Author Topic: What if we get rid of looms?  (Read 2274 times)

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Re: What if we get rid of looms?
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2015, 05:54:05 am »
change every Item to +3 stats and get rid of looms. I would be all for it.
maybe we could use looms for pure optics (heirloompack implemented). So you oldmy old friends witch tons of looms would be aknowledged on the battlefield as a veteran but you don't have the advantage of better equipment(combined with more experiance) over the newer players.

I love this idea. Think skins in whatever moba you play, be it LoL, Dota, Smite, or anything else, and how popular they are. The gameplay is always the same but standing out with a cosmetic change is a nice reward for the time you've put into that game. Smite is the one moba I keep up with and consider myself an active player in, and I've bought gems solely to stand out on the battlefield with the unique skins.

Leveling and retiring gives people another reason to keep playing, don't take away reasons to keep playing. I know when I was newer to the game I really wanted my own looms

I agree with this completely. cRPG is fun to me because I have a goal in mind (retiring for lps) instead of mindless slaughter with no variation. I would miss the few hours after retiring and being a low leveled character again and getting that progression if retiring was taken out, but I'd be all for a different incentive to retiring, like a cosmetic change that's been mentioned earlier in this thread.

snip  but somehow, i doubt that a +number on an item here or there is what scares them off, as opposed to the +5 years of experience most other players have over them. if you wanna nerf anything, nerf your years worth of nerdy no life skills. looms or no looms, they're gonna get dominated. that should be pretty obvious.

or get used to the fact that everything dies, and your'e not gonna vampire your way through crpg by "attaining" the blood of young virgins

This, very much so. Player skill is way more important than the heirlooms you have. Most players have been here for years and are much better individually than the average joe that comes across crpg and tries it out because it "looks fun" or whatever terminology the casuals use. Those filthy plebs have yet to be initiated into the community and probably wouldn't even be able to block consistently without a shield, added to the fact that their builds would not be ideal either.
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