cRPG > Scene Editing

Peasant_Woman's simple and easy guide to making a playable map for cRPG

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Welcome to my guide to making maps for cRPG! Due to cRPG's lack of original maps, the rotation on most servers has grown stale. This is sad as it can be fun and easy to start making maps, even with no experience at all.
All you'll need is 10-15 minutes to get everything set up but each subsequent time you feel like making a map it takes seconds.

1: Creating a mapping module

(click to show/hide)This is quick and easy, open up your warband root directory - probably either;
C:\Program Files\Mount&Blade Warband
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband
Open the 'modules' folder
Copy the cRPG module into the same folder and name the copy whatever you like, I call mine 'cRPG - mapping'

1A: Generating A Terrain Code

(click to show/hide)We're going to need a terrain code which is a hexadecimal string of numbers and letters that forms the base terrain of all maps.
You've probably seen one before, but it looks similar to this; 0x00000000300005000005996900003ab8000056ce00001bce

Run Warband, through the Taleworlds or the cRPG Launcher
Make sure the Native module is selected
Click Configure and make sure edit mode (under the Advanced tab) is enabled
Click play
Hit Alt + Enter to switch between windowed-mode and full-screen

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Either; load an old saved game (nothing will be saved) or start a new game
Once on the singleplayer campaign map you should have a new button on the interface called Terrain that looks like this;

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Click it
If it's not there you didn't launch the game in edit mode, go back to 1Aa

You should see the terrain editor menu that looks like this:

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Play around with the generator a bit, figure out what some of the settings do
Only I strongly recommend setting the Vegetation slider as low as possible, otherwise the rocks/plants generated with the terrain code will not be removable in the editor later and will cause problems for you when you get to actually adding scene props
Once you have the terrain looking approximately how you want it to be click Copy at the top of the menu (a few times to be sure it got sent to clipboard) and paste this in a notepad document
(heavy terrain editing bloats the filesize of maps, the closer you can get it here the smaller the filesize will be when you finish editing. A featureless, flat plain is fine for your first map.)
1B: Textfile Editing

(click to show/hide)
Notepad++ is a great program for editing all these .txt files
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Open your copied cRPG module folder you made and open scenes.txt
Hit ctrl+f and type the name of a blank map, I used scn_blank_105 through to 109 when I started making maps but it can be any
Copy/paste the terrain code you generated earlier over the terrain code of the blank map you're using, save and close

So that you can find your entry in scenes.txt I find it helpful to drop a few lines before/after your maps entry in the list. It doesn't affect how the game reads the file and makes it much more human readable.

Like this;
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You may have noticed the last part of each map entry in the list outer_terrain. This dictates what is beyond the borders of your map and the only entries which work here are;

outer_terrain_beach - Ocean on one side, grassy hills on the other three.
sea_outer_terrain_1 - Ocean on one side, grassy mountains on the other three.
sea_outer_terrain_2 - Ocean on all sides.

Generally you'll want to use outer_terrain_plain for grassy maps, outer_terrain_snow for snowy maps, fairly self-explanatory.
It's worth noting that you can change a maps outer terrain without it having any side-effects on your map.

outer_terrain_beach and sea_outer_terrain are special as you cannot tell which direction the water side will be until you see it, so if your map hinges on a specific side being ocean I recommend setting the outer terrain first instead of getting far in your map only to find out the ocean is on the wrong side.

strings.txt is used to set the name of your map. It follows this format; str_blank_XX enter_name_here to set the desired name of the map (can be changed at any time)

1C: Editing Your Map (Finally)

(click to show/hide)All that is left to do now is to actually start editing your map!

Run the cRPG Launcher
Click Play Warband and select your map-making module (this is a good time to check that Edit mode is enabled)
On the main menu click Scene Editor and browse through the list of maps until you find the number of your blank one
Click it and hit Ctrl+e to enter edit mode

^This is the way to get into cRPG edit mode without any extra scripts running that might slow-down or crash the game
The other way is useful for testing things like doors, gates, ladders and siege towers:

Click Play cRPG
ClickHost Game, select either battle or siege/conquest (whichever your mapa game mode is) and then your maps identifier
Hit Ctrl-e to enter edit mode

^The only downside to this is it's less stable in my experience - due to other scripts running in the background, such as round timer, ladders, doors etc. edit mode might become unresponsive or even crash on occasion which tends to happen less with the other method. But it's still incredibly useful for checking that everything works.

