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Messages - San

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The Chamber of Tears / Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« on: February 25, 2018, 02:47:21 am »
As a high level back in 2013, those were really beginning to be a problem. I was level 35/36 and it was grossly overpowered fighting a bunch of ~level 32s. Of course, that led to the biggest mistake of increasing the average level to 35. (At the time, I was thinking that the average level should be increased to 32-33). We were probably afraid of the backlash of decreasing the max level, which was likely the best choice in hindsight.

There are more items than ever before and gear is way more accessible now compared to 2013 with the decreased slots and more sheathable weapons. The mechanics aren't too different than back then other than making HA slower, fixing dragging overheads, and changing 1h right swing.

Because there are less people on the servers, the balance is going to be different compared to when 30 vs. 30 was the norm. You can get a few archers to group together and it will be tough no matter the time period. It was like this since 2011 and maybe even before, remember seeing 6-7 HA/HX on a team?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Buff Elite Scimitar
« on: February 25, 2018, 12:42:56 am »
Tydeus super buffed 1h right swing and 3-d 1hs typically have better stats all around ignoring the stab. Not sure why it was nerfed, but it could be because of meta reasons for a popular(?) weapon. Purely from a stats point of view, +1 cut will bring it back in line, +1 speed will make it very good.

Only max speed I would buff is when holding block. You definitely don't want to buff athletics unless you want most of us to switch to a 15-27 or 15-30 build.

Making the throwing knives and shurikens 0 difficulty might help, but it could also cause a lot of grief to other melee players. I think it could work, but it would be risky knowing how spammy those things can be. (I'm thinking a group of 5-6 melee with these things).

Suggestions Corner / Re: Current situation of One-Handed (Cut) Weapons.
« on: February 24, 2018, 12:14:24 am »
It may be optimal to bring more than 1 weapon as a 1h. In fact, you can bring a shield and 2-3 weapons for every possible scenario. Short + spammy, long + slow, and a blunt/pierce weapon.
Without knowing your own damage, can't really say. Speed bonus + holding + head hits is a significant amounts of damage bonus from lower raw damage weapons.

Based on looking at the currently used soak/reduction cut values, low cut is pretty terrible vs. high armor.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shield Rebalancing
« on: February 23, 2018, 03:55:03 am »
I am not sure how much shield internals can be changed in the game, perhaps some WSE magic?

One large issue is that decreasing difficulty lessens the effect of shield skill since that's their biggest point beyond incrementally increasing the forcefield. At the same time, no one in their right mind is going to devote 8+ points in shield skill. I think that shield skill giving access to a wider variety of shields is one of its best traits.

So I was thinking, why not double both the effects of shield skill as well as the requirements? Shield skill becomes like HA, a support skill that is AGI * 6 per point with double the potency. Decrease shield requirements by another point (there are only like 8 1-difficulty shields right now..).

Shielders will need to devote some shield skill to give small shields more of a force field or slow shields more speed without centralizing their entire build around acquiring absurdly high shield skill values. At that point, shield durabilities may see some nerfs afterwards depending on the effects on the meta (doubt it will be needed). At a glance, it looks like a huge buff, but at the same time I think shield skill needs to be that potent to be closer to Ironflesh, Riding, etc.

The biggest issue is that such a change requires a respec. Shielders may also become too strong if they can acquire both high shield skill and other stats too easily.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Display effective wpf under "gear" on the website
« on: February 23, 2018, 12:13:42 am »
I kind of updated it, works for me on Chrome (but not firefox, may be the shit ton of addons I have). Idk too much about it other than tweaks, so someone else can take the code and improve.


Announcements / Re: Free Respec for ModDB Review
« on: February 21, 2018, 04:57:23 am »
Character name: San_Of_Chaos


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Another suggestion about ranged
« on: February 19, 2018, 12:27:10 am »
Often times the best solutions are the simplest. Nice suggestion!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shield Rebalancing
« on: February 18, 2018, 07:36:38 pm »
Due to inactivity, I don't think I should have power to change much right now due to lack of knowledge. I'd rather post here and the discord public channels for more discussion.

Other than stats that stand out to me for a class that I've played for years, I don't think that you'd want me to mess with things I know nothing about nowadays. All of it comes from personal experience since I personally disliked using the clunky slow shields (know a few who did though..).

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shield Rebalancing
« on: February 17, 2018, 06:23:21 am »
I have been thinking about this quite a bit lately, and I think there can be a stats-based approach to making things better, meeting the OP halfway on many of his points. I think shields can be buffed a fair amount and be OK since there are enough good bonus vs. shield weapons to counter them.

1. Accept shield skill is not that great and that the current 0-1 difficulty shields are still trash.

A long time ago the worst shields were significantly buffed, but that obviously isn't nearly enough to be competitive. Overbuffing them is not an option since you don't want them to just be better than the more expensive higher difficulty shields.

Solution: Lower difficulties even more.
-All current 1 difficulty shields -> 0 difficulty (accept that current 0 difficulty shields won't really be used in favor of the new 0 difficulty shields)
-Shields up to Black Leather Scottish Shield -> 1 difficulty

2. We have many durable shields that no one wants to use

The large and durable shields have incredible weight to offset the bonuses, but I think that the extremely low speed is too much of an additional disadvantage. (Subject to change), I think the minimum speed should be 85 and scale up from there. Devs may know more about the unwieldiness of low shield speed and a good minimum, worst case that it is placebo.

