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Diplomacy / NA strategus playbook
« on: July 04, 2015, 06:58:24 am »
It's time to spill the beans. EU is ready to roll over us and show how a TRUE strategus army functions. I've decided to turn this painful resistance into a human abattoir. Let the superior firstborns roll through our resistance. Think of it as a Rapture of sorts - embrace your death, do no resist.

For the benefit of our EU overlords, here is a playbook of all the popular NA strategus strategies. Memorize them. Memorize their counters. End our pitiful lives.

Click here to learn 3 years of NA strategus history in 15 minutes

General Discussion / CRPG fashion thread
« on: July 02, 2015, 12:34:25 am »
post clothes that make you think "lol hey thats like the internet horse game i play"

"The Knight Hoodie"
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knitted mail coif:
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knitted mail sweater:
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actual chainmail scarf:
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Suggestions Corner / Make up DTV waves
« on: June 20, 2015, 05:23:16 pm »
I don't expect this to get added, but I'd love to see new DTV waves with funny/unique equipment. Got any good ideas? Let's brainstorm.

Hammer Bros. - Throwing hammers, warhammers, and mallets.

Terracotta army - Chinese armors and weapons

Drunken monks - Monk's/priest's robes, beer mugs, very high power throw

Order of the wasp - war darts and awlpikes

Donkey riders - Donkeys, donkey hoods

General Off Topic / Fucked up dreams, paranormal shit, etc.
« on: April 04, 2015, 08:59:45 am »
Thanks to the sleep paralysis thread, I have been convinced that y'all got some cool dumb stories to tell about weird-ass dreams and fucked up shit you seen. post 'em here.

I recently fell asleep with snus in my mouth. The nicotine ended up giving me an incredibly vivid dream. This is a noted effect of people who wear a nicotine patch when they go to sleep. Messes up your synapses in a harmless way and you're pretty much guaranteed to have a memorable and extremely vivid dream.

Sleep on the couch with a mouth full of chew
Wake up spellbound, hellhounds on the loose

When I was a kid, I had repeated nightmares from Jurassic Park. I loved the movie and was a big dino nerd in general. Watching it was frightening, but in a good fun way. My dreams were absolute terror. I'd look out the windows of our house and see velociraptors walking down the street. It was always those fuckers, not the t-rex. I'd hide in the closet or under the bed as they came into the house. Pretty much exactly like the kitchen scene where the kids are hiding from the raptors.

I also had dreams about UFOs frequently when I was younger. I loved sci-fi documentaries and didn't believe in aliens, but the concept was fascinating. One dream I remember to this day, there were flying saucers hanging in the sky all over. They started to drop empty saggy skins of earth animals like baboons and zebras and bears. The skins would float slowly down to the ground, weightless. When they landed they would inflate to look like a regular animal and were just kinda walking around the backyard, not going anywhere. They never came into my house but it reminded me a lot of the dinosaur dreams I had.

There was this one show on the sci-fi channel that was some old (80s I think?) documentary voiced over by Leonard Nemoy or someone who sounded just like him (I can't remember the title...). One episode was about a house where the new owners found this heavy duty locked door in the basement. The inside was a small cell-like room with all the walls painted red. There were no signs of murder or anything else nasty but the image of that Red Room showed up in tons of my dreams. I still dream about going down into the basement or the attic or the back of a closet and finding a trap door or hatch that leads to a hidden room. I still dream about a wooden door frame (no door) in the back of my parents basement (I haven't lived there in 8 years) that leads to this massive library with a ceiling that must be 3 stories high. There's no one else there and no doors out of the massive room. There's windows though, and always a sprawling well-kept Victorian garden with trimmed hedges and a fountain and shit. It's always sunset with orange/purple skies. Sometimes when I go back out of the library into the basement there's a human figure there. It is motionless, and when I see it I freeze as well. Then I wake up with chills.

Haha look at all those dumb words. How bout you post some dreams? A lot of people think reading about other peoples' dreams is boring but I like to do it. Feel free to try and analyze things but I don't think that's worth your time unless you intimately know the person who is describing their dream.

im only a little drunk ok

In college I worked out every other day, but after that my routine kinda fell apart. I didn't have free gym membership (always used campus weight room), was working upwards of 12 hours a day at times, and then I had a kid. FUCK

Anyway I got all signed up for a gym and bought myself some whey protein and its good times. Just got home, I feel amazing. Let's all talk about how going to the gym is cool.

What's y'alls routine? Free weights? Machines? Cardio? I did a little bit of everything but will probably turn my 3 gym days a week into arms/torso/leg day cuz that's what I used to do.

What fitness food do you all eat? I'm stocked up on canned sardines (way less mercury than tuna, and crunchy bones mmm), hella romaine lettuce, and some raw almonds. Made a shake w/ 2 eggs, scoop of vanilla whey, and water. Got one chillin in the fridge for work tomorrow with instant coffee in the mix too. Good shit.

General Off Topic / Can fat, be real?
« on: February 11, 2015, 11:41:16 pm »
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According to the beer time graph above , possibilities in the gut is in a cone of fat and according to Einstein, this cone cant be passed through.

I know that even it is a fat cone there are infinitive amount of liver damage in the future, but this infinity, is limited with a death which cant be avoided. Does that mean fat is real in a form?

General Discussion / So I just saw this video
« on: February 02, 2015, 12:41:22 am »
This is just unreal. I can't believe this is actually happening in real life. It looks like it shouldn't be possible.