To check spawns, add some bots.
With no AI mesh to guide them, they will not path around scene props correctly. That's fine, you're only checking spawns and adding an AI mesh increases the filesize of your map dramatically.

See this post to learn about the editor

1D: Credits:

(click to show/hide)Suggesting Notepad++, reminding me about new scene props, 'Submitting your maps to the admins' revision, rageball entry points.
(click to show/hide)Correcting descriptions on outer_terrain, writing out the bulk of edit mode so I didn't have to, portcullis additions, second scene editing method.
(click to show/hide)Correct usage of rageball barriers, everything conquest mode related.

2: Edit Mode:

2A: Controlling Edit Mode:

(click to show/hide)
W, A, S, D: Moves the camera (Forwards, left, backwards, right)
C, E: Increases/decreases the height of the camera
CTRL + Any movement key: Speeds up the camera movements, slows down the object movements
Left Mouse Button: While pressed, mouse movements rotate the camera (Good for taking a screenshot, or reducing fps lag while moving the camera around a lot)
Double Left Click on a scene prop in the Scene Objects list: Selects the clicked object and moves the camera towards it

Right Mouse Button: Select objects
CTRL + Right Mouse Button: Select multiple objects
G: While pressed, mouse moves the selected object(s) parallel to the ground
H: Hides/unhides the object selection highlights and user interface objects
T: While pressed, mouse movement increases/decreases the height of the selected object(s)
X, Y, Z: While pressed, mouse movements rotate the selected object(s) relative to the object's X, Y and Z axis
U: While pressed, mouse movements rotate the selected object(s) with respect to the "Up" axis of the game world
R: Resets the selected object's rotation
B: Scale selected object uniformly in X, Y and Z axis, relative to mouse movement
B + X: Scale selected object along X axis, relative to mouse movement
B + Y: Scale selected object along Y axis, relative to mouse movement
B + Z: Scale selected object along Z axis, relative to mouse movement
Alt + B: Resets the selected object(s) scale
Delete: Deletes selected object(s) from scene
Space: Toggles add object mode

Searching the availiable scene props
- left-click in scene props list and type the name of the prop if known (including _)
- to search for a prop you don't know the name of, scroll wheel up/down

Right Mouse Button: Adds currently selected object to scene
Space: Toggles add object mode
All Edit Object controls work in this mode

You can also search for props in scene_props.txt with notepad++ or whatever and CTRL+F search for stuff there door, fire, ramp etc.
Note: cRPG uses some props that are not in Native, look under the prefixes mp_ and crpg_ in the list of scene objects to find them

Check the (default position) top-left of the Edit Mode window for mode specific controls

Ground Elevate:
Up, Down: Raise/Lower the terrain
Smooth: Equalize uneven terrain towards a flatter common center
Level [X] meters: Moves terrain towards a specific height in meters

Radius: Size of the brush in number of vertices (default 2, one meter in length along a single edge)
Weight: Amount of force to use when altering terrain
Hardness: Affects how 'hard' edges are (low is best for avoiding blocky terrain, high is best for sheer cliff-faces)

Clear All: Resets the terrain to before editing. Never press this button unless you like fun.

Right Mouse Button: Elevates the ground according to current radial button selection
Middle Mouse Button: Clears the elevation

Ground Texture Paint:
Dropdown Box: Select texture to use for painting
Radius: Size of the brush in number of vertices
Weight: Amount of texture paint to apply in one click
Hardness: How harsh edges between two textures should appear

Right Mouse Button: Applies currently selected texture to the ground
Middle Mouse Button: Clears the texture

Right Mouse Button: Selects AI mesh objects
CTRL + Right Mouse Button: Selects multiple AI mesh objects
1: Activates Vertex Editing Mode
2: Activates Edge Editing Mode
3: Activates Face Editing Mode
G, T, X, Y, Z, B and Delete: can also be used in this mode (same function)