<= 80 speed -> 85
81-82 speed -> +5
83-85 speed -> +4
86-92 speed -> +3
93-95 speed -> +2
96-98 speed -> +1

3. Improve the scaling of shield armor values

Shields are essentially the same with slight buffs for each difficulty. It's ok, but I think that shield skill can be more valuable with noticeable improvements between difficulties. To start, I think that shield armor for 3-4 difficulty shields should approach the 30s more regularly.

+2 Armor for 2 difficulty shields
+3 Armor for 3 difficulty shields
+4 Armor for 4 difficulty shields
+2 Armor for high armor/popular shields such as huscarl

I think that these are some of the easy fixes that can be done (the tougher being adjusting shield prices and internal balance), the fast shields are good enough already. An alternative to the changes above is to somehow add mobility buffs for shields, such as removing the encumbrance when the shield is on your back or reducing the effect of the shield weight on movement in some way.

Shield skill provides damage resistance, force field, and some other small factors, but quite frankly it's not enough compared to other skills. It's similar to ironflesh where it's helpful on most characters but not that amazing, and surprisingly most buffs to the skill will make it OP.

The Chamber of Tears / Re: New balancers team.
« on: February 14, 2018, 02:13:58 pm »
Yeah, similar in a way that range and ganks form, just need enough of an incentive to bring a shield for ranged even if you don't have any points. Organize wasn't the best term lmao

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shield Rebalancing
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:09:43 pm »
Somewhat of a bump, but do you think that there can be a point where shields are too strong? Shields are great for lower level players, but lose effectiveness at higher levels of play, instead bringing some versatility so you don't die as easily. Perhaps it will help less experienced players if shields were on the stronger side without hurting the meta too much.. Making shields more appealing and fun to use in general.

IMO shields aren't offensively great against ranged without a ton of agi to back you up. Even with 2 and 3, the question is always about movement speed in the end, but 2 and 3 are the easiest to change, while #1 is the most effective (perhaps with the shield equipped too?).

The Chamber of Tears / Re: New balancers team.
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:20:37 am »
I haven't played in the past year, but looking at these shields, you can organize your team to use some of these fairly strong 0 and 1 difficulty shields, just like how the opposing team is grouping up with all ranged. Shields seem really accessible.

Tydeus: Horse Ranged damage penalty(20%) and damage cap(15 damage).
San: Horse ranged max speed reduced to 80%
San: Ranged weight penalty made percentage-based and is now applied before the PT/PD/HA penalties as 1.5x the melee penalty.
San: Horse ranged damage cap removed. The 20% damage penalty is still there.
San: Horse ranged speed = 80% with ranged weapon equipped, 90% if sheathed or melee weapon equipped, 100% when dropping ranged weapons/using all ammo (may need to switch weapons to trigger). 0 ammo properly drops when using it all or switching/sheathing.
Dupre: HA damage cap increased to 35

San: Horse ranged max speed reduced to 80%
-Wanted melee cav to catch up to horse ranged so they can't infinitely kite

San: Ranged weight penalty made percentage-based and is now applied before the PT/PD/HA penalties as 1.5x the melee penalty.
-If I recall, I saw that a little bit of weight screwed with horse ranged really badly. I made it percentage based so that horse ranged can wear light and medium armor with less penalty to wpf.

San: Horse ranged damage cap removed. The 20% damage penalty is still there.
-Removed damage cap so that damage can rely on speed bonus

San: Horse ranged speed = 80% with ranged weapon equipped, 90% if sheathed or melee weapon equipped, 100% when dropping ranged weapons/using all ammo (may need to switch weapons to trigger). 0 ammo properly drops when using it all or switching/sheathing.
-Wanted to buff horse ranged / melee hybrids so that they can play both without gimping melee.

At the time, I tested with a built in damage calc to test the changes and remember playing skip the fun HX/HA on alts on crpg. Of course, the warband scripts are a pain to deal with, so I hoped that no unforeseen changes happened.

The idea that I had at the time was that kiting would be low reward and higher risk vs other cav, but you'd be able to get good damage with speed bonus. I also wanted melee hybrids to remain viable. I recall that the changes were in response to complaints on the server. Def didn't want to nerf it into the ground if that's what ended up happening, mostly wanted to prevent endless running away until it times out.

Lol, didn't think people would know some of the references.
Ironically, I quit smash to play Crpg back in ~2011-2012 era. I don't even play smash 4 all that much, that tournament was just 3 hours away from me and I haven't been to a large one in 2017.

The reason why I stopped playing Crpg is.. complicated. Back on February 6, 2015, there was an electrical fire in the attic of my house. Had to stay in a hotel for a month and then a temporary house for another few months while dealing with a hell contractor. I was still trying to help get new items into CRPG while applying for a job at the same time and had to put crpg on the back-burner to focus on other stuff. I just never picked it back up with the excuse that I was going to wait for Bannerlord since I *thought* that shit was coming out in less than a year. We all know what happened with that.

There was also nothing more that I wanted to change item-wise outside of 1h and shield internal balance (buffing crap items) and new items. I actually visited the forum a few times but forgot my password (had to log in through that I did remember)

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