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Messages - Kansuke

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General Discussion / Goodbye my friends
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:46:26 pm »
So i've decided to quit Crpg in protest of the latest events which happened here :

I have been playing this game for a little more than 5 years now, I've made many friends and always been loyal to my only clan: SeaRaiders which would then become Nords and Vanguards.

I'll keep alot of good memories with me as it's been a blast to play it in your company.

Many thanks to chadz and his crew for all the funny moments I've spent on this mod.

I hope to play with most of you again in OKaM or Bannerlord when they are released, goodbye my friends

Don't ask for looms, I've got only one and it will go into our armory.

General Discussion / Re: Medieval evolution charts
« on: June 03, 2016, 01:00:34 am »
Too bad the armours are from 1300 up.  :(

...also it doesn't seem to be very historically accurate. It says studded leather on the first picture  :mrgreen:

Well before that it was mainly mail armours and gambeson, only the helmets had a little variation/evolution I believe. So not as interesting.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 03, 2016, 12:29:58 am »
I feel some kind of biais here as you seems willing to forgive him everything. Let me ask you a question, how many warnings does it take for an admin to get his rights removed ? Because as everyone can see in this thread and as Heskeytime revealed this is clearly not the first time he fucked up as an admin. How many warnings Nightingale (a much better admin than blackbow imo) received ?

By keeping him in your team you kind of engage your own responsability despiste all the previous comments players and admins alike wrote about blackbow.

This will be my last intervention here as I feel i've said everything, I'll leave other people be judge of all this which they did already.

tl dr : Blackbow (an admin) harassed other players by insulting them on a regular basis,
insulted a member's familly after he dared put into question his behaviour on a feedback (!) thread and got away with a simple warning.

And btw that last sentence was really unecessary Uther...

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 02, 2016, 11:54:28 pm »
Now I wonder, what would have happened if I was the one saying all the things he said to me. Knowing how much cool-headed he is, I would probably be permabanned by now and everyone would find it normal. Seems like there is some kind of double standard going on.

Aslo you are playing with the words here, the rule says "don't post any real life related stuff" not information, so what he said definitly qualifies for it.

What's funny is that on any other web community I know, this guy would not only have his right removed from him but also be excluded from the community for the things he said about my family. When did Crpg forums became a 4chan annex, I was not aware we were allowed to say everything about everyone on this forum.

Plus you have Killmax  backing you, you can sleep peacefully I guess...

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 02, 2016, 11:19:39 pm »
As I said I wasn't paying attention to the game at that time as I was writing on the forum, he could have waited for an enemy to kill me but choose to kick me instead few minutes after I critized his admining but whatever again this is not the main complain I have.

There's swearing on the server which everyone does then there is harrassing other players by insulting them constently, something he does on a regular basis (krems, russian players, vanguards, some people he dislikes...) and this is pretty bad thing for an admin to do (if you go farther into the logs you'll see what I mean).

And then there's insulting someone's familly over a video-game argument, breaking this rule: Stick to game context, don't post any real life related stuff about other community members.
Try telling someone his familly participated in the collaboration in France, at best you'll get punched in the face, at worst you'll end up in court.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 02, 2016, 10:51:28 pm »
After that you exchanged some silly insults, last message Kansuke wrote was this:

Actually that part isn't right, I don't remember insulting him a single time: here's what I said (was in french)

1st sentence I told him that's not how an admin should act

2nd sentence I said : come one make your case worse rolf ("vas y agrave ton cas" in the screenshot)

And about the leeching thing, really ? leeching in crpg these days where everyone is lvl 37, has full MW set and armory clan access full of items, what would even be the purpose of it ?

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 02, 2016, 10:25:04 pm »
Collabo isn't a word you can throw at someone face and expect to get away with, in France it has a very powerful meaning as Molly described and being a french he knew that, that's why he used it.
Just a reminder :
was just saying why i insulted you, because you rly deserve it, you dont know the word honorable and had probably some "colabo" in your familly !
during war they used sneaky tactics like you to trap honorable ppl !

Besides, with so many other admins having a really bad opinion about him and expressing it here openly, I don't see how he could stay in this administration team where trust and solidarity is needed.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 02, 2016, 09:17:39 pm »
Lie and false accusation lol, are you also going to say that Uther Pendagragon is lying too ?
Quote from: Uther Pendragon
This isn't nice, while insulting can be prevented by muting blackbow, abusing powers won't do.

