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"why is racism wrong"

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Before i start i really have to apologize to the people i insulted with my foolish behavior..also i apologize for any further grammar or spelling mistake in my Essay,as u can see I`m from Greece so English aint my native language..

Racism is wrong because it is an incorrect theory that has caused a lot of evil. We all belong to the human race. The different so called "races" don't actually exist biologically. What we are talking about are the different characteristics within a same race, even if they are occuring within specific geographical spaces.Although many dumb people (including me ) tend to insult black people or yellow people or red people etc etc etc..
  A man once told me that being a racist means that you are afraid,you are afraid the unkown and as we all know when men are afraid they attack either by words or by actions..
Another problem with that is that racism generalizes.And by that i mean that 2 black people aren`t the same either mentally or physically,They also have a wide range of features. There are lots of different skin tones, from dark ebony black to olive tones for example. And there are different shapes of noses, mouths, different cheekbones, different eye sets, etc, etc... The second reason it is incorrect is that racism generalizes only other races. Racists have no problem admitting there's individuality. But only within their own race. A white racist will argue all blacks are the same, but will always agree that each white person is different...
 I live in Greece and we have many immigrants (Abanians,Russians,Armenians,Pakistanes) and every day i witness an act of hatred and violence against some poor people who came to my country seeking a better life,and to be honest there was a time i used to think that  immigrants were trying to steal our money,our jobs,our food and i was VERY angry but when i started a conversation,with the man i mention before,i ended up that i was wasting my life hating and being angry for no fucking reason..
 History taught us what racism can do.The genocide of the Jews under the Third Reich in Germany is all down to racism. The slave trade to America is all down to racism. The genocide of the Native Americans, the extermination of the Incas and the Aztecs is down to racism. The Ku Klux Klan murders are down to racism...
 I got my lesson and i swear i wont insult noone again..  :D

Races biologically exist actually =)
It's a fail essay but i know you are not a racist you tend to trololol much .
If you accept that Baklava is a Turkish dessert i'll give you good ratings !  :mrgreen:

i already have admited that baklava is a Turkish desert there is no shame in telling the truth..

trolling? who me ???  :twisted:

what about my ban guys??

Unbanned, but with your history the next one will be permanent with no possibility of appeal.


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