Other Games > Chivalry

Chivalry asking for a review.

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The general games are most of the time pretty shallow. It really depends on the people who are in the server. Encountering a enemy on the field who actually blocks really makes a difference compared to someone who spams, just like in Warband. But most of the time, when there are multiple people involved, it's still a spamfest.

Either buy it now for a discount (I think the price is worth for just checking it out), or wait till january for the first major content update.
In it arrives Duel mode, and there the skill level will rise.

Also, the Community is still starting up, but clan battles/e-sport battles are coming up. This might interest you too.

Few personal notes, after buying it on Steam Christmases sales, and clocking around 15 hours...
The Good: Animations, sounds and models are superior in comparison to Mount and Blade. And way more impressive visually, on my PC at least. Smashing enemies' head with a Great Maul, piercing them with a Throwing Spear, or chopping off few limbs and heads in one swing - it is all JOY for both eyes and ears. Combat is simple, fun and brutal! Weapon impact, weight and inertia feels great! ( M&B weapons are lifeless in comparison ) I have not encountered any game-breaking glitches or bugs, like in the majority of newly released games. 
The Bad: FPS drops! Lag! I only play on 20 player servers max, and had to tweak my visual settings, in order to keep my FPS above 40 at ALL times. Forget about AWESOME 100 vs 100 cRPG battles, you will mostly play 10 vs 10. Very few weapons compared to cRPG, and no armor customization ( can unlock few helmets - that is it :( ). I have yet to encounter any decent player cooperation - playing on random servers, with random people, makes me honestly wonder if some of them are bots. Everyone is doing their own thing, but i guess it can be solved by having few friends and a mic, to discipline the rest of the mob on your team :) No skills, no attributes, no gold, no lengthy XP grind - feels like native MP in that regard. I would never play cRPG for as long as i did, if it wasn't for the RPG part. And brace yourselves - NO HORSES! :( That is a huge minus :(
I would love to see cRPG mechanics and scale, to be copied into Chivalry's environment and physics. That holy union, would give birth to a superior being - Chivalry RPG, as it always meant to be it seems :)

--- Quote from: Vexus on December 29, 2012, 12:25:13 pm ---I bought it but seeing the melee animations is really stopping me from downloading it.

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WTF? Do you honestly prefer the idiotically unrealistc animations of M&B, to Chivalry's?.. Are we even talking about the same game here?

I've only played against bots, but I think I can safely say this:

If Chivalry had 4 direction attack/block like Warband, I'd be all over it.
Without it feels....shallow, just like many said :/

Matter a fact, I cant see any melee game or mmo being successful anymore without that combat feature.


--- Quote from: Zaar on January 10, 2013, 12:36:11 pm ---I've only played against bots, but I think I can safely say this:

If Chivalry had 4 direction attack/block like Warband, I'd be all over it.
Without it feels....shallow, just like many said :/

Matter a fact, I cant see any melee game or mmo being successful anymore without that combat feature.

--- End quote ---

In the new update there will come a 4th attack direction, allowing for first left swings. (Holding alt while pressing normal attack triggers this.)

I like it as an arcadey version of crpg. Where crpg can be annoyingly frustrating because of the skill level, if you just want to relax and cut through enemies easily then it's a great game. There is some skill involved but the lack of directional blocking means even I can do well in melee fights :) And you can never get tired of the satisfaction of slicing a guys head clean off or multi hitting two enemies through each other in 1 swing.

Major plus for me is the objective based maps. They are each very fun and unique. I loved them in the mod and I still think they are fantastic. Much better than warband's/crpg's battle mode.

Others have said they get lag ect, I've never had any problems with it so I guess I'm fortunate from the aspect but it runs beautifully.


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