I'd be a hypocrite for telling him to stop throwing swears around (:lol:), but I'll talk to him about the kicks and power abuse.

Or is it the part where I said that you were constantly insulting me and other people on the server which you proved you were very capable of here once again ?

Keep digging...

And btw if I was lying like you say I would have already been banned for it, which I'm not, so I guess there is only 2 options left, either ban me for false accusation or remove your admin right for abusing your admin power, breaking many rules and lying about it.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 02, 2016, 03:09:59 pm »
I'm not aggressive, I came here because I got insulted by an admin without any reason in the first place, remember ?

I'm pretty sure that if I talked to an admin on the server the way this guy talk to the players, I would get an instant mute/kick, even if I'm adressing the player and not the admin.

But hey it's blackbow, everyone know how toxic he is, it's fine, he's been like this for 6 years, he won't change now, just leave him be, everything is fine !

Maybe it's better to stop this conversation at this point, you don't seems to understand what the problem is, I feel like you will try anything to have him keep his precious little power, is this some kind of french fraternity, I don't know.

General Discussion / Re: Worst thing about this mod
« on: June 02, 2016, 02:42:35 pm »
Worst thing about this mod is the lack of population  :cry:

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 02, 2016, 02:36:46 pm »
At the moment he is only responding at the same level as you are (agressive) on the subject that you brung up (admin feedback, on an admin feedback thread).


As much as I dislike Blackbow as a person, he is free to communicate in-game and in-forum in a way that makes other people hate him if he likes. As long as you dont have issues regarding his admining responsabilities, I suggest calming the fuck down Kansuke & Co.

Oh man this is funny, so now you are trying to make me look bad because I came to the feedback admin thread to give feedback and then got insulted of the worst thing by the admin in question. The same level you say, please point it to me where I qualified not only him but also his family of something as bad as a collabo. Fact is : if you can't handle feedback on your admining without cursing you shouldn't be an admin in the first place.

And yes it's his admining which is in question, he has the responsability to prevent griefing on the server and he is doing the contrary by harrassing some players with constant flow of insult. Every single time I fight blackbow in the game, you can be sure there will be an insult following closely behind that because for him the way I fough wasn't "honorable" enough for him. As you can see by reading this thread I am not the only one complaining about it.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 02, 2016, 03:26:02 am »
Yeah the usual "grow a thicker skin" right, if you don't understand this is not the kind of behaviour an admin should have there is nothing more I can do for you my dear. If you don't feel offended when I say that your mother is a whore, good for you, but there are other people out there who like to play this game peacefully without being constently insulted.

I am an admin myself on an Squad server and you can be sure that if I had this kind of attitude with any of the players, it would always be empty because there are other server out there. Unfortunately on Crpg there is not enough players to have multiples servers and we are forced to play and deal with this kind of people but it does not mean that nothing can be done about it.

he bwoke the wules
bad admin
this is not how a lady should behave
Wow you're funny
Let me ask you a question mr sarcasm, how is an admin supposed to enforce the rules if he is not honouring it himself ? Don't you see a little contradiction here ?

And for the record the rules he broke:
Server :
  • No abuse of in-game chat (racism, insulting, griefing, spamming...)
Forum :
  • Be polite, keep the cursing to a minimum; adding insults to your arguments does not make them better.
  • No racism, sexism, discriminatory speech, images or similar.
  • Stick to game context, don't post any real life related stuff about other community members.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 02, 2016, 02:46:38 am »
"this little fuck up" like you say is nothing small, people on this forum have been muted and banned for far lesser than that, there is no way he is getting away with it. Like Molly said, calling me and my family collabo is the worst thing he could have possibly done. And to pretend this is the first time a thing like this happen with him is non-sense, just read the thread. It happened before, it happens now and it will happen again in the future if nothing is done to prevent it.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 01, 2016, 11:59:37 pm »
This is probably the worst insult you can throw at any French, at least from my understanding:
"Collabo" stands for the word "collaborateur" which basically means "collaborator with the Germans in WW2".
I might be wrong but I am very confident that this is still today something incredibly bad to say about a French person. Not enough to throw it towards Kansuke - who is in my experience actually one of the most behaving players around - it's even used to slander his whole family for his playstyle in this mod?

You are right, this is pretty much like telling to a german person he's a (n a z i)...

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:03:10 pm »
was just saying why i insulted you, because you rly deserve it, you dont know the word honorable and had probably some "colabo" in your familly !
during war they used sneaky tactics like you to trap honorable ppl !

Really hope you get a ban for saying this.

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