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Messages - Malaclypse

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 213
General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: June 01, 2016, 05:58:44 pm »
Well... I didn't even know that such a horn existed, until your post.

I also couldn't find any indication that anyone- even old Nan- ever mentions the Horn of Winter in the TV show, even only in passing. The horn Sam found in the cache while ranging could well be a dragon horn of old, too (the cache also contains dragonglass, for one, so that seems just as reasonable an idea).

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: June 01, 2016, 05:38:06 pm »
Bran the Builder and the Night's King may also be one in the same.

Also, GRRM confirmed that Brienne is related to Sir Duncan the Tall at a con this past week.

IF by buff the stats you mean allow the overhead attack from horseback, then I am for it 1000%

Kind of bummed they axed Daily Missions in the latest patch. The new Search and Destroy thing gives actual incentive to clearing areas though, and the Incursion minimum/recommended gear levels are more realistic now too. The ability to mass troll extractions by cutting the gear loose is a pretty rad idea I thought should've been in from the start, glad it's here now.

M&B Napoleonic Wars / Re: mad jukes
« on: May 25, 2016, 08:24:18 pm »
There's one thing NW does right at least, musicians corps for life.

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: May 25, 2016, 08:22:30 pm »
Hodor basically bought just enough time for Bran and Meera to be miraculously saved by.. well, you know, that reddit thread is batting 100%, it's in there. I'm imagining he'll show up at the last moment next episode the two are in.

So is there some workaround to not make it crash or are we just waiting for a new exe?

So, can anyone successfully launch the game? Are we supposed to do anything about the crashes?

I'm getting a "failed to get shader" error. Tried repair option, still getting it.

"Failed to get shader guid:{849E53E9-774F-4C67-B2E3-02517817C8CE} (parent:"/mod/characters/newmale/body.fxmat")

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: May 23, 2016, 08:00:14 pm »
He was. Scene at the end where they leave the Castle, he was there in the background on a horse.

Yup, still just rocking that old hand-me-down red leather armor.

Diplomacy / Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« on: May 23, 2016, 06:28:50 pm »
I grew up with AoE II: AoK and AoC, and the biggest allure of that for me was the incredibly active scenario community. Hundreds of single player epics with thousands of triggers, fun multiplayer "bloods" and shit like that, plus the base game on top. was the shit back in the day and I downloaded hundreds of tiny less than a MB maps that took hours to do on my 28.8k modem lol.

By the time the next gen of games came out, BFE, etc. I didn't have the interest anymore. But I'm an old fart by gamer standards.

General Discussion / Re: goodbye NA, hello CHN
« on: May 23, 2016, 04:39:51 pm »
Jesus Asheram why are you not on CHN all the time?

The candles and wine are a nice touch you ol' sweetheart

I've been playing this on the PS4 though TBH, and I'm guessing that has much less of a problem with hackers and script kids and shit than the PC version. At least I haven't run into anyone I felt was obvs hacking, just gotten outplayed and out-meta'd a bunch (Stamina/defense seems really OP PvP)

General Discussion / Re: Cuck Hall of Fame
« on: May 21, 2016, 02:32:41 am »
If you're sitting at a table and you don't know who the cuck is.. it's you... it's you.

I still play with my IRL buddos. We have a four man on a good night, most we play are 2-3, doing the dailies, then trying the Incursion (lol nope) or fukkin around in the DZ, getting ganked, cowering in alleyways. We bad lol.

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