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Messages - oprah_winfrey

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 145
Strategus / Nova Aab for sale
« on: September 10, 2013, 06:15:34 pm »
Selling nova aab, and all of its stuff for looms, loompoints, and/or gold.

Rough estimates of what this includes:

Nova Aab - +1 donkeys and +0 rounceys
6k troops (5500 army and 500 pop)
Gear for 2-3k troops
960k silver

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visitors can't see pics , please register or login

When i get home, i will update this post with exact qualities.

In the mean time, make offers either here or via pm.

NA (Official) / Re: ban request WFF_saucer
« on: July 04, 2013, 05:28:10 am »

Diplomacy / Re: Summer Lovin
« on: June 28, 2013, 08:09:09 am »
I should probably preface this with my views do not communicate those of SS/Jabonra. Infact I have been out of crpg/strat for a month, so I am somewhat out of the loop. And for those interested, I hope to be making my return to mountain blade within the next week or two.

And by your logic LCO could attack HG or Remnant because they are not properly FCC.

The way I look at it is intentions. I think its pretty clear that Remnant is part of FCC as far as strat goes. Absorbing a faction so they get protectio under a NAP is a bit different in my book.

As far as the current situation, it's pretty shitty. I think its pretty blatant that it was a roster drop, consider badplayer even went as far as to send a message to everyone in semenstorm about what we lost. But regardless it certainly wasn't a legitimate seige, and am somewhat suprised that matey/bale are putting up resistance. Maybe its their form of recapturing what they lost at Ahmerrad, or lco/hosp thing, or they just want the castle. It's sketchy to keep it, but its also a video game about capturing land.

Diplomacy / Re: Summer Lovin
« on: June 28, 2013, 07:34:10 am »
Well, technically Sparvico (and I believe Hosp too) are in the LCO strat faction. Which I believe is what he was referring to. Whereas SS and LCO each have their own strategus factions.

Technically tomatoes are fruit, but most people consider it a vegetable. What's your point?

Diplomacy / Re: Summer Lovin
« on: June 28, 2013, 07:18:28 am »

Also, holding LCO responsible for what someone that is not even in their faction did is just insane on the face of it. An alliance does not equate to control of the allies members, especially one that has been supplanted from his fief via a cheat.

By this logic FCC could attack you and hospitaller also under the thought that you aren't actually in LCO.

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: May 24, 2013, 04:28:12 pm »
That's a classic "penis tuck" boy...I can't believe it took this many posts to realize that.

Is that an Ecko belt buckle?

No, an ecko belt buckle is a huscarl and awlpike.

General Discussion / Re: What is the highest level of crpg?
« on: May 23, 2013, 06:48:32 pm »
Fuma claimed that he's gen 44.

That is certainly not the highest.

General Discussion / Re: At what Gen did you stop retiring?
« on: May 23, 2013, 05:46:08 pm »
I still retire. Can't stop won't stop.

General Discussion / Re: What is the highest level of crpg?
« on: May 23, 2013, 03:05:31 pm »
Another question that is related is who is the highest gen?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Bans for disconnect(just for not dying)
« on: May 15, 2013, 05:12:34 pm »

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Sign up against Daruvian
« on: May 09, 2013, 09:11:49 pm »
Sign up for the non-daruvians - we are defending with great gear, should be fun.  if you have ever been reported for team-wounding by daruvian as he teamwounds you multiple times (most of NA) then this is the battle to sign up for.

I don't think I have ever been reported by daruvian for twing...

Damnit double XP on a Thursday during the middle of the day, too bad this wasn't for Friday and last through NA's prime time :(

Yeah...I have off on fridays so its pretty much a blowout for me.

edit:Although maybe not, because I don't know when this ends.

I have proof - you don't :P

Amateur :D

Pandemona's Alive players: 74v81
Yours: 55v75

I was somewhat suprised NY was so low, but then I remembered there is more to New York then the five boroughs and long island.

General Discussion / Re: I've had fun but the time has come.
« on: May 08, 2013, 04:12:31 pm »

It's also hilariously easy to justify hobbies and what makes you happy to your significant other with this little thing called "Communication."  :wink:  Just talk to her, nothing deep or profound, just a simple and quick talk.

I'm sure smooth could talk to his girlfriend about it, but its probably more about being embarrassed of the silly nature of ts nerd sperging then it is a lack of communication. I don't really blame smoothrich for it either, I probably wouldn't play a 2 hour strat battle with my girlfriend present.

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