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Messages - San

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Announcements / Re: 04.5.4
« on: May 27, 2016, 01:40:58 am »
Lured by the unbalance :)

As long as most weapons are accessible except for like mauls, this seems OK. It's cool to see the heaviest armor as an elite gear that most others can't use easily.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Elite scimitar and scimitar
« on: March 04, 2015, 02:59:57 am »
1h cut was buffed a lot vs medium armor, close to +2-3 weapon damage. I think there's some merit with this thread, but it's a wait and see kind of thing imo.

General Discussion / Re: english bill
« on: February 28, 2015, 08:14:30 pm »
Unbalanced carries over to the secondary mode? It shouldn't be unbalanced..

If that's the case, maybe it'll work better if the 2D mode is the main mode. As far as the UP 4D mode, it was based off of the Long Voulge so maybe it does need to be a little better, but I still think it deserves to be unbalanced.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Patch 4.1 Bugs Thread
« on: February 26, 2015, 10:20:22 pm »
I didn't know about the siege autobalance problem. I set it so autobalance heavily punishes dying. I need to make an exception for how siege treats kills and deaths.

General Discussion / Re: New STR requirement on items!!!
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:34:54 pm »
Sure. Earlier, It made more sense at 22/25 because of what the older looms would have done if armor increased by 7 once loomed. Great lance at 21 is risky, but at least you won't be able to get 9+ riding with it easily.

Suggestions Corner / Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« on: February 25, 2015, 03:48:52 am »
% weight reductions ended with borked results. 107% weight was just glitched and 90% weight added 90% weight instead of multiplying by 0.9. Loomed gloves have -0.3 weight so it's intended to be archer gloves. It's 0 weight in the same way Straw Hat is 0 weight.

General Discussion / Re: Strat Reset! Cmon San and Senni-Ti
« on: February 25, 2015, 03:27:52 am »
It may be best to ask chadz. I thought he may have been difficult to contact until I messaged him on irc and he's always logged on.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff shields
« on: February 25, 2015, 03:16:54 am »
My ping is currently 65 at my current residence :). I get an awesome 100 ping in EU though, which is very nice.

I don't think any shield passives such as force field, speed, and % reduction formula can be changed without cmp/wse access.

If coverage were to increase, durability would need to decrease. I'm hesitant about making the fast shields any better since coverage is their only large weakness and we already know that even a buckler with 7 shield skill has a notable forcefield.

I don't think it'd be so bad to give some of the lesser used heavier/board shields more coverage since they're not so great at melee so they shouldn't get shot around so easily. It's good enough to aim your shield if you're using a smaller one.

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:37:48 am »

Whoops. I forgot to add the parry animations. Usually they're included for the 3-4 directional weapons but they had to be manually added for Sai and I forgot.

Can you explain how low-med cut/blunt weapons got a buff? Also I assumed that it was a x2 or x1.8 multiplier, not a power function... so yeah, that is quite a change. Wish I had the damage toggle before the patch so I could see the difference.:/

Also, just what exactly is that 1.8 number, and where does it come from? Is that the maximum speed bonus you can get?

It's still WIP at this point, but

armor_soak_factor_against_cut = 0.65 -> 0.5
armor_soak_factor_against_pierce = 0.5 -> 0.3
armor_soak_factor_against_blunt = 0.4 -> 0.1

Better soak = better damage all around. This mostly helps lower damage weapons and high damage weapons without speed bonus.

armor_reduction_factor_against_cut =  1.6 -> 1.7
armor_reduction_factor_against_pierce = 1.1 -> 1.45
armor_reduction_factor_against_blunt = 1.3 -> 1.8

Damage scaling. The lower the reduce, the higher the jump in damage from multipliers such as speed bonus. Cut's reduce barely increased so it was overall buffed by a few damage points. Blunt is pretty much the same at medium levels and better at lower damage values, but it can't get crazy damage values as easily anymore. Pierce is overall slightly nerfed by a few damage points. Pierce governs a lot of ranged damage, so it may have counteracted the buffs they received. This coupled with the speed bonus change makes me believe that it's fine.

Cut may even be a little strong. The damage difference between cut and pierce was ~13 at high armor, and now it's closer to 10. The calc has the updated values.

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 24, 2015, 11:25:56 pm »
The 25.5 is a bug. If it still displays that in-game, then it's an unintended buff. It may also be a side effect from messing with armor weight on looms. That was a bad idea since 90% weight translated to 190% weight and 107% weight glitched out, so I had to remove that ASAP and just gave heavy armor +1 armor loomed instead.

While speed bonus was reduced to 1.8, low-med damage cut and blunt received some buffs. 2->1.8 is pretty significant since it cuts the boost of absurdly high speed bonus. 10^2 = 100, while 10^1.8 ~= 63. Now that we have damage toggle, it's easiest just to show a screenshot for how much damage you're doing with your build. That's the biggest reason why damage toggling is available now.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Roll triggers nudge cooldown
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:05:39 pm »
I tightened the timing from 5-45% to 0-30% and that was too harsh. Next patch should have it at 0-40%.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff shields
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:04:43 pm »
I joined the game after shield coverage was nerfed, so I'm not sure what the old stats were. For now, board shield is good for low shield skill, and green crescent/lithuanian/hand pavise are decent fast + horizontal coverage shields.

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Can u explain this bullshit?
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:01:55 pm »
Tatars are just about as good as bodkins now with cut/pierce changes. You deal very low damage if you hit the arms/legs. Toggle damage reporting with 'b' and post screens of low damage if it's truly dealing crap damage.

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 24, 2015, 06:04:50 pm »
2h weapons have a 106% boost at +3, which screwed over the French Longsword, since it wouldn't get +3 attack unless it had 34 cut or above. I'll change it to the 1h modifier, but the stab will also get +3 since it's at 26 (lol).

Will be making rolls easier, but not as easy as it was before.

Item team is working on the helmet bugs. Many helmets were replaced to have coif fixes, but that old bug reared its ugly head. They also fixed the heraldic bug for now.

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:18:02 pm »
You're right, I gave those gloves the wrong tag.

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