Additional Tips
- Saving of changes only happens when you leave edit mode (CTRL + e, click yes)

- Scene files are located under [Current Module]\SceneObj folder. When you save your changes, the related scene file (.sco) in this folder will be updated

- You cannot undo your changes, you can only discard them when leaving edit mode (choose no). So you should save your work occasionally by leaving and re-entering edit mode

- If you are having issues with objects not working correctly / invisible/deleted items getting in your way, try saving and reloading the map
(This will fix 95% of the problems you encounter when mapping)

- You can resize any object by entering a lower/higher number directly in its X/Y/Z value, instead of by holding B. This is my preferred way of resizing as it's more precise, you can get distances down to 1/1000th or even more which is very handy at times

- You may test your map by hosting a server yourself and changing it to the map you were editing (Blank 87, Multi Scene 1, etc...)

2B: Adding Spawn Points:

(click to show/hide)To add spawns the Native way (Works for Battle, Siege, Rageball and DTV) select Entry Points from the drop down list of item types. Each entry point has two values associated with it, the topmost one you see when it is selected is it's spawn id and the server uses this to tell them apart.

Here is a list of the entry point values concerning each mode:

Faction 1 spawn: 0
Faction 2 spawn: 32
Master of the Field Flag Spawns: 67, 68, 69
(^Place these in areas that aren't in favor of one side or the other. If it's looking like the battle will be a draw a MOTF flag will spawn at one of these entry points)
Ladders: 100-109
(^See section 2C below for proper/advanced placement technique)

Defenders: 0 - 31
Attackers: 32-63
Flag: 66
Ladders: 100-109
Siege engine 1: 110 - 119
Siege engine 2: 120 - 129
Siege engine 3: 130 - 139
NOTE: To see how spawning works differently from Native siege for conquest , look at the very next section under Rageball.
(both kinds of siege maps can run on the same server, as seen on EU2).

NPCs: 1-5:
Viscount and Players: 32

Ball spawn position at match start: 95
(^This is also where the ball will be moved if idle for 30 seconds)
Team 0 spawn: 96
Team 1 spawn: 97
Team 0 goal: 98
Team 1 goal: 99
Used as spawn points after a player dies: 0-94
(Try to spread these around the map evenly. You don't have to place all of them. Just make sure none are misplaced - inside objects, under the terrain etc)

To define the playable area:
Use the prop crpg_rabbit_ball_barrier instead of the standard 2d barriers, because {barrier_2m, barrier_4m, barrier_8m, barrier 16m, barrier 20m} and barrier_box don't reset the ball, just stop players passing through.

Every second the server will check to see if the ball is inside the crpg_rabbit_ball_barrier props, and if it is it will trigger the out of bounds script.
These can be scaled of course, make sure they're thick enough so that the ball can't pass though it during that one second interval or the ball might escape and the server will have to be restarted by an admin.


When a map-maker creates a siege map the Native way;
- Place defense spawn points (entry points 0-31) throughout the castle where you want defenders to spawn
- Which spawn is chosen by the system isn't random or proximity to flag, it's based around a convoluted system made up by Taleworlds;

1 - Proximity to Entry Point 0 (what I call Defense Center)
2 - Proximity to attackers (it wants to spawn you AWAY from enemies)
3 - Proximity to other defenders (it wants to spawn you CLOSE to other allies)
(order is the weight order of the parameters)

Here's what this means in terms of gameplay:
When attackers get in and get close to the flag, the system is going to try to spawn defenders AWAY from the attackers
EVEN if Entry Point 0 is near the flag, it will likely NOT spawn you near there:
You will spawn at an entry point - As close as possible to entry point 0
                                                    - Further from Enemies
                                                    - Nearer Allies

Further from enemies and closer to allies, overpower the need to simply spawn you close to entry point 0!
You could put all the defense spawn points near the flag, thus preventing the system from spawning defenders elsewhere - but that map WILL be either;


So don't do it.


Most map makers do the following for Native siege:
- Place defense spawns how you think it will be best, put it up on server to "test" (we don't have any other way really to test with many players)
- Watch the results and/or gather feedback (the community is so helpful and constructive with this, of course :) )
- Make small changes (not knee jerk react and make things worse)
- Re-upload
- Watch again...

