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Messages - Scervo

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Dang, went too hard with the tech skill, huh? I play mostly falco and a little sheik, with plenty of low tiers when playing for fun. Where are you located? If you're anywhere near the northeast we might be able to play netplay with minimal lag.

Yeah I went a little too hard grinding, then I expected them to heal up easily once I took a break and they didn't for some reason, so I found out I had RA which is a chronic autoimmune disorder that attacks your joints. I'm waiting for my medicine to kick in (takes several months) before I can attempt to play again. I'm in the southeast so netplay would probably be a little laggy but who knows, it might be worth a shot once I can play again. I'm curious how good you are

Kuoin: That thread was bullshit and misinformation. See this tweet from one of the event organizers for evidence:

"To the uninformed Twitter monsters: Melee crowd boo'd the delay when told to. Melee crowd chanted Melee when asked are you ready. That's it."

It was misconstrued by the people who weren't at the venue. None of it had to do with the other games like people assumed. They were just looking for something to jump on people for.

You can't really call it a glorified party game if you've never been part of the community, if you aren't playing casually it is literally the hardest game I've ever played. Just getting to an average level is harder than getting diamond in League of Legends and harder than getting global elite in csgo, and I speak from experience.

Jona: I main fox. I have rheumatoid arthritis so I might have to drop fox, I'm considering picking up Marth instead. Used to play Sheik though so I might also go back to that.

I think a lot of you guys would like competitive melee if you got into it, it reminds me of c-rpg in some ways. Everyone in the community is somehow super good at the game and the average players are way better than you would expect, so its got a big learning curve and the skill ceiling is insanely high, which was pretty much my experience learning c-rpg. It's great if you want a competitive challenge, which was why I liked c-rpg in the first place, so I'm guessing some of you guys are the same way. I played melee as a kid, but once you start learning the advanced techniques that competitive players use its an entirely different game, trust me. Theres so much potential for outplaying people and the game is actually way deeper than it seems at first glance.

Unless you wanna be a filthy casual and play smash 4 which is slower paced with more limited movement options, fewer combos, and a lower skill ceiling  :rolleyes:

Heres your inspiration

General Discussion / Re: State of NA
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:05:04 pm »
For me crpg went downhill after the FCC vs Frisia war ended. Watching Kesh and Daruvian go at it was fun

General Discussion / Re: State of NA
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:02:11 pm »
Damn this is sad. C-rpg was a blast, native can't really hold my attention for more than 15 minutes, so I guess that's pretty much it for me and mount and blade.

It's a shame to hear that shitty admins had a role in cutting off the games last legs. When you only have like 20 active players, you can't afford to ban people over petty shit that no one really cares about just because its in the rulebook. When a game is on its last legs people aren't going to take it as seriously, if the admins dont adapt they're basically asking for the game to die.

But anyways, fuck playing on EU, high ping on this game is cancer. When M&B 3 comes out we should host a server for all the crpg players even if its not a crpg mod.

To people who think they're "stuck" at a rank because of teammates: If you are stuck in a rank, you are probably that rank (or very slightly above it). I had no trouble carrying myself up to a high rank because i top fragged by far for literally like my first 15 games. You get screwed by teammates sometimes, but so do your opponents; not every game is winnable, but its about making sure you never lose the ones that are. If you lose a game 14-16, you probably could have done more, even if your team was bad.

Yeah nova 3-4 is probably average. DMG does have a lot of players in it tho, cuz most people who get there aren't good enough to get past it because there's a pretty big skill jump to eagle. You have to be a lot more consistent in your aim, and you have to actually have game knowledge and not rely on aim alone anymore. Earlier in the ranks if your aim is good enough it can pretty much carry you regardless of how dumb you play.

Any NA players that actively play this at a highish level? 10-12 rws on esea lately, was eagle before i quit playing MM. Played MM for the first time in like 5 months this week tho with my unranked/silver IRL friends and deranked while dropping 40 bombs.

And yeah, in regards to sensitivity, i play at 1/5th of what i did when i started. 16x18 inch mousepad, still wish it was bigger

General Discussion / NA 2 > NA 1 ?????
« on: January 04, 2015, 04:58:22 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Whats happening fix it

My teams are the Saints and LSU (I'm from Louisiana and I go to LSU) but I hate LSU's coach. He's retarded. I miss when we had Nick Saban =P But at least we won our first home game 56-0 last week

Shameless self-promotion of my own video; me killing one of the harder bosses in dark souls as a level 1 with no clothes on, no shield, using a wooden stick as my weapon.

General Discussion / Re: Revoke chadz's Right to Speak the German Language
« on: February 03, 2014, 12:38:32 am »
GG the change has been made in the most recent patch, Grosses Messer

The community had some pretty talented modders/mappers/skinners/etc.

My clan had some pretty awesome forum signature makers too. Samples of stuff they did:

(click to show/hide)

I still play Jedi Outcast multiplayer. I tried to move to JA because its more active, but its just not as good imo. I've been playing jedi outcast since i was about 9 years old.

Heres me playing in the third place match of a casual jk2 (JO) tournament about a year ago, starting at about 1:26:10

The activity levels fluctuate a lot, it goes through waves of activity but lately its been less :/ if you guys think crpg is dead, that games total community is less than the amount we have on at one time during some strat battles, and its been hanging on for years. JKA is still active I believe though.

I'm mostly done with JK2 now, but it'll always be my favorite game of all time. I've spent half of my life playing it and I love the community to death. In most games a clan is just sorta a tag; in that game my clanmates really did feel like family. Any time I hear the word nostalgia, JK2 in its golden days is what instantly pops into my head =P

Thanks for making this thread =)

General Discussion / Re: Number of players declining
« on: January 18, 2014, 12:56:51 am »
In my case I've just been too busy lately to play as much as I did before

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