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Topics - Dravic

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Game Balance Discussion / Grind, grind, grind even more! - nerf!
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:25:30 pm »
Ok, here comes my suggestion.

Less grind between 30-31 lvls. Here it takes same time as from 1 to 30 lvl.

Or less grinding in general.

3 different ways:

1. Make amounts of xp needed to lvl up smaller - I think its easy.
2. Make a cap for multipliers bigger. So if your team has good flow, you can hit about x10. Reasonable, should boost opposit team to revenge, because I will lose my x9 as fast as they will win. Some more competition. It would be less grinding, too, if you play good.
3. Make basic xp gain bigger, so we have basically 2000 xp/ 50 gold instead of 1000 xp/ 50 gold.

I come with this kind of suggestion because Im casual player, it means i have max. 2h free time in general. And for now its almost impossible to get to 31 lvl for me - see, its kinda 1-2 months. After 1-2 months I will want other char, and so long grinding will be nothing for me, because after 2 months i might not like this char anymore.


PS How to add poll?

I have question about throwing.

How about increasing its accuracy? I mean: I hear'd about PT increasing accuracy, but I want to use only very light things, like daggers or shurikens.

So I will have only a little PT. Other thing, I can have about 150 WPF in throwing.

So my question is: will about 150 WPF be enough to very small reticule with daggers/knives/shurikens? I want to kill archers only, my main weapon will be katana.

Suggestions Corner / There is too much grinding between lvls 25-31
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:08:48 am »
Hey guys, there is too much grinding. I am lvl 28, I am causal player, though during holidays im playing much more, my holidays will end in 10 days and I have NO hope to get 31 lvl before holidays will end. Well, now im playing 4h per day, and i am still 560k xp to 29...

Devs, please lower exp needed to get 31 lvl, because now REAL retiring is impossible to causal players.

Game Balance Discussion / Archery bonus shot speed from WPF formula.
« on: January 19, 2011, 11:56:50 am »
OK, i understand, that chadz want to "test" if it will work (though it doesnt work, it just annoy very good archers and make it impossible to shoot someone for average archers). OK!

But it would be good, if, maybe, PD AND WPF gave us bigger shot speed. It is free, if you can think of formula for that.

For now i heard only about PD giving shot speed, but well... more PD you have, worse is your reticule, and you gain shot speed.
But agi archers are AT THE MOMENT (!, if you will give us back normal shot speed, it isnt necessary) losing. Because it doesnt matter if you have 10, or 190 wpf, you will still shoot miss your enemy. :(

So short, what i suggest: formula, that adds for you little amount of "shot speed", appearing from divided WPF.

X - your shot speed.
Y - your WPF.
Z - divider.
A - Your bonus shot speed
C - Your actual shot speed.

Y / Z = A
X + A = C

Now with numbers:

150 / 20 = 7,5
What is important, A must be full number, then:
7,5 = 7

And second part:
49 + 7 = 56

See? It won't hurt you too much, my dear melee fighters, though it will be fair to archers, when they put another 100 wpf points in archery!

Post, what you think about this idea.

cRPG Technical problems / Hotfix and some sort of bug
« on: January 06, 2011, 06:44:36 pm »
I downloaded version .201, unzipped and copy/paste everything into ...Modules/cRPG/

Now i entered game, choosed "Multiplayer" and it showed this sort of bug:

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Help me, if this bug is going to crash my game or something?

cRPG Technical problems / WTF no money or xp gain.
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:08:40 pm »
Not earning any money or xp in Siege and in EU 4 (BT1).

I just dont earn anything. I dont also loose money, cause there is no repairs, too.

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