The above doesn't usually happen to attackers despite their spawns using the same system, as attacker spawns are usually all clustered around entry point 32 outside the castle, where defenders aren't likely to go.
Even if defenders did get close to entry point 32, all the attacker spawns are in close proximity and other options for spawning (defender spawns) are only worse choices as most defenders will still be inside the castle...

This Native system works well enough for a basic siege map where all the attackers are coming from one side, however if you are working on large maps or if you have spawns on 2 or more sides then it will either break, or at the very least be highly unpredictable as the system does not care if spawns are friendly or hostile when choosing where to spawn a player.

BUT what if you want to make a larger, more complex map? With full spawn control, more than one objective, longer round times and BALLISTAS!?



Spawns in this mode work differently than Native:

0 and 32: Placed anywhere on the map, doesn't matter where as long as they are placed
Ladders and Siege tower paths: Identical to Native siege
Entry Points: Not used for spawning players in this mode, don't place them

This cRPG specific mode uses shiny new cRPG specific scene props to handle flags and player spawning, which work in an arguably superior way to the convoluted mess which is the Native siege spawn system:

Var id 1: Flag ID. Valid numbers: 1 or higher. Must be unique for each flag! (Unique from flags in different layers too)
Var id 2: Layer number. Valid numbers: 1 or higher. Flags in layer 1 are vulnerable from round start.
Example: Flag 1 layer 1 - Var id1: 1 Var id2: 1. Flag 2 layer 2 - Var id1: 2 Var id 2: 2. Flag 3 layer 2 - Var id1: 3 Var id2: 2.

Var id 1: Flag ID of the flag you want to give the name to.
Var id 2: Index number of name. Current values for names: (1 for flag_1, 2 for flag_2 etc)
(click to show/hide)("flag_0", "flag"),
  ("flag_1", "Outer Walls"),
  ("flag_2", "Inner Walls"),
  ("flag_3", "Courtyard"),
  ("flag_4", "Keep"),
  ("flag_5", "Gatehouse"),
  ("flag_6", "Outer Gatehouse"),
  ("flag_7", "Inner Gatehouse"),
  ("flag_8", "Northern Gatehouse"),
  ("flag_9", "Eastern Gatehouse"),
  ("flag_10", "Southern Gatehouse"),
  ("flag_11", "Western Gatehouse"),
  ("flag_12", "Northern Walls"),
  ("flag_13", "Eastern Walls"),
  ("flag_14", "Southern Walls"),
  ("flag_15", "Western Walls"),
  ("flag_16", "Upper Walls"),
  ("flag_17", "Lower Walls"),
  ("flag_18", "Breach"),
  ("flag_19", "Harbor"),
  ("flag_20", "Tower"),
  ("flag_21", "Northern Tower"),
  ("flag_22", "Eastern Tower"),
  ("flag_23", "Southern Tower"),
  ("flag_24", "Western Tower"),
  ("flag_25", "Ship"),
  ("flag_26", "Village"),
  ("flag_27", "Outer Courtyard"),
  ("flag_28", "Inner Courtyard"),
  ("flag_29", "Marketplace"),
  ("flag_30", "Tavern"),
  ("flag_31", "Dungeons"),
  ("flag_32", "Stockades"),
  ("flag_33", "Blockade"),
  ("flag_34", "Armory"),
  ("flag_35", "Smithy"),
  ("flag_36", "Armory"),
  ("flag_37", "Barracks"),
  ("flag_38", "Archery Range"),
  ("flag_39", "Sewers"),
  ("flag_40", "Bridge"),
  ("flag_41", "Outer Bridge"),
  ("flag_42", "Inner Bridge"),
  ("flag_43", "Northern Bridge"),
  ("flag_44", "Eastern Bridge"),
  ("flag_45", "Southern Bridge"),
  ("flag_46", "Western Bridge"),
  ("flag_47", "River Crossing"),
  ("flag_48", "Stables"),
  ("flag_49", "Beach"),
  ("flag_50", "Beach Landing"),
  ("flag_51", "Siege Camp"),

Var id 1: ID Must be unique between attacker spawns and the crpg_siege_flag_poles.

