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Topics - Zaharist

Pages: [1]
Mercenary Recruitment / Help nEUtrals!
« on: March 06, 2016, 04:21:48 pm »
Hey folks!

There are two sieges today.
Polanie and UIF as attackers.

Free peoples of Tevarin and Samarra castles need your help to stand against evil!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=731!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=733

Sign up for defence!

Suggestions Corner / [Strat Suggestion] How to avoid carebear
« on: March 12, 2014, 10:43:49 am »
Hello everyone

Here is my wall of text.
My dreams about better Strat future with non stop battles, dramas and insults.

Sorry for my english tried to do my best.

(click to show/hide)

To summ up.
How all this ideas would help:

1. Restricting alliance size
We won't have alliances formed by biggest factions. Splitting into small factions won't help them.

2. Restricting transfers
With system like this GO and DRZ won't be able to help each other with troops, gold, or equipment.
It won't make them start fighting each other, but at least they won't team up on Strat.
Also having half of faction members as neutrals won't help due to transfer restrictions, also having palyer in faction will benefit more then having him as neutral supporter.

3. Random events and rebellion
Will make it harder (almost impossible) to control vast territories.

4. Trade agreements
Taking into account that faction will be able to control only villages close enough to their capital, they'll have to make some trading agreements. That gives opportunity for "economical blockade"

5. Caravans
No faction will be able to send 20k shiny army with 100k goods to make billions.
On the other hand every faction or even neutral bandit-like players will have a chance to raid caravan.
This will benefit smaller factions a lot.

6. Armed neutrals
You can "hire" neutrals to scout or patrol areas.

7. Maximum faction army size.
Thanks to equal maximum player capacity restrictions for factions and alliances we'll have equal armies (at max 32k per side if 80 players and 400 troop per player).

Thanks for reading this, hope you like it and support.

Strategus General Discussion / [Suggestions] First things... last?
« on: December 24, 2012, 01:53:43 am »

Hey everyone!

      First of all I would like to ask you to forgive me my pure language skills. I wish I could speak english fluently and write understandable grammatically correct sentences, I should've learned better at school %) I will try to do my best, please try not to be too grammarchocolate chip cookie.
Thank you in advance! ;)

This thread is all about my personal thoughts about strat development and expresses my personal opinion. I can be absolutely wrong, that's ok ;)

I think we are going in wrong direction since the end of first strat.

What made strat2,3,4 boring comparing to first strat?
They had the same scenario, same roles and same participants. UIF - antiUIF.
Small factions have no chances to settle down without "permission" or protection, no faction can survive alone, big factions (with adequate leaders) are overpowered etc.

What changed since Strat1?
Fixed numerous exploits, changed local fief micromanagement, added and then changed several times economy, battle management changes etc
Are these things really first to do?

IMO first thing that should be implemented in Strat is GLOBAL faction management.
Diplomacy should be in-game, not forum.
Factions should have bonuses/disadvantages according to their diplomacy (agreements, wars..), political system, size, number of fiefs, village-town-castle ratio, number of players.
Factions' fiefs should have global parameters like loyalty, rebellion chance, distance from capital.

(click to show/hide)

Global faction management should solve current problems like:
1. Forming enormous alliances. Should be useless.
2. Managing big faction should be difficult
3. Small factions should have a chance to play on par with bigger ones.
4. Faction should be encouraged to play actively, making more "concentrated" wars (short duration, large number of battles), more diplomacy
5. Make multiaccaunting almost useless

Example of how it should work:
(click to show/hide)

In conclusion I would like to thank chadz and devs for their great work and with them patience and inspiration to overcome current mod's crisis.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Strategus Issues / Need to reset pass without launching game
« on: September 18, 2012, 06:51:07 pm »
First of all I am sorry for my English
also I am sorry if I chose wrong board

I want to reset my start acc pass without launching Warband, wondering if it is possible.
atm I am in the army and don't have an opportunity to play Warband, but I want to participate in new Start with my clanmates. unfortunately I forgot my pass and can't log in c-rpg page.

if admins can help me to solve this problem (if it is allowed to play start-only), would be great. thanks.


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