General Discussion / Archery Video
« on: January 26, 2015, 05:25:17 pm »

Diplomacy / Probably the funniest strat message I've ever gotten
« on: January 19, 2015, 08:25:47 pm »
I censored names but color-coded the censors so you know which censored name is being talked about. How come this shit never happens when I'm around? I haven't been involved in a good drama bomb since I was a vassal of Kesh.  :(

As many of you may have heard, I am pressing charges of treason against [redacted].

As many of you know, [redacted] has this bad habit of trolling people that don't see things his way. this interferes with my dream of getting everyone to stop hating each other, and play the game in a fun way; where you make your alliances or enmities based on the map, and not cuz so and so is a my old friend.

People are returning to Strat, and I did not want to chase them into the arms of our enemies because they had slighted [redacted] in the past. I plan on making an empire based on a rather entertaining RP- chock full of drama and human interest.

So when [redacted] showed up to the [fief] defense in plate and armed, I was... well, more disappointed than angry. While he did not actually attack, he did this to intimidate [redacted]. In fact, he held an overhead which [redacted] saw and dodged, causing him to fall off the wall.

Now me and [redacted] get along very well, even though he has called me a retard countless times, I still consider him a friend. But this is strat, and I gotta play my character.

So while I appreciate all the help [redacted] has given me, which is a lot as you all know, and I know [redacted] is a good Strat player and definitely good at organizing and seeing what's going on, I cannot show weakness in the face of my enemies and allies, and must indict him with treason. I hope nobody gets too angry at me for this, and the rest of [clan] continues to be welcome in our quest for Strat excellence.

Thank you for not hating me,

[author of message]

I haven't been playing or on teamspeak at all recently because my desktop died a little while before Christmas. No idea how much of this is true or exaggerated. If the involved parties agree on revealing their identity that's cool but I censored shit since there wasn't a forum post about this yet.

What the fuck is happening in my absence???

General Off Topic / What did you get for Christmas?
« on: December 29, 2014, 11:07:09 am »
I'm surprised this thread hasn't popped up yet. Every forum on the interet does this in their general discussion subforum. So anyway, what did ya get for Crhistmas? Or Chanukah or Kwanzaa or Festivus, etc. ?

I got a new mattress, heated blanket, and high thread count cotton sheets. Feels good man. Got a cheap laptop that can't play any games but has giant screen. Perfect for internet browsing or watching shows/movies in bed. And pajama pants. I fuckin' love getting cozy new PJ pants for Christmas. Also a big bag of fancypants coffee. Gonna break out the French press for that shit.

How 'bout you guys? Watcha get?


I don't know what gear matey has but he been holed up in that castle a while. Lots of troops and no crime so it looks like its still being managed. Let's have a good ol' siege. I gathered up my best stuff for this one! Great gear for every class!

Was gonna attack a squid castle but I would rather have this at 11PM US Eastern than like 11AM. Nothin' against you Matey. Just a castle within range that looks well-defended.

Looking forward to a bomb-ass battle for both sides. Don't miss it!

General Discussion / What did you loom?
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:01:48 pm »
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I'm sitting on 3 4 more LP. The light glaive looks like it would be cool as an asian themed polearm build. Shit be a naginata, yo.


Didn't ask him to change his nighttime setting for all of primetime so after attacking I found out our first battle would start at 4 am instead of NA primetime, by making his nighttime setting all of NA primetime.  They did the same thing last strat to tkov when they attacked nomar. It's probably because they are EU with EU nighttime settings.

Not enough Kesh pleads and cries to every faction and lies to them how he doesnt have enough mercs even though hes part of the largest faction allied with 3 of the 4 other largest factions and always has 10 more mercs every fight - he resorts to cheap threads like this - so I decided to try it too.

We are the only ones one of several clans giving the community battles - do you really want us to say "fuck you EU" and do all NA battles none of you invited to and leave you to wander back to DRZ/Grey land for the last 4 months like you did the first 8 months because your leader is a cowardly bitch scared of losing his internet pixels??  They would never give a single battle to the community so why support them?

If you don't want to fight on NA time - fucking over the NA community by making all primetime battles get pushed to EU hours - go ahead, we will leave you to have as much fun as you had the first 8 months of trading.  You did nothing for the community but just  a leech of 200 active members playing trading simulator - if you are that scared of a acre beating up your 200 man faction and taking all your shit you resort to cheap reasonable tactics that kill off the primetime battles for the NA community.

P.S.  I know you will try and brag about explain your abuse of nighttime settings and call me names for posting this - but seriously are you that scared of losing to us that you resort to this crap - you already got more fiefs than us and every single battle anyway being part of an alliance of 70% of the remaining active EU community (most of the smart ones stopped playing, namely my friends everyone else - smart move on their part). 

(click to show/hide)

General Off Topic / -
« on: September 15, 2014, 07:21:49 am »

The plain kite shield/kite shield/heavy kite shield had their weight reduced by a significant amount. They're a great choice stats-wise and have always been one of my favorite shields aesthics-wise. Whenever these shields had their weight reduced, the non-heraldic kite shields were not altered. Some of them offer better stats like width, armor, or hp. I don't think that the small increases are worth it when the heraldic kite shields are half the weight. Compare:

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Is the great width worth the other stats? I haven't used most of the non-heraldic kite shields to be honest, but it feels like the heraldic models got a buff and all other kite shields missed out. I think they deserve a buff. Looking for input from anyone that uses one of the non-heraldic kite shields.

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