Var id 1: Flag ID. (or selectable_spawn_attackers ID). Spawn point for attackers, linked to a specific flag or attacker base. Typically place between 6 to 20 of these per flag, preferably spread out a little.

Var id 1: Flag ID. Works exactly the same as crpg_siege_attacker_spawn, except is for defenders.

Now this can be a bit tricky to get right. It basically marks where the camera moves to for the spawn selection menu. Typically a good spot to place it is in the middle of your map, 200-300m up. The arrow should be horizontal, pointing to the horizon and not the ground. Once placed, press CTRL+e to save the map, spawn somewhere and press M to view how it looks. There should only be one per map!
Var id 1: field of view (zoom). Valid values: 10-120. The lower the value, the more the camera will zoom in.

Sets the round time limit for your map. If none exists, the default time of 7 minutes will be used. Only one per map.
Var id 1: Minutes. Valid values: 1-60
Var id 2: Seconds. Valid Values: 0-59

Sets the defenders penalty to respawn time. If none exists, the default value will be used - 25 seconds between death and respawn.
Var id 1: Seconds. Valid values: 0-127

Place this in your map to add a ballista turret.
Var id 1: Horizontal rotation cap (optional). Valid values: 1-127. If 0, players can rotate it fully 360 degrees.
DO NOT place any of the other ballista parts in your map, only place crpg_ballista_full.

Note: Make doubly sure you do not place rogue entry points in your maps, they can cause some very strange things to happen to spawning players.

How to test the Spawn points:
Host the map and add 63 bots, split between the teams, so you can see if your spawn points work correctly.

2C: Adding Interactive Objects In Siege Mode:

(click to show/hide)Entry points:
Siege engine 1: 110 - 119
Siege engine 2: 120 - 129
Siege engine 3: 130 - 139 (edit:noticed this in the code yesterday)
Ladders: 100-109

Placing Ladders:
Place the ladder leaning against the wall, how it would look if it was raised. Use the props with "move" at the end of the name, as the ones without are static objects. Place an entry point at the base of the ladder, facing in the direction you would like it to lie on the floor.

Advanced Ladder Placement:
You can place ladders extremely precisely but it requires hosting the map as a server and saving/loading the map repeatedly to force update the positions of the ladder entry points until it looks correct . Indeed ladders spawn in their raised positions in the scene editor anyway.
For a visual example of advanced ladder placement, load Warkworth_Castle to get an idea how ladders in this map are placed sideways, appearing to be supported by wooden posts on a nearby wall and they transition between positions smoothly.

Placing siege towers:
Siege towers can be tricky!  As with ladders, create them as how they would look on the wall they are attacking. (place ramp down and place wheels facing towards wall, only way to be sure is to host the map!)
Place entry point 110 at the start location of the tower, 111 at the next way point, up to 119, the final position of the tower. (Siege towers interpolate between their entry points)
Place entry points 120-129 down if you want a second tower and it will follow that path.
Place entry points 130-139 for a 3rd tower.

Note: Siege towers and ladders will not move properly until you test the map in a playable environment!

Placing the gate:
Use the portcullis prop as the gate and use either winch or winch_b as the switch. Place the portcullis first (in lowered position), be sure that the portcullis prop intercepts any chains/ropes hanging down from the gatehouse or that you may have placed. Then place the winch where the winch should go, making sure that it intercepts with the ropes/chains there as well.
The script which handles linking the 2 together will simply make the switch open the closest gate to it.

Note: The portcullis does not have to be placed as you would expect. You can place it covering a pit horizontally to the ground for an activatable death trap, or sideways for a sliding door etc.

Placing interactive doors:
Try the various castle_e or castle_f door and sally_doors. Sally doors can only be opened from one side by either team, and the non-sally doors can be opened from both sides by only defenders. Both can be destroyed, sally doors tend to be tougher.

