balances, using G. Orwell's template for mental indoctrination by a ruling class and T. Pratchett's template for mobmentality IQ's of the lowest denominator."

Then I refreshed the thread entitled CMPx. All I can be bothered to write is this:

I am an even-minded and thoughtful person. I like to see everyone's side to an issue. I hate rash action, I fear making the wrong decision, and I am blessed/cursed with a social conscience.

The lies that you all spout about me infuriate so I reply inkind, and meanly. But these reactions have lead the social midden that is this community to worsen the lies. Not once has any issue I have been involved in been raised by me. Not once has a member of the admin community approached me for my side of any issue, nor has my word ever been taken. But one, seemingly arbitrary day, my word went from merely being ignored to being taken as definite mistruth and misrepresentation of facts.

I read this:

*Previously caught (numerous times?) trying to FRAME and implicit other players by trolling them into teamkilling him.
Caught repeatedly bumping and accidentally shooting me myself. (Wonder how many others he's done that to, if he can do it to a known hardliner admin with such ease)
*You are not a funny troll even.. (Like Panos or Fasader)

and I had to stifle laughter: Never once have I even tried to frame anyone. Never once have you caught me shooting or bumping you. You may honestly believe what you have just written there... but since I don't even ride a horse....not really sure how you can begin to justify your claims.

That the actions of players such as Panos are considered acceptable was a large part of my essay. Players who purposefully aggrevate others...for fun...I can't even begin to state how despicable I find them...and that they are lauded for what is essentially just the behaviour of a badly raised toddler...

I only ever wanted to play a mod in a way that was fair for all, and seeing the very visible shortcomings of the administration of this mod, I occasionally used to try to bring morally reprehensible behaviour into check myself. This brought me into conflict with the admin on many occasions, and ultimately led to the views the community seems to hold on me.

All that remains for me to write is that I quote Gorath: The threat of physical violence should be present in all things. Otherwise we get a swarm of bundle of sticks children like the majority of the cRPG/Internet population...

I would extend this to the admin and playerbase: If any of you ever DOES manage to get out into what some term "The real world" and support your family, etc. I hope to encounter you, in real life, and I'll have the pleasure of pushing your face  through the back of your head if you try and treat anyone the way you have treated me here, you hipocritical liars. I fucking hate bullies, you all make my skin creep.

Now go get a fucking job.

General Discussion / Re: CMPx
« on: November 07, 2011, 01:51:46 am »
Even though they are bitches, don't argue with em lol. Either write it or don't. Otherwise they'll just go harder at you Mussolini style. Courtesy of CMPxhurrdurr

havent argued with anyone.

General Discussion / Re: CMPx
« on: November 07, 2011, 01:03:40 am »
Erm, Thomek: LOL!

I finished Uni before you finished middle school....

my essay will be in essay section, ill edit this with link in a few minutes.

Prior to that, Thomek, other admins: Do you all live on planet fuckwit?? Also, do you all have memory like sieves?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archer very bad !!
« on: November 07, 2011, 12:11:47 am »
Injustice is that armor
                     that light than others

               arrows pierce to easy it was better
when they cut and did not pierce

and horse with armor or              not  dies so fastly

also But injustice

armour on horse, hit so hard

but slower

General Discussion / Re: CMPx
« on: November 07, 2011, 12:09:24 am »
Think back, I only muted you ingame and you later blew that thing completly out of proportion calling me a god knows what in 3(?) different threads.
Point is, you are not a very considerate person that constantly ends in troll/flame wars, yet never admitt you might have been in the wrong.

I have to call bullshit there mate. 1/ Muted me ingame, then once unmuted and I asked you to deal with the guy STILL teamkicking and slashing, outside the castle, making no attempt to even pretend to be playing properly, you kicked me. Then banned me.

2/ I always admit I'm in the wrong. Even here I freely admit I was wrong to defend myself, should have allowed the guy to teamkill me. XD

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Morningstar on horseback
« on: November 06, 2011, 10:45:27 pm »
Swings are different, just look at how the sword is held at the ready position when mounted compared to on the ground. Overhead is the only one that looks the same.

Anyway since the OP clearly has no idea what he's talking about I'm done with this thread.

theres no point arguing with zapper anyway, the guy cant tell the difference between his beliefs and reality

General Discussion / Re: CMPx
« on: November 06, 2011, 10:11:33 pm »
It's funny how always the same people are the victims for no reason at all(!) and everyone else just jump to conlusions, those damn frogs.

Take that issue back to its source and see that I got in an argument with THAT player because he was kicking/overheading friendlies on siegemode, and while you were quick to ban me for flaming him, you didnt stop him from doing it.

Again: I havent said I didn't attack the Warden player back: I had to have space to run away from him, I had short sword and he had 2handed. I freely admit I should have just let him teamkill me and screenshotted it. Instead I fought him off and laughed at him in chat, and that was wrong of me.

General Discussion / Re: CMPx
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:51:29 pm »
dum dee dum...

The italian people are having problem with CMPx and the German people are having problem with chadz so they have their damn right to settle this right now here!

(btw there any Japanese Emperor IRL here?

Well, w.e mate, if you have a problem with cmp, make yourself a thread: I dont, he has an issue with me I think, but that besides the point.

General Discussion / Re: CMPx
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:04:02 pm »


as usual, without your mindstunning imput, we would be unable to move this thread along XD

General Discussion / Re: CMPx
« on: November 06, 2011, 07:39:49 pm »
This isnt a thread to slamm cmpx. If any forum member has a problem with cmpx, make ur own thread, feedback, flame him, w/e YOU want, I am trying to have a civil conversation.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archer very bad !!
« on: November 06, 2011, 06:39:04 pm »
pikeman very very bad !!

injustice ! !
 I love Pikeman but

 a very difficult game, pikeman  and hit hard


Also for archer this true. Hit hard.


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Morningstar on horseback
« on: November 06, 2011, 06:37:56 pm »
I honestly dont feel that cavalry have ANY way of killing me if Im aware of them, except by bumpslashing, and range doesnt really matter then XD

Of course, a gank is a gank, and then you cannot help yourself sometimes, but since there are no longer any crushthoughs from horseback, as long as you see the cavalry coming u can jump away from couches, and block all other attacks. WORST come to worst, and you are being repeatedly ran over, find a tree, rock, sudden change of ground angle, fence, wall, etc and suddenly YOU have the advantage vs the horseman.

Realism Discussion / Re: Magic
« on: November 06, 2011, 06:33:46 pm »
I approve rain of fire if it can be used on people that camp roofs :P

Magic aside, a fire arrow or 2 wouldn't go amiss to get those guys off the roofs... XD

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