2D: Submitting Your Map To The Admins:

(click to show/hide)

--- Quote from: Jacko on January 19, 2012, 11:58:59 am ---
* Submitting a map is done in one of the sticI love you, with a link to the download and a short description.
* For feedback and updates, create a separate thread. Make sure you update the entry in the Submission thread ("map x have been updated, please see [link], is well enough).
* If you have made several maps, make ONE thread with all of those maps in.
--- End quote ---

Mustikkis map thread
Jackos map thread

--- Quote from: Punisher on August 25, 2011, 08:48:25 pm ---You made a battle map and would like to see it on the official EU and NA servers? This is the place to submit it.

There are some basic rules if you want your map to be considered:

* A submitted map must include the .sco file and the terrain info from scenes.txt. For sharing M&B Nexus would be the first option; however since if you create a new account it might take a while to get it activated, I recommend using MediaFire as an alternative, due to it's lack of waiting time, captcha or download limits.
* At least 3 screenshots are required, one being an aerial view with spawns marked. Optionally you can mark possible paths, recommended especially for city maps. Spoiler tags will be used to add the screenshots.
* -Addon To rules: A link to a thread where pictures can be found is adequate as well.
* A short description of the map is required.
* No mirror maps.
* No fantasy maps.
* No mass turf maps.
* No maps larger then 600 KB.Maps will be added in packs rather then one by one, so it might be a while until your map is added. You might also be requested to do some adjustments, ranging from balancing changes to bug fixing.

--- End quote ---

You need to find 2 files on your computer:

   1. The first will be in your cRPG folder under SceneObj.
Either here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband\Modules\Your_Mapping_Module\SceneObj
or here:
C:\Program Files\Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\Your_Mapping_Module\SceneObj
       Find the name of the file you were editing. (Such as Black 87 = scn_blank_87, Multi Scene 1 = scn_multi_scene_1, etc

   2. The second file you need is a snippit of the scenes.txt file located in the cRPG folder
       Right click the scenes.txt file and open With Notepad++ (as you downloaded previously)
       Find the map you were working on in the file. (Pressing CTRLl+f brings up a search box, type the name of the scn_file you found in your SceneObj folder and search)
       Copy these 4 lines of code that correspond to your map and save it in a new .txt file with:
scn_blank_87 blank_87 changed to scn_blank_87 name_of_your_map

Example below:
scn_blank_87 best_map 256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x00000001394018dd000649920004406900002920000056d7

Once you have these 2 files (.sco file + scenes.txt file for your map ONLY) use a program like winzip / 7zip to archive them.
Then upload them to Nexusmods / mediafire etc, and link to it in one of the submission threads with a short description + some nice pictures.

Official BATTLE map submission thread
Official SIEGE map submission thread
Official CTF/RAGEBALL/OTHER map submission thread

3: Tips and tricks for edit mode


How to make sure your map doesn't look like ass:

3A: Terrain Elevation Tips:

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The hill of the left looks fine, the one on the right sucks. Jagged edges are the bane of all players, are not fun to fight on or around and they look just awful on any map.
To fix jagged edges, you must smooth them and the edges near them. Since this can be very delicate work, use a low brush weight. Setting hardness to 0 too is a good way to prevent them from happening in the first place, but sometimes they are unavoidable - especially if your map has many rapid elevation changes, in this case you may be better off using a scene prop like arabian_ground to keep things smooth.
3B: Terrain Texture tips:

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The left is 100 weight 100 hardness earth and it looks ugly just thrown down there. The right is 4 weight 0 hardness applied sparingly, getting heavier the further toward the middle and is more pleasing to the eye.

Also never ever do this:
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A single heavy texture over a large area looks so artificial, because you can obviously see where the texture repeats.

Lol was about to do this today too Peasant Woman!

Make sure we get consolidated info on navigating the map editor in here :)
I can help if you like....I can consolidate the controls and siege interactive info here and you can copy it in there

The community definitely needs more people involved in this and a good solid guide on making a map FOR CRPG specifically is crucial.


- open the scenes.txt in WORDPAD....much much easier to read

- sea background 1 has mountains on some sides, sea background 2 is ocean on all sides, if im not mistaken

- navigating through the maps in editor mode is a pain, you can call your map Heisenberg (or something near the top) in the sco and scene.txt and then its easier to find in the list (cause its at the top for some reason).  Then just change it to whatever you want when submitting.

Very nice guide. I'll add a section for the new siege mode when it